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149 lines (102 loc) · 3.83 KB

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149 lines (102 loc) · 3.83 KB


Spin up standalone Concourse CI environment in Docker. Optionally with Vault secrets storage backend.


  • virtualbox
  • bash
  • docker-machine binary (with boot2docker iso)
  • docker-compose binary
  • docker binary
  • vault binary (optionally)


  1. scripts/ (generate certificates for Concourse)
  2. scripts/ (create docker-machine)
  3. scripts/ (create docker overlay network)
  4. scripts/ docker-compose.yml (start Concourse CI)
  5. scripts/ (execute pipeline static)

Execute pipeline (static)

Open Concourse URL http://$(docker-machine ip concourse):8080, download fly binary for your platform and then check Fly basics below.

Credentials are set in env.config during spin-up, user/user by default.


  1. scripts/ docker-compose.yml
  2. scripts/ docker-compose.yml


Soft way

scripts/ docker-compose.yml -v --remove-orphans --rmi all

Hard way


Additional scripts:

  1. - clean up docker internals inside docker machine, like scripts/
  2. - execute command in docker machine context, like scripts/ docker ps
  3. - execute docker compose command in docker machine context, like scripts/ ps


Clean everything up after quickstart case

  1. scripts/ (generate certificates for Concourse)
  2. scripts/ (create docker-machine)
  3. scripts/ (create docker overlay network)
  4. scripts/ -f docker-compose-vault.yml -f docker-compose-secrets.yml up -d (start Vault and Consul tiny stack altogether with Concourse CI)
  5. scripts/ (unseal after restart)
  6. scripts/ (create policy and generate token for Concourse, enable Vault secrets backend and write secrets data, see below)
  7. scripts/ (execute pipeline with Vault)


scripts/ -f docker-compose-secrets.yml -f docker-compose-vault.yml down -v --remove-orphans

Create policy and token

export VAULT_ADDR="http://$(docker-machine ip concourse):8200"
export VAULT_TOKEN="..."

vault policy write concourse policy/concourse.hcl
vault token create -policy=concourse -period=1h -id=concourse-token

Enable secrets

vault secrets enable -path=concourse -version=1 kv
vault kv put concourse/main/helloworld/user name=foo
vault kv put concourse/main/helloworld/password value=bar

Execute pipeline (Vault)

Open Concourse URL http://$(docker-machine ip concourse):8080, download fly binary for your platform and then check Fly basics below.

Credentials are set in env.config during spin-up, user/user by default.

Fly basics


fly --target tutorial login --concourse-url http://$(docker-machine ip concourse):8080 -b
fly --target tutorial sync

Create pipeline (static)

fly --target tutorial set-pipeline -c fly/pipeline_static.yml -p helloworld -n

Create pipeline (Vault)

fly --target tutorial set-pipeline -c fly/pipeline_vault.yml -p helloworld -n

Unpause pipeline and job

fly --target tutorial unpause-pipeline -p helloworld
fly --target tutorial unpause-job --job helloworld/hello-world

Trigger the job

fly --target tutorial trigger-job --job helloworld/hello-world -w

Check builds history

fly --target tutorial builds --print-table-headers
fly --target tutorial watch -j helloworld/hello-world -b 1

Check worker nodes

fly --target tutorial workers --print-table-headers
fly --target tutorial prune-workers -w ... # remove stalled worker if required

Destroy pipeline

fly --target tutorial destroy-pipeline -p helloworld -n