Releases: blockscout/frontend
Releases · blockscout/frontend
🚀 New Features
- Arbitrum rollup latest batches and deposits views, data availability and more by @isstuev in #2139, #2150, #2183
- Celo: Block views customizations by @tom2drum in #2185
- Add support for zkSync smart-contracts by @tom2drum in #2173
- Metadata: show Notes by @tom2drum in #2191
🐛 Bug Fixes
- UML diagram caching by @tom2drum in #2157
- Fix: web3modal csp issue makes walletconnect unable to load icons by @Revolution1 in #2167
- Fix time ago by @isstuev in #2168
- Display shortened address for proxy contracts by @isstuev in #2176
⚡ Performance Improvements
📦 Dependencies updates
🎨 Design updates
- MUD design fixes by @isstuev in #2154
- Hide toggle "Show external call data" when data is not available by @tom2drum in #2158
- Top accounts: show public tag next to address by @tom2drum in #2163
- Display ENS on the wallet button and in the menu by @maxaleks in #2153
- Limit page content width by @tom2drum in #2197
- Add rating count by @maxaleks in #2198
- Display address name and tag in tx interpretation by @maxaleks in #2146
✨ Other Changes
- Check redirect only on search bar submit by @isstuev in #2160
- Process unexpected response from solidityscan by @isstuev in #2148
- Add article by @isstuev in #2162
- Fix typo by @isstuev in #2170
- Change verification type and validator title for Arbitrum and zkEvm by @isstuev in #2120
- SolidityScan API response schema validation by @tom2drum in #2190
- Mixpanel - add Theme parameter to Page view event by @tom2drum in #2193
🦄 New Contributors
- @Revolution1 made their first contribution in #2167
Full Changelog: v1.33.2...v1.34.0
🚀 New Features
- Dapp ratings by @maxaleks in #2089
- Add a "Get gas" button by @maxaleks in #2108
- MUD framework support by @isstuev in #2090
- Block Countdown page by @tom2drum in #2091
- Stats: give emphasis to incomplete data days by @tom2drum in #2085
- Implementation name behind proxy name by @tom2drum in #2071
- Celo: show gas fees paid in ERC20 tokens by @tom2drum in #2061
- Add tooltip with full date on "age" fields by @isstuev in #2095
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix show reward condition in blocks table by @isstuev in #2065
- Identicon render issue on
Name details
page on mobile by @tom2drum in #2062 - Token name is shortened incorrectly on CSV export page by @tom2drum in #2079
- Show error if contract method has invalid data structure by @tom2drum in #2087
- Fix: using
by @cheng404 in #2122
📦 Dependencies updates
- Migrate to
by @tom2drum in #2063 - Bump ws from 8.12.0 to 8.18.0 by @dependabot in #2080
- Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /deploy/tools/envs-validator by @dependabot in #2081
- Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /deploy/tools/affected-tests by @dependabot in #2082
- Bump @grpc/grpc-js from 1.9.9 to 1.10.10 by @dependabot in #2083
- Bump vite from 4.5.2 to 4.5.3 by @dependabot in #2084
🎨 Design updates
- Redesign hero section on home page by @tom2drum in #2050
- Update info icon color by @tom2drum in #2088
- Update gutter between popover and anchor by @tom2drum in #2057
- Update navigation menu styles by @tom2drum in #2094
- Public tags design updates by @tom2drum in #2078
✨ Other Changes
- Add logo and copyright to page footer by @tom2drum in #2051
- Quick search - move BENS results to the top by @tom2drum in #2069
- SVG sprite page by @tom2drum in #2056
- Synchronize dev ENVs presets by @tom2drum in #2093
- Changing the description for flatteners during the verification by @NikitaSavik in #2096
- RPC tests by @tom2drum in #2101
- Change counter labels to H2 by @isstuev in #2102
- Delete gas used utilization for some rollups by @isstuev in #2099
- Remove action button experiment by @maxaleks in #2105
- Lock marketplace action bar at the top of the page by @maxaleks in #2106
- Don't retry SolidityScan resources by @tom2drum in #2110
- Remove marketplace env vars from deployment values by @maxaleks in #2121
- replace '--chmod=+x' with '--chmod=755' for 'COPY' instructions in Dockerfile to be podman-friendly by @fullkomnun in #2119
- Support hiding "REST API" and "GraphQL" links from navigation by @tom2drum in #2128
- Update verification methods in the UI by @tom2drum in
🚨 Changes in ENV variables
- #2061: Added
to adjust views for chains where users can pay transaction fees in either the native coin or ERC-20 tokens. - #2089: Added
for enabling Dapps rating in the marketplace. - #2108: Added
to configure "Get gas" button in the top bar. - #2128: Added
to the list of possible values ofNEXT_PUBLIC_API_SPEC_URL
, so the user can disable these features - #2129: Added
to customize extra verification methods of smart-contracts - #2090: Added
for enabling support of MUD game framework
Full list of the ENV variables: v1.33.0
🦄 New Contributors
- @NikitaSavik made their first contribution in #2096
- @fullkomnun made their first contribution in #2119
- @cheng404 made their first contribution in #2122
Full Changelog: v1.32.1...v1.33.0
🚀 New Features
- BENS multiprotocol support by @tom2drum in #2003
- Resolve BENS names from URL directly to address page by @tom2drum in #2004
- Navigation: horizontal layout by @tom2drum in #1991
- Arbitrum views by @isstuev in #2024 and #2047
- Implement NFT instance metadata refetch button by @tom2drum in #2039
- Mixpanel profiles by @tom2drum in #2044
- Blueprint contracts support by @tom2drum in #2009
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix multichain button for mobile by @isstuev in #1989
- Update styles of outlined buttons and more by @tom2drum in #1978
- Contract
method returns a checksum error by @tom2drum in #2021 - The possibility to query a contract with an empty array by @tom2drum in #1943
- Wallet tooltip fixes by @maxaleks in #2017
- Public tags cutoff problem by @tom2drum in #2048
- Fix
issue with RainbowKit by @maxaleks in #2054
⚡ Performance Improvements
- Fix lazy loading on NFT Inventory view by @tom2drum in #1988
- Call contract read methods from the client by @tom2drum in #2032
📦 Dependencies updates
- Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 by @dependabot in #2012
- Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /deploy/tools/feature-reporter by @dependabot in #2041
- Migrate to
by @tom2drum in #2023 - Bump ws from 8.11.0 to 8.17.1 by @dependabot in #2040
✨ Other Changes
- Combine default and security score view on the Marketplace page by @maxaleks in #2031
- Add endpoint what will return the list of app ENVs by @tom2drum in #1987
- Add supported frontend versions column in by @tom2drum in #2005
- Add Ad banner to 404 page by @isstuev in #1967
- Removing front-main and l2-optimism-goerli envs by @nzenchik in #2011
- Show a Zerion button only for EOA addresses by @isstuev in #2034
- tag group select component by @isstuev in #2014
🚨 Changes in ENV variables
- #2024 - Added new options
variable - #1991 - Added
to control the layout type of the navigation bar.
