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"The PHP Practitioner" Notes

This project was created by reviewing The PHP Practitioner series by Jeffrey Way. This repository is intended to serve as a personal quick reference guide and not a full-fledged tutorial.

NOTE: The project structure evolves over the course of the series. Accordingly, file names and directories referenced in the code blocks below may not necessarily correspond to the names of files/directories reflected in the project's final state.

Table of Contents

Episode 3: Variables

  • By using double quotes, you can integrate variables into a string (like template literals in JS):

    echo "Hello, $name.";
    • Alternatively, you can use concatenation (with a . rather than +):

      echo 'Hello, ' . $name . '.';
    • NOTE: When using double quotes, it is possible to wrap the variable name in curly braces just to make it explicitly clear to the reader that the variable is in fact a variable:

      echo "Hello, {$name}."
  • SIDE NOTE: Use PHP CLI to run index.php in a local server:

    php -S localhost:8080

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Episode 4: PHP and HTML

  • If you have a file that is purely PHP code, you need only have an opening PHP tag at the top of your file: <?php

    • However, if your file also contains HTML, then you will need to include closing tags at the end of the PHP code block: ?>
  • To work with data contained in the query strings of a URL (e.g., ?name=Bronson), you can make use of superglobals, e.g.:

    <?php echo "Hello, " . $_GET['name']; ?>
    • Shorthand for opening PHP and echoing text:

      <?= "Hello, " . $_GET['name']; ?>
    • NOTE: To prevent users from injecting HTML into the query string to be processed by PHP, use the built-in function htmlspecialchars() to force special HTML characters to be rendered as plain text:

      <?= "Hello, " . htmlspecialchars($_GET['name']); ?>

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Episode 5: Separate PHP Logic from Presentation

  • Rather than having all HTML content served from a single index.php file, you can separate HTML content into views, and then apply all the logic necessary to display those views in the main index.php file, which will render the data contained in your views. For example, you could (1) create a file named index.view.php that contains HTML and a reference to a $greeting variable, and (2) insert the following code into your index.php file to render the view with the variable defined:

    $greeting = 'Hello, world.';
    require 'index.view.php';

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Episode 6: Understanding Arrays

  • Create an array as follows:

    $names = ['Adam', 'Ben', 'Charlie'];
  • Use a for loop to iterate over the array in your HTML:

    <!-- Typical For Loop Syntax -->
          foreach ($names as $name) {
            echo "<li>$name</li>";
    <!-- Alternative For Loop Syntax -->
        <?php foreach ($names as $name) : ?>
          <li><?= $name; ?></li>
        <?php endforeach; ?>
  • Use the following syntax to add (push) to an array:

    $animals = ['dog', 'cat'];
    $animals[] = 'elephant';
    // $animals = ['dog', 'cat', 'elephant']

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Episode 7: Associative Arrays

  • A comma-separated list of key-value pairs (i.e., an object):

    $person = [
        'age' => 31,
        'hair' => 'brown',
        'career' => 'web developer',
  • If you iterate over an associative array in the same manner as a basic array, you will only iterate over the values. If you also want to iterate over the keys, then use the following syntax:

    <?php foreach ($person as $key => $val) : ?>
      <li><?= $key; ?> <?= $val; ?></li>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    • SIDE NOTE: You can uppercase the first letter by using the built-in function ucwords():

      <li><?= ucwords($key); ?> <?= $val; ?></li>
  • To display (dump) all key-value pairs in an associative array in raw format, you can use var_dump():

    // <pre> tags are not essential, but help make displayed text more readable:
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';
    • SIDE NOTE: If you want your PHP code to stop running after executing a dump, you can make it an argument in the die() function:

  • To remove an item (property) from an associative array, use unset:


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Episode 9: Conditionals

  • In addition to ternaries and the basic if/else curly braces syntax, you can express conditionals as follows:

      <?php if ($task['completed']) : ?>
        <span class="icon">&#9989;</span>
      <?php else : ?>
      <?php endif; ?>
  • Use a bang (!) to invert a boolean:

    if (!$task['completed']) {
        echo 'Incomplete';

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Episode 10: Functions

  • Example:

    $animals = ['dog', 'cat'];
    // "dd" stands for Die & Dump:
    function dd($data)
        echo '<pre>';
        echo '</pre>';

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Episode 11: MySQL 101

  • CLI (root user with no password set):

    $ mysql -uroot

    • NOTE: If you have a password set, preface it with the -p flag:

      $ mysql -uroot -ppassword

  • Show databases:

    mysql> show databases;

  • Create database:

    mysql> create database my_database_name;

  • Use a database:

    mysql> use my_database_name;

  • Create a table (must specify the column name and type):

    mysql> create table my_table_name (id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, description text NOT NULL, completed boolean NOT NULL);

  • Show table information:

    mysql> describe my_table_name;

  • Insert into a table:

    mysql> insert into my_table_name (description, completed) values('Buy groceries', false);

  • View all records in a table:

    mysql> select * from my_table_name;

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Episode 12: Classes 101

  • Example:

    class Task
        // Private properties:
        protected $description;
        protected $completed = false;
        // Constructor automatically triggered on instantiation via "new" keyword:
        public function __construct($description)
            $this->description = $description;
        public function isComplete()
            return $this->completed;
        public function complete()
            $this->completed = true;
        public function getDescription()
            return $this->description;
    $tasks = [
        new Task('Go to the store'),
        new Task('Finish work'),
        new Task('Clean room'),
    • The tasks can be rendered in HTML as follows:

        <?php foreach ($tasks as $task) : ?>
            <?php if ($task->isComplete()) : ?>
              <strike><?= $task->getDescription() ?></strike>
            <?php else : ?>
              <?= $task->getDescription() ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
        <?php endforeach; ?>

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Episode 13: Intro to PDO (PHP Data Objects)

  • To interact with your database, use the PDO class, e.g.:

    // Best practice is to wrap a PDO in a try/catch statement for error handling:
    try {
        // PDO requires (1) DSN (Data Source Name), (2) username, and (3) password:
        $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=mytodos', 'root', '');
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        die("Could not connect: $e");
    // Prepare SQL query:
    $query = $pdo->prepare('select * from todos');
    // Execute SQL query:
    // Fetch all results (specifically storing each row as an object):
    $tasks = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
    // Alternatively, you can store results as a class instance (if class exists):
    // $tasks = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, 'Task');
    // Dump only the description of the first result:
    • The tasks can be rendered in HTML as follows:

        <?php foreach ($tasks as $task) : ?>
            <?php if ($task->completed) : ?>
              <strike><?= $task->description ?></strike>
            <?php else : ?>
              <?= $task->description ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
        <?php endforeach; ?>

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Episode 14: PDO Refactoring and Collaborators

  • Example:

    // index.php
    // Responsible for the "behind-the-scenes" work:
    $query = require 'bootstrap.php';
    $tasks = $query->selectAll('todos');
    require 'index.view.php';
    // bootstrap.php
    require 'database/Connection.php';
    require 'database/QueryBuilder.php';
    return new QueryBuilder(
    // database/Connection.php
    class Connection
        // "static" makes a method available globally without requiring an instance.
        // Allows calling method directly like so: Connection::make();
        public static function make()
            try {
                return new PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=mytodos', 'root', '');
            } catch (PDOException $e) {
    // database/QueryBuilder.php
    class QueryBuilder
        protected $pdo;
        // "Type hinting" defines type of values that can be passed as an argument:
        public function __construct(PDO $pdo)
            $this->pdo = $pdo;
        public function selectAll($table)
            $query = $this->pdo->prepare("select * from {$table}");
            return $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);

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Episode 15: Hide Your Secret Passwords

  • Example:

    // config.php
    return [
        'database' => [
            'name' => 'mytodos',
            'username' => 'root',
            'password' => '',
            'connection' => 'mysql:host=',
            'options' => [
                // Displays an error (rather than blank page) if DB access fails:
    // bootstrap.php
    $config = require 'config.php';
    require 'database/Connection.php';
    require 'database/QueryBuilder.php';
    return new QueryBuilder(
    // Connection.php
    class Connection
        public static function make($db)
            try {
                // Fourth argument may include "options":
                return new PDO(
            } catch (PDOException $e) {

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Episode 16: Routing

  • Example:

    // index.php
    // Sole purpose is to serve as application's entry point and set up project:
    $database = require 'core/bootstrap.php';
    // Load routes into a router instance, and then direct traffic to
    // the controllers associated with a URI (via chaining):
    require Router::load('routes.php')
    // core/bootstrap.php
    $app = [];
    $app['config'] = require 'config.php';
    // Always require starting from the project root:
    require 'core/Router.php';
    require 'core/Request.php';
    require 'core/database/Connection.php';
    require 'core/database/QueryBuilder.php';
    $app['database'] = new QueryBuilder(
    // core/Router.php
    class Router
        // Stores the routes that have been defined on the router instance:
        protected $routes = [];
        // A static function is not an instance method, but is rather like a
        // a global method that can be called at any time:
        public static function load($file)
            // Makes the $router variable available:
            $router = new static; // Keyword "static" creates a new instance.
            require $file;
            return $router;
        public function define($routes)
            $this->routes = $routes;
        // Directs traffic from a URI to its associated controller:
        public function direct($uri)
            // First argument is the key to find; second is the array to search:
            if (array_key_exists($uri, $this->routes)) {
                return $this->routes[$uri];
            throw new Exception('No route defined for this URI.');
    // routes.php
    // Defines routes to be added to the router instance:
      '' => 'controllers/index.php',
      'about' => 'controllers/about.php',
      'about/culture' => 'controllers/about-culture.php',
      'contact' => 'controllers/contact.php',
    // core/Request.php
    // Responsible for fetching information about the current browser request:
    class Request
        public static function uri()
            // $_SERVER is a PHP super global array containing information about
            // headers, paths, and script locations.  trim() is a PHP function
            // that normally removes blank spaces from the beginning and end of
            // a string, but the character(s) to be removed can be specified as
            // the second argument:
            return $uri = trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/');

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Episode 17: DRY Up Your Views

  • Example of how to implement partials:

    <!-- views/index.view.php -->
    <?php require('partials/head.php'); ?>
    <h1>My Tasks</h1>
      <?php foreach ($tasks as $task): ?>
          <?php if ($task->completed): ?>
          <?php else: ?>
          <?php endif;?>
      <?php endforeach;?>
    <?php require('partials/footer.php'); ?>
    <!-- views/partials/head.php -->
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
      <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="/public/css/styles.css">
      <!-- Path used in require() is relative -->
      <?php require('nav.php') ?>
    <!-- views/partials/nav.php -->
        <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="/about">About</a></li>
        <li><a href="/about/culture">About Our Culture</a></li>
        <li><a href="/contact">Contact</a></li>
    <!-- views/partials/footer.php -->

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Episode 18: Array Filtering

  • Example of how to use array_filter(), array_map(), and array_column():

    class Post
        public $title;
        public $author;
        public $published;
        public function __construct($title, $author, $published)
            $this->title = $title;
            $this->author = $author;
            $this->published = $published;
    $posts = [
        new Post('My First Post', 'BA', true),
        new Post('My Second Post', 'FD', true),
        new Post('My Third Post', 'TY', true),
        new Post('My Fourth Post', 'HK', false),
    // Filters posts and returns a new array containing only unpublished posts:
    $unpublishedPosts = array_filter($posts, function ($post) {
        return !$post->published;
    // NOTE: PHP's syntax is inconsistent re: filtering/mapping arrays.  The first
    // argument in array_filter() is the array to iterate through, while the second
    // argument is a callback function.  The arguments are reserved in array_map().
    // Iterates over posts and transforms each post object into an array:
    $modified = array_map(function ($post) {
        return (array) $post;
    }, $posts);
    // Iterates over posts and returns each post title in an associative array:
    $objectTitles = array_map(function ($post) {
        return ['title' => $post->title];
    }, $posts);
    // Iterates over posts (first argument) and returns an array of each author
    // (second argument) with the title (third argument) as the key for each
    // author, rather than using an index number for the key:
    $stringTitles = array_column($posts, 'author', 'title');

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Episode 19: Forms, Request Types, and Routing

