The first step of running SGXRay is to obtain a single LLVM IR file for an SGX enclave application.We provide two Docker images for Intel SGX SDK and Open Enclave SDK, respectively.
This image contains Intel SDK SGX version 2.12 and Clang version 11.
To obtain the LLVM IR for your application, please run the Docker container interactively with your application directory mounted,
cd <project> # go to the root your SGX project
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/sgx -w /sgx --user $UID:$(id -g) baiduxlab/sgx-ray-frontend-intel:latest
Inside the container, please run,
source /opt/sgxsdk/environment
source /opt/smack-wllvm/default.environment
make # your compilation command
extract-bc -l llvm-link-11 <> # this should produce
This image contains openenclave version 0.16.1 and Clang version 8.
To obtain the LLVM IR for your application, please run the Docker container interactively with your application directory mounted,
cd <project> # go to the root your SGX project
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/sgx -w /sgx --user $UID:$(id -g) baiduxlab/sgx-ray-frontend-intel:latest
Inside the container, please run,
source /opt/openenclave/share/openenclave/openenclaverc
source /opt/smack-wllvm/oe.environment
make # your compilation command
extract-bc -l llvm-link-8 <> # this should produce