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\ No newline at end of file
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diff --git a/poster/Project.toml b/poster/Project.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db4526b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poster/Project.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+CSV = "336ed68f-0bac-5ca0-87d4-7b16caf5d00b"
+CalibrationPaper = "5e6d2ce1-a021-4f7d-b692-0c7af47336b0"
+DataFrames = "a93c6f00-e57d-5684-b7b6-d8193f3e46c0"
+PGFPlotsX = "8314cec4-20b6-5062-9cdb-752b83310925"
+Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
+StatsBase = "2913bbd2-ae8a-5f71-8c99-4fb6c76f3a91"
diff --git a/poster/README.md b/poster/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..164844f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poster/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Poster
+This folder contains the source code of the poster for the paper
+"Calibration tests in multi-class classification: A unifying framework"
+by Widmann, Lindsten, and Zachariah which is going to be presented
+at NeurIPS 2019.
+## Generate the figures
+Open a terminal in the current directory and install all required Julia packages
+by running
+julia --project=. -e "using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()"
+Afterwards start a Julia REPL
+julia --project=.
+and include the file `figures.jl` with
+``` julia
+julia> include("figures.jl")
+## Fonts
+If available, the non-free font Berling Antikva is used which is part
+of the official design of Uppsala University. The corresponding OTF
+fonts have to be available in the subfolder `fonts` as `Berling.otf`,
+`Berling-Italic.otf`, `Berling-Bold.otf`, and `Berling-BoldItalic.otf`.
+Unfortunately, the official fonts that can be
+from Uppsala University's staff portal can not be used with older
+version of LuaLaTeX (the problem is explained in a
+[question on StackExchange](https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/430837/why-does-lualatex-have-problem-with-a-ttf-that-xelatex-accepts/430872#comment1161846_430837).
+However, suitable OTF fonts can be generated from these files according
+to the
+[instructions provided on StackExchange]((https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/430872).
+## Compile the poster
+The poster can be compiled as a PDF file by running
+arara neurips.tex
diff --git a/poster/figures.jl b/poster/figures.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..938a164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poster/figures.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+using CalibrationPaper
+using CSV
+using DataFrames
+using PGFPlotsX
+using StatsBase
+using Statistics
+function errors_comparison()
+ # initialize group plot
+ @pgf plt = GroupPlot(
+ {
+ group_style =
+ {
+ group_size = "3 by 4",
+ xlabels_at = "edge bottom",
+ ylabels_at = "edge left",
+ horizontal_sep = raw"0.1\linewidth",
+ vertical_sep = raw"0.05\linewidth",
+ },
+ no_markers,
+ tick_label_style = { font = raw"\tiny" },
+ grid = "major",
+ title_style = { align = "center" },
+ width = raw"0.23\linewidth",
+ height = raw"0.155\linewidth",
+ "every x tick scale label/.style" = {at = "{(1,0)}", anchor = "west"},
+ ylabel_style = { font = raw"\small" }
+ })
+ # define displayed experiments and corresponding labels
+ experiments = ["ECE_uniform", "SKCEb_median", "SKCEuq_median", "SKCEul_median"]
+ labels = [raw"$\widehat{\ECE}$", raw"$\biasedestimator$",
+ raw"$\unbiasedestimator$", raw"$\linearestimator$"]
+ # define displayed models
+ models = [CalibrationPaperModel(10, 0.1, 0.0, false),
+ CalibrationPaperModel(10, 0.1, 0.5, true),
+ CalibrationPaperModel(10, 0.1, 1.0, false)]
+ # directory with all experimental results
+ datadir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "experiments", "data", "errors")
+ # for all studied experiments and models
+ for (i, experiment) in enumerate(experiments), (j, model) in enumerate(models)
+ # obtain full path
+ file = joinpath(datadir, "$experiment.csv")
+ # load estimates
+ estimates = collect_estimates(CSV.read(file), model)
+ # compute histogram
+ hist = fit(Histogram, estimates, closed = :left)
+ # create axis object with histogram
+ @pgf ax = Axis(PlotInc({ ybar_interval, fill = "Dark2-A!30!white" }, Table(hist)),
+ VLine({ solid, thick, "Dark2-B" }, mean(estimates)))
+ # add titles
+ if i == 1
+ ax["title"] = "\$\\symbf{M$j}\$"
+ end
+ # add labels
+ if j == 1
+ ax["ylabel"] = labels[i]
+ end
+ # compute true value
+ if startswith(experiment, "ECE")
+ analytic = CalibrationPaper.analytic_ece(model)
+ else
+ # take mean of quadratic unbiased estimates
+ if startswith(experiment, "SKCEuq")
+ analytic = mean(estimates)
+ else
+ file_uq = replace(file, r"(SKCEb|SKCEul)" => "SKCEuq")
+ estimates_uq = collect_estimates(CSV.read(file_uq), model)
+ analytic = mean(estimates_uq)
+ end
+ end
+ # plot true value
+ @pgf push!(ax, VLine({ dashed, thick, "Dark2-C" }, analytic))
