- Add "Manage participants" view under topic edit view
- Alter "My topics" users and groups to support ordering in querys
- Dashboard - show extra User contact info in the Topic/Group members list for Topic/Group admins and moderators - citizenos/citizenos-fe#670
- Group share / join - citizenos/citizenos-fe#325
- Update argument section. All actions are in dropdown, added copy direct link functionality to "direct link" - citizenos/citizenos-fe#361
- In topic view changed "Settings" to "Actions". Altered "Leave topic" confirmation modal to be more descriptive of what that action does
- FIX - Overview menu item overlaps other menu items in mobile view - /my/topics/:topicId - citizenos/citizenos-fe#779
- Add duplicate topic flow - citizenos/citizenos-fe#416
- App logout to call
GET /ep_auth_citizenos/logout
to destroy EP session - citizenos/citizenos-fe#676 - Added support for
env variable to configure Etherpad base URL - citizenos/citizenos-fe#676
- FE now requires CitizenOS API >= 2.2.0.
- Localization: GroupMember model renamed to GroupMemberUser - citizenos/citizenos-api#198
- Report a Topic - hide/show moderated topics - citizenos/citizenos-fe#464
- Make entering topic view mode from my topics easier - citizenos/citizenos-fe#237
- 'See who liked your argument' feature not working citizenos/citizenos-fe#572
- No information about voting deadline passed - citizenos/citizenos-fe#502
- Update dependencies and related deprecated code
- Add missing translation keys - citizenos/citizenos-fe#551
- Activity feed shows incorrect numbers in grouped activities - citizenos/citizenos-fe#496
- Opinion festival box for front page- citizenos/citizenos-fe#556
- Etherpad language not always in sync with app UI language - citizenos/citizenos-fe#504
- Sharing private topics displays translations keys as title and description - citizenos/citizenos-fe#543
- Enable account termination by user - citizenos/citizenos-fe#318
- When voting is active, open "Vote" tab by default - citizenos/citizenos-fe#513
- Drop DigiDocService and Proxy using for ID-Card signing - citizenos/citizenos-api#157
- Make search more visible and only when it is relevant - citizenos/citizenos-fe#236
- Search bar should provide feedback if user's input isn't suitable for search - citizenos/citizenos-fe#324
- Hide disabled features (links, buttons) - citizenos/citizenos-fe#240
- Update argument reply votes
- FIX Google scipt outdating for picker - citizenos/citizenos-fe#459
- Change tab name from "View" to "Edit" and back, based on what action user is performing - citizenos/citizenos-fe#302
- Display list of users reactions on arguments - citizenos/citizenos-fe#470
- Enable multiple choice voting - citizenos/citizenos-fe#413
- Update etherpad styles
- Add multiple emails to group
- Topic title and description to meta tags so that social media previews would be generated properly
- Fix missing comment icon in Etherpad inline comments - citizenos/citizenos-fe#467
- Fix toggling tabs
- Home - hover effect for tiles - slight animation - citizenos/citizenos-fe#305
- Dashboard tabs behaviour fix - citizenos/citizenos-fe#100
- Enable vertical scroll of navigation so that logout would not become inaccessible on small screens - citizenos/citizenos-fe#299
- Delegation - error message when User tries to delegate to a non-topic member - citizenos/citizenos-fe#359
- Fix dashboard topic member list showing inaccessible groups incorrectly - citizenos/citizenos-fe#260
- Fix topic and widget activity feed
- Activity feed direct link to comments - citizenos/citizenos-fe#468
- Activity Feed doesn't show new activities' badge upon login - citizenos/citizenos-fe#472
- Activity Feed stays visible after log-out - citizenos/citizenos-fe#473
- Update activity feed grouping
- Load more activities if list is too short after grouping
- Fix topic invite mobile view
- Topic inivite to separate modal, add pagination, can copy-paste multiple e-mails - citizenos/citizenos-fe#235
- Add pagination funcitonality for topic members
- Group similar Activity Feed items together - citizenos/citizenos-fe#256
