It's an introduction chapter, and I think that person interested in OSes internals knows all that already. The same applies to the second subchapter. In general - there are parts of this chapter that I did not write notes for, or just write them but with a feeling, that I'm making notes of 2+2=4 trivia.
There is a couple of approaches how to limit access to the resources in order to keep it safe. First one described are protection domains, which are pairs of mappings between objects and rights. Let's take a printer for example - it is an object, and the rights related to it could be print, eject page, cancel task, etc. Rights are in fact operations that can be performed on the object. Every process in the system is running within the scope of some domain, in UNIX-like systems they're being defined by GID and UID. Of course when a process makes system call then the domain changes, as right now some operations are done in kernel mode. That also applies when the process runs SETGID or SETUID. The usual solution for keeping the information about all the domains will be a large matrix of rights and objects. Unfortunately, that can be quite large in size, especially that a lot of space is wasted, as usually the domains are fine-grained, and for a lot of objects they don't have any access. Therefore, there's a lot of empty entries in such matrix.
Other approach for access rights are ACL (Access Control Lists) - instead of storing all the object&rights, we store only the actual rights for the specific domain. We can keep them in two ways, first is the one that groups ACLs by objects. Below is an example:
Of course, it is simplified view, usually rights are common for all the objects, but there's often also specific ones for given type of object. Also, creating ACLs directly per user can again result in a lot of repetitions. Therefore, user group ACLs are used. Depending on which group a user is 'using' at the moment - the system will grant access or not. Also, other possibilities are there - we can use wildcards for groups or users, or effectively give a specific user all the rights, taking all the groups she belongs to (no matter the one set at the exact moment).
Second type of ACLs are capability lists. We've grouped rights by object in the above approach, right now we're making the grouping by process. This is presented below.
Of course, we have to make sure that the ACLs are not tampered with. A couple of solutions can be used, like tagged architecture (special bit on the word modified only in kernel mode) or keeping the list in the OS layer, and refer to the objects only though the capability. However, they are mentioned only in terms of old systems. The solution used mosty in distributed systems is to keep capabilities in the user space, but use cryptography to secure them. For every call that is made to the system, in a response some encoded/encrypted function result is returned to the client. With every next call from the client, it must provide the same credentials/ids that were send the first time, and the target system checks if freshly computed value of incoming credentials matches the function value that came along them. If yes - we can grant access, if not, sorry, no go.
So far we've described domains in the rather static context. However, in reality rights are always changing, users get more of them (or less), new objects are created and so on. In this subchapter we'll study this ever-changing scene. Back in a day a guy named Harrison listed six basic primitives, that are applicable to all the matrixes.
- create object
- delete object
- create domain
- delete domain
- insert right
- remove right
In order to detach primitives from the userland, they're wrapped in protection commands, which are the functions processes can call to change the matrix. A lot of research was done to test if it's possible for the system to go from authorized state with the existing commands set. Quote.
A question around which much theoretical research has revolved is this: "Given an initial authorized state and a set of commands, can it be proven that the system can never reach an unauthorized state?" In effect, we are asking if the available mechanism (the protection commands) is adequate to enforce some protection policy. Giv en this policy, some initial state of the matrix, and the set of commands for modifying the matrix, what we would like is a way to prove that the system is secure. Such a proof turns out quite difficult to acquire; many general-purpose systems are not theoretically secure. Harrison et al. (1976) proved that in the case of an arbitrary configuration for an arbitrary protection system, security is theoretically undecidable. However, for a specific system, it may be possible to prove whether the system can ever move from an authorized state to an unauthorized state.
Here we reach the concept of multilevel security - in general it was designed for more secure-aware usages (military/hospitals), where more fine-grained to the security is needed, than just plain can/can't use on the resource. The most widely used one is Bell-La Padula model - here's a quote and a picture.
The Bell-LaPadula model has rules about how information can flow:
- The simple security property: A process running at security level k can read only objects at its level or lower. For example, a general can read a lieutenant’s documents but a lieutenant cannot read a general’s documents.
