This repository contains AWS tool extensions to the .NET CLI. These tool extensions are focused on building .NET Core and ASP.NET Core applications and deploying them to AWS services. Many of these deployment commands are the same commands the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio uses to perform its deployment features. This allows you to do initial deployment in Visual Studio and then easily transition from Visual Studio to the command line and automate the deployment.
For example with the AWS Lambda .NET CLI tool extension configured you can deploy a Lambda function from the command line in the Lambda function's project root directory.
dotnet lambda deploy-function MyFunction
The extension will prompt you for missing required parameters. To disable the extension from prompting, set the command line switch --disable-interactive to true.
For a history of releases view the release change log
As of September 10th, 2018 these extensions have migrated to be .NET Core Global Tools. As part of the migration each of these tools version number was set to
To install these tools use the dotnet tool install command.
dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools
To update to the latest version of one of these tools use the dotnet tool update command.
dotnet tool update -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools
To migrate an existing project away from the older project tool, you need to edit your project file and remove the DotNetCliToolReference for the tool package. For example, let's look at an existing Lambda project file.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<-- The new property indicating to AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio this is a Lambda project -->
<-- This line needs to be removed -->
<DotNetCliToolReference Include="Amazon.Lambda.Tools" Version="2.2.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Amazon.Lambda.Core" Version="1.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.Json" Version="1.3.0" />
To migrate this project, you need to delete the DotNetCliToolReference element, including Amazon.Lambda.Tools. If you don't remove this line, the older project tool version of Amazon.Lambda.Tools will be used instead of an installed Global Tool.
The AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio before .NET Core 2.1 would look for the presence of Amazon.Lambda.Tools in the project file to determine whether to show the Lambda deployment menu item. Because we knew we were going to switch to Global Tools, and the reference to Amazon.Lambda.Tools in the project was going away, we added the AWSProjectType property to the project file. The current version of the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio now looks for either the presence of Amazon.Lambda.Tools or the AWSProjectType set to Lambda. Make sure when removing the DotNetCliToolReference that your project file has the AWSProjectType property to continue deploying with the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio.
The following AWS services each have their own .NET CLI tool extension to make it easy to deploy a .NET Core Application to them.
Each tool extension supports a defaults JSON file that is used to preset values for all of the command line switches. When a command is executed it will look for values for the command line switches in this file if they are not specified on the command line. The file is a JSON document where each property name matches the full command line switch excluding the -- prefix.
To avoid confusing missing properties from different tool extensions, each tool extension looks for a different named file in the root of the project.
Tool Extension | Defaults File Name |
Amazon.ECS.Tools | aws-ecs-tools-defaults.json |
Amazon.ElasticBeanstalk.Tools | aws-beanstalk-tools-defaults.json |
Amazon.Lambda.Tools | aws-lambda-tools-defaults.json |
When deploying with the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio, you can choose to have the deployment wizard save chosen values into the defaults file. This makes it easy to switch to the command line.
For example, the following aws-ecs-tools-defaults.json has values for the AWS region, AWS credential profile and build configuration. If you use it with an ECS command, you will not need to enter those values.
"region": "us-west-2",
"profile": "default",
"configuration": "Release"
Use the --config-file switch to use an alternative file. Set the --persist-config-file switch is set to true to persist all of its settings in the defaults file.
Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon.ECS.Tools)
This tool extension takes care of building a Docker image from a .NET application and then deploying the Docker image to Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). The application must contain a dockerfile instructing this tool and the Docker CLI which this tool uses to build the Docker image.
You must install Docker before using this extension to deploy your application.
To install the extension run the following command.
dotnet tool install -g Amazon.ECS.Tools
dotnet ecs deploy-service ...
Deploys the .NET Core application as service on an ECS cluster. Services are for long lived process like web applications. Services have a desired number of tasks that will run the application. If a task instance dies for whatever reason the service will spawn a new task instance. Services can also be associated with an Elastic Load Balancer so that each of the tasks in the services will be registered as targets for the load balancer.
For list of supported options, use dotnet ecs deploy-service --help
> dotnet ecs deploy-service --help
Amazon EC2 Container Service Tools for .NET Core applications (3.5.6)
Project Home:
Push the application to ECR and runs the application as a long lived service on the ECS Cluster.
dotnet ecs deploy-service [options]
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
-c | --configuration Configuration to build with, for example Release or Debug.
-f | --framework Target framework to compile, for example netcoreapp3.1.
-t | --tag Name and optionally a tag in the 'name:tag' format.
-dbwd | --docker-build-working-dir The directory to execute the "docker build" command from.
-dbo | --docker-build-options Additional options passed to the "docker build" command.
-sip | --skip-image-push Skip building and push an image to Amazon ECR.
-lt | --launch-type The launch type on which to run tasks. Valid values EC2 | FARGATE.
-ls | --launch-subnets Comma delimited list of subnet ids used when launch type is FARGATE
-lsg | --launch-security-groups Comma delimited list of security group ids used when launch type is FARGATE
--assign-public-ip If true a public IP address is assigned to the task when launch type is FARGATE
-ec | --cluster Name of the ECS Cluster to run the docker image.
