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Cloud Programming Homework 3: Search Engine

103062512 徐丞裕



  1. Build the indexer program:

    $ pwd
    # => ~/hw3/HW3_103062512_index
    $ script/build
  2. Perform preprocessing, PageRank calculation, inverted index building:

    $ pwd
    => ~/hw3/HW3_103062512_index
    $ script/index /shared/HW2/sample-in/input-1G hw3-1G
  3. Migrate data to HBase:

    $ pwd
    => ~/hw3/HW3_103062512_index
    $ script/migrate hw3-1G


  1. Build the query program:

    $ pwd
    # => ~/hw3/HW3_103062512_query
    $ script/build
  2. Perform a query:

    $ pwd
    => ~/hw3/HW3_103062512_query
    $ script/query "cloud programming"

Implementation Details

  1. Preprocessing

    Implemented in HW3_103062512_index/src/main/scala/preprocess/Worker.scala.


    • Converts <title> to a numerical ID
    • Creates mapping from title to ID and vice versa
    • Removes XML syntax elements in <text>
  2. Index building

    Instead of using code of the first assignment, I rewrite a more suitable version for this application.

    Since it's implemented on Spark, it's much more faster than the MapReduce version.

    The idf is pre-calculated and saved to the output file, so we don't have to re-calculate it in the query stage.

    Also, term frequency is normalized by document, which avoids bias for larger documents.

  3. Migration

    I use this command to import data from HDFS to HBase:

    $ hbase \
      org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.ImportTsv \
      -Dimporttsv.columns=HBASE_ROW_KEY,column_family \
      "table_name" /path/to/hdfs/file

    I four tables:

    ID to title mapping

    DocID Title
    9413 Scala

    Inverted Index

    Word IDF Occurrences
    Cool 0.2 41;0.1;10,20/13;0.01;30,513

    (each occurrences is in format docID;term-freq;offsets)


    DocID Score
    9413 0.02


    DocID Score
    9413 Scala is a ...
  4. Querying

    Using HBase Java API to load necessary data to the program and filtering out data that we're not interested in.

    The process is as follows:

    1. For each word we want to query, load the inverted index to memory.
    2. Calculate TF-IDF vectors for each document.
    3. Compute cosine similarities between each document and the query.
    4. Load PageRank for each document.
    5. Sort documents by cosSim * 0.7 + rank * 0.3 descending.
    6. For fragments in each document, the one with larger idf is shown before the one with smaller idfs.

    The reason why I weigh the cosine similarity more is that we care about the content.

    And the reason why sorting fragments using idf is we want to show the rarest words first, which are usually our point of interests (for searching some infrequent terms).

Experience & Conclusion

Dealing with formats is the most painful part in this assignment.

It's hard to build indexes that are not fragile for any format of the document (weird titles, special characters, etc).