Releases: bids-standard/legacy-validator
Releases · bids-standard/legacy-validator
- Accept additional properties within beh.json JSON schema
- Generate regex for directory data types
- Remove unneeded defensive code
- Prefer to run the development tree over installed module
- File check in tsv files to accept MEF3 data
- Remove unnecessarily early definition of variable from ASL loop (validate TSV columns)
- Only push to dockerhub on new tag on master.
- Fix Duplicate 'if' condition
- Fix recommendations: Unused variable, import, function or class
- Migrate bulk of HED code to hed-validator
- Push docker image to DockerHub from CircleCI
- Add examples for esbuild builds and bundling to dev docs
- Upgrade versioneer, fix flake8 + other misc fixes
- bids-specification schema validation for data types
- The CodeClimate config file needs to live in root
- Bundle with esbuild
- Add ScanRAS as ieeg coordinate system
- fix: Use an inline build when running bin/bids-validator from source
- fix: Avoid missing arguments when bids-validator script is called directly
- fix warnings
- Exclude vendor files from Code Climate analyzes
- upgrade npm in docker file for workspace compatibility
- Remove executable flag from files that don't need it.
- Add "codespell" tool to CI checks to catch typos sooner
- Security updates (Lerna 4.0, Next 11) --> run: npm audit fix --force
Minor version should have been increased for v1.7.3. doing so now:
- Extend modality summary with secondary modalities
- PET summary fields
- Clean up summary modalities
- some help update and a pet update
- Simplify HED issue codes
- Refactor HED module
- Only deploy gh-pages on main release tags
- Add four new fields from bids-specification #806 to physio.json
- Validate VolumeTiming as an array of numbers in schema
- Update ScanDate for PET schema
- Add PET validation.
- JSON schema: inclusiveMaximum -> maximum, and letter casing
- Fix circular dependency issue
- Strip Unicode byte order mark from TSV files
- Normalize TSV end-of-line without stripping all whitespace
- Update expected argument type from pako inflate for remote files test