-cs | --cluster-service Name of the service to run on the ECS Cluster.
-dc | --desired-count The number of instantiations of the task to place and keep running in your service. Default is 1.
--deployment-maximum-percent The upper limit of the number of tasks that are allowed in the RUNNING or PENDING state in a service during a deployment.
--deployment-minimum-healthy-percent The lower limit of the number of running tasks that must remain in the RUNNING state in a service during a deployment.
--placement-constraints Placement constraint to use for tasks in service. Format is <type>=<optional expression>,...
--placement-strategy Placement strategy to use for tasks in service. Format is <type>=<optional field>,...
--elb-service-role The name or (ARN) of the IAM role that allows ECS to make calls to the load balancer.
-etg | --elb-target-group The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Elastic Load Balancing target group associated with a service.
-ecp | --elb-container-port The port on the container to associate with the load balancer.
--task-definition-name Name of the ECS Task Defintion to be created or updated.
--task-definition-network-mode The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task.
--task-definition-task-role The IAM role that will provide AWS credentials for the containers in the Task Definition.
--task-execution-role The IAM role ECS assumes to pull images from ECR and publish logs to CloudWatch Logs. Fargate only.
--task-cpu The amount of cpu to allocate for the task definition. Fargate only.
--task-memory The amount of memory to allocated for the task definition. Fargate only.
--task-definition-volumes Volume definitions that containers in your task may use. Format is JSON string.
--platform-version The platform version selected for the task. Fargate only.
--container-command A comma delimited list of commands to pass to the container.
--container-cpu The number of cpu units reserved for the container.
--container-disable-networking When this parameter is true, networking is disabled within the container.
--container-dns-search-domains A comma delimited of DNS search domains that are presented to the container.
--container-dns-servers A comma delimited of DNS servers that are presented to the container.
--container-docker-labels Labels to add to the container. Format is <key1>=<value1>;<key2>=<value2>.
--container-docker-security-options A list of strings to provide custom labels for SELinux and AppArmor multi-level security systems.
--container-entry-point The entry point that is passed to the container.
--container-environment-variables Environment variables for a container definition. Format is <key1>=<value1>;<key2>=<value2>.
--container-is-essential If true, and that container fails, all other containers that are part of the task are stopped.
--container-extra-hosts Hostnames and IP address entries that are added to the /etc/hosts file of a container. Format is JSON string.
--container-hostname The hostname to use for your container.
--container-links Comma delimited list of container names to communicate without the need for port mapping.
--container-linux-parameters The Linux capabilities for the container that are added to or dropped. Format is JSON string.
--container-log-configuration The log driver to use for the container. Format is JSON string.
--container-memory-hard-limit The hard limit (in MiB) of memory to present to the container.
--container-memory-soft-limit The soft limit (in MiB) of memory to reserve for the container.
--container-mount-points The mount points for data volumes in your container. Format is JSON string.
--container-name Name of the Container in a Task Definition to be created/updated.
--container-port-mapping The mapping of ports. Format is <host-port>:<container-port>,...
--container-privileged If true, the container is given elevated privileges on the host container instance
--container-readonly-root-filesystem If true, the container is given read-only access to its root file system.
--container-ulimits The ulimit settings to pass to the container. Format is JSON string.
--container-user The user name to use inside the container.
--container-working-directory The working directory in which to run commands inside the container.
dotnet ecs deploy-task
Deploys the .NET Core application as task on an ECS Cluster. This is good for batch processing and similar jobs where once the process identified in the dockerfile exits the ECS task should end.
For list of supported options, use dotnet ecs deploy-task --help
> dotnet ecs deploy-task --help
Amazon EC2 Container Service Tools for .NET Core applications (3.5.6)
Project Home:
Push the application to ECR and then runs it as a task on the ECS Cluster.
dotnet ecs deploy-task [options]
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
-c | --configuration Configuration to build with, for example Release or Debug.
-f | --framework Target framework to compile, for example netcoreapp3.1.
-t | --tag Name and optionally a tag in the 'name:tag' format.
-dbwd | --docker-build-working-dir The directory to execute the "docker build" command from.
-dbo | --docker-build-options Additional options passed to the "docker build" command.
-sip | --skip-image-push Skip building and push an image to Amazon ECR.
-lt | --launch-type The launch type on which to run tasks. Valid values EC2 | FARGATE.
-ls | --launch-subnets Comma delimited list of subnet ids used when launch type is FARGATE
-lsg | --launch-security-groups Comma delimited list of security group ids used when launch type is FARGATE
--assign-public-ip If true a public IP address is assigned to the task when launch type is FARGATE
-tc | --task-count The number of instantiations of the task to place and keep running in your service. Default is 1.
--task-group The task group to associate with the task. The default value is the family name of the task definition.
--placement-constraints Placement constraint to use for tasks in service. Format is <type>=<optional expression>,...
--placement-strategy Placement strategy to use for tasks in service. Format is <type>=<optional field>,...
--task-definition-name Name of the ECS Task Defintion to be created or updated.
--task-definition-network-mode The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task.
--task-definition-task-role The IAM role that will provide AWS credentials for the containers in the Task Definition.
--task-execution-role The IAM role ECS assumes to pull images from ECR and publish logs to CloudWatch Logs. Fargate only.
--task-cpu The amount of cpu to allocate for the task definition. Fargate only.
--task-memory The amount of memory to allocated for the task definition. Fargate only.
--task-definition-volumes Volume definitions that containers in your task may use. Format is JSON string.
--platform-version The platform version selected for the task. Fargate only.
--container-command A comma delimited list of commands to pass to the container.
--container-cpu The number of cpu units reserved for the container.
--container-disable-networking When this parameter is true, networking is disabled within the container.
--container-dns-search-domains A comma delimited of DNS search domains that are presented to the container.
--container-dns-servers A comma delimited of DNS servers that are presented to the container.
--container-docker-labels Labels to add to the container. Format is <key1>=<value1>;<key2>=<value2>.
--container-docker-security-options A list of strings to provide custom labels for SELinux and AppArmor multi-level security systems.
--container-entry-point The entry point that is passed to the container.
--container-environment-variables Environment variables for a container definition. Format is <key1>=<value1>;<key2>=<value2>.
--container-is-essential If true, and that container fails, all other containers that are part of the task are stopped.
--container-extra-hosts Hostnames and IP address entries that are added to the /etc/hosts file of a container. Format is JSON string.
--container-hostname The hostname to use for your container.
--container-links Comma delimited list of container names to communicate without the need for port mapping.
--container-linux-parameters The Linux capabilities for the container that are added to or dropped. Format is JSON string.
--container-log-configuration The log driver to use for the container. Format is JSON string.
--container-memory-hard-limit The hard limit (in MiB) of memory to present to the container.
--container-memory-soft-limit The soft limit (in MiB) of memory to reserve for the container.
--container-mount-points The mount points for data volumes in your container. Format is JSON string.
--container-name Name of the Container in a Task Definition to be created/updated.
--container-port-mapping The mapping of ports. Format is <host-port>:<container-port>,...
--container-privileged If true, the container is given elevated privileges on the host container instance
--container-readonly-root-filesystem If true, the container is given read-only access to its root file system.
--container-ulimits The ulimit settings to pass to the container. Format is JSON string.
--container-user The user name to use inside the container.
--container-working-directory The working directory in which to run commands inside the container.
dotnet ecs deploy-scheduled-task
Creates a new ECS task definition and then configures a Amazon CloudWatch Event rule to run a task using the new task definition and a scheduled interval.
For list of supported options, use dotnet ecs deploy-scheduled-task --help
> dotnet ecs deploy-scheduled-task --help
Amazon EC2 Container Service Tools for .NET Core applications (3.5.6)
Project Home:
Push the application to ECR and then sets up CloudWatch Event Schedule rule to run the application.
dotnet ecs deploy-scheduled-task [options]
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
-c | --configuration Configuration to build with, for example Release or Debug.
-f | --framework Target framework to compile, for example netcoreapp3.1.
-t | --tag Name and optionally a tag in the 'name:tag' format.
-dbwd | --docker-build-working-dir The directory to execute the "docker build" command from.
-dbo | --docker-build-options Additional options passed to the "docker build" command.
-sip | --skip-image-push Skip building and push an image to Amazon ECR.
--rule The name of the CloudWatch Event Schedule rule.
--rule-target The name of the target that will be assigned to the rule and point to the ECS task definition.
--schedule-expression The scheduling expression. For example, "cron(0 20 * * ? *)" or "rate(5 minutes)".
--cloudwatch-event-role The role that IAM will assume to invoke the target.
-dc | --desired-count The number of instantiations of the task to place and keep running in your service. Default is 1.
--task-definition-name Name of the ECS Task Defintion to be created or updated.
--task-definition-network-mode The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task.
--task-definition-task-role The IAM role that will provide AWS credentials for the containers in the Task Definition.
--task-execution-role The IAM role ECS assumes to pull images from ECR and publish logs to CloudWatch Logs. Fargate only.
--task-cpu The amount of cpu to allocate for the task definition. Fargate only.
--task-memory The amount of memory to allocated for the task definition. Fargate only.
--task-definition-volumes Volume definitions that containers in your task may use. Format is JSON string.
--platform-version The platform version selected for the task. Fargate only.
--container-command A comma delimited list of commands to pass to the container.
--container-cpu The number of cpu units reserved for the container.
--container-disable-networking When this parameter is true, networking is disabled within the container.
--container-dns-search-domains A comma delimited of DNS search domains that are presented to the container.
--container-dns-servers A comma delimited of DNS servers that are presented to the container.
--container-docker-labels Labels to add to the container. Format is <key1>=<value1>;<key2>=<value2>.
--container-docker-security-options A list of strings to provide custom labels for SELinux and AppArmor multi-level security systems.
--container-entry-point The entry point that is passed to the container.
--container-environment-variables Environment variables for a container definition. Format is <key1>=<value1>;<key2>=<value2>.
--container-is-essential If true, and that container fails, all other containers that are part of the task are stopped.
--container-extra-hosts Hostnames and IP address entries that are added to the /etc/hosts file of a container. Format is JSON string.
--container-hostname The hostname to use for your container.
--container-links Comma delimited list of container names to communicate without the need for port mapping.
--container-linux-parameters The Linux capabilities for the container that are added to or dropped. Format is JSON string.
--container-log-configuration The log driver to use for the container. Format is JSON string.
--container-memory-hard-limit The hard limit (in MiB) of memory to present to the container.
--container-memory-soft-limit The soft limit (in MiB) of memory to reserve for the container.
--container-mount-points The mount points for data volumes in your container. Format is JSON string.
--container-name Name of the Container in a Task Definition to be created/updated.
--container-port-mapping The mapping of ports. Format is <host-port>:<container-port>,...
--container-privileged If true, the container is given elevated privileges on the host container instance
--container-readonly-root-filesystem If true, the container is given read-only access to its root file system.
--container-ulimits The ulimit settings to pass to the container. Format is JSON string.
--container-user The user name to use inside the container.
--container-working-directory The working directory in which to run commands inside the container.
dotnet ecs push-image
Builds the Docker image from the .NET Core application and pushes it to Amazon Elastic Container Registery (ECR). The other ECS deployment tasks first run this command before continuing on with deployment.
For list of supported options, use dotnet ecs push-image --help
> dotnet ecs push-image --help
Amazon EC2 Container Service Tools for .NET Core applications (3.5.6)
Project Home:
Build Docker image and push the image to Amazon ECR.
dotnet ecs push-image [options]
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
-c | --configuration Configuration to build with, for example Release or Debug.
-f | --framework Target framework to compile, for example netcoreapp3.1.
-po | --publish-options Additional options passed to the "dotnet publish" command.
--docker-host-build-output-dir If set a "dotnet publish" command is executed on the host machine before executing "docker build". The output can be copied into image being built.
-ldi | --local-docker-image If set the docker build command is skipped and the indicated local image is pushed to ECR.
-df | --dockerfile The docker file used to build the image. Default value is "Dockerfile".
-it | --image-tag Name and optionally a tag in the 'name:tag' format.
-t | --tag Obsolete. This has been replaced with the --image-tag switch.
-dbwd | --docker-build-working-dir The directory to execute the "docker build" command from.
-dbo | --docker-build-options Additional options passed to the "docker build" command.
AWS Elastic Beanstalk (Amazon.ElasticBeanstalk.Tools)
This tool extension deploys ASP.NET Core applications to AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment.
To install the extension run the following command.
dotnet tool install -g Amazon.ElasticBeanstalk.Tools
dotnet eb deploy-environment
Deploys the ASP.NET Core application to a Elastic Beanstalk environment after building and packaging up the application. If the Elastic Beanstalk environment does not exist then the command will create the environment.
For list of supported options, use dotnet eb deploy-environment --help
> dotnet eb deploy-environment --help
Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Tools for .NET Core applications (4.4.0)
Project Home:
Deploy the application to an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment.
dotnet eb deploy-environment [options]
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
-c | --configuration Configuration to build with, for example Release or Debug.
-f | --framework Target framework to compile, for example netcoreapp3.1.
--self-contained If true a self contained deployment bundle including the targeted .NET runtime will be created.
-po | --publish-options Additional options passed to the "dotnet publish" command.
-app | --application The name of the Elastic Beanstalk application.
-env | --environment The name of the Elastic Beanstalk environment.
--version-label Version label that will be assigned to the uploaded version of code. The default is current tick count.
--tags Tags to assign to the Elastic Beanstalk environment. Format is <tag1>=<value1>;<tag2>=<value2>.
--app-path The application path. The default is '/'.
--iis-website The IIS WebSite for the web application. The default is 'Default Web Site'
--additional-options Additional options for the environment. Format is <option-namespace>,<option-name>=<option-value>;...
--cname CNAME prefix for a new environment.
--solution-stack The type of environment to create. For example "64bit Windows Server 2016 v1.2.0 running IIS 10.0".
--environment-type Type of the environment to launch "LoadBalanced" or "SingleInstance". The default is "LoadBalanced".
--key-pair EC2 Key pair assigned to the EC2 instances for the environment.
--instance-type Type of the EC2 instances launched for the environment. The default is "t2.micro" for Linux and "t3a.medium" for Windows.
--health-check-url Health Check URL.
--enable-xray If set to true then the AWS X-Ray daemon will be enabled on EC2 instances running the application.
--disable-imds-v1 If set to true then the IMDSv1 will be disabled on EC2 instances running the application.
--enhanced-health-type The type of enhanced health to be enabled. Valid values: enhanced, basic
--instance-profile Instance profile that provides AWS Credentials to access AWS services.
--service-role IAM role to allow Beanstalk to make calls to AWS services.
