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Dining Philosophers using systemd.

The dining philosophers problem is a classic in Computer Science that illustrates the major issues with concurrency.

Most people immediately reach for their favourite programming language to attack this problem but here we're going to do something different.

The Linux operating system is a multi-user concurrent system which is designed to have separate people using it all at the same time. Most of this remains unused these days.

So I thought it would be fun to bring back the multi-user power of Unix via a set of NPCs fighting over some rather fiddly pasta, while driving the characters using the user level systemd functions.

All while allowing the real world adminstrator to watch each user via the logging systems.

We're going to use classic Unix tools from the archives and give the Unix Programming Environment a work out it hasn't seen for a good while.

Design overview

We'll be using a variant of the Chandry/Misra "hygiene" solution to the Dining Philosophers problem.

Each philosopher is a separate user ID on the server and sits in its own unix group. It is also a member of the philosophers group which has access to the dining room at /home/share/dining-room.

The philosophers run autonomously and take their seats once the dining-room is open (writable by group philosophers). Seats are dynamically allocated on a first come first served basis with each philosopher grabbing the first seat they can by creating a file in the dining room with their seat number on it that nobody else can write to.

Once a philosopher has taken a seat they will pick up a fork by creating a fork file with their name on it and the number of the next seat position. The philosopher in seat #1 will exercise their head of the table privilege and take fork #1 as well. This sets the fork graph up to be acyclical - ensuring the system will make progress.

The philosophers now enter the thinking state, contemplating a proposition from their project file, and set a time in the future when they will become hungry.

Once a philosopher reaches the hungry target, they check if they have both forks. If not they email the relevant dining neighbour(s) a "fork request" asking for the shared fork.

A sendmail .forward file runs a mail processor for each email received.

For each fork request related to a sender

  • if we are thinking and we have the fork, we delete the fork and send a fork response back.
  • otherwise we ignore the request

For each fork response received a fork is created. Forks can only be acquired as a result of a fork response and thereby with permission of the neighbour. This both maintains the acyclical nature of the fork graph and avoids starvation (systemically and metaphorically).

Once a philosopher has two forks they enter the eating state and set a time in the future when they will start thinking again.

A philosopher will check whether to start eating as soon as they become hungry and thereafter when they receive a fork response.

Before they enter the thinking state, the forks are deleted and they are transferred to neighbours by sending them a fork response.


From an Ubuntu LTS server logged in as the admin user and run the setup script

ubuntu@srv-2q8eh:~$ git clone --depth 1 [email protected]:brightbox/systemd-dining.git
Cloning into 'systemd-dining'...
ubuntu@srv-2q8eh:~$ cd systemd-dining/
ubuntu@srv-2q8eh:~/systemd-dining$ sudo ./
Adding required packages
Installing simulation

Run the simulation

Create the philosophers

ubuntu@srv-2q8eh:~/systemd-dining$ xargs -L 1 sudo /usr/local/sbin/create_philosopher < philosophers

Open the dining room

ubuntu@srv-5o1ic:~/systemd-dining$ sudo open_dining_room

Stop the simulation

Close the dining room

ubuntu@srv-5o1ic:~/systemd-dining$ sudo close_dining_room

Remove the philosophers

ubuntu@srv-2q8eh:~/systemd-dining$ awk '{print $1}' philosophers | xargs sudo /usr/local/sbin/remove_philosopher

Interesting things to look at

Check a philosopher's activity

ubuntu@srv-5o1ic:~/systemd-dining$ npcjournal hegel
Nov 14 09:15:33 srv-5o1ic select-seat[7048]: The Dining Room is open. Looking for a seat.
Nov 14 09:15:33 srv-5o1ic select-seat[7048]: I have seat #6
Nov 14 09:15:33 srv-5o1ic select-seat[7048]: Acquired fork #7

Follow a philosopher's activity in real time

ubuntu@srv-4mujm:~$ npcjournal -f hegel
Nov 19 14:10:30 mail-tasks[1072039]: Received fork response from hume
Nov 19 14:10:30 mail-tasks[1072039]: Acquired fork #8
Nov 19 14:10:30 fork-check[1072079]: I have two clean forks
Nov 19 14:10:30 consumption[1072134]: Eating...
Nov 19 14:10:35 fork-release[1072229]: Cleaning forks
Nov 19 14:10:35 fork-release[1072229]: Transferring forks
Nov 19 14:10:35 fork-release[1072257]: Giving wittgenstein a clean shared fork
Nov 19 14:10:35 fork-release[1072257]: Giving hume a clean shared fork

Look at today's contemplations for a philosopher

ubuntu@srv-4mujm:~$ npcjournal --since=today --identifier=contemplation hegel | more
Nov 19 00:00:39 contemplation[368515]: Currently contemplating the idea that contradiction and conflict are
Nov 19 00:00:39 contemplation[368515]: inherent in the development of ideas and societies.
Nov 19 00:01:32 contemplation[370247]: Currently contemplating the belief that reality is rational, and reason
Nov 19 00:01:32 contemplation[370247]: is the ultimate essence of the world.
Nov 19 00:03:08 contemplation[372866]: Currently contemplating the idea that contradiction and conflict are
Nov 19 00:03:08 contemplation[372866]: inherent in the development of ideas and societies.

Get the gory details at systemd unit level

ubuntu@srv-4mujm:~$ journalctl _UID=$(id -u kant) --since today
Nov 19 14:16:46 srv-4mujm systemd[98014]: Starting Clean Fork Check...
Nov 19 14:16:47 srv-4mujm systemd[98014]: fork-check.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=75/TEMPFAIL
Nov 19 14:16:47 srv-4mujm systemd[98014]: fork-check.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 19 14:16:47 srv-4mujm systemd[98014]: Failed to start Clean Fork Check.
Nov 19 14:16:47 srv-4mujm systemd[98014]: fork-check.service: Triggering OnFailure= dependencies.
Nov 19 14:16:47 srv-4mujm systemd[98014]: Starting Neighbour Fork Request...
Nov 19 14:16:47 srv-4mujm fork-request[1088801]: I don't have fork #11
Nov 19 14:16:47 srv-4mujm fork-request[1088833]: Asking hobbes for the shared fork
Nov 19 14:16:47 srv-4mujm sendmail[1088845]: 3AJEGlXl1088845: [email protected], size=110, class=0, nrcpts=1, ...
Nov 19 14:16:47 srv-4mujm sendmail[1088845]: 3AJEGlXl1088845: to=hobbes, [email protected] (1001/1002), ...
Nov 19 14:16:47 srv-4mujm systemd[98014]: Finished Neighbour Fork Request.

See the philsopher's details and what they are thinking about

$ finger hume
Login: hume           			        Name: David Hume
Directory: /home/hume               	Shell: /bin/bash
Never logged in.
Mail forwarded to |/usr/local/bin/mail-processor
No mail.
the empirical foundation of knowledge and the idea that all ideas derive from sensory impressions.
the notion that causation is not a necessary connection but a habitual association based on experience.
the self as a bundle of perceptions, with no enduring and unchanging identity.
the principle that reason is the slave of the passions, and moral judgments are driven by sentiment.
the idea that miracles, as violations of natural laws, are inherently improbable and should be met with skepticism.
the understanding that probability is the guide of life, shaping our beliefs and actions based on likelihood.
the distinction between 'is' and 'ought,' recognizing that moral values cannot be derived from factual statements.
the empiricist view that all knowledge originates in experience, rejecting innate ideas as a source of understanding.
the skeptical position that we can never know the true nature of things, only their appearances.
the constant flux of impressions and ideas, emphasizing the impermanence and transience of all mental phenomena.
No Plan.