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238 lines (177 loc) · 9.46 KB

File metadata and controls

238 lines (177 loc) · 9.46 KB

mungePath - A clean interface for dealing with filesystem paths

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The mungePath() class adds value in these important ways:

  • Hides the distinction between pathlib's purePath and Path classes. mungePath provides interfaces to script code that just work.
  • Allows platform base paths and script-specific files and directories to be entered separately, and then appropriately merges them. The split-handling greatly cleans up script code.
  • Absolute and relative paths are supported, along with expansion of user (~user/) and environment vars ($HOME/).



#!/usr/bin/env python3
# ***** *****

from cjnfuncs.core      import set_toolname
from cjnfuncs.mungePath import mungePath
import cjnfuncs.core as core

tool = set_toolname("mungePath_ex1")
my_mP = mungePath ("mysubdir/file.txt", core.tool.data_dir)        # **** NOTE 1
print (my_mP)                                                      # **** NOTE 2

mungePath (my_mP.parent, mkdir=True)                               # **** NOTE 3

if not my_mP.exists:                                               # **** NOTE 4
    print (f"Making the file <{}>")
    with'w') as outfile:                     # **** NOTE 5
    my_mP.refresh_stats()                                          # **** NOTE 6
    print (my_mP)
    print ("File content: ", my_mP.full_path.read_text())          # **** NOTE 5
    print ("Removing the file")
    my_mP.full_path.unlink()                                       # **** NOTE 5
    print (my_mP.refresh_stats())                                  # **** NOTE 7

What gets printed:

$ ./ 
.full_path    :  /home/me/.local/share/mungePath_ex1/mysubdir/file.txt
.parent       :  /home/me/.local/share/mungePath_ex1/mysubdir
.name         :  file.txt
.is_absolute  :  True
.is_relative  :  False
.exists       :  False
.is_dir       :  False
.is_file      :  False

Making the file <file.txt>
.full_path    :  /home/me/.local/share/mungePath_ex1/mysubdir/file.txt
.parent       :  /home/me/.local/share/mungePath_ex1/mysubdir
.name         :  file.txt
.is_absolute  :  True
.is_relative  :  False
.exists       :  True
.is_dir       :  False
.is_file      :  True

$ ./ 
.full_path    :  /home/me/.local/share/mungePath_ex1/mysubdir/file.txt
.parent       :  /home/me/.local/share/mungePath_ex1/mysubdir
.name         :  file.txt
.is_absolute  :  True
.is_relative  :  False
.exists       :  True
.is_dir       :  False
.is_file      :  True

File content:  Hello
Removing the file
.full_path    :  /home/me/.local/share/mungePath_ex1/mysubdir/file.txt
.parent       :  /home/me/.local/share/mungePath_ex1/mysubdir
.name         :  file.txt
.is_absolute  :  True
.is_relative  :  False
.exists       :  False
.is_dir       :  False
.is_file      :  False


  1. The myfile mungePath instance gets created.
  2. Printing the instance shows all its stats. myfile.exists indicates whether the file exists at the time the instance was created.
  3. The myfile.parent directory is created, if it doesn't yet exist.
  4. A mungePath instance holds a set of status booleans (not methods) that are handy for coding.
  5. .full_path and .parent are pathlib.Path types, so all of the Path methods may be used.
  6. If the mungePath instance booleans may be stale, a call to .refresh_stats() is needed.
  7. .refresh_stats() returns the instance handle, so it may be called in-line with boolean checks, etc.

check_path_exists() eliminates hangs

Executing pathlib.Path(/network_path_not_currently_available/myfile).exists() may result in a many second hang. check_path_exists() is a simple function that wraps Path.exists() with timeout enforcement. This function is used within the mungePath class, and is exposed for use by script code.