-pac | --package Application package to use for deployment, skips building the project
--loadbalancer-type LoadBalancer type for the environment. If no value set then a single instance environment type is created. Valid values: application, network, classic
--enable-sticky-sessions If set to true sticky sessions will be enabled for the load balancer of the environment.
--proxy-server The reverse proxy server used on Linux EC2 instances. Valid values: nginx, none. The default is "nginx".
--application-port The application port that will be redirect to port 80. The default is port 5000.
--wait Wait for the environment update to complete before exiting.
dotnet eb delete-environment
Deletes an environment.
For list of supported options, use dotnet eb delete-environment --help
> dotnet eb delete-environment --help
Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Tools for .NET Core applications (4.4.0)
Project Home:
Delete an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment.
dotnet eb delete-environment [options]
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
-app | --application The name of the Elastic Beanstalk application.
-env | --environment The name of the Elastic Beanstalk environment.
dotnet eb list-environments
Lists all of the current running environments along with the URL to access the environment.
For list of supported options, use dotnet eb list-environments --help
> dotnet eb list-environments --help
Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Tools for .NET Core applications (4.4.0)
Project Home:
List the AWS Elastic Beanstalk environments.
dotnet eb list-environments [options]
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
AWS Lambda (Amazon.Lambda.Tools)
This tool extension deploys AWS Lambda .NET Core functions.
To install the extension run the following command.
dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools
dotnet lambda deploy-function
Deploys the .NET Core Lambda project directly to the AWS Lambda service. The function is created if this is the first deployment. If the Lambda function already exists then the function code is updated. If any of the function configuration properties specified on the command line are different, the existing function configuration is updated. To avoid accidental function configuration changes during a redeployment, only default values explicitly set on the command line are used. The defaults file is not used.
For list of supported options, use dotnet lambda deploy-function --help
> dotnet lambda deploy-function --help
Amazon Lambda Tools for .NET Core applications (5.12.4)
Project Home:,
Command to deploy the project to AWS Lambda
dotnet lambda deploy-function [arguments] [options]
<FUNCTION-NAME> The name of the function to be updated
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
-c | --configuration Configuration to build with, for example Release or Debug.
-f | --framework Target framework to compile, for example netcoreapp3.1.
--msbuild-parameters Additional msbuild parameters passed to the 'dotnet publish' command. Add quotes around the value if the value contains spaces.
-pac | --package Application package to use for deployment, skips building the project
-fn | --function-name AWS Lambda function name
-fd | --function-description AWS Lambda function description
-pt | --package-type The deployment package type for Lambda function. Valid values: image, zip
-fp | --function-publish Publish a new version as an atomic operation
-fms | --function-memory-size The amount of memory, in MB, your Lambda function is given
-frole | --function-role The IAM role that Lambda assumes when it executes your function
-ft | --function-timeout The function execution timeout in seconds
-fh | --function-handler Handler for the function <assembly>::<type>::<method>
-frun | --function-runtime The runtime environment for the Lambda function
-farch | --function-architecture The architecture of the Lambda function. Valid values: x86_64 or arm64. Default is x86_64
-fl | --function-layers Comma delimited list of Lambda layer version arns
-ie | --image-entrypoint Overrides the image's ENTRYPOINT when package type is set "image".
-ic | --image-command Overrides the image's CMD when package type is set "image".
-iwd | --image-working-directory Overrides the image's working directory when package type is set "image".
-it | --image-tag Name and optionally a tag in the 'name:tag' format.
--ephemerals-storage-size The size of the function's /tmp directory in MB. The default value is 512, but can be any whole number between 512 and 10240 MB
--function-url-enable Enable function URL. A function URL is a dedicated HTTP(S) endpoint for your Lambda function.
--function-url-auth The type of authentication that your function URL uses, default value is NONE. Valid values: NONE or AWS_IAM
--tags AWS tags to apply. Format is <name1>=<value1>;<name2>=<value2>
-fsub | --function-subnets Comma delimited list of subnet ids if your function references resources in a VPC
-fsec | --function-security-groups Comma delimited list of security group ids if your function references resources in a VPC
-dlta | --dead-letter-target-arn Target ARN of an SNS topic or SQS Queue for the Dead Letter Queue
-tm | --tracing-mode Configures when AWS X-Ray should trace the function. Valid values: PassThrough or Active
-ev | --environment-variables Environment variables set for the function. For existing functions this replaces the current environment variables. Format is <key1>=<value1>;<key2>=<value2>
-aev | --append-environment-variables Append environment variables to the existing set of environment variables for the function. Format is <key1>=<value1>;<key2>=<value2>
-kk | --kms-key KMS Key ARN of a customer key used to encrypt the function's environment variables
--apply-defaults Obsolete: as of version defaults are always applied.
-rs | --resolve-s3 If set to true a bucket with the name format of "aws-dotnet-lambda-tools-<region>-<account-id>" will be configured to store build outputs
-sb | --s3-bucket S3 bucket to upload the build output
-sp | --s3-prefix S3 prefix for for the build output
-dvc | --disable-version-check Disable the .NET Core version check. Only for advanced usage.
-ldi | --local-docker-image If set the docker build command is skipped and the indicated local image is pushed to ECR.