- The * property: A process running at security level k can write only objects at its level or higher. For example, a lieutenant can append a message to a general’s mailbox telling everything he knows, but a general cannot append a message to a lieutenant’s mailbox telling ev erything he knows because the general may have seen top-secret documents that may not be disclosed to a lieutenant.
Roughly summarized, processes can read down and write up, but not the reverse.
Above model is great, when it comes to keeping secrets in the organisation - it works great in the military. Unfortunately, when it comes to data consistency and knowledge-level, we need something completely different. Here's a Biba model, which has following properties:
- The simple integrity property: A process running at security level k can write only objects at its level or lower (no write up).
- The integrity * property: A process running at security level k can read only objects at its level or higher (no read down).
Unfortunately, above systems still suffer from the possibility of a security breach. Lampson was an author of the following model. We start with three processes, the client, the server and third collaborator. In the example provided, the server counts tax and collaborator wants to actually steal client's financial data. Collaborator and the server in this example are usually working together and are owned by the same person. How to design the system where the server actually cannot leak the data given by the client? This problem is called confinement problem.
Of course, we can try to limit server's rights to the bare minimum, although there's always a possibility to create a covert channel of communication - authors provide example of the server's process going to sleep for a specific amount of time to indicate 0 value, or compute some math to increase CPU usage and indicate value 1. Both of the activities must be done in some predefined amount of time. The collaborator therefore can just observe the server, and as slow as it is, it can get some valuable data this way.
Actually, any system mechanism that results in some predefined output can be used for this. Locking files, page faults, acquiring resources - everything can be used. Taking that under consideration it is obvious, that from this point of view making OS completely secure is just impossible.
At the end of the subchapter steganography is described, although it's rather widely known concept, so I won't be making notes here.
The topic of cryptography is wide, and here there's just a short introduction to the concept. The following quote will serve best as an opener:
The purpose of cryptography is to take a message or file, called the plaintext, and encrypt it into ciphertext in such a way that only authorized people know how to convert it back to plaintext. For all others, the ciphertext is just an incomprehensible pile of bits. Strange as it may sound to beginners in the area, the encryption and decryption algorithms (functions) should always be public. Trying to keep them secret almost never works and gives the people trying to keep the secrets a false sense of security. In the trade, this tactic is called security by obscurity and is employed only by security amateurs. Oddly enough, the category of amateurs also includes many huge multinational corporations that really should know better. Instead, the secrecy depends on parameters to the algorithms called keys. If P is the plaintext file, KE is the encryption key, C is the ciphertext, and E is the encryption algorithm (i.e., function), then C = E(P, KE). This is the definition of encryption. It says that the ciphertext is obtained by using the (known) encryption algorithm, E, with the plaintext, P, and the (secret) encryption key, KE, as parameters. The idea that the algorithms should all be public and the secrecy should reside exclusively in the keys is called Kerckhoffs’ principle, formulated by the 19th century Dutch cryptographer Auguste Kerckoffs. All serious cryptographers subscribe to this idea.
Using keys to make plaintext unreadable has a long tradition. The simplest one is just substitution of one letter with the other. Below is an example.
plaintext: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z cybertext: Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M
Knowing the key is most crucial thing in cryptography, and here, when we use the same *key to encrypt and decrypt the message, it is called symmetrical key. In order to make them secure (with the nowadays computing power and knowledge about algorithms), long keys must be used *at least starting with 256 bits).
Public key concept is for sure known to the reader. Instead of using the same key for input and output, we use two separate keys, one for encryption and one for decryption. The first one is called public key (RSA), and can be widely distributed without any worry. Whoever uses it to encrypt the message, can be sure that it can be read only after decrypting using private key (which should be kept hidden).
There's a small subchapter about one-way function, but I assume it is clear how it works and what it does.