Full list of the ENV variables: v1.32.0
Full Changelog: v1.31.0...v1.32.0
What's Changed
🚀 New Features
- Add certified conract label by @isstuev in #1940
- Public tags: form re-design by @tom2drum in #1919
- OP Fault Proofs support by @isstuev in #1958
- Add support for Diamond proxy standard by @tom2drum in #1963
- Multi chain balance button by @isstuev in #1912
- Add a DeFi dropdown by @maxaleks in #1925
🐛 Bug Fixes
⚡ Performance Improvements
📦 Dependencies Updates
- Bump undici from 5.26.3 to 5.28.4 by @dependabot in #1916
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.2 to 1.15.6 by @dependabot in #1917
- Bump version of web3modal to v4.2.1 by @tom2drum in #1936
✨ Other Changes
- Menu lightning labels by @maxaleks in #1910
- Sidebar, latest txs and verified contracts improvements by @tom2drum in #1951
- Update styles of form inputs by @tom2drum in #1914
- Element paddings updates by @tom2drum in #1929
- Move generated assets into separate folder inside the public folder by @tom2drum in #1930
- More custom elements for public tags by @tom2drum in #1939
- Gas tracker improvements by @tom2drum in #1941
- Loader state for SolidityScan button by @tom2drum in #1945
- Fix different heights of components with a chart by @maxaleks in #1947
- Add native token image by @isstuev in #1932
- Token balance design update by @isstuev in #1934
- Playwright tests refactoring, pt.5 by @tom2drum in #1952
- User Operations: add switcher to call data by @tom2drum in #1950
- Details page: fix line height for rows by @tom2drum in #1949
- Change export holders text by @isstuev in #1962
- Add possibility to change ERC to something else by @isstuev in #1961
- SEO: add canonicals and change meta titles by @tom2drum in #1960
🚨 Changes in ENV variables
- #1910 - Added
for highlighting items in the navigation menu - #1958 - Added
variable to enable Fault Proof System feature - #1912 - Added
variable to enable multichain balance button on address page - #1925 - Removed
and added a new variableNEXT_PUBLIC_DEFI_DROPDOWN_ITEMS
for displaying promo links to other DeFi projects in the top bar - #1961 - Added
variable to configure the display name of a token creation standard
Full list of the ENV variables: v1.31.0-alpha
Full Changelog: v1.30.1...v1.31.0
🚀 New Features
- zkEVM deposits and withdrawals by @tom2drum in #1833
- Allow export token holders to CSV by @tom2drum in #1850
- Add manage wallet button by @maxaleks in #1838
- Public tags: display name tags for addresses by @tom2drum in #1877
- Add ENV variable allowing to choose default color schema by @tom2drum in #1882
- Action button by @maxaleks in #1883
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Hotfix: tabs will not recalculate cut position after API data is loaded by @tom2drum in #1856
- Hotfix: envs validator and styles by @maxaleks in #1873
- Contract write: unable to add elements to a top level array argument field by @tom2drum in #1848
- Minor bug fixes by @tom2drum in #1881
- Fix marketplace sorting by @maxaleks in #1845
- Fix internal txs sorting by @isstuev in #1897
- Fix removing ad banners by @isstuev in #1902
⚡ Performance Improvements
📦 Dependencies updates
✨ Other Changes
- Render Token page
on the server by @tom2drum in #1862 - Update API Endpoint for fetching
and `has_custom_meth… by @tom2drum in #1842 - Update color schemes for Tag component by @tom2drum in #1855
- Fix flaky tests by @tom2drum in #1871
- Add a link to discord to the app modal by @maxaleks in #1861
- Update styles of "no result" component by @maxaleks in #1867
- Remove security score experiment by @maxaleks in #1884
- Contract interaction improvements by @tom2drum in #1875
- Get smart-contract bytecode from websocket by @tom2drum in #1851
- Playwright tests refactoring, pt.4 by @tom2drum in #1892
🚨 Changes in ENV variables
- Added
to enable pre-rendering page titles (e.g Token page) on the server side and inject page h1-tag to the markup before it is sent to the browser. - #1862 - Added
for integration with Metadata micro-service (displaying public address tags, app action buttons, etc.) - #1877, #1883 - Added
for set up default color theme of the app - #1882
Full list of the ENV variables: v1.30.0
Full Changelog: v1.29.2...v1.30.0