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This is a pleno python project template library, please update it to fit your description

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Wheel Packaging wheel-packaging
Unit Test unit-test

Installing pleno-cproj

Make sure you are activating a Python environment where you intend to install pleno-common. This readme assumes you have basic knowledge about Python environments.

Install directly via Pleno's pypi package repo (recommended)

We currently auto-build and upload all "main" branches to our own pypi repo, you can install from the pypi repo just like a regular pip package:

pip install --extra-index-url pleno-proj

Getting started as a pleno-common developer

First step is to clone the repo and then install poetry, which is a dependency management tool similar to "node package manager" or "cargo".

pip install poetry

After poetry is installed, you can navigate to the repo directory and call poetry install, which will setup a virtual env dedicated to pleno-common and install all the development / dependencies.

git clone [email protected]:Pleno-Inc/pleno-common.git
cd pleno-common
poetry install

Note, this step will use the current python environment you have activated to serve as the "base python" executable but then setup all the python specific packages under the new virtual env. If you want to use a different python version for example, you still need to switch to that python version before you do this step via the following:

python env use /path/to/python/exe

Check you have pleno-common on your pip package list:

pip list | grep pleno

>> (base) (pleno-common-81ZK49IM-py3.8) ➜  docs git:(feat/documentation) pip list | grep pleno
>> pleno-common               0.0.2

Once you see pleno-common via pip, this means the package has been reigstered and you can start importing it and using it as a library.

You should also get the CLI entry point registered on your path as well, you can check it's working via

(base) (pleno-common-81ZK49IM-py3.8) ➜  docs git:(feat/documentation) ✗ droid -h
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
usage: droid --config=<config-name or path> --output=<output-path> --input=<input_path>
        default configs are: decode.yaml

droid: error: the following arguments are required: -c/--config

Buliding wheels (deploying to users)

poetry build

Users can then install the wheel package via pip like

pip install /path/to/some.whl

This will install the "built" as a python package which can be consumed by anyone.

Running for development

# unit tests
poetry run pytest

# entry-point
poetry run pleno_common xxxxxx

Python environment

By default, Poetry creates a virtualenv for the current project (very similar to npm for node projects in javascript/typescript). Virtualenv do not come with its own python exe unlike a conda env. It's strictly an environment for python packages.

You can check the current environment information via poetry env info

~/Pleno/pleno-common (main*) » poetry env info                                                      bolu@BobookAir

Python:         3.8.5
Implementation: CPython
Path:           /Users/bolu/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/pleno-common-_tvEn7Xk-py3.8
Valid:          True

Platform: darwin
OS:       posix
Python:   /Users/bolu/miniconda3

Alternate path via classical

I was not able to get poetry to play nice with a shared python environment - running into some kind of DBUS error for secrets - so I gave up on using poetry on Ubuntu shared compute and switched to a classical based project.

After git cloning the repo, the following lines will create a new conda environment and install all the dependencies of pleno-common and link it against the package resources repos so the pleno-common is visible from the python environment:

cd pleno-common
conda create --name="my-env" python=3.9
conda activate my-env
python develop

Pre-commit hooks

Pre-commit hooks run linters, syntax formatting before you commit your code, see details here:

To enable pre-commit hooks on this repo, just run the following lines of code:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install


Example pleno-python-template instance






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