+ # hack so that limits are updated as well
+ @pgf push!(ax, PlotInc({ draw = "none" }, Coordinates([analytic], [0])))
+ # add axis to group plot
+ push!(plt, ax)
+ end
+ # add labels
+ picture = TikzPicture(plt,
+ raw"\node[anchor=north] at ($(group c1r4.west |- group c1r4.outer south)!0.5!(group c3r4.east |- group c3r4.outer south)$){calibration error estimate};",
+ raw"\node[anchor=south, rotate=90, yshift=1ex] at ($(group c1r1.north -| group c1r1.outer west)!0.5!(group c1r4.south -| group c1r4.outer west)$){\# runs};")
+ # save histogram
+ figuresdir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "figures")
+ isdir(figuresdir) || mkdir(figuresdir)
+ pgfsave(joinpath(figuresdir, "errors_comparison.tex"), picture; include_preamble = false)
+ nothing
+function pvalues_comparison()
+ # initialize group plot
+ @pgf plt = GroupPlot(
+ {
+ group_style =
+ {
+ group_size = "3 by 6",
+ xlabels_at = "edge bottom",
+ ylabels_at = "edge left",
+ horizontal_sep = raw"0.1\linewidth",
+ vertical_sep = raw"0.015\linewidth",
+ xticklabels_at = "edge bottom",
+ },
+ no_markers,
+ tick_label_style = { font = raw"\tiny" },
+ grid = "major",
+ title_style = { align = "center" },
+ width = raw"0.23\linewidth",
+ height = raw"0.155\linewidth",
+ "every x tick scale label/.style" = {at = "{(1,0)}", anchor = "west"},
+ ylabel_style = { font = raw"\small" },
+ xmin = 0, xmax = 1, ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1
+ })
+ # define displayed experiments and corresponding labels
+ experiments = ["ECE_uniform", "SKCEb_median_distribution_free",
+ "SKCEuq_median_distribution_free",
+ "SKCEul_median_distribution_free",
+ "SKCEuq_median_asymptotic",
+ "SKCEul_median_asymptotic"]
+ labels = [raw"$\symbf{C}$", raw"$\symbf{D}_{\mathrm{b}}$",
+ raw"$\symbf{D}_{\mathrm{uq}}$", raw"$\symbf{D}_{\mathrm{l}}$",
+ raw"$\symbf{A}_{\mathrm{uq}}$",
+ raw"$\symbf{A}_{\mathrm{l}}$"]
+ # define displayed models
+ models = [CalibrationPaperModel(10, 0.1, 0.0, false),
+ CalibrationPaperModel(10, 0.1, 0.5, true),
+ CalibrationPaperModel(10, 0.1, 1.0, false)]
+ # define range of significance levels
+ αs = 0:0.01:1
+ # directory with all experimental results
+ datadir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "experiments", "data", "pvalues")
+ # for all studied experiments and models
+ for (i, experiment) in enumerate(experiments), (j, model) in enumerate(models)
+ # obtain full path
+ file = joinpath(datadir, "$experiment.csv")
+ # load p-value estimates
+ pvalues = collect_estimates(CSV.read(file), model)
+ # compute empirical CDF
+ empiricalCDF = ecdf(pvalues)
+ if iszero(model.π)
+ # if the model is calibrated we plot the empirical estimate of
+ # P[p(T) < \alpha | H_0] together with the diagonal of the unit square
+ @pgf ax = Axis(PlotInc({ thick }, Table(αs, empiricalCDF.(αs))),
+ PlotInc({ dashed, thick }, Coordinates([0, 1], [0, 1])))
+ else
+ # otherwise we plot the empirical estimate for P[p(T) > \alpha | H_1]
+ @pgf ax = Axis(PlotInc({ thick }, Table(αs, 1 .- empiricalCDF.(αs))))
+ end
+ # add titles
+ if i == 1
+ ax["title"] = "\$\\symbf{M$j}\$"
+ end
+ # add labels
+ if j == 1
+ ax["ylabel"] = labels[i]
+ end
+ # add axis to group plot
+ push!(plt, ax)
+ end
+ # add labels
+ picture = TikzPicture(plt,
+ raw"\node[anchor=north] at ($(group c1r6.west |- group c1r6.outer south)!0.5!(group c3r6.east |- group c3r6.outer south)$){significance level};",
+ raw"\node[anchor=south, rotate=90] at ($(group c1r1.north -| group c1r1.outer west)!0.5!(group c1r6.south -| group c1r6.outer west)$){empirical test error};")
+ # save histogram
+ figuresdir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "figures")
+ isdir(figuresdir) || mkdir(figuresdir)
+ pgfsave(joinpath(figuresdir, "pvalues_comparison.tex"), picture; include_preamble = false)
+ nothing
diff --git a/poster/figures/barrier.svg b/poster/figures/barrier.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b02b0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poster/figures/barrier.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/poster/figures/bear.svg b/poster/figures/bear.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..145002e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poster/figures/bear.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/poster/figures/car.svg b/poster/figures/car.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8fe910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poster/figures/car.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/poster/figures/car0.svg b/poster/figures/car0.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54dc3b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poster/figures/car0.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
diff --git a/poster/figures/car1.svg b/poster/figures/car1.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3be8735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poster/figures/car1.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