-df | --dockerfile The docker file used to build the image. Default value is "Dockerfile".
-dbo | --docker-build-options Additional options passed to the "docker build" command.
-dbwd | --docker-build-working-dir The directory to execute the "docker build" command from.
--docker-host-build-output-dir If set a "dotnet publish" command is executed on the host machine before executing "docker build". The output can be copied into image being built.
-ucfb | --use-container-for-build Use a local container to build the Lambda binary. A default image will be provided if none is supplied.
-cifb | --container-image-for-build The container image tag (with version) to be used for building the Lambda binary.
-cmd | --code-mount-directory Path to the directory to mount to the build container. Otherwise, look upward for a solution folder.
-lf | --log-format The log format used by the Lambda function. Valid values are: Text or JSON. Default is Text
-lal | --log-application-level The log level. Valid values are: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR or FATAL. Default is INFO.
-lsl | --log-system-level The log system level. Valid values are: DEBUG, INFO, WARN. Default is INFO.
-lg | --log-group The name of the Amazon CloudWatch log group the function sends logs to. Default is /aws/lambda/<function name>.
-sa | --snap-start-apply-on Configure when a snapshot of the initialized execution environment should be taken. Valid values are: PublishedVersions, None. Default is None.
dotnet lambda invoke-function MyFunction --payload "The Function Payload"
Invokes the Lambda function in AWS Lambda passing in the value of --payload as the input parameter to the Lambda function.
For list of supported options, use dotnet lambda invoke-function --help
> dotnet lambda invoke-function --help
Amazon Lambda Tools for .NET Core applications (5.12.4)
Project Home:,
Command to invoke a function in Lambda with an optional input
dotnet lambda invoke-function [arguments] [options]
<FUNCTION-NAME> The name of the function to invoke
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
-fn | --function-name AWS Lambda function name
-p | --payload The input payload to send to the Lambda function
dotnet lambda list-functions
List all of the currently deployed Lambda functions.
For list of supported options, use dotnet lambda list-functions --help
> dotnet lambda list-functions --help
Amazon Lambda Tools for .NET Core applications (5.12.4)
Project Home:,
Command to list all your Lambda functions
dotnet lambda list-functions [options]
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
dotnet lambda delete-function
Delete a Lambda function
For list of supported options, use dotnet lambda delete-function --help
> dotnet lambda delete-function --help
Amazon Lambda Tools for .NET Core applications (5.12.4)
Project Home:,
Command to delete a Lambda function
dotnet lambda delete-function [arguments] [options]
<FUNCTION-NAME> The name of the function to delete
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
-fn | --function-name AWS Lambda function name
dotnet lambda get-function-config
Get the Lambda function's configuration like memory limit and timeout.
For list of supported options, use dotnet lambda get-function-config --help
> dotnet lambda get-function-config --help
Amazon Lambda Tools for .NET Core applications (5.12.4)
Project Home:,
Command to get the current runtime configuration for a Lambda function
dotnet lambda get-function-config [arguments] [options]
<FUNCTION-NAME> The name of the function to get the configuration for
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
-fn | --function-name AWS Lambda function name
dotnet lambda update-function-config
Update the Lambda function's configuration without uploading new code.
For list of supported options, use dotnet lambda update-function-config --help
> dotnet lambda update-function-config --help
Amazon Lambda Tools for .NET Core applications (5.12.4)
Project Home:,
Command to update the runtime configuration for a Lambda function
dotnet lambda update-function-config [arguments] [options]
<FUNCTION-NAME> The name of the function to be updated
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
-fn | --function-name AWS Lambda function name
-fd | --function-description AWS Lambda function description
-fp | --function-publish Publish a new version as an atomic operation
-fms | --function-memory-size The amount of memory, in MB, your Lambda function is given
-frole | --function-role The IAM role that Lambda assumes when it executes your function
-ft | --function-timeout The function execution timeout in seconds
-frun | --function-runtime The runtime environment for the Lambda function
-fh | --function-handler Handler for the function <assembly>::<type>::<method>
-fl | --function-layers Comma delimited list of Lambda layer version arns
--ephemerals-storage-size The size of the function's /tmp directory in MB. The default value is 512, but can be any whole number between 512 and 10240 MB
--function-url-enable Enable function URL. A function URL is a dedicated HTTP(S) endpoint for your Lambda function.
--function-url-auth The type of authentication that your function URL uses, default value is NONE. Valid values: NONE or AWS_IAM
-ie | --image-entrypoint Overrides the image's ENTRYPOINT when package type is set "image".
-ic | --image-command Overrides the image's CMD when package type is set "image".
-iwd | --image-working-directory Overrides the image's working directory when package type is set "image".
--tags AWS tags to apply. Format is <name1>=<value1>;<name2>=<value2>
-fsub | --function-subnets Comma delimited list of subnet ids if your function references resources in a VPC
-fsec | --function-security-groups Comma delimited list of security group ids if your function references resources in a VPC
-dlta | --dead-letter-target-arn Target ARN of an SNS topic or SQS Queue for the Dead Letter Queue
-tm | --tracing-mode Configures when AWS X-Ray should trace the function. Valid values: PassThrough or Active
-ev | --environment-variables Environment variables set for the function. For existing functions this replaces the current environment variables. Format is <key1>=<value1>;<key2>=<value2>
-aev | --append-environment-variables Append environment variables to the existing set of environment variables for the function. Format is <key1>=<value1>;<key2>=<value2>
-kk | --kms-key KMS Key ARN of a customer key used to encrypt the function's environment variables
--apply-defaults Obsolete: as of version defaults are always applied.
-lf | --log-format The log format used by the Lambda function. Valid values are: Text or JSON. Default is Text
-lal | --log-application-level The log level. Valid values are: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR or FATAL. Default is INFO.
-lsl | --log-system-level The log system level. Valid values are: DEBUG, INFO, WARN. Default is INFO.
-lg | --log-group The name of the Amazon CloudWatch log group the function sends logs to. Default is /aws/lambda/<function name>.
-sa | --snap-start-apply-on Configure when a snapshot of the initialized execution environment should be taken. Valid values are: PublishedVersions, None. Default is None.
dotnet lambda deploy-serverless
Deploys one or more Lambda functions from the Lambda project through CloudFormation. The project uses the serverless.template CloudFormation template to deploy the serverless app along with any additional AWS resources defined in the serverless.template.
CloudFormation stacks created with this command are tagged with the AWSServerlessAppNETCore tag.
For list of supported options, use dotnet lambda deploy-serverless --help
> dotnet lambda deploy-serverless --help
Amazon Lambda Tools for .NET Core applications (5.12.4)
Project Home:,
Command to deploy an AWS Serverless application
dotnet lambda deploy-serverless [arguments] [options]
<STACK-NAME> The name of the CloudFormation stack used to deploy the AWS Serverless application
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
-c | --configuration Configuration to build with, for example Release or Debug.
-f | --framework Target framework to compile, for example netcoreapp3.1.
--msbuild-parameters Additional msbuild parameters passed to the 'dotnet publish' command. Add quotes around the value if the value contains spaces.
-pac | --package Application package to use for deployment, skips building the project
-rs | --resolve-s3 If set to true a bucket with the name format of "aws-dotnet-lambda-tools-<region>-<account-id>" will be configured to store build outputs
-sb | --s3-bucket S3 bucket to upload the build output
-sp | --s3-prefix S3 prefix for for the build output
-t | --template Path to the CloudFormation template
-tp | --template-parameters CloudFormation template parameters. Format is <key1>=<value1>;<key2>=<value2>
-ts | --template-substitutions JSON based CloudFormation template substitutions. Format is <JSONPath>=<Substitution>;<JSONPath>=...
-cfrole | --cloudformation-role Optional role that CloudFormation assumes when creating or updated CloudFormation stack.
-sn | --stack-name CloudFormation stack name for an AWS Serverless application
-dc | --disable-capabilities Comma delimited list of capabilities to disable when creating a CloudFormation Stack.
--tags AWS tags to apply. Format is <name1>=<value1>;<name2>=<value2>
-sw | --stack-wait If true wait for the Stack to finish updating before exiting. Default is true.
-dvc | --disable-version-check Disable the .NET Core version check. Only for advanced usage.
-pd | --stack-polling-delay The time interval in seconds between each check for stack updates. Default is 3 seconds.
dotnet lambda list-serverless
Lists the .NET Core Serverless applications which are identified by looking for the AWSServerlessAppNETCore tag on existing CloudFormation Stacks.
For list of supported options, use dotnet lambda list-serverless --help
> dotnet lambda list-serverless --help
Amazon Lambda Tools for .NET Core applications (5.12.4)
Project Home:,
Command to list all your AWS Serverless applications
dotnet lambda list-serverless [options]
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
dotnet lambda delete-serverless
Deletes the serverless application by deleting the CloudFormation stack.
For list of supported options, use dotnet lambda delete-serverless --help
> dotnet lambda delete-serverless --help
Amazon Lambda Tools for .NET Core applications (5.12.4)
Project Home:,
Command to delete an AWS Serverless application
dotnet lambda delete-serverless [arguments] [options]
<STACK-NAME> The CloudFormation stack for the AWS Serverless application
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
-sn | --stack-name CloudFormation stack name for an AWS Serverless application
dotnet lambda package-ci
Used for serverless applications. It creates the Lambda application bundle and uploads it to Amazon S3. It then writes a new version of the serverless.template with the location of the Lambda function code updated to where the application bundle was uploaded. In an AWS CodePipeline this command can be executed as part of a CodeBuild stage returning the transformed template as the build artifact. Later in the pipeline that transformed serverless.template can be used with a CloudFormation stage to deploy the application.
For list of supported options, use dotnet lambda package-ci --help
> dotnet lambda package-ci --help
Amazon Lambda Tools for .NET Core applications (5.12.4)
Project Home:,
Command to use as part of a continuous integration system.
dotnet lambda package-ci [options]
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
-c | --configuration Configuration to build with, for example Release or Debug.
