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142 lines (93 loc) · 6.83 KB

File metadata and controls

142 lines (93 loc) · 6.83 KB


Major changes

  • The deprecated setShortSessionCookie prop to CorbadoAuth has been removed (option to configure if the old short-term session value should be stored as a cookie)
  • The deprecated cbo_short_session cookie has been removed. Migration guide:
    • Use cbo_session_token cookie instead (if your frontend or backend relies on the cbo_short_session cookie)
  • The local-storage entries with keys cbo_session_token and cbo_short_session are not written anymore. Migration guide:
    • Use cbo_session_token cookie to retrieve the session-token (if your frontend relies on local-storage entries)


  • Add initialAutoFocus prop to CorbadoAuth component to disable automatic focus of input fields in signup-init and login-init blocks.


Patch changes

  • Replace @github/webauthn-json dependency with published version of forked repository.


Minor changes

  • Optimized atob() handling
  • Enable support for client-hints


Minor changes

  • Extend list of supported AAGUIDs in passkey-list (complete and connect).
  • Adding client-state based routing (a user will be navigated to the login component if she has logged in before).


Minor changes

  • Includes a fix to the short term session secure flag always being true.


Minor changes

  • Include timezone information in request headers (this enables the backend to use the correct timezone for the user, e.g. in emails).
  • Added new features of passkey intelligence to Corbado Complete (new screens for hybrid login and improved error handling).
  • More checks for the availability of Web APIs.


Minor changes

  • Extend duration of loading spinner for conditional ui login.


Minor changes

  • Consume hideBadge property.


Minor changes

  • Added loading spinner for conditional ui login.


Minor changes

  • Added support for appendLocalPasskeyAfterCDA setting: This can be configured from the developer panel, it asks users to create a local passkey after they performed a cross-device-authentication.
  • Added device specific icons for passkey append screens.


Minor changes

  • Added support for autoSubmit setting: This can be configured from the developer panel, it speeds up the signup flow for the user.


Minor changes

  • Updated the PasskeyList component: Improvements to the UI and show more details about the passkeys.

Patch changes

  • Fixed a bug where the first passkey operation would through an error during login on iOS devices before iOS 17.4.


Minor changes

  • Added a login state button for quicker re-authentication with a passkey on previously authenticated accounts.
  • Improved state management. The user can reset the authentication process by navigating to the initial URL where it started.
  • Fixed icon alignment issues for smart email shortcut and social login buttons.
  • Improved the user experience of passkey error screens.


Major Changes

  • Introduced social login capabilities using OAuth services (Google, Microsoft, and GitHub).
  • Added support for authentication with phone numbers using sms otp.
  • Added support for authentication with just the username which uses passkeys for signup and login.
  • Improved email link authentication with added support for cross-device verification.
  • Email and SMS resend timers are now synced with back-end so refreshing the page does not restart the timer during signup.
  • Introduced hash-based URL navigation to better manage the signup flow state, ensuring that refreshing the page does not lose the user's current progress.
  • Better back navigation support when going through different steps of signup flow.
  • Added another option for CorbadoAuth component: handleNavigationEvents which can be use to enable and disable hash-based urls.
  • Users can now edit their email, phone number, or username midway through the signup process without needing to restart signup flow.
  • Removed the passkey benefits screen; instead, passkey creation and append screens have been made more descriptive to reduce the need for multiple navigations.
  • In production mode, errors are now displayed on top of the component rather than replacing it entirely, maintaining the user interface continuity even when errors occur.
  • Breaking change: Restructured translation files (see docs)
  • Breaking change: Restructured custom themes (see docs)
  • Breaking change: Enhanced layout of the Corbado component and introduced more customizable CSS variables and classes, making it easier to modify the appearance and feel of the application.
  • Breaking change: Removed the separate Login and Signup components, enabling direct navigation to login-init and signup-init screens for quicker access to authentication.
  • Breaking change: Transitioned the logout method to be asynchronous, improving performance and user experience.
  • Breaking change: useCobradoSession is now merged with useCobrado for simplifying usage.

Minor changes:

  • Improved support for icons in dark mode, enhancing visibility and user experience in low-light environments
  • Users can now change typography settings more easily using CSS variables.
  • If an authentication process is interrupted, the initial screens will now be pre-filled with the last entered data, reducing the need for users to re-enter information.
  • We now only see smart email shortcut button on email authentication screens of the mail client we are using (e.g. if we are using [email protected] then we only see Open in Gmail button).


  • Introduced the CorbadoProvider component, making it possible to use the Corbado's authentication state state throughout the application.
  • Created components: Signup, Login, and CorbadoAuth to enable user authentication.
  • Added support for signup/login with email OTPs and email magic links.
  • Added support for passkey-based authentication.
  • Added support for custom stylings.
  • Added support for custom translations.
  • Introduced the useCorbado hook to access authentication state and the currently authenticated user's data.
  • Created the PasskeyList component, which provides a ready-to-use interface for passkey management for logged-in users.
  • Added error handling screens.
  • Added option setShortSessionCookie to store user's session details as cookies for supporting full-stack applications (e.g., NextJS) and multi-page applications (e.g., PHP).
  • Added support for auto language detection from the browser and default language selection in cases where we don't have the translation for that language.
  • Added support for dark mode and auto dark mode detection from the browser.
  • Added the pre-configured custom theme corbado-funk.