diff --git a/poster/figures/car2.svg b/poster/figures/car2.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8ad59b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poster/figures/car2.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
diff --git a/poster/figures/car3.svg b/poster/figures/car3.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7e6ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poster/figures/car3.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
diff --git a/poster/figures/car4.svg b/poster/figures/car4.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0c4308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poster/figures/car4.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
diff --git a/poster/figures/comparison_estimates.tex b/poster/figures/comparison_estimates.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index bec2e80..0000000
--- a/poster/figures/comparison_estimates.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-\begin{groupplot}[group style={group size={3 by 4}, xlabels at={edge bottom}, ylabels at={edge left}, horizontal sep={0.1\linewidth}, vertical sep={0.04\linewidth}}, no markers, tick label style={font={\footnotesize}}, grid={major}, title style={align={center}}, width={0.22\linewidth}, height={0.1\linewidth}, every x tick scale label/.style={at={{(1,0)}}, anchor={west}}, ylabel style={font={\small}}]
- \nextgroupplot[title={\textbf{M1}}, ylabel={$\ECE$}]
- \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={blue!25}]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- 0.17 7.0 \\
- 0.18 55.0 \\
- 0.19 229.0 \\
- 0.2 796.0 \\
- 0.21 1782.0 \\
- 0.22 2550.0 \\
- 0.23 2307.0 \\
- 0.24 1389.0 \\
- 0.25 667.0 \\
- 0.26 171.0 \\
- 0.27 42.0 \\
- 0.28 5.0 \\
- 0.29 0.0 \\
- }
- ;
- \draw[solid, black, thick] (0.22876019647666532,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.22876019647666532,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \draw[dashed, red, thick] (0.0,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.0,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \addplot+[draw={none}]
- coordinates {
- (0.0,0)
- }
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[title={\textbf{M2}}]
- \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={blue!25}]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- 0.38 1.0 \\
- 0.4 3.0 \\
- 0.42 30.0 \\
- 0.44 208.0 \\
- 0.46 827.0 \\
- 0.48 2107.0 \\
- 0.5 2889.0 \\
- 0.52 2406.0 \\
- 0.54 1115.0 \\
- 0.56 335.0 \\
- 0.58 69.0 \\
- 0.6 9.0 \\
- 0.62 1.0 \\
- 0.64 0.0 \\
- }
- ;
- \draw[solid, black, thick] (0.5130312782216148,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.5130312782216148,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \draw[dashed, red, thick] (0.45,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.45,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \addplot+[draw={none}]
- coordinates {
- (0.45,0)
- }
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[title={\textbf{M3}}]
- \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={blue!25}]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- 0.3 8.0 \\
- 0.32 154.0 \\
- 0.34 821.0 \\
- 0.36 2308.0 \\
- 0.38 3259.0 \\
- 0.4 2318.0 \\
- 0.42 928.0 \\
- 0.44 180.0 \\
- 0.46 23.0 \\
- 0.48 1.0 \\
- 0.5 0.0 \\
- }
- ;
- \draw[solid, black, thick] (0.3907003650959387,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.3907003650959387,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \draw[dashed, red, thick] (0.7106418012290426,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.7106418012290426,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \addplot+[draw={none}]
- coordinates {
- (0.7106418012290426,0)
- }
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[ylabel={$\biasedskce$}]
- \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={blue!25}]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- 0.0005 61.0 \\
- 0.001 2724.0 \\
- 0.0015 4376.0 \\
- 0.002 2111.0 \\
- 0.0025 597.0 \\
- 0.003 108.0 \\
- 0.0035 20.0 \\
- 0.004 3.0 \\
- 0.0045 0.0 \\
- }
- ;
- \draw[solid, black, thick] (0.001791065804877401,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.001791065804877401,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \draw[dashed, red, thick] (-8.624308735909018e-6,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(-8.624308735909018e-6,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \addplot+[draw={none}]
- coordinates {
- (-8.624308735909018e-6,0)
- }
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[]
- \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={blue!25}]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- 0.05 3.0 \\
- 0.06 86.0 \\
- 0.07 572.0 \\
- 0.08 1791.0 \\
- 0.09 2834.0 \\
- 0.1 2563.0 \\
- 0.11 1424.0 \\
- 0.12 567.0 \\
- 0.13 133.0 \\
- 0.14 21.0 \\
- 0.15 5.0 \\
- 0.16 1.0 \\
- 0.17 0.0 \\
- }
- ;
