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FHIR Repository API Template

Template Overview

This template provides a boilerplate code for rapid implementation of FHIR Repository APIs and syncing the FHIR Repository from Client Source Systems.
Once deployed to Choreo as a Scheduled Trigger Component, this template will periodically fetch recently updated resources from Client Source Systems and update the FHIR repository.

This template does not include the functionality to asynchronously delete resources from the FHIR Repository that no longer exist on Client Source Systems.
We recommend that the developer handle this separately in real-time.

Module/Element Version
FHIR version r4
Implementation Guide

Dependency List

Module Version
ballerinax/health.fhir.r4 1.0.1
ballerinax/health.base 1.0.0
ballerinax/health.clients.fhir 1.0.0

This template includes,

  • Ballerina code to sync a FHIR Repository from Client Source Systems and Ready to be deployed as a Choreo Scheduled Task Component.
  • Generated Utility functions to fetch/push last invocation time of the scheduler from a Client Persistence Layer
  • Generated Utility functions to handle source system connections for fetching Source Resources and syncing the FHIR Repository


Pull the template from central

bal new -t ballerinax/health.fhir.r4.sync.repository FHIRRepoSync

Implementing Source System Connections

  • Implement fetching resources from Client Source Systems that have been updated in the given time bounds [lastInvocation, now] inside sync_update.bal file which is included in the project. After fetching map each resource to a relevant ballerina FHIR resource type. Push all mapped resources into a single r4:FHIRResourceEntity[] and return it. A sample is given in the template.
  • You can use a relevant client connector, object to initialize the connection to fetch/push data from/to the source system.

Configuring FHIR Connector

  • The ballerina FHIR Connector Configuration can be found inside fhir_repo_connector.bal
  • The base url of the FHIR server can be provided as a configurable string baseUrl.
  • For advanced configurations edit the default configuration found inside fhir_repo_connector.bal

Implementing Fetch/Push of Scheduler Invocation time

  • Implement fetching last invocation time of the scheduler inside client_util.bal file which is included in the project. By default it will throw an error.
    function fetchLastInvocationTime() returns time:Utc|error {}
  • Implement pushing the given current invocation time (time:Utc now) of the scheduler inside client_util.bal file which is included in the project. By default it will throw an error.
    function pushCurrentInvocationTime(time:Utc now) returns error? {}

Implementing Processing Bundle Entry

  • Implement processing the fhir bundle entry for the fhir transaction inside client_util.bal file which is included in the project. By default it will return map<r4:BundleEntry[]> with r4:BundleEntry[] provided as function parameters without processing.
  • Suppose you want to split the bundle r4:BundleEntry[] and send it as multiple fhir bundle transactions. The implementation is provided in the template in comments.
    function processAndReturnBundleEntries(r4:BundleEntry[] bundleEntry) returns map<r4:BundleEntry[]>|error {}

Run the template

Run the Ballerina project created by this template by executing bal run from the root.

Once successfully executed, the process will run and sync the FHIR repository once and exit. For the continuous functionality as a Scheduled Trigger this template must be deployed to Choreo.

Onboard as a Choreo project

This project can be onboarded directly to Choreo via Github. For more info, Refer to:

