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Notes for running this as a workshop on ECS

Configure ecs-cli

ecs-cli configure profile --access-key xxx --secret-key yyy


Create keypair

Create the SSH private key, split the \n into actual line breaks:

# aws2 ec2 describe-key-pairs | jq '.KeyPairs[].KeyName'
# aws2 ec2 delete-key-pair --key-name qcon-ldn-workshop
aws2 ec2 create-key-pair --key-name qcon-ldn-workshop|jq '.KeyMaterial'|sed 's/\\n/\

Write the resulting private key to a file qcon-ldn-workshop.rsa, and then convert it to PuTTY’s private key format (brew install putty if necessary):

puttygen qcon-ldn-workshop.rsa -o qcon-ldn-workshop.ppk

Put both the rsa and ppk private files somewhere accessible by the workshop students (e.g. private gist) and share the URL (use a URL shortener if possible).

Provision clusters

  1. Spin up ECS cluster per student

    for i in {01..60}; do
    ecs-cli up --cluster qcon-ldn-workshop-$i --keypair qcon-ldn-workshop --capability-iam --instance-type m5.xlarge --port 22 --tags owner=rmoff,project=workshops,team=devx,workshop=qcon_london,deleteafter=20200305 --launch-type EC2 &
    sleep 2

    The sleep is necessary to avoid ThrottlingException: Rate exceeded.

  2. List CloudFormation stacks:

    aws2 cloudformation list-stacks |jq '.StackSummaries[]|select (.StackName | contains("amazon-ecs-cli-setup-qcon-ldn-workshop"))|[.CreationTime, .StackName, .StackStatus]|@csv'|column -t -s,| sed 's/\"//g'| sed 's/\\//g' | sort
    Wait here until all stacks are CREATE_COMPLETE
  3. Open port up for Kibana and Kafka Connect on each security group

    This produces no output
    aws2 ec2 describe-security-groups \
        --filters Name=tag:workshop,Values=qcon_london | jq '.SecurityGroups[].GroupId' | xargs -Isg \
        aws2 ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
            --group-id sg \
            --protocol tcp \
            --port 5601 \
            --cidr | jq '.'
    aws2 ec2 describe-security-groups \
        --filters Name=tag:workshop,Values=qcon_london | jq '.SecurityGroups[].GroupId' | xargs -Isg \
        aws2 ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
            --group-id sg \
            --protocol tcp \
            --port 8083 \
            --cidr | jq '.'

    Alternative to above (which will bomb out if single SG already has the rule, so the others won’t get it)

    for each i in $(aws2 ec2 describe-security-groups --filters Name=tag:workshop,Values=qcon_london | jq -r '.SecurityGroups[].GroupId'); do
        echo $i
        aws2 ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
            --group-id $i \
            --protocol tcp \
            --port 5601 \
            --cidr | jq '.'
  4. Deploy the workshop environment

    cd ~/git/demo-scene/build-a-streaming-pipeline
    for i in {01..60}; do
    ecs-cli compose up --cluster qcon-ldn-workshop-$i &
    sleep 2

Get a list of all EC2 IPs and healthcheck


(takes 5m39s for 60 machines)

Get IPs only:

for i in {01..60}; do
    ip=$(aws2 ecs list-container-instances --cluster qcon-ldn-workshop-$i|jq '.containerInstanceArns[]'|\
    xargs -IFOO aws2 ecs describe-container-instances --container-instances FOO --cluster qcon-ldn-workshop-$i|jq '.containerInstances[].ec2InstanceId'|\
    xargs -IFOO aws2 ec2 describe-instances --filter "Name=instance-id,Values=FOO" | jq -r '.Reservations[].Instances[].PublicIpAddress')

    echo -e "👾 IP: " $ip "\t\t(cluster "$i")"

List task status on a specific cluster

ecs-cli compose ps --cluster qcon-ldn-workshop-01
Name                                                   State    Ports                        TaskDefinition                 Health
c3783383-375c-4bf0-a4f4-dc59dbd6d2cf/schema-registry   RUNNING>8081/tcp  build-a-streaming-pipeline:62  UNKNOWN
c3783383-375c-4bf0-a4f4-dc59dbd6d2cf/mysql             RUNNING>3306/tcp  build-a-streaming-pipeline:62  UNKNOWN
c3783383-375c-4bf0-a4f4-dc59dbd6d2cf/kafka             RUNNING>9092/tcp  build-a-streaming-pipeline:62  UNKNOWN
c3783383-375c-4bf0-a4f4-dc59dbd6d2cf/ksqldb            RUNNING>8088/tcp  build-a-streaming-pipeline:62  UNKNOWN
c3783383-375c-4bf0-a4f4-dc59dbd6d2cf/kafka-connect-01  RUNNING>8083/tcp  build-a-streaming-pipeline:62  UNKNOWN
c3783383-375c-4bf0-a4f4-dc59dbd6d2cf/kibana            RUNNING>5601/tcp  build-a-streaming-pipeline:62  UNKNOWN
c3783383-375c-4bf0-a4f4-dc59dbd6d2cf/kafkacat          RUNNING                               build-a-streaming-pipeline:62  UNKNOWN
c3783383-375c-4bf0-a4f4-dc59dbd6d2cf/zookeeper         RUNNING                               build-a-streaming-pipeline:62  UNKNOWN
c3783383-375c-4bf0-a4f4-dc59dbd6d2cf/elasticsearch     RUNNING>9200/tcp  build-a-streaming-pipeline:62  UNKNOWN

Start up tasks on a specific cluster

ecs-cli compose up --cluster qcon-ldn-workshop-01


List clusters

aws2 ecs list-clusters|jq '.clusterArns[] | select(. | contains("qcon-ldn-workshop"))'

Remove all workshop clusters

Option 1 - iterate fixed list

for i in {01..60}; do
ecs-cli down --force --cluster qcon-ldn-workshop-$i &
sleep 2

Option 2 - pattern match

(this runs serially and takes a while; wonder if there’s a more efficient way with ecs vs ecs-cli? )

aws2 ecs list-clusters|jq '.clusterArns[] | select(. | contains("qcon-ldn-workshop"))' |\
    xargs -IFOO aws2 ecs describe-clusters --clusters FOO| \
    jq '.clusters[].clusterName' | \
    xargs -IFOO ecs-cli down --force --cluster FOO

Check all are gone

aws2 cloudformation list-stacks |jq '.StackSummaries[]|select (.StackName | contains("amazon-ecs-cli-setup-qcon-ldn-workshop"))|[.CreationTime, .StackName, .StackStatus]|@csv'|column -t -s,| sed 's/\"//g'| sed 's/\\//g' | sort

2020-02-10T18:36:53.954000+00:00  amazon-ecs-cli-setup-qcon-ldn-workshop     DELETE_COMPLETE
2020-02-11T16:00:08.760000+00:00  amazon-ecs-cli-setup-qcon-ldn-workshop     DELETE_COMPLETE
2020-02-11T16:59:37.206000+00:00  amazon-ecs-cli-setup-qcon-ldn-workshop-01  DELETE_COMPLETE