- \draw[solid, black, thick] (0.09955803307414735,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.09955803307414735,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \draw[dashed, red, thick] (0.09634393682193111,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.09634393682193111,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \addplot+[draw={none}]
- coordinates {
- (0.09634393682193111,0)
- }
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[]
- \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={blue!25}]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- 0.015 15.0 \\
- 0.016 97.0 \\
- 0.017 450.0 \\
- 0.018 1267.0 \\
- 0.019 2139.0 \\
- 0.02 2390.0 \\
- 0.021 1782.0 \\
- 0.022 1061.0 \\
- 0.023 493.0 \\
- 0.024 216.0 \\
- 0.025 61.0 \\
- 0.026 19.0 \\
- 0.027 8.0 \\
- 0.028 2.0 \\
- 0.029 0.0 \\
- }
- ;
- \draw[solid, black, thick] (0.020517506214089484,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.020517506214089484,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \draw[dashed, red, thick] (0.015176641534493648,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.015176641534493648,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \addplot+[draw={none}]
- coordinates {
- (0.015176641534493648,0)
- }
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[ylabel={$\unbiasedskce$}]
- \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={blue!25}]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- -0.001 37.0 \\
- -0.0008 438.0 \\
- -0.0006 1286.0 \\
- -0.0004 1968.0 \\
- -0.0002 1919.0 \\
- 0.0 1607.0 \\
- 0.0002 1132.0 \\
- 0.0004 704.0 \\
- 0.0006 423.0 \\
- 0.0008 242.0 \\
- 0.001 122.0 \\
- 0.0012 72.0 \\
- 0.0014 22.0 \\
- 0.0016 20.0 \\
- 0.0018 4.0 \\
- 0.002 4.0 \\
- 0.0022 0.0 \\
- }
- ;
- \draw[solid, black, thick] (-8.624308735909018e-6,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(-8.624308735909018e-6,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \draw[dashed, red, thick] (-8.624308735909018e-6,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(-8.624308735909018e-6,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \addplot+[draw={none}]
- coordinates {
- (-8.624308735909018e-6,0)
- }
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[]
- \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={blue!25}]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- 0.04 1.0 \\
- 0.05 11.0 \\
- 0.06 172.0 \\
- 0.07 904.0 \\
- 0.08 2195.0 \\
- 0.09 2942.0 \\
- 0.1 2228.0 \\
- 0.11 1080.0 \\
- 0.12 371.0 \\
- 0.13 84.0 \\
- 0.14 9.0 \\
- 0.15 2.0 \\
- 0.16 1.0 \\
- 0.17 0.0 \\
- }
- ;
- \draw[solid, black, thick] (0.09634393682193111,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.09634393682193111,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \draw[dashed, red, thick] (0.09634393682193111,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.09634393682193111,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \addplot+[draw={none}]
- coordinates {
- (0.09634393682193111,0)
- }
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[]
- \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={blue!25}]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- 0.01 17.0 \\
- 0.011 144.0 \\
- 0.012 628.0 \\
- 0.013 1606.0 \\
- 0.014 2478.0 \\
- 0.015 2241.0 \\
- 0.016 1566.0 \\
- 0.017 810.0 \\
- 0.018 323.0 \\
- 0.019 137.0 \\
- 0.02 33.0 \\
- 0.021 14.0 \\
- 0.022 2.0 \\
- 0.023 1.0 \\
- 0.024 0.0 \\
- }
- ;
- \draw[solid, black, thick] (0.015176641534493648,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.015176641534493648,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \draw[dashed, red, thick] (0.015176641534493648,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.015176641534493648,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \addplot+[draw={none}]
- coordinates {
- (0.015176641534493648,0)
- }
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[ylabel={$\linearskce$}]
- \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={blue!25}]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- -0.03 1.0 \\
- -0.025 13.0 \\
- -0.02 117.0 \\
- -0.015 555.0 \\
- -0.01 1580.0 \\
- -0.005 2580.0 \\
- 0.0 2825.0 \\
- 0.005 1594.0 \\
- 0.01 564.0 \\
- 0.015 145.0 \\
- 0.02 21.0 \\
- 0.025 5.0 \\
- 0.03 0.0 \\
- }
- ;
- \draw[solid, black, thick] (0.00016041013856191272,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.00016041013856191272,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \draw[dashed, red, thick] (-8.624308735909018e-6,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(-8.624308735909018e-6,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \addplot+[draw={none}]
- coordinates {
- (-8.624308735909018e-6,0)
- }
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[]
- \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={blue!25}]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- 0.02 2.0 \\
- 0.03 12.0 \\
- 0.04 44.0 \\
- 0.05 238.0 \\
- 0.06 598.0 \\
- 0.07 1199.0 \\
- 0.08 1766.0 \\
- 0.09 1992.0 \\
- 0.1 1748.0 \\
- 0.11 1195.0 \\
- 0.12 706.0 \\
- 0.13 304.0 \\
- 0.14 132.0 \\
- 0.15 48.0 \\
- 0.16 13.0 \\
- 0.17 3.0 \\
- 0.18 0.0 \\