- FIX delete topic alignment in Safari - citizenos/citizenos-fe#257
- In public topics view title is cut off at the line and the category has no bottom padding - citizenos/citizenos-fe#304
- Update activities to be more informative
- Update acitivities mobile view
- Update activities strings with em
- Update google-api.js for picker
- Fix redirect and group expand for activities
- Activity feed redirect fix
- Add list functionality to topic user invite form
- Update cookie notification (Home.js - describe script usage. Enable GA IP anonymization) - citizenos/citizenos-fe#381
- Inlinecomment adding label hides selected text (Etherpad) - citizenos/citizenos-fe#241
- Update README.md
- Red internet connection alert is constantly active - citizenos/citizenos-fe#352
- Fix topic vote style issues
- Update grouping of activities
- Add testing environment notification - citizenos/citizenos-fe#442
- Enable filtering by voting status - citizenos/citizenos-fe#323
- Add Smart-ID icon to voting view
- Make topic view printable - citizenos/citizenos-fe#330
- Fix regression where after coming to page with commentId navigating tabs would always scroll to the comment - citizenos/citizenos-fe#361
- FIX: Public topics "boxes" categories do not work - citizenos/citizenos-fe#436
- Add styles for print view
- Direct linking of arguments - citizenos/citizenos-fe#361
- Fix issues:
- Change home page filtering behaviour - citizenos/citizenos-fe#427
- "Edit topic" button is not working properly in mobile view - citizenos/citizenos-fe#434
- User lastActivity field for public topics list citizenos/citizenos-fe#231
- Updated home page view - citizenos/citizenos-fe#383
- Add Travis CI configuration - citizenos/citizenos-fe#294
- Fix issues:
- Remove topic summary from follow-up - citizenos/citizenos-fe#334
- Activity feed translation key generation fixes - citizenos/citizenos-fe#344
- Vote count illogical in public topics - citizenos/citizenos-fe#319
- Topic invitations - User to accept invitation, no auto accept - citizenos/citizenos-fe#112
- NOTE! Requires Citizen OS API >= 2.1.0 (2019-11-19)
- citizenos/citizenos-fe#179 - Cookie policy notification
- citizenos/citizenos-fe#178 - User has to accept Terms of Use (TOU) & Privacy Policy (PP)
- citizenos/citizenos-fe#278 - BUG: Code of conduct link is broken
- Lodash update to version 4.17.15 in package.json
- moment update to version 2.24.0 in package.json
- remove raven-js from package.json
- Lodash security update to version 4.17.13
- citizenos/citizenos-fe#246 font future-proofing – Open Sans to Noto Sans
- citizenos/citizenos-fe#261 add updated info box
- Report a Topic - citizenos/citizenos-api#5
- Fix issues:
- citizenos/citizenos-fe#261
- citizenos/citizenos-fe#262
- Fixed cos-styles directive
- Removed raven.js
- Remove the bugged Topic settings invitation user experience for existing members. There is no quick fix, we need to rethink the implementation - citizenos/citizenos-fe#253
- Add CSP configuration to server side citizenos/citizenos-fe#101
- Fix issues:
- Add informative number to config to display attachments limit to users.
- optimized watchers in topic view
- Added pagination to topic arguments citizenos/citizenos-fe#188
- Removed attachments limit from FE side to display proper erros to users citizenos/citizenos-fe#181
- Place attachments more conveniently on mobile device https://github.com/citizenos/citizensos-fe/issues/103
- Add Empowered by CitizenOS logo to partnersites citizenos/citizenos-fe#104
- Disable replying, voting and reporting on deleted arguments citizenos/citizenos-api#27
- Update topic attachments modal view, also trigger uploaded attachments download with attachment name citizenos/citizenos-fe#117
- Mark topics as favourites, filter my topics by favourite citizenos/citizenos-fe#122
- Add options to filter my topics by status citizenos/citizenos-fe#122
- hwcrypto library update 0.0.10 -> 0.0.13
- Language selector layout, 4 -> to 3 columns
- My account modal update, new layout with fix to issue: citizenos/citizenos-fe#118