Links to classes, methods, and functions

Class mungePath (in_path='', base_path='', mkdir=False) - A clean interface for dealing with filesystem paths

mungePath() is based on pathlib, producing Path type attributes and status booleans which may be used with all pathlib.Path methods, such as .open(). mungePath() accepts paths in two parts - the tool script specific portion in_path and a base_path (prepended if in_path is relative), and returns an instance that may be cleanly used in the tool script code. User (~user/) and environment vars ($HOME/) are supported and expanded.


in_path (Path or str, default '')

  • An absolute or relative path to a file or directory, such as mydir/myfile.txt
  • If in_path is an absolute path then the base_path is disregarded.
  • If in_path starts with ./ then the absolute path to the current working directory (cwd) is prepended to in_path, and the base_path is disregarded. See Special handling note, below.

base_path (Path or str, default '')

  • An absolute or relative path to a directory, such as ~/.config/mytool
  • base_path is prepended to in_path if in_path is a relative path
  • base_path = '' (the default) results in a relative path based on the shell current working directory (cwd)
  • base_path = '.' results in an absolute path based on the shell cwd
  • base_path = core.tool.main_dir results in an absolute path based on the tool script directory

mkdir (bool, default False)

  • Force-make a full directory path. base_path / in_path is understood to be to a directory.


  • Handle to mungePath() instance

Instance attributes

Attribute Type Description
.full_path Path The full expanduser/expandvars path to a file or directory (may not exist)
.parent Path The directory above the .full_path
.name str Just the name.suffix of the .full_path
.is_absolute Boolean True if the .full_path starts from the filesystem root (isn't a relative path)
.is_relative Boolean Not .is_absolute
.exists Boolean True if the .full_path item (file or dir) actually exists
.is_file Boolean True if the .full_path item exists and is a file
.is_dir Boolean True if the .full_path item exists and is a directory

Behaviors and rules

  • If in_path is a relative path (eg, mydir/myfile.txt) portion then the base_path is prepended.

  • If both in_path and base_path are relative then the combined path will also be relative, usually to the shell cwd.

  • If in_path is an absolute path (eg, /tmp/mydir/myfile.txt) then the base_path is disregarded.

  • Special handling for in_path starting with ./: Normally, paths starting with . are relative paths. mungePath interprets in_path starting with ./ as an absolute path reference to the shell current working directory (cwd). Often in a tool script a user path input is passed to the in_path parameter. Using the ./ prefix, a file in the shell cwd may be referenced, eg ./myfile. Covering the cases, assuming the shell cwd is /home/me:

    in_path base_path .full_path resolves to
    myfile /tmp /tmp/myfile
    ./myfile /tmp /home/me/myfile
    ../myfile /tmp /tmp/../myfile
    ./../myfile /tmp /home/me/../myfile
    xyz/myfile /tmp /tmp/xyz/myfile
    ./xyz/myfile /tmp /home/me/xyz/myfile
  • in_path and base_path may be type str(), Path(), or PurePath().

  • Symlinks are followed (not resolved).

  • User and environment vars are expanded, eg ~/.config >> /home/me/.config, as does $HOME/.config.

  • The .parent is the directory containing (above) the .full_path. If the object .is_file then .parent is the directory containing the file. If the object .is_dir then the .full_path includes the end-point directory, and .parent is the directory above the end-point directory.

  • When using mkdir=True the combined base_path / in_path is understood to be a directory path (not to a file), and will be created if it does not already exist. (Uses pathlib.Path.mkdir()). A FileExistsError is raised if you attempt to mkdir on top of an existing file.

  • See GitHub repo tests/ for numerous application examples.

refresh_stats () - Update the instance booleans

mungePath() class member function

The boolean status attributes (.is_absolute, .is_relative, .exists, .is_dir, and .is_file) are set at the time the mungePath is created. These attributes are not updated automatically as changes happen on the filesystem. Call refresh_stats() as needed.


  • The instance handle is returned so that refresh_stats() may be used in-line.

check_path_exists (path, timeout=1) - With enforced timeout (no hang)

pathlib.Path.exists() tends to hang for an extended period of time.
check_path_exists() wraps pathlib.Path.exists() with a timeout mechanism.

Implementation stolen from


path (Path or str)

  • Path to a file or directory

timeout (int or float, default 1 second)

  • resolution seconds


  • True if the path exists
  • False if the path does not exist or the timeout is reached