- }
- ;
- \draw[solid, black, thick] (0.09631220152950964,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.09631220152950964,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \draw[dashed, red, thick] (0.09634393682193111,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.09634393682193111,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \addplot+[draw={none}]
- coordinates {
- (0.09634393682193111,0)
- }
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[]
- \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={blue!25}]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- -0.06 2.0 \\
- -0.05 7.0 \\
- -0.04 35.0 \\
- -0.03 216.0 \\
- -0.02 607.0 \\
- -0.01 1213.0 \\
- 0.0 1919.0 \\
- 0.01 2057.0 \\
- 0.02 1844.0 \\
- 0.03 1212.0 \\
- 0.04 573.0 \\
- 0.05 226.0 \\
- 0.06 72.0 \\
- 0.07 11.0 \\
- 0.08 6.0 \\
- 0.09 0.0 \\
- }
- ;
- \draw[solid, black, thick] (0.015097861091196648,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.015097861091196648,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \draw[dashed, red, thick] (0.015176641534493648,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.015176641534493648,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
- \addplot+[draw={none}]
- coordinates {
- (0.015176641534493648,0)
- }
- ;
-\node[anchor=north] at ($(group c1r4.west |- group c1r4.outer south)!0.5!(group c3r4.east |- group c3r4.outer south)$){estimate};
-\node[anchor=south, rotate=90] at ($(group c1r1.north -| group c1r1.outer west)!0.5!(group c1r4.south -| group c1r4.outer west)$){\# runs};
diff --git a/poster/figures/comparison_tests.tex b/poster/figures/comparison_tests.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 68bf017..0000000
--- a/poster/figures/comparison_tests.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1962 +0,0 @@
-\begin{groupplot}[group style={group size={3 by 6}, xlabels at={edge bottom}, ylabels at={edge left}, horizontal sep={0.1\linewidth}, vertical sep={0.02\linewidth}, xticklabels at={edge bottom}}, no markers, tick label style={font={\footnotesize}}, grid={major}, title style={align={center}}, width={0.22\linewidth}, height={0.1\linewidth}, every x tick scale label/.style={at={{(1,0)}}, anchor={west}}, ylabel style={font={\small}}]
- \nextgroupplot[xmin={0}, xmax={1}, ymin={0}, title={\textbf{M1}}, ylabel={$\ECE$}]
- \addplot+[]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- 0.0 0.0091 \\
- 0.01 0.0728 \\
- 0.02 0.1216 \\
- 0.03 0.1663 \\
- 0.04 0.2053 \\
- 0.05 0.2447 \\
- 0.06 0.2751 \\
- 0.07 0.303 \\
- 0.08 0.3305 \\
- 0.09 0.3567 \\
- 0.1 0.3827 \\
- 0.11 0.4063 \\
- 0.12 0.4305 \\
- 0.13 0.4501 \\
- 0.14 0.473 \\
- 0.15 0.493 \\
- 0.16 0.5103 \\
- 0.17 0.5279 \\
- 0.18 0.546 \\
- 0.19 0.5617 \\
- 0.2 0.5806 \\
- 0.21 0.5952 \\
- 0.22 0.6095 \\
- 0.23 0.6236 \\
- 0.24 0.6349 \\
- 0.25 0.6497 \\
- 0.26 0.6626 \\
- 0.27 0.6755 \\
- 0.28 0.6873 \\
- 0.29 0.6995 \\
- 0.3 0.7102 \\
- 0.31 0.7221 \\
- 0.32 0.7329 \\
- 0.33 0.7437 \\
- 0.34 0.7533 \\
- 0.35 0.7613 \\
- 0.36 0.7706 \\
- 0.37 0.7793 \\
- 0.38 0.7883 \\
- 0.39 0.7972 \\
- 0.4 0.8049 \\
- 0.41 0.8123 \\
- 0.42 0.8203 \\
- 0.43 0.8282 \\
- 0.44 0.8353 \\
- 0.45 0.8417 \\
- 0.46 0.8471 \\
- 0.47 0.8544 \\
- 0.48 0.8602 \\
- 0.49 0.8664 \\
- 0.5 0.8722 \\
- 0.51 0.8783 \\
- 0.52 0.8837 \\
- 0.53 0.8887 \\
- 0.54 0.8948 \\
- 0.55 0.9007 \\
- 0.56 0.9048 \\
- 0.57 0.9085 \\
- 0.58 0.913 \\
- 0.59 0.9167 \\
- 0.6 0.9212 \\
- 0.61 0.9254 \\
- 0.62 0.9295 \\
- 0.63 0.9328 \\
- 0.64 0.936 \\
- 0.65 0.9407 \\
- 0.66 0.9449 \\
- 0.67 0.9487 \\
- 0.68 0.9519 \\
- 0.69 0.9553 \\
- 0.7 0.9581 \\
- 0.71 0.961 \\
- 0.72 0.9636 \\
- 0.73 0.9671 \\
- 0.74 0.9707 \\
- 0.75 0.9726 \\
- 0.76 0.9747 \\
- 0.77 0.9759 \\
- 0.78 0.9777 \\
- 0.79 0.9798 \\
- 0.8 0.9819 \\
- 0.81 0.9839 \\
- 0.82 0.9851 \\
- 0.83 0.9866 \\
- 0.84 0.9881 \\
- 0.85 0.9895 \\
- 0.86 0.991 \\
- 0.87 0.9923 \\
- 0.88 0.9935 \\
- 0.89 0.9942 \\
- 0.9 0.995 \\
- 0.91 0.9957 \\
- 0.92 0.9969 \\
- 0.93 0.9974 \\
- 0.94 0.9982 \\
- 0.95 0.999 \\
- 0.96 0.9993 \\
- 0.97 0.9995 \\
- 0.98 0.9998 \\
- 0.99 0.9998 \\
- 1.0 1.0 \\
- }
- ;
- \addplot+[dotted]
- coordinates {
- (0,0)
- (1,1)
- }
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[xmin={0}, xmax={1}, ymin={0}, title={\textbf{M2}}]
- \addplot+[]
- coordinates {
- (0.0,0.0)
- (0.01,0.0)
- (0.02,0.0)
- (0.03,0.0)
- (0.04,0.0)
- (0.05,0.0)
- (0.06,0.0)
- (0.07,0.0)
- (0.08,0.0)
- (0.09,0.0)
- (0.1,0.0)
- (0.11,0.0)
- (0.12,0.0)
- (0.13,0.0)
- (0.14,0.0)
- (0.15,0.0)
- (0.16,0.0)
- (0.17,0.0)
- (0.18,0.0)
- (0.19,0.0)
- (0.2,0.0)
- (0.21,0.0)
- (0.22,0.0)
- (0.23,0.0)
- (0.24,0.0)
- (0.25,0.0)
- (0.26,0.0)
- (0.27,0.0)
- (0.28,0.0)
- (0.29,0.0)
- (0.3,0.0)
- (0.31,0.0)
- (0.32,0.0)
- (0.33,0.0)
- (0.34,0.0)
- (0.35,0.0)
- (0.36,0.0)
- (0.37,0.0)
- (0.38,0.0)
- (0.39,0.0)
- (0.4,0.0)
- (0.41,0.0)
- (0.42,0.0)
- (0.43,0.0)
- (0.44,0.0)
- (0.45,0.0)
- (0.46,0.0)
- (0.47,0.0)
- (0.48,0.0)
- (0.49,0.0)
- (0.5,0.0)
- (0.51,0.0)
- (0.52,0.0)
- (0.53,0.0)
- (0.54,0.0)
- (0.55,0.0)
