I want to buy for cash: I scan item's barcode, press Pay by Cash and pour money into the cash box.
I want to buy from credit: I scan item's barcode, then my barcode. (If you don't have your barcode printed out, you can also type your username on a physical keyboard.)
I want to put money on credit: press Charge, I scan my barcode, type some amount, press Charge and put money in the cash box.
I want to withdraw funds from my (positive) credit: Press Management, choose User Mgmt, scan your barcode, press the Withdraw Amount and type the amount. Then take the money from the cash box.
I want to stock in some inventory (that's been in brmbar before): Press Management, Stock Mgmt, scan barcode of the item, edit the purchase price (or also the selling price and label), press Restock and enter the quantity of stocked in piece. Press Save. Toss the bill (if possible with the current written date, to allow pairing) to brmbar.
I want to stock in some new inventory: Press Management, Stock Mgmt, press Add new item, enter the name, purchase and selling price, press Create. Then press Restock, enter the quantity stocked in. Scan the item's barcode and press Save. Toss the bill in brmbar.
I want to bill the brmbar with some small expenses like duct tape: Press Management and Receipt. Press Description and write a brief description of the bill. Press Edit near the Money Amount and enter the amount. Scan your barcode. The operation is finished by pressing Create. Toss bill (inscribed with the current date to ease pairing) to brmbar.
The system expects that we take money from the cash box right away. If you don't want to (or there is e.g. not enough money), put money on your credit account instead (see above). Please always do that (never I'll remember and I'll take money later) so that there is a record that the cash box and system records are not in sync and there are no irregularities.
To enter text (or numbers too), you can use both the on-screen keyboard and the physical keyboard nearby.
The most common administrative action you will need to do is adding new user (also called debt or credit) accounts. The GUI support for this is not implemented yet, but the
UI allows it:./brmbar-cli.py adduser joehacker
Afterwards, print out a barcode saying "joehacker" and stick that somewhere nearby; scanning that barcode will allow access to this account (and so will typing "joehacker" on a physical keyboard).
If your inventory stock count or cash box amount does not match the in-system data, you will need to make a corrective transaction. To fix cash amount to reality in which you counted 1234Kč, use
./brmbar-cli.py fixcash 1234
whereas to fix amount of a particular stock, use
./brmbar-cli.py inventory-interactive
then scan the item barcode and then enter the right amount.
If you want to view recent transactions, run
psql brmbar select * from transaction_cashsums;
If you want to undo a transaction, get its id (using the select above) and run
./brmbar-cli.py undo ID
If you want to get overview of the financial situation, run
./brmbar-cli.py stats
The following items represent "material", "tangible" assets:
- Cash - how much should be in the money box
- Overflow - how much cash is stored in overflow credit accounts (pockets of admins)
- Inventory - how much worth (buy price) is the current inventory stock
I.e., cash plus overflow plus inventory is how much brmbar is worth and cash plus overflow is how much brmbar can spend right now.
The following items represent "virtual" accounts which determine the logical composition of the assets:
- Credit - sum of all credit accounts, i.e. money stored in brmbar by its users; i.e. how much of the assets is users' money
- Profit - accumulated profit made by brmbar on buy/sell margins (but receipts and inventory deficits are subtracted); i.e. how much of the assets is brmbar's own money
- Fixups - sum of gains and losses accrued by inventory fixups, i.e. stemming from differences between accounting and reality - positive is good, negative is bad; this amount is added to profit on consolidation
The total worth of the material and virtual accounts should be equal.
Compute sum of sold stock:
select sum(amount) from transactions left join transaction_splits on transaction_splits.transaction = transactions.id where description like '% sale %' and side = 'debit';
List of items not covered by inventory check:
select * from account_balances where id not in (select account from transactions left join transaction_splits on transaction_splits.transaction = transactions.id where description like '% inventory %') and acctype = 'inventory';
List all cash transactions:
select time, transactions.id, description, responsible, amount from transactions left join transaction_splits on transaction_splits.transaction = transactions.id where transaction_splits.account = 1;
List all inventory items ordered by their cummulative worth:
select foo.*, foo.rate * -foo.crbalance as worth from (select account_balances.*, (select exchange_rates.rate from exchange_rates, accounts where exchange_rates.target = accounts.currency and accounts.id = account_balances.id order by exchange_rates.valid_since limit 1) as rate from account_balances where account_balances.acctype = 'inventory') as foo order by worth;