  1. Create a form:

    <!-- views/index.view.php -->
    <?php require('partials/head.php'); ?>
    <h1>Submit Your Name</h1>
    <!-- Form to submit POST request, trigger controller associated with
      the "/names" path, and fetch data specified by the controller: -->
    <form method="POST" action="/names">
      <input name="name">
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>
    <?php require('partials/footer.php'); ?>
  2. Configure your routes to handle HTTP requests depending on request type (e.g., GET, POST, etc.):

    // routes.php
    // Defines routes to be added to the router instance (by request type).
    // GET Route(s):
    $router->get('', 'controllers/index.php');
    $router->get('about', 'controllers/about.php');
    $router->get('about/culture', 'controllers/about-culture.php');
    // POST Route(s):
    $router->post('names', 'controllers/add-name.php');
  3. Configure your Router class to handle HTTP requests depending on request type:

    // core/Router.php
    class Router
        // Stores routes (by type) that have been defined on the router instance:
        public $routes = [
            'GET' => [],
            'POST' => [],
        public static function load($file)
            $router = new static;
            require $file;
            return $router;
        public function get($uri, $controller)
            $this->routes['GET'][$uri] = $controller;
        public function post($uri, $controller)
            $this->routes['POST'][$uri] = $controller;
        // Directs traffic from a URI to its associated controller based on
        // HTTP request type:
        public function direct($uri, $requestType)
            if (array_key_exists($uri, $this->routes[$requestType])) {
                return $this->routes[$requestType][$uri];
            throw new Exception('No route defined for this URI.');
  4. Configure your Request class to (1) parse the URL path and (2) process different requests depending on the request type:

    // core/Request.php
    // Responsible for fetching information about the current browser request:
    class Request
        public static function uri()
            // PHP's parse_url() function will parse the URI (first argument) and
            // return the specificied URL component (second argument).  This allows
            // you to handle URIs that include query strings:
            return trim(parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH), '/');
        public static function method() {
            // States whether the request is GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.:
            return $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
  5. Configure your application's entry point to direct traffic based on the URI and the HTTP request method:

    // index.php
    $database = require 'core/bootstrap.php';
    // Load routes into a router instance, and then direct traffic to
    // the controllers associated with a URI based on the request method:
    require Router::load('routes.php')
        ->direct(Request::uri(), Request::method());
  6. Configure your POST route's controller to output the desired data:

    // controllers/add-name.php
    // $_POST super global contains form data passed via HTTP POST method.
    // (NOTE: If you need to obtain information about the request to the server,
    // then use the $_REQUEST super global.)
    var_dump("You typed {$_POST['name']}.");

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Episode 20: Dynamic Inserts With PDO

  1. Add an insert() method to your QueryBuilder:

    // core/database/QueryBuilder.php
    class QueryBuilder
        protected $pdo;
        public function __construct(PDO $pdo)
            $this->pdo = $pdo;
        public function selectAll($table)
            $query = $this->pdo->prepare("select * from {$table}");
            return $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
        public function insert($table, $parameters)
            // array_keys() returns an array containing the keys of the input array,
            // and implode() concatenates each element of the new array into a
            // string in which each element is separated by ", ":
            $columns = implode(', ', array_keys($parameters));
            // Trick to preface each column name with a colon, which acts as a
            // placeholder for the value corresponding to the specified key:
            $values = ':' . implode(', :', array_keys($parameters));
            // sprintf() allows you to declare a string with placeholders to which
            // you can attach variables (in this case, strings identified as %s):
            $sqlString = sprintf(
                'insert into %s (%s) values (%s)', $table, $columns, $values
            try {
                $query = $this->pdo->prepare($sqlString);
                // execute() accepts an array that is used in binding values to the
                // placeholders (parameters) specified in $values:
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                die('Something went wrong.');
  2. Configure form submission controller to use insert() method and redirect:

    // controllers/add-name.php
    $app['database']->insert('users', [
      'name' => $_POST['name']
    // Redirect back to homepage:
    header('Location: /');
  3. Configure the controller of application's entry point to get user names:

    // controllers/index.php
    $users = $app['database']->selectAll('users');
    require 'views/index.view.php';
  4. Configure the home page to display all names submitted via the form:

    <!-- views/index.view.php -->
    <?php require('partials/head.php'); ?>
      <!-- Lists the names of all users upon page load: -->
      <?php foreach ($users as $user) : ?>
        <li><?= $user->name; ?></li>
      <?php endforeach; ?>
      <h1>Submit Your Name</h1>
      <form method="POST" action="/names">
        <input name="name">
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>
    <?php require('partials/footer.php'); ?>

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Episode 21: Composer Autoloading

  • Composer is a package manager (similar to NPM).