- (0.56,0.0)
- (0.57,0.0)
- (0.58,0.0)
- (0.59,0.0)
- (0.6,0.0)
- (0.61,0.0)
- (0.62,0.0)
- (0.63,0.0)
- (0.64,0.0)
- (0.65,0.0)
- (0.66,0.0)
- (0.67,0.0)
- (0.68,0.0)
- (0.69,0.0)
- (0.7,0.0)
- (0.71,0.0)
- (0.72,0.0)
- (0.73,0.0)
- (0.74,0.0)
- (0.75,0.0)
- (0.76,0.0)
- (0.77,0.0)
- (0.78,0.0)
- (0.79,0.0)
- (0.8,0.0)
- (0.81,0.0)
- (0.82,0.0)
- (0.83,0.0)
- (0.84,0.0)
- (0.85,0.0)
- (0.86,0.0)
- (0.87,0.0)
- (0.88,0.0)
- (0.89,0.0)
- (0.9,0.0)
- (0.91,0.0)
- (0.92,0.0)
- (0.93,0.0)
- (0.94,0.0)
- (0.95,0.0)
- (0.96,0.0)
- (0.97,0.0)
- (0.98,0.0)
- (0.99,0.0)
- (1.0,0.0)
- }
- ;
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- coordinates {
- (0.0,0.0)
- (0.01,0.0)
- (0.02,0.0)
- (0.03,0.0)
- (0.04,0.0)
- (0.05,0.0)
- (0.06,0.0)
- (0.07,0.0)
- (0.08,0.0)
- (0.09,0.0)
- (0.1,0.0)
- (0.11,0.0)
- (0.12,0.0)
- (0.13,0.0)
- (0.14,0.0)
- (0.15,0.0)
- (0.16,0.0)
- (0.17,0.0)
- (0.18,0.0)
- (0.19,0.0)
- (0.2,0.0)
- (0.21,0.0)
- (0.22,0.0)
- (0.23,0.0)
- (0.24,0.0)
- (0.25,0.0)
- (0.26,0.0)
- (0.27,0.0)
- (0.28,0.0)
- (0.29,0.0)
- (0.3,0.0)
- (0.31,0.0)
- (0.32,0.0)
- (0.33,0.0)
- (0.34,0.0)
- (0.35,0.0)
- (0.36,0.0)
- (0.37,0.0)
- (0.38,0.0)
- (0.39,0.0)
- (0.4,0.0)
- (0.41,0.0)
- (0.42,0.0)
- (0.43,0.0)
- (0.44,0.0)
- (0.45,0.0)
- (0.46,0.0)
- (0.47,0.0)
- (0.48,0.0)
- (0.49,0.0)
- (0.5,0.0)
- (0.51,0.0)
- (0.52,0.0)
- (0.53,0.0)
- (0.54,0.0)
- (0.55,0.0)
- (0.56,0.0)
- (0.57,0.0)
- (0.58,0.0)
- (0.59,0.0)
- (0.6,0.0)
- (0.61,0.0)
- (0.62,0.0)
- (0.63,0.0)
- (0.64,0.0)
- (0.65,0.0)
- (0.66,0.0)
- (0.67,0.0)
- (0.68,0.0)
- (0.69,0.0)
- (0.7,0.0)
- (0.71,0.0)
- (0.72,0.0)
- (0.73,0.0)
- (0.74,0.0)
- (0.75,0.0)
- (0.76,0.0)
- (0.77,0.0)
- (0.78,0.0)
- (0.79,0.0)
- (0.8,0.0)
- (0.81,0.0)
- (0.82,0.0)
- (0.83,0.0)
- (0.84,0.0)
- (0.85,0.0)
- (0.86,0.0)
- (0.87,0.0)
- (0.88,0.0)
- (0.89,0.0)
- (0.9,0.0)
- (0.91,0.0)
- (0.92,0.0)
- (0.93,0.0)
- (0.94,0.0)
- (0.95,0.0)
- (0.96,0.0)
- (0.97,0.0)
- (0.98,0.0)
- (0.99,0.0)
- (1.0,0.0)
- }
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[xmin={0}, xmax={1}, ymin={0}, ylabel={$\biasedskce$}]
- \addplot+[]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- 0.0 0.0 \\
- 0.01 0.0 \\
- 0.02 0.0 \\
- 0.03 0.0 \\
- 0.04 0.0 \\
- 0.05 0.0 \\
- 0.06 0.0 \\
- 0.07 0.0 \\
- 0.08 0.0 \\
- 0.09 0.0 \\
- 0.1 0.0 \\
- 0.11 0.0 \\
- 0.12 0.0 \\
- 0.13 0.0 \\
- 0.14 0.0 \\
- 0.15 0.0 \\
- 0.16 0.0 \\
- 0.17 0.0 \\
- 0.18 0.0 \\
- 0.19 0.0 \\
- 0.2 0.0 \\
- 0.21 0.0 \\
- 0.22 0.0 \\
- 0.23 0.0 \\
- 0.24 0.0 \\
- 0.25 0.0 \\
- 0.26 0.0 \\
- 0.27 0.0 \\
- 0.28 0.0 \\
- 0.29 0.0 \\
- 0.3 0.0 \\
- 0.31 0.0 \\
- 0.32 0.0 \\
- 0.33 0.0 \\
- 0.34 0.0 \\
- 0.35 0.0 \\
- 0.36 0.0 \\
- 0.37 0.0 \\
- 0.38 0.0 \\
- 0.39 0.0 \\
- 0.4 0.0 \\
- 0.41 0.0 \\
- 0.42 0.0 \\
- 0.43 0.0 \\
- 0.44 0.0 \\
- 0.45 0.0 \\
- 0.46 0.0 \\
- 0.47 0.0 \\
- 0.48 0.0 \\
- 0.49 0.0 \\
- 0.5 0.0 \\
- 0.51 0.0 \\
- 0.52 0.0 \\
- 0.53 0.0 \\
- 0.54 0.0 \\
- 0.55 0.0 \\
- 0.56 0.0 \\
- 0.57 0.0 \\
- 0.58 0.0 \\
- 0.59 0.0 \\
- 0.6 0.0 \\
- 0.61 0.0 \\
- 0.62 0.0 \\
- 0.63 0.0 \\
- 0.64 0.0 \\
- 0.65 0.0 \\
- 0.66 0.0 \\
- 0.67 0.0 \\
- 0.68 0.0 \\
- 0.69 0.0 \\
- 0.7 0.0 \\
- 0.71 0.0 \\
- 0.72 0.0 \\
- 0.73 0.0 \\
- 0.74 0.0 \\
- 0.75 0.0 \\
- 0.76 0.0 \\
- 0.77 0.0 \\
- 0.78 0.0 \\
- 0.79 0.0 \\
- 0.8 0.0 \\
- 0.81 0.0 \\
- 0.82 0.0 \\
- 0.83 0.0 \\
- 0.84 0.0 \\
- 0.85 0.0 \\
- 0.86 0.0 \\
- 0.87 0.0 \\
- 0.88 0.0 \\
- 0.89 0.0 \\
- 0.9 0.0 \\
- 0.91 0.0 \\
- 0.92 0.0 \\
- 0.93 0.0 \\
- 0.94 0.0 \\
- 0.95 0.0 \\
- 0.96 0.0 \\
- 0.97 0.0 \\
- 0.98 0.0 \\
- 0.99 0.0 \\
- 1.0 1.0 \\
- }
- ;
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- coordinates {
- (0,0)
- (1,1)
- }
- ;
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- coordinates {
- (0.0,1.0)
- (0.01,0.9844)
- (0.02,0.8762)
- (0.03,0.7087)
- (0.04,0.531)
- (0.05,0.38029999999999997)
- (0.06,0.2711)
- (0.07,0.1886)
- (0.08,0.12760000000000005)
- (0.09,0.08589999999999998)
- (0.1,0.05830000000000002)
- (0.11,0.04059999999999997)
- (0.12,0.027800000000000047)
- (0.13,0.017800000000000038)
- (0.14,0.012900000000000023)
- (0.15,0.008099999999999996)
- (0.16,0.005099999999999993)
- (0.17,0.0040000000000000036)
- (0.18,0.0026000000000000467)
- (0.19,0.0013999999999999568)
- (0.2,0.0010000000000000009)
- (0.21,0.0008000000000000229)
- (0.22,0.00029999999999996696)
- (0.23,0.00019999999999997797)
- (0.24,9.999999999998899e-5)
- (0.25,9.999999999998899e-5)
- (0.26,9.999999999998899e-5)
- (0.27,9.999999999998899e-5)
- (0.28,9.999999999998899e-5)
- (0.29,9.999999999998899e-5)
- (0.3,9.999999999998899e-5)
- (0.31,9.999999999998899e-5)
- (0.32,0.0)
- (0.33,0.0)
- (0.34,0.0)
- (0.35,0.0)
- (0.36,0.0)
- (0.37,0.0)
- (0.38,0.0)
- (0.39,0.0)
- (0.4,0.0)
- (0.41,0.0)
- (0.42,0.0)
- (0.43,0.0)
- (0.44,0.0)
- (0.45,0.0)
- (0.46,0.0)
- (0.47,0.0)
- (0.48,0.0)
- (0.49,0.0)
- (0.5,0.0)
- (0.51,0.0)
- (0.52,0.0)
- (0.53,0.0)
- (0.54,0.0)
- (0.55,0.0)
- (0.56,0.0)
- (0.57,0.0)
- (0.58,0.0)
- (0.59,0.0)
- (0.6,0.0)
- (0.61,0.0)
- (0.62,0.0)
- (0.63,0.0)
- (0.64,0.0)
- (0.65,0.0)
