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The AtomVM ADC library can be used to take voltage readings from any of the 8 GPIO pins used for reading voltage signals on an ESP32 on the IDF SDK ADC1 interface, specifically for pins 32-39.

The AtomVM ADC library is only supported on the ESP32 platform.

Build Instructions

The AtomVM ADC library is implemented as an AtomVM component, which includes some native C code that must be linked into the ESP32 AtomVM image. In order to build and deploy this client code, you must build an AtomVM binary image with this component compiled and linked into the image.

For general instructions about how to build AtomVM and include third-party components into an AtomVM image, see the AtomVM Build Instructions.

Once the AtomVM image including this component has been built, you can flash the image to your ESP32 device. For instructions about how to flash AtomVM images to your ESP32 device, see the AtomVM Getting Started Guide.

Once the AtomVM image including this component has been flashed to your ESP32 device, you can then include this project into your rebar3 project using the atomvm_rebar3_plugin, which provides targets for building AtomVM packbeam files and flashing them to your device.

Programmer's Guide

The Espressif IDF SDK and ESP32 device provides two ADC interfaces, ADC1 and ADC2. ADC1 supports GPIO pins 32-39 for taking voltage readings, while ADC2 supports GPIO pins 0, 2, 4, 12-15, and 25-27, but with some limitations. Currently, the atomvm_adc library provides integration with the ADC1 interface only; there is no support for reading voltage signals on the IDF SDK ADC2 interface, but that may be added in the future, if the need arises.

AtomVM programmers interface with the atomvm_adc API via the adc module, which provides operations for starting and stopping an Erlang process associated with a specified pin, and for taking readings on that pin.

The following code illustrates simplest use of the atomvm_adc API:

%% erlang
start() ->
    Pin = 34,
    {ok, ADC} = adc:start(Pin),

loop(ADC) ->
    case adc:read(ADC) of
        {ok, {Raw, MilliVolts}} ->
            io:format("Raw: ~p Voltage: ~pmV~n", [Raw, MilliVolts]);
        Error ->
            io:format("Error taking reading: ~p~n", [Error])

The adc:start/1 and adc:start/2 functions will initialize a specified GPIO pin for ADC readings. The adc:start/2 function allows users to specify the bit width and attenuation associated with the specified pin (see below). Both functions return a reference to the ADC pin, which is used in subsequent operations.

The adc:read/1 and adc:read/2 operations are used to read values from an input pin. Readings are given in both raw values and millivolts, both integers, expressed as a pair {Raw, MilliVolts}. The adc:read/2 function can be used to specify additional options to control the behavior of the read operation (see below).

The range of raw values is determined by the configured bit width, specified as an option in the adc:start/2 function, e.g., adc:start(Pin, [{bit_width, bit_10}]). The adc:start/1 function will supply a default bit width of bit_12.

The possible values are summarized in the following table:

Bit Width Range
bit_9 0..511
bit_10 0..1023
bit_11 0..2047
bit_12 0..4095

By default, the bit resolution is bit_12.

Note. The bit width is configured globally for all ADC1 pins and cannot be adjusted individually for different pins.

The range of millivolts is determined by the attenuation setting configured for a given pin, specified as an option in the adc:start/2 function, e.g., adc:start(Pin, [{attenuation, db_6}]). The adc:start/1 function will supply a default attenuation of db_0.

Attenuation settings and it corresponding voltage ranges is described in the IDF SDK Documentation and is summarized in the following table:

Attenuation Voltage Range
db_0 100mV - 900mV
db_2_5 100mV - 1250mV
db_6 150mV - 1750mV
db_11 150mV - 2450mV

The default attenuation setting in the atomvm_adc library is db_0.

Thus, in the example above, the sample program will take readings between 100mV and 900mV on pin 34, with an approximate resolution of 800/4096 = 0.195mV. Voltage readings greater than 900mV will flatten out and simply report the max value of approx 900mV. To be able to resolve higher voltage, adjust the attenuation, appropriately.

Important! Do not supply the GPIO pin reading voltage with more than 3.6v, or you risk damaging your device.

The adc:read/1,2 functions will sample measurements and calibrate voltage measurements, to the extent supported by the ESP32 device. Both functions take the reference to the ADC returned from the adc:start/1,2 functions. The return value is a tuple containing the raw reading and voltage.

The adc:read/2 function supports additional options, provided in a property list:

  • raw If present, return the raw reading taken from the pin in the first element of the returned tuple (or undefined, if not present);
  • voltage If present, return the converted voltage taken from the pin in the second element of the returned tuple (or undefined, if not present);
  • {samples, Samples} The number of samples to take in a single reading. The returned raw and voltage readings are averaged over the number of samples, before being returned.

Note. Do not specify an excessively large number of samples, as this may result in your application blocking while all samples are being read.

The adc:read/1 function specified the following default options:

[raw, voltage, {samples, 64}]

API Reference

To generate Reference API documentation in HTML, issue the rebar3 target

shell$ rebar3 edoc

from the top level of the atomvm_adc source tree. Output is written to the doc directory.