Mono repo for:
- spring-boot REST micro-services contained in a maven multi-module project (see
below) - Angular front-end containing libraries and a Ionic application (see
The aim here is to go further than most "getting-started" guides with following stuff ready:
- mono-repo but hight modularity from start
- all traffic over https, even on dev machine or inside Docker (and K8s)
- security with OpenID on both resource-server (REST APIs) and client (Angular app). Default authorisation server is Auth0, but it's just a matter of configuration to switch to Keycloak, MS Identity Server or whatever
- spring-security annotations
- no session (use OAuth2 token instead)
- API documented with OpenAPI (Swagger)
- client-side lib generated from OpenAPI spec => UI code consumes strongly typed payloads
- persitent data access with spring-data
- REST API services packaging as runnable jars, but also "java" Docker container and GraalVM "native" Docker container
- UI packaging as web app as well as Android and iOS apps
- three different app options:
- households-api is servlet / JPA / HATOEAS
- orders-API is servlet / JPA / hibernate-envers
- faults-api is fully reactive (webflux with R2DBC)
- bash prompt with git on the classpath (on Windows, Git bash is perfect)
- JDK 16 or above
- Node LTS. You might use nvm to manage node version if you need other versions vor other projects
- Docker and Kubernetes (Docker Desktop is just fine)
- SSL certificate for your dev machine (see below to generate a self-signed one)
- access to a relational DB
- a local Postgresql instance with a
db andstarter
user is fine. Do not forget to check inpg_hba.conf
that it's be possible to connect to DB from docker containers / k8s nodes. - a free instance from works too. Just activate
profile (after
files with the username you got from - any other relational DB ... given you edit configuration
- a local Postgresql instance with a
- Following environment variables:
# ~/.bashrc
export SPRING_R2DBC_PASSWORD=change-me
export SERVER_SSL_KEY_PASSWORD=change-me
# replace wlp4s0 with your network adapter ID or hardcode IP or wahtever
export HOST_IP=`ip -f inet -o addr show wlp4s0 | cut -d\ -f 7 | cut -d/ -f 1`
- openssl if you need to generate self-signed SSL certificate (Git bash includes it)
I defaulted OpenID authorisation server to an Auth0 free plan.
I also provide with a keycloak
profile to switch from Auth0 in the cloud to a local Keycloak instance. This requires quite some configuration both on Keycloak instance (to add roles to tokens) and
Two sub-modules: first for servlet (webmvc + JPA) and second for reactive (weflux + R2DBC) apps, each with:
with default exception handlercommon-security
with WebSecurityConfig for OpenID (and CORS)starter-domain
with a few JPA entities and repositoriesstarter-api
with a @Controller, DTOs and OpenAPI spec generation. Also demos unit-tests covering security rules
lib generated from OpenAPI spec@c4-soft/starter-api-webflux
lib generated from OpenAPI specstarter-ui
Ionic app with OpenID login (using Keycloak)
- copy both
cd ~/.ssh
- edit
to set your IP address, e-mail, company etc.. Do not touch[hostname]
wich is a placeholder updated
. - check
environnement variables are set (
need it). - run
. ~/.ssh/
. - review the printed commands, copy and execute it. At first run you should need all of it.
If you have several JDKs installed, you should run
for each and execute last command only to keep the same certificate files. - install certificate file as "trusted root authority" on your system
- on Windows: run
as admin and import .crt file as root authority certificate - on Fedora 34
sudo cp ~/.ssh/${HOSTNAME}_self_signed.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ && sudo update-ca-trust && certutil -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -n ${HOSTNAME} -A -t "TCu,TCu,TCu" -i ~/.ssh/${HOSTNAME}_self_signed.pem
- on Windows: run
- define
environement variable to something likefile:///C:/Users/ch4mp/.ssh/bravo-ch4mp_self_signed.jks
You might refer to this answer I posted on stackoverflow for details about configuring Angular / Ionic app with SSL certificates.
APIs are served at https://localhost:4201/households (servlet), https://localhost:4202/orders (servlet) and https://localhost:4203/faults (reactive) All requests must be issued with authentication. Use Postman or another REST client to get OAuth2 access-token from your OpenID authorisation-server and issue test requests. You might get OAuth2 token endpoints from Keycloak from an URI like https://${HOSTNAME}:9443/auth/realms/master/.well-known/openid-configuration
git clone
cd starter/api
cp ~/.ssh/${HOSTNAME}_self_signed.jks ./webmvc/households-api/src/main/resources/self_signed.jks
cp ~/.ssh/${HOSTNAME}_self_signed.jks ./webmvc/orders-api/src/main/resources/self_signed.jks
cp ~/.ssh/${HOSTNAME}_self_signed.jks ./webflux/faults-api/src/main/resources/self_signed.jks
cp ~/.ssh/${HOSTNAME}_self_signed.pem ./bindings/ca-certificates/
Edit webmvc/households-api/src/main/resources/
, webmvc/orders-api/src/main/resources/
and webflux/faults-api/src/main/resources/
to match your environment (copy bravo-ch4mp
profile section and create one matching your $HOSTNAME
Edit webmvc/households-api/src/k8s/deployment.yaml
, webmvc/orders-api/src/k8s/deployment.yaml
and webflux/faults-api/src/k8s/deployment.yaml
with your IP.