- (0.66,0.0)
- (0.67,0.0)
- (0.68,0.0)
- (0.69,0.0)
- (0.7,0.0)
- (0.71,0.0)
- (0.72,0.0)
- (0.73,0.0)
- (0.74,0.0)
- (0.75,0.0)
- (0.76,0.0)
- (0.77,0.0)
- (0.78,0.0)
- (0.79,0.0)
- (0.8,0.0)
- (0.81,0.0)
- (0.82,0.0)
- (0.83,0.0)
- (0.84,0.0)
- (0.85,0.0)
- (0.86,0.0)
- (0.87,0.0)
- (0.88,0.0)
- (0.89,0.0)
- (0.9,0.0)
- (0.91,0.0)
- (0.92,0.0)
- (0.93,0.0)
- (0.94,0.0)
- (0.95,0.0)
- (0.96,0.0)
- (0.97,0.0)
- (0.98,0.0)
- (0.99,0.0)
- (1.0,0.0)
- }
- ;
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- coordinates {
- (0.0,1.0)
- (0.01,1.0)
- (0.02,1.0)
- (0.03,1.0)
- (0.04,1.0)
- (0.05,1.0)
- (0.06,1.0)
- (0.07,1.0)
- (0.08,1.0)
- (0.09,1.0)
- (0.1,1.0)
- (0.11,1.0)
- (0.12,1.0)
- (0.13,1.0)
- (0.14,1.0)
- (0.15,1.0)
- (0.16,1.0)
- (0.17,1.0)
- (0.18,1.0)
- (0.19,1.0)
- (0.2,1.0)
- (0.21,1.0)
- (0.22,1.0)
- (0.23,1.0)
- (0.24,1.0)
- (0.25,1.0)
- (0.26,1.0)
- (0.27,1.0)
- (0.28,1.0)
- (0.29,1.0)
- (0.3,1.0)
- (0.31,1.0)
- (0.32,1.0)
- (0.33,1.0)
- (0.34,1.0)
- (0.35,1.0)
- (0.36,1.0)
- (0.37,1.0)
- (0.38,1.0)
- (0.39,1.0)
- (0.4,1.0)
- (0.41,1.0)
- (0.42,1.0)
- (0.43,1.0)
- (0.44,1.0)
- (0.45,1.0)
- (0.46,1.0)
- (0.47,1.0)
- (0.48,1.0)
- (0.49,1.0)
- (0.5,1.0)
- (0.51,1.0)
- (0.52,1.0)
- (0.53,1.0)
- (0.54,1.0)
- (0.55,1.0)
- (0.56,1.0)
- (0.57,1.0)
- (0.58,1.0)
- (0.59,1.0)
- (0.6,1.0)
- (0.61,1.0)
- (0.62,1.0)
- (0.63,1.0)
- (0.64,1.0)
- (0.65,1.0)
- (0.66,1.0)
- (0.67,0.9999)
- (0.68,0.9999)
- (0.69,0.9997)
- (0.7,0.9996)
- (0.71,0.9986)
- (0.72,0.9978)
- (0.73,0.9965)
- (0.74,0.9936)
- (0.75,0.9877)
- (0.76,0.9753000000000001)
- (0.77,0.961)
- (0.78,0.9373)
- (0.79,0.9013)
- (0.8,0.8486)
- (0.81,0.7737)
- (0.82,0.6861999999999999)
- (0.83,0.583)
- (0.84,0.45930000000000004)
- (0.85,0.33530000000000004)
- (0.86,0.22250000000000003)
- (0.87,0.13280000000000003)
- (0.88,0.07050000000000001)
- (0.89,0.031100000000000017)
- (0.9,0.01200000000000001)
- (0.91,0.0034999999999999476)
- (0.92,0.0007000000000000339)
- (0.93,9.999999999998899e-5)
- (0.94,0.0)
- (0.95,0.0)
- (0.96,0.0)
- (0.97,0.0)
- (0.98,0.0)
- (0.99,0.0)
- (1.0,0.0)
- }
- ;
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- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- 0.0 0.0 \\
- 0.01 0.0 \\
- 0.02 0.0 \\
- 0.03 0.0 \\
- 0.04 0.0 \\
- 0.05 0.0 \\
- 0.06 0.0 \\
- 0.07 0.0 \\
- 0.08 0.0 \\
- 0.09 0.0 \\
- 0.1 0.0 \\
- 0.11 0.0 \\
- 0.12 0.0 \\
- 0.13 0.0 \\
- 0.14 0.0 \\
- 0.15 0.0 \\
- 0.16 0.0 \\
- 0.17 0.0 \\
- 0.18 0.0 \\
- 0.19 0.0 \\
- 0.2 0.0 \\
- 0.21 0.0 \\
- 0.22 0.0 \\
- 0.23 0.0 \\
- 0.24 0.0 \\
- 0.25 0.0 \\
- 0.26 0.0 \\
- 0.27 0.0 \\
- 0.28 0.0 \\
- 0.29 0.0 \\
- 0.3 0.0 \\
- 0.31 0.0 \\
- 0.32 0.0 \\
- 0.33 0.0 \\
- 0.34 0.0 \\
- 0.35 0.0 \\
- 0.36 0.0 \\
- 0.37 0.0 \\
- 0.38 0.0 \\
- 0.39 0.0 \\
- 0.4 0.0 \\
- 0.41 0.0 \\
- 0.42 0.0 \\
- 0.43 0.0 \\
- 0.44 0.0 \\
- 0.45 0.0 \\
- 0.46 0.0 \\
- 0.47 0.0 \\
- 0.48 0.0 \\
- 0.49 0.0 \\
- 0.5 0.0 \\
- 0.51 0.0 \\
- 0.52 0.0 \\
- 0.53 0.0 \\
- 0.54 0.0 \\
- 0.55 0.0 \\
- 0.56 0.0 \\
- 0.57 0.0 \\
- 0.58 0.0 \\
- 0.59 0.0 \\
- 0.6 0.0 \\
- 0.61 0.0 \\
- 0.62 0.0 \\
- 0.63 0.0 \\
- 0.64 0.0 \\
- 0.65 0.0 \\
- 0.66 0.0 \\
- 0.67 0.0 \\
- 0.68 0.0 \\
- 0.69 0.0 \\
- 0.7 0.0 \\
- 0.71 0.0 \\
- 0.72 0.0 \\
- 0.73 0.0 \\
- 0.74 0.0 \\
- 0.75 0.0 \\
- 0.76 0.0 \\
- 0.77 0.0 \\
- 0.78 0.0 \\
- 0.79 0.0 \\
- 0.8 0.0 \\
- 0.81 0.0 \\
- 0.82 0.0 \\
- 0.83 0.0 \\
- 0.84 0.0 \\
- 0.85 0.0 \\
- 0.86 0.0 \\
- 0.87 0.0 \\
- 0.88 0.0 \\
- 0.89 0.0 \\
- 0.9 0.0 \\
- 0.91 0.0 \\
- 0.92 0.0 \\
- 0.93 0.0 \\
- 0.94 0.0 \\
- 0.95 0.0 \\
- 0.96 0.0 \\
- 0.97 0.0 \\
- 0.98 0.0 \\
- 0.99 0.0 \\
- 1.0 1.0 \\
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- (0,0)
- (1,1)
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- (0.01,1.0)
- (0.02,1.0)
- (0.03,1.0)
- (0.04,1.0)
- (0.05,1.0)
- (0.06,1.0)
- (0.07,1.0)
- (0.08,1.0)
- (0.09,1.0)
- (0.1,1.0)
- (0.11,1.0)
- (0.12,1.0)
- (0.13,1.0)
- (0.14,1.0)
- (0.15,1.0)
- (0.16,1.0)
- (0.17,1.0)
- (0.18,1.0)
- (0.19,1.0)
- (0.2,1.0)
- (0.21,1.0)
- (0.22,1.0)
- (0.23,1.0)
- (0.24,1.0)
- (0.25,1.0)
- (0.26,1.0)
- (0.27,1.0)
- (0.28,1.0)
- (0.29,1.0)
- (0.3,1.0)
- (0.31,1.0)
- (0.32,1.0)
- (0.33,1.0)
- (0.34,1.0)
- (0.35,1.0)
- (0.36,1.0)
- (0.37,1.0)
- (0.38,1.0)
- (0.39,1.0)
- (0.4,1.0)
- (0.41,1.0)
- (0.42,1.0)
- (0.43,1.0)
- (0.44,1.0)
- (0.45,1.0)
- (0.46,1.0)
- (0.47,1.0)
- (0.48,1.0)
- (0.49,1.0)
- (0.5,1.0)
- (0.51,1.0)
- (0.52,1.0)
- (0.53,1.0)
- (0.54,1.0)
- (0.55,1.0)
- (0.56,1.0)
- (0.57,1.0)
- (0.58,1.0)
- (0.59,1.0)
- (0.6,1.0)
- (0.61,1.0)
- (0.62,1.0)
- (0.63,1.0)
- (0.64,1.0)
- (0.65,1.0)
- (0.66,1.0)
- (0.67,0.9999)
- (0.68,0.9999)
- (0.69,0.9998)
- (0.7,0.9997)
- (0.71,0.9996)
- (0.72,0.9994)
- (0.73,0.9991)
- (0.74,0.9983)
- (0.75,0.9967)
- (0.76,0.9937)
- (0.77,0.9892)
- (0.78,0.983)
- (0.79,0.9687)
- (0.8,0.9499)
- (0.81,0.9216)
- (0.82,0.8843)
- (0.83,0.8325)
- (0.84,0.7622)
- (0.85,0.6780999999999999)
- (0.86,0.5712999999999999)
- (0.87,0.4536)
- (0.88,0.3416)
- (0.89,0.23360000000000003)
- (0.9,0.14449999999999996)
- (0.91,0.07509999999999994)