  • In your project root directory, create a file named composer.json that will be used to specify how you want Composer to autoload your project files. classmap contains all classes (identified as PHP files beginning with a capital letter) that need to be loaded. In this example, every class in the project will be loaded:

      "autoload": {
        "classmap": [
  • After creating your composer.json file, use Composer's install command to install the project's dependencies from composer.json. The output will be located in a directory named /vendor in your project root. You can use the generated files by inserting the following code into your project's entry point:

    // Must require this file in the entry point when using Composer's autoloader:
    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    $database = require 'core/bootstrap.php';
    require Router::load('routes.php')
        ->direct(Request::uri(), Request::method());
  • To rebuild the files in your /vendor directory (which is necessary if you have added new files to your project), use Composer's dump-autoload command.

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Episode 22: Your First Dependency Injection ("DI") Container

  1. Create an App.php file to serve as your DI container:

    // core/App.php
    // Basic dependency injection container.  Acts as a place to bind dependencies
    // that have been sent to it (essentially, a registry).  When you need to fetch
    // those values, you can later retrieve them from the container.
    class App
        // Static $registry will be accessible directly from the class object:
        protected static $registry = [];
        public static function bind($key, $value)
            // When you are within a "static", you are not dealing with an instance
            // of the class, but rather acting upon the class object itself.  Thus,
            // you must preface $registry with "static::" as opposed to "$this->":
            static::$registry[$key] = $value;
        public static function get($key)
            if (!array_key_exists($key, static::$registry)) {
                throw new Exception("No {$key} is bound in the container.");
            return static::$registry[$key];
  2. Configure your bootstrap.php file (along with any other files that may reference "config" and "database") to implement the App DI Container:

    // core/bootstrap.php
    // Creates a key called "config" which has config.php array as its value,
    // and then stores the key-value pair within the App DI container:
    App::bind('config', require 'config.php');
    // Creates a key called "database" which has a value that is an instance of
    // QueryBuilder, and stores it to the App DI container:
    App::bind('database', new QueryBuilder(

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Episode 23: Refactoring to Controller Classes

  • Controllers are generally responsible for receiving a request, delegating an action, and returning a response. Rather than spreading your controllers across multiple files, you can consolidate them into class objects.

  • Example:

    // controllers/PagesController.php
    class PagesController
        public function home()
            // Custom helper function contained in "core/bootstrap.php":
            return view('index');
        public function about()
            $company = 'Laracasts';
            return view('about', ['company' => $company]);
        public function contact()
            return view('contact');
    // controllers/UsersController.php
    class UsersController
        public function index()
            $users = App::get('database')->selectAll('users');
            // compact() is a PHP function that converts a string into an
            // associative array (i.e., ['users' => $users]):
            return view('users', compact('users'));
        public function store()
            App::get('database')->insert('users', [
                'name' => $_POST['name'],
            // Custom helper function contained in "core/bootstrap.php":
            return redirect('users');
    // core/bootstrap.php
    App::bind('config', require 'config.php');
    App::bind('database', new QueryBuilder(
    // $data defaults to an empty array if no data needs to be passed to the view:
    function view($name, $data = [])
        // PHP function that takes a collection of key-value pairs, and "extracts"
        // the contents into variables (for example, ['name' => 'index'] becomes
        // $name = 'index';):
        // This function assumes you will follow conventions regarding the
        // location and file name of your views:
        return require "views/{$name}.view.php";
    function redirect($path)
        header("Location: /{$path}");
    // routes.php
    // GET Route(s):
    // The "@" convention specifies which page to call (NOTE: Not required
    // to reference the "/controllers" directory explicitly):
    $router->get('', 'PagesController@home');
    $router->get('about', 'PagesController@about');
    $router->get('contact', 'PagesController@contact');
    // Using "index" conventionally means that this route will display all users:
    $router->get('users', 'UsersController@index');
    // POST Route(s):
    // Convention calls for using a "store" action when saving (storing) data:
    $router->post('users', 'UsersController@store');
    // index.php
    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    require 'core/bootstrap.php';
    // It is not necessary to preface this with a "require" keyword
    // because the method will call Router.callAction(),
    // which will create a new instance of a necessary controller:
        ->direct(Request::uri(), Request::method());
    // core/Router.php
    class Router
        public $routes = [
            'GET' => [],
            'POST' => [],
        public static function load($file)
            $router = new static;
            require $file;
            return $router;
        public function get($uri, $controller)
            $this->routes['GET'][$uri] = $controller;
        public function post($uri, $controller)
            $this->routes['POST'][$uri] = $controller;
        public function direct($uri, $requestType)
            // First argument is the key to find; second is the array to search:
            if (!array_key_exists($uri, $this->routes[$requestType])) {
                throw new Exception('No route defined for this URI.');
            // Changes, e.g., "PagesController@home" to ["PagesController", "home"]:
            $arguments = explode('@', $this->routes[$requestType][$uri]);
            return $this->callAction(...$arguments);
        // Protected because no other operation outside of this class will use it:
        protected function callAction($controller, $action)
            $controller = new $controller;
            if (!method_exists($controller, $action)) {
                throw new Exception(
                    "{$controller} does not respond to the {$action} action."
            return $controller->$action();
    <!-- views/users.view.php -->
    <?php require('partials/head.php'); ?>
      <h1>All Users</h1>
      <?php foreach ($users as $user) : ?>
        <li><?= $user->name; ?></li>
      <?php endforeach; ?>
      <h2>Submit Your Name</h2>
      <form method="POST" action="/users">
        <input name="name">
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>
    <?php require('partials/footer.php'); ?>

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Episode 24: Switch to Namespaces

  • Namespacing is a technique used to prevent identifiers (e.g., objects/variables) from colliding with other identifiers in the global namespace. Common practice is to have a namespace mimic your folder structure. Thus, if you have a directory called /controllers that contains a controller labeled UsersController.php, you would insert the following namespace at the top of the file:

    namespace App\Controllers;
    class UsersController
  • Note the following circumstances that should be taken into consideration when namespacing:

    // core/bootstrap.php
    // Basically acts like an import; indicates that any usage of "App" within
    // the file should be treated as "App\Core\App":
    use App\Core\App;
    App::bind('config', require 'config.php');
    App::bind('database', new QueryBuilder(
    function view($name, $data = [])
        return require "app/views/{$name}.view.php";
    function redirect($path)
        header("Location: /{$path}");
    // index.php
    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    require 'core/bootstrap.php';
    // PHP 7 allows you to consolidate namespacing where files share the same path:
    use App\Core\{Router, Request};
        ->direct(Request::uri(), Request::method());
    // core/Router.php
    namespace App\Core;
    class Router
        public $routes = [
            'GET' => [],
            'POST' => [],
        public static function load($file)
            $router = new static;
            require $file;
            return $router;
        public function get($uri, $controller)
            $this->routes['GET'][$uri] = $controller;
        public function post($uri, $controller)
            $this->routes['POST'][$uri] = $controller;
        public function direct($uri, $requestType)
            if (!array_key_exists($uri, $this->routes[$requestType])) {
                throw new Exception('No route defined for this URI.');
            $arguments = explode('@', $this->routes[$requestType][$uri]);
            return $this->callAction(...$arguments);
        protected function callAction($controller, $action)
            // Add namespacing to the controller, and use double backslashes to
            // prevent the usage of a single backslash as an escape character:
            $namespacedController = "App\\Controllers\\{$controller}";
            $controller = new $namespacedController;
            if (!method_exists($controller, $action)) {
                throw new Exception(
                    "{$controller} does not respond to the {$action} action."
            return $controller->$action();
    // app/controllers/UsersController.php
    namespace App\Controllers;
    // Prevents "App" below from defaulting to "App\Controllers\App",
    // which does not exist:
    use App\Core\App;
    class UsersController
        public function index()
            $users = App::get('database')->selectAll('users');
            return view('users', compact('users'));
        public function store()
            App::get('database')->insert('users', [
                'name' => $_POST['name'],
            return redirect('users');

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