Releases: broken1arrow/MenuLibrary
added one more method
Added method option for add enchants.
Full Changelog: 0.55...0.56
fixed issue with slotnumbers
fixed issue when you not need the object but the number in the method #getItem(int, object).
Full Changelog: 0.54...0.55
fixed more to the bug in last build
Was some issue still to get the item. Is fixed in this build.
Full Changelog: 0.53...0.54
fixed bug when it fail to find the item
Is special case when use method getFillButtonAt() combined with getItem().
Full Changelog: 0.52...0.53
added suport for 1.18.2 soon also 1.19
Cleaned up the nms method I use. Should be less job to update the nms code.
Full Changelog: 0.51...0.52
updated some classes
I improved register of buttons. I not try get the fields any more. Should impact less on the server now when player open a menu.
Also updated CreateItemStack class so you can add more things on a item (is not 100% done yet). you can only change color on a firework star (will add more options). But potion and set banner patterns shall work (and the old stuff already included should work).
Full Changelog: 0.50...0.51
fixed metadata suport
fixed metadata support.
Full Changelog: 0.49...0.50
Fixed some bugs.
I fixed several bugs.
Fixed when you use CreateItemStack class, it not hide enchantments (if you use isGlow(true)).
Fixed not working update of buttons.
Full Changelog: 0.48...0.49
now can´t two buttons collide.
I fixed rare issue when two items on two buttons is same. I had also to do some breaking changes to fix this issue. So look in the wiki how you shall register buttons.
Full Changelog: 0.47...0.48
fixed the upload again.
Full Changelog: 0.45...0.47