- File structure in React
structure on the bases of
(i.e based on features & type of file) -
Created folder structure
- src -> all code
- components -> all components
src |-- components | |-- Header.js | |-- Body.js | |--RestaurantCard.js |-- App.js |-- config.js
2 Different ways to export:
export default Component - only one component can be exported in default - then in import we use default import
export by name - then in import we use
named import
Eg: there can be many components in the same file. So,
- Named export :
import {Title, Header} from './components/Header';
- Default export :
import Header from './components/Header';
- Using both Default export & named export :
import Header, {Title} from './components/Header';
- Using
* as "anyname"
import * as Obj from './components/Header'; Obj.Title
- Named export :
can be different when exporting component. Eg: exportingHeader
component usingdefault export
import NewHeader from './components/Header';
file name can be
(but generally .js is prefered.) Eg:Header.js
- without using extention
import Header, {Title} from './components/Header';
- using
extentionimport Header, {Title} from './components/Header.js';
- using
extentionimport Header, {Title} from './components/Header,jsx';
- without using extention
Best convention :
- export default ComponentName
- import Component from '/Path'
) file & put all "hard coded" values & data in it using export. -
In App
- Search box [but can't change value in input box]
One way binding in react
If we need to change the value,
- Every componenet in react maintains a state
- So, You can put all variables in the state. Everytime you use local variable you should use state.
Hook: just like normal function.
- Eg:
: is used to create state variable
- Eg:
?- Hooks allow you to
reuse stateful logic
without changing your component hierarchy. - Hooks let you split one component into smaller functions based on what pieces are related (such as setting up a subscription or fetching data)
- Hooks allow you to
hook:- returns as array
- and first element is a
variable name
(which is local state variable) - second arg is
function to modify the state variable
- Syntax:
[variable name
,function to update the variable
] = useState()
- and first element is a
- returns as array
Every component in react maintains a state
In Javascript In React - Local Variable let searchText
- Local State Variable
const [seacrhText, setSearchText] = useState()
- Local Variable using default value
let searchText = "Burger"
- Local State Variable using default value
const [searchText, setSearchText] = useState("Burger")
<input type="text" onchange="fun()"/>
fun(e){ searchText = e.target.value}
<input type="text" onChange={e => setSearch(e.target.value)}/>
Syntactic events in React Eg: e in `(e) => e.target.value
get { useState() } from 'react';
const [searchText] = useState(value); const [searchText, setSearchText] = useState(value); const searchVariable = useState(value); const [searchText, setSearchText] = searchVariable; setSearchText(e.target.value) value = { searchText }
Why do we need state ? [Interview question]
Two way binding
Eg: updating state & displaying updated data on the fly (reading and writing ) -
is used React re-renders the whole component (i.e reconciliation happens & only that small portion is updated where data has changed) -
const [restaurants, setRestaurants] = useState(restaurantList); onclick() const data = filterData(searchText, restaurants) setRestaurants(data); funciton filterData(searchText, restaurants) { restaurants.filter (res => { res.data.name }) }
When we change this state variable using setSearchText it forces the component to re-render. Every time the component re-renders, the const is a new version of const with updated value.