Rough debugging notes and suggestions. If you think of something that's missing or have something to add please open an issue.
Test whether VM is running:
sudo ssh rosetta-builder
See the VM daemon's status in launchd
launchctl print system/org.nixos.rosetta-builderd
Some fields in that output that deserve attention (see also "launchd.log" below):
- state
- pid
- sockets."Listener".error
Unload/stop the VM daemon:
sudo launchctl bootout system/org.nixos.rosetta-builderd
(Possibly followed by sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.nixos.rosetta-builderd.plist
to force a
subsequent darwin-rebuild
to reload it, or else...)
(Re)load the VM daemon:
sudo launchctl bootstrap system /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.nixos.rosetta-builderd.plist
- /private/var/log/
- /var/lib/rosetta-builder/.lima/rosetta-builder-vm/ha.stderr.log
- /var/lib/rosetta-builder/.lima/rosetta-builder-vm/ha.stdout.log
When module.nix's debugInsecurely = true
- /tmp/rosetta-builderd.err.log
- /tmp/rosetta-builderd.out.log
See [].