Signing the documents became something of everyday's reality (especially during COVID). So to sum it up quickly - we take the document, we generate some hash value, using private key (SHA-1 or its children being hashing algorithms) and then we send the document with the hash to the receiver. The receiver knows what algorithm was used to compute the hash. Doing that it can compute the hash on its own. Then uses public key to decrypt the hash value that came with the document (the one computed by the sender). If both values match - the document was not tampered with. If they differ - there's a problem. Whole process is presented below.
There's also Public Key Infrastructure mentioned, but just mentioned. As this topic is (in general) a little more complicated, I suggest reading more about it online.
Again - TPM is a little more complex to sum everything up in one page of the book. I recommend the same starting place as the authors - TPM Wiki page.
Early computers usually did not bother with authentication, however nowadays it's hard to find an OS which does not support this concept (ok, embedded ones are a different topic). The usual way of authenticating is by providing username and a password. Of course, tons of materials were written about strong and weak password, and how You shouldn't write them on a post-it on Your monitor. Of course password strength and storing policy applies not only to the users - OS or application that user is login into must store the password as well, in order to match it against provided by the user.
In the history passwords used to be stored on the disk unencrypted, guarded only by the file-access rules. That was not the best approach to the security, therefore a better concept was introduced. The passwords are not stored in plain text, but are encrypted using one-way function. In such case even if attacker has the encrypted password file, it's almost impossible to crack. Additional security step can be added, by using user-specific salt, which is used as an additional parameter to the encrypting function.
There're also one-time passwords, which are usually pre-generated and send to the user by a secure channel. For every login a new password must be used. The other way (not involving pre-generated list) is to use one-way hash chain, that is the method of providing security even in untrusted networks. I would need to copy the whole page to specify how it works, so it's better to use Wikipedia for it.
Other method that is similar to passwords is challenge-response authentication, which is a set of questions user usually answers when being created an account, and the answers are encrypted and stored in the system. Then for every login attempt a different question is being asked. A variation of this algorithm is choosing an algorithm when the account is setup, and then with every login attempt user must provide the computation result (eg. if algorithm is x2 then for 7 send by the OS, an answer of 49 must be provided).
The problem with passwords is their users (and at the same time, usually creators). People tend to reuse passwords, make them simple and easy to remember. Therefore, many companies that require more secure solutions started to add additional layer of security. They distribute physical hardware, that is used along every login (or even action). Banking, corporate VPNs logins, all that stuff can be done using hardware tokens. Other variation of such is biometrics, where iris-scanning or fingerprint check are used.
Over the years security in the OS became more and more robust and sophisticated, although the attacks also improved to adapt to increased security. However, no matter the specific attack, they can be assigned to one of the types. This chapter describes all of them. As OSes are usually writenn in C or C++ they suffer the same possibilities of attack, which is due to their objective low-level usage.
Below code presents the concept - we know that C does not check for the array size when assigning data to it. If the programmer skips the validation, there's a possibility to overwrite other data in the stack, if provided input is bigger than the B array of size 128.
void A( ) {
char B[128]; /* reserve a buffer with space for 128 bytes on the stack */
printf("Type log message:");
gets (B); /* read log message from standard input into buffer */
writeLog (B); /* output the string in a pretty format to the log file */
How the stack looks like is presented below - with overflowing the buffer the attacker, can try to introduce malicious code to be executed, or just change the stack pointer, so that the control flow from the function will return not to the original caller, but will execute code that attacker wants.
For the languages that have checks for buffer sizes, a different techniques can be used - authors mention NOP sleds, which are part of heap spraying. If You're interested in them, I recommend wiki article about them. It's possible to make a check of variable's value that was put on the stack just for this - security. The technique is called stack canary, and is a value that differs every time the program is run.
The idea is very simple. At places where the program makes a function call, the compiler inserts code to save a random canary value on the stack, just below the return address. Upon a return from the function, the compiler inserts code to check the value of the canary. If the value changed, something is wrong. In that case, it is better to hit the panic button and crash rather than continuing.