-f | --framework Target framework to compile, for example netcoreapp3.1.
--msbuild-parameters Additional msbuild parameters passed to the 'dotnet publish' command. Add quotes around the value if the value contains spaces.
-t | --template Path to the CloudFormation template
-ts | --template-substitutions JSON based CloudFormation template substitutions. Format is <JSONPath>=<Substitution>;<JSONPath>=...
-ot | --output-template Path to write updated serverless template with CodeURI fields updated to the location of the packaged build artifacts in S3.
-rs | --resolve-s3 If set to true a bucket with the name format of "aws-dotnet-lambda-tools-<region>-<account-id>" will be configured to store build outputs
-sb | --s3-bucket S3 bucket to upload the build output
-sp | --s3-prefix S3 prefix for for the build output
-dvc | --disable-version-check Disable the .NET Core version check. Only for advanced usage.
dotnet lambda package-ci
inspects and uses the Architectures
property of AWS::Serverless::Function
to determine the runtime of the package.
For example:
"Architectures": [
will execute dotnet publish
with a --runtime
argument of value linux-arm64
The default is linux-x64
(which will execute dotnet publish
with a --runtime
argument of value linux-x64
: )
The Architectures
array can be specified either by:
- Directly with the path
- Within the AWS SAM Template syntax
Example of directly with the path AWS::Serverless::Function
in a serverless.template
"Resources": {
"ApiFnMFS3hGenerated": {
"Type": "AWS::Serverless::Function",
"Properties": {
"Architectures": [
"CodeUri": ".",
"MemorySize": 10240,
"Timeout": 900,
"Role": {
"Ref": "LambdaExecutionRole"
"PackageType": "Zip",
"Handler": "MyAssembly.MyNamespace::MyAssembly.MyNamespace.MyClass::MyFunction"
"Parameters" ...
Example of within the AWS SAM Template syntax Globals
in a serverless.template
"Globals": {
"Function": {
"Runtime": "dotnet6",
"Architectures": [
"Resources": {
"ApiFnMFS3hGenerated": {
"Type": "AWS::Serverless::Function",
"Properties": {
"Architectures": [
"CodeUri": ".",
"MemorySize": 10240,
"Timeout": 900,
"Role": {
"Ref": "LambdaExecutionRole"
"PackageType": "Zip",
"Handler": "MyAssembly.MyNamespace::MyAssembly.MyNamespace.MyClass::MyFunction"
"Parameters" ...
dotnet lambda package
Creates the Lambda application bundle that can later be deployed to Lambda.
For list of supported options, use dotnet lambda package --help
> dotnet lambda package --help
Amazon Lambda Tools for .NET Core applications (5.12.4)
Project Home:,
Command to package a Lambda project either into a zip file or docker image if --package-type is set to "image". The output can later be deployed to Lambda with either deploy-function command or with another tool.
dotnet lambda package [arguments] [options]
<ZIP-FILE> The name of the zip file to package the project into
--disable-interactive When set to true missing required parameters will not be prompted for.
--region The region to connect to AWS services, if not set region will be detected from the environment.
--profile Profile to use to look up AWS credentials, if not set environment credentials will be used.
--profile-location Optional override to the search location for Profiles, points at a shared credentials file.
--aws-access-key-id The AWS access key id. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-secret-key The AWS secret key. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
--aws-session-token The AWS session token. Used when setting credentials explicitly instead of using --profile.
-pl | --project-location The location of the project, if not set the current directory will be assumed.
-cfg | --config-file Configuration file storing default values for command line arguments.
-pcfg | --persist-config-file If true the arguments used for a successful deployment are persisted to a config file.
-c | --configuration Configuration to build with, for example Release or Debug.
-f | --framework Target framework to compile, for example netcoreapp3.1.
-farch | --function-architecture The architecture of the Lambda function. Valid values: x86_64 or arm64. Default is x86_64
--msbuild-parameters Additional msbuild parameters passed to the 'dotnet publish' command. Add quotes around the value if the value contains spaces.
-fl | --function-layers Comma delimited list of Lambda layer version arns
-o | --output-package The zip file that will be created with compiled and packaged Lambda function.
-dvc | --disable-version-check Disable the .NET Core version check. Only for advanced usage.
-pt | --package-type The deployment package type for Lambda function. Valid values: image, zip
-it | --image-tag Docker image name and tag in the 'name:tag' format.
-df | --dockerfile The docker file used to build the image. Default value is "Dockerfile".
-dbo | --docker-build-options Additional options passed to the "docker build" command.
-dbwd | --docker-build-working-dir The directory to execute the "docker build" command from.
--docker-host-build-output-dir If set a "dotnet publish" command is executed on the host machine before executing "docker build". The output can be copied into image being built.
-ucfb | --use-container-for-build Use a local container to build the Lambda binary. A default image will be provided if none is supplied.
-cifb | --container-image-for-build The container image tag (with version) to be used for building the Lambda binary.
-cmd | --code-mount-directory Path to the directory to mount to the build container. Otherwise, look upward for a solution folder.