- Implement hot reloading
- remove the app completly.
- use the direct type instead of interface{} -> properties don't return a QVariant.
- test variant as return type and in functions
- test a qmodel as properties
- package names must be unique if code generation is applied to that package. Fix this or prevent this as compiler check.
- test code generation for keep alives
- add qml support for int64
- don't use C.CString instead use the direct byte buffer? (UTF-8 encoding?)
- use everyhwere constData instead of data (strings).
deploy-dlls.sh adds common required Qt plugins. This should be configurable instead?
Finish the windows static build containers. See the TODO in the docker folder.
Finish the Android docker containers.
vor dem bauen committen und taggen, damit das bauen funktioniert
erst windows bauen und hochladen, bevor 32/64_shared