After that an example program is given, showing how this technique can be defeated, however to be completely honest I do not understand how author's description actually invalidates the canary check. As I don't want to cause confusion, I recommend a link about stack canaries and methods of exploitation. In general - nowadays You have to really try very hard to make Yourself vulnerable to it. This notion is carried further with an example of data execution prevention, which makes by default stack data not feasible for execution. Unfortunately (as I've read online), some programs by default were using stack data execution, so introduction of DEP broke them. Therefore, for some apps this prevention had to be turned off.
Another type of attacks are code reuse attacks - let's assume the return address on the stack was overwritten. Unfortunately, there's no way to execute the stack code. There are two approaches to using that - return to libc and return-oriented programming. The first one is based on the fact that almost all C programs are compiled and run with libc library. In this library, there is a lot of code, some of it being very useful to the attacker. What prevents the attacker to returning to eg. system method, that can execute command passed to it in the shell? Hacker can prepare malicious code to be run, override return address and viola!
Return-oriented programming is even more robust and extreme. Instead of using one function, the attacker creates a whole program flow from the existing parts of the binary. These parts are usually small in functionality, and end with return statement, that attacker can tamper with and direct the flow to the other useful part of the binary. These small parts are called gadgets. Below picture presents the concept.
An idea to stop these attacks is Address Space Layout Randomization - ASLR. It is obfuscating mechanism, that randomly puts parts of the program text in the memory. Therefore, it's impossible for the attacker to guess an exact adressess where parts of the program/stack/heap lie. ASLR can be bypassed, as usually the offset between functions is constant. More to read as usual on the proper Wiki page.
The last example of an attack is related not to the execution flow, but to the data. Consider an example:
void A( ) {
int authorized;
char name [128];
authorized = check credentials (...); /* the attacker is not authorized, so returns 0 */
printf ("What is your name?\n");
gets (name);
if (authorized != 0) {
printf ("Welcome %s, here is all our secret data\n", name)
/* ... show secret data ... */
} else {
printf ("Sorry %s, but you are not authorized.\n");
When performing buffer overflow here, an attacker is able to overwrite the value of variable authorized, resulting in secret data being shown, although he is not allowed to.
These kinds of attack are coming from the laziness of the programmers, and can be done only, when string formatting functions are not properly used. Let's take that simple example:
char s[100], g[100] = "Hello "; /* declare s and g; initialize g */
gets(s); /* read a string from the keyboard into s */
strcat(g, s); /* concatenate s onto the end of g */
printf(g); /* print g */
Have You noticed unspecified formatting string in the printf? In this code, value of g is an actual formatting string, not just the string to be outputted. Therefore, when providing a proper format string, it's possible to actually take a peek inside the stack of the program. What is more, it's possible to write to the memory, using %n format specifier, that actually stores information in the provided address. Authors claim that the specifics of the attack are complicated and beyond the scope od the book and suggest reading more online.
It's a kind of errors that are related to the repeated use of freed pointer. Below code is provided as an example.
01. int *A = (int *) malloc (128); /* allocate space for 128 integers */
02. int year_of_birth = read_user_input(); /* read an integer from standard input */
03. if (input < 1900) {
04. printf ("Error, year of birth should be greater than 1900 \n");
05. free (A);
06. } else {
07. ...
08. /* do something interesting with array A */
09. ...
10. }
11. ... /* many more statements, containing malloc and free */
12. A[0] = year_of_birth;
Here, when provided value is used, for every value smaller than 1900, we free the memory in A pointer. However, what will happen, if we want to reuse this pointer (line 12)? Well, nothing good. It's possible that the pointer already contains new data, and trying to write there will damage it. That is just smaller problem here, the bigger one is when an attacker is able to put there some data, that should not be there (eg. elevating access rights). Authors say that it's not trivial, but mention the technique called heap feng shui, that can be useful here.
In general the authors describe the attack, and then conclude that it's impossible on the modern machines (Linux kernel being used as an example).
It's a kind of more targeted buffer overflow attack, here the result of mathematical operation being too big to be stored in the target variable.