./mvnw clean verify -Popenapi
./mvnw clean package
mvn clean package -Pbuild-image
Native image is build inside docker containers. Network eavy as GraalVM is downloaded at each build. Generate
mvn clean package -Pbuild-native-image -DskipTests
APIs are served at:
- https://bravo-ch4mp:4201/households
- https://bravo-ch4mp:4202/orders
- https://bravo-ch4mp:4203/faults
- https://bravo-ch4mp:4204/grants & https://bravo-ch4mp:4204/users
java -jar webmvc/households-api/target/households-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar &
java -jar webmvc/orders-api/target/orders-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar &
java -jar webmvc/proxies-api/target/proxies-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar &
java -jar webflux/faults-api/target/faults-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar &
Depending which DB setup you chose, you might use elephant
instead of $HOSTNAME-db
# stop and remove potentially already running containers
docker stop households-api
docker stop orders-api
docker stop faults-api
docker stop proxies-api
docker rm households-api
docker rm orders-api
docker rm faults-api
docker rm proxies-api
# start
docker run --rm \
--add-host $HOSTNAME:$HOST_IP \
-e SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://$HOST_IP/starter \
-p 4201:4201 \
--name households-api \
-t households-api:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT &
docker run --rm \
--add-host $HOSTNAME:$HOST_IP \
-e SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://$HOST_IP/starter \
-p 4202:4202 \
--name orders-api \
-t orders-api:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT &
docker run --rm\
--add-host $HOSTNAME:$HOST_IP \
-e SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://$HOST_IP/starter \
-p 4203:4203 \
--name faults-api \
-t faults-api:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT &
docker run --rm\
--add-host $HOSTNAME:$HOST_IP \
-e SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://$HOST_IP/starter \
-p 4204:4204 \
--name proxies-api \
-t proxies-api:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT &
Depending which DB setup you chose, you might use elephant
instead of ${HOSTNAME}-db
kubectl create configmap starter-api \
kubectl create secret generic starter-api \
--from-literal server.ssl.key.password=${SERVER_SSL_KEY_PASSWORD} \
--from-literal server.ssl.key-store.password=${SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD} \
--from-literal spring.datasource.password=${SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD} \
--from-literal spring.r2dbc.password=${SPRING_R2DBC_PASSWORD}
docker tag faults-api:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT faults-api:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
docker tag households-api:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT households-api:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
docker tag orders-api:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT orders-api:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
docker tag proxies-api:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT proxies-api:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
# current dir should be starter/api
kubectl proxy &
kubectl apply -f webflux/faults-api/src/k8s/service.yaml
kubectl apply -f webflux/faults-api/src/k8s/deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f webmvc/households-api/src/k8s/service.yaml
kubectl apply -f webmvc/households-api/src/k8s/deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f webmvc/orders-api/src/k8s/service.yaml
kubectl apply -f webmvc/orders-api/src/k8s/deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f webmvc/proxies-api/src/k8s/service.yaml
kubectl apply -f webmvc/proxies-api/src/k8s/deployment.yaml
Edit angular-ui/starter-ui/package.json
to set your $HOSTNAME instead of "bravo-ch4mp"
# initial dir should be starter/api
cd ../angular-ui
npm i
npm run starter-ui:serve
This commands should be run from angular-workspace-templates
parent directory. It will:
- create an Angular workspace
- add an Angular application to this workspace
- turn this regular Angular app into an Ionic one (install dependencies, replace or edit angular config files)
- replace Angular minimal app with an Ionic app composed of a menu in a split-pane and two pages
- add an Angular lib to Angular workspace. This lib is generated by
from the OpenAPI spec file produced by Spring REST API (withmvn clean verify -Popenapi
# Edit this exports according to your needs
export WORKSPACE_NAME=angular-workspace
export APP_NAME=bao-loc
export API_LIB_NAME=bao-loc-api
export API_SPEC_FILE=bao-loc.openapi.json
export CAPACITOR_ID=com.c4_soft.bao_loc
# Prepare a script copy
cp angular-workspace-templates/ $
sed -i 's/APP_NAME/'$APP_NAME'/g' $
sed -i 's/API_LIB_NAME/'$API_LIB_NAME'/g' $
sed -i 's/API_SPEC_FILE/'$API_SPEC_FILE'/g' $
sed -i 's/HOSTNAME/'$HOSTNAME'/g' $
sed -i 's/USERNAME/'$USERNAME'/g' $
# Install required tools
npm i -g @angular/cli
npm i -g @ionic/cli
# Go!
bash $
# cleanup
rm $