Idea is simple - lack of validation and direct usage of the system calls with the input from the user.
This class of attacks is different than the previous ones. Let's take below code for example (we assume that the process is working with SETGUID):
int fd;
if (access ("./my_document", W_OK) != 0) {
exit (1);
fd = open ("./my_document", O_WRONLY)
write (fd, user_input, sizeof (user_input));
First, we check if the user has access rights to the document located in the current directory. When it does, the idea here is for the attacker to eg. create a symbolic link called my_document, and link it to the eg. password file. Timing here is crucial, although the authors say that's it not that hard to achieve.
These attacks are done by the programmers themselves, usually as a revenge. The first one mentioned is logic bomb, that is part of the code that needs some kind of input to be skipped. However, when eg. programmer is fired, without supplying proper data, the code can make disastrous things. A variant of such attack is backdoor, which is a deliberate flaw in the control of the program. An example would be giving administrator access to the person logging in as 'UncleWaltDisney'. The last type mentioned is login spoofing, where attacker creates screen/program, that stubs the normal login screen (for shell or application), and unaware user trying to use the computer, provides his credentials. They're stored somewhere where attacker has access to - effectively stealing the identity of the victim.
This subchapter describes popular malware examples - trojans, viruses, worms, etc. To be honest - there's no information here, that an average IT-person wouldn't know (ok, maybe typology of viruses, but that's not we can't live without), so I've decided to skip it.
In the last subchapter a defense measures are discussed. As this subchapter seems to contain more technical oriented knowledge, here comes the notes.
Firewalls are a known concept to programmers or sysadmins. There are two types of them - hardware and software. The first ones are usually installed in the routers or modems, making it all-in-one-box. Every incoming packet is being scanned and compared against set of firewall rules. If packet is allowed, then there's no problem. In the opposite case, it is being discarded. Unfortunately that kind of hardware increases the total cost of it. Therefore, way more popular solution for the desktop users are software firewalls, that are usually built-into the OS or are distributed as a separate application.
As firewalls does not enable traffic to come into the machine, antivirus software job is to seek the one that somehow slipped through defenses. Manufacturers of such software are running labs, where programmers are trying to get as many of new viruses as possible. In order to make sure, that the virus code (spyware, worms, trojans also fall into this category) was properly identified, usually a goat file is used. This term describes the program that does actually nothing, however is able to be infected.
The process of finding new viruses and identifying them is a constant race between crackers and security experts. Below we see different ways for a virus to hide itself in the code.
Searching for the viruses can be also done in a different way, using integrity checking. After the scan, an antivirus stores checksums of the files in a directory (or some hiding place). Every time the next scan is performed, the checksums are compared (current one, and a file value). Unfortunately, crackers knows that technique, and can make viruses to tamper with the existing checksums data.
The latest way for antivirus to operate is behavioral checking. In such case the antivirus resides in memory and observes what is happenning in the system. Every suspicious activity can trigger an alarm. Of course, there's always a possibility for false positives, however usually the user is aware whether she just compiled something or tampers with the system, and can recognize if the antivirus is right or wrong.
The idea here is similar to the concept we've described in the section about public key architecture. The same idea can be applied to the software, where hash of the application is computed, and then the same process can be repeated by the user who downloaded the software. Below picture shows this.
It's a simple concept, where untrusted software is run inside jailer, that controls the behaviour of the suspected software. For any suspicious and unauthorized behaviour kernel is notifed.
This is a subtype of jailing - the type of this defence is presented using static model-based intrusion detection. The idea is simple - for every application we can generate a graph, showing the program's flow. Usually it should be the author's job to generate it (using compiler of course), but then also sign it and distribute. With this knowledge IDS can catch right away any off-the-record behaviour of a program (eg. when using buffer overflow).
The mobile code that is being described here were applets and such other ancient technologies. In today's world they're not used anymore and also, the browsers usually do not allow, to execute external code. Last chapter is about Java security, however, authors mentions JDK 1.2 - which is even more ancient history, so I'm skipping it.