- (0.92,0.0353)
- (0.93,0.012700000000000045)
- (0.94,0.0032999999999999696)
- (0.95,0.00029999999999996696)
- (0.96,9.999999999998899e-5)
- (0.97,0.0)
- (0.98,0.0)
- (0.99,0.0)
- (1.0,0.0)
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- coordinates {
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- (0.01,1.0)
- (0.02,1.0)
- (0.03,1.0)
- (0.04,1.0)
- (0.05,1.0)
- (0.06,1.0)
- (0.07,1.0)
- (0.08,1.0)
- (0.09,1.0)
- (0.1,1.0)
- (0.11,1.0)
- (0.12,1.0)
- (0.13,1.0)
- (0.14,1.0)
- (0.15,1.0)
- (0.16,1.0)
- (0.17,1.0)
- (0.18,1.0)
- (0.19,1.0)
- (0.2,1.0)
- (0.21,1.0)
- (0.22,1.0)
- (0.23,1.0)
- (0.24,1.0)
- (0.25,1.0)
- (0.26,1.0)
- (0.27,1.0)
- (0.28,1.0)
- (0.29,1.0)
- (0.3,1.0)
- (0.31,1.0)
- (0.32,1.0)
- (0.33,1.0)
- (0.34,1.0)
- (0.35,1.0)
- (0.36,1.0)
- (0.37,1.0)
- (0.38,1.0)
- (0.39,1.0)
- (0.4,1.0)
- (0.41,1.0)
- (0.42,1.0)
- (0.43,1.0)
- (0.44,1.0)
- (0.45,1.0)
- (0.46,1.0)
- (0.47,1.0)
- (0.48,1.0)
- (0.49,1.0)
- (0.5,1.0)
- (0.51,1.0)
- (0.52,1.0)
- (0.53,1.0)
- (0.54,1.0)
- (0.55,1.0)
- (0.56,1.0)
- (0.57,1.0)
- (0.58,1.0)
- (0.59,1.0)
- (0.6,1.0)
- (0.61,1.0)
- (0.62,1.0)
- (0.63,1.0)
- (0.64,1.0)
- (0.65,1.0)
- (0.66,1.0)
- (0.67,1.0)
- (0.68,1.0)
- (0.69,1.0)
- (0.7,1.0)
- (0.71,1.0)
- (0.72,1.0)
- (0.73,1.0)
- (0.74,1.0)
- (0.75,1.0)
- (0.76,1.0)
- (0.77,1.0)
- (0.78,1.0)
- (0.79,1.0)
- (0.8,1.0)
- (0.81,1.0)
- (0.82,1.0)
- (0.83,1.0)
- (0.84,1.0)
- (0.85,1.0)
- (0.86,1.0)
- (0.87,1.0)
- (0.88,1.0)
- (0.89,1.0)
- (0.9,1.0)
- (0.91,1.0)
- (0.92,1.0)
- (0.93,1.0)
- (0.94,1.0)
- (0.95,1.0)
- (0.96,1.0)
- (0.97,1.0)
- (0.98,1.0)
- (0.99,1.0)
- (1.0,0.0)
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- \\
- 0.0 0.0 \\
- 0.01 0.0 \\
- 0.02 0.0 \\
- 0.03 0.0 \\
- 0.04 0.0 \\
- 0.05 0.0 \\
- 0.06 0.0 \\
- 0.07 0.0 \\
- 0.08 0.0 \\
- 0.09 0.0 \\
- 0.1 0.0 \\
- 0.11 0.0 \\
- 0.12 0.0 \\
- 0.13 0.0 \\
- 0.14 0.0 \\
- 0.15 0.0 \\
- 0.16 0.0 \\
- 0.17 0.0 \\
- 0.18 0.0 \\
- 0.19 0.0 \\
- 0.2 0.0 \\
- 0.21 0.0 \\
- 0.22 0.0 \\
- 0.23 0.0 \\
- 0.24 0.0 \\
- 0.25 0.0 \\
- 0.26 0.0 \\
- 0.27 0.0 \\
- 0.28 0.0 \\
- 0.29 0.0 \\
- 0.3 0.0 \\
- 0.31 0.0 \\
- 0.32 0.0 \\
- 0.33 0.0 \\
- 0.34 0.0 \\
- 0.35 0.0 \\
- 0.36 0.0 \\
- 0.37 0.0 \\
- 0.38 0.0 \\
- 0.39 0.0 \\
- 0.4 0.0 \\
- 0.41 0.0 \\
- 0.42 0.0 \\
- 0.43 0.0 \\
- 0.44 0.0 \\
- 0.45 0.0 \\
- 0.46 0.0 \\
- 0.47 0.0 \\
- 0.48 0.0 \\
- 0.49 0.0 \\
- 0.5 0.0 \\
- 0.51 0.0 \\
- 0.52 0.0 \\
- 0.53 0.0 \\
- 0.54 0.0 \\
- 0.55 0.0 \\
- 0.56 0.0 \\
- 0.57 0.0 \\
- 0.58 0.0 \\
- 0.59 0.0 \\
- 0.6 0.0 \\
- 0.61 0.0 \\
- 0.62 0.0 \\
- 0.63 0.0 \\
- 0.64 0.0 \\
- 0.65 0.0 \\
- 0.66 0.0 \\
- 0.67 0.0 \\
- 0.68 0.0 \\
- 0.69 0.0 \\
- 0.7 0.0 \\
- 0.71 0.0 \\
- 0.72 0.0 \\
- 0.73 0.0 \\
- 0.74 0.0 \\
- 0.75 0.0 \\
- 0.76 0.0 \\
- 0.77 0.0 \\
- 0.78 0.0 \\
- 0.79 0.0 \\
- 0.8 0.0 \\
- 0.81 0.0 \\
- 0.82 0.0 \\
- 0.83 0.0 \\
- 0.84 0.0 \\
- 0.85 0.0 \\
- 0.86 0.0 \\
- 0.87 0.0 \\
- 0.88 0.0 \\
- 0.89 0.0 \\
- 0.9 0.0 \\
- 0.91 0.0 \\
- 0.92 0.0 \\
- 0.93 0.0 \\
- 0.94 0.0 \\
- 0.95 0.0 \\
- 0.96 0.0 \\
- 0.97 0.0 \\
- 0.98 0.0 \\
- 0.99 0.0006 \\
- 1.0 1.0 \\
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- (1,1)
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- coordinates {
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- (0.01,1.0)
- (0.02,1.0)
- (0.03,1.0)
- (0.04,1.0)
- (0.05,1.0)
- (0.06,1.0)
- (0.07,1.0)
- (0.08,1.0)
- (0.09,1.0)
- (0.1,1.0)
- (0.11,1.0)
- (0.12,1.0)
- (0.13,1.0)
- (0.14,1.0)
- (0.15,1.0)
- (0.16,1.0)
- (0.17,1.0)
- (0.18,1.0)
- (0.19,1.0)
- (0.2,1.0)
- (0.21,1.0)
- (0.22,1.0)
- (0.23,1.0)
- (0.24,1.0)
- (0.25,1.0)
- (0.26,1.0)
- (0.27,1.0)
- (0.28,1.0)
- (0.29,1.0)
- (0.3,1.0)
- (0.31,1.0)
- (0.32,1.0)
- (0.33,1.0)
- (0.34,1.0)
- (0.35,1.0)
- (0.36,1.0)
- (0.37,1.0)
- (0.38,1.0)
- (0.39,1.0)
- (0.4,1.0)
- (0.41,1.0)
- (0.42,1.0)
- (0.43,1.0)
- (0.44,1.0)
- (0.45,1.0)
- (0.46,1.0)
- (0.47,1.0)
- (0.48,1.0)
- (0.49,1.0)
- (0.5,1.0)
- (0.51,1.0)
- (0.52,1.0)
- (0.53,1.0)
- (0.54,1.0)
- (0.55,1.0)
- (0.56,1.0)
- (0.57,1.0)
- (0.58,1.0)
- (0.59,1.0)
- (0.6,1.0)
- (0.61,0.9999)
- (0.62,0.9998)
- (0.63,0.9997)
- (0.64,0.9993)
- (0.65,0.9992)
- (0.66,0.9987)
- (0.67,0.9984)
- (0.68,0.9972)
- (0.69,0.9962)
- (0.7,0.9949)
- (0.71,0.9921)
- (0.72,0.9881)
- (0.73,0.9838)
- (0.74,0.9784)
- (0.75,0.9707)
- (0.76,0.9607)
- (0.77,0.946)
- (0.78,0.9266)
- (0.79,0.9039)
- (0.8,0.8749)
- (0.81,0.842)
- (0.82,0.7997)
- (0.83,0.7465999999999999)
- (0.84,0.6909000000000001)
- (0.85,0.6224000000000001)
- (0.86,0.5509)
- (0.87,0.4729)
- (0.88,0.3944)
- (0.89,0.31720000000000004)
- (0.9,0.245)
- (0.91,0.17720000000000002)
- (0.92,0.12039999999999995)
- (0.93,0.07379999999999998)
- (0.94,0.042100000000000026)
- (0.95,0.01970000000000005)
- (0.96,0.007099999999999995)
- (0.97,0.0031999999999999806)
- (0.98,0.0007000000000000339)
- (0.99,0.0)
- (1.0,0.0)
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- (0.01,1.0)
- (0.02,1.0)
- (0.03,1.0)
- (0.04,1.0)
- (0.05,1.0)
- (0.06,1.0)
- (0.07,1.0)
- (0.08,1.0)
- (0.09,1.0)
- (0.1,1.0)
- (0.11,1.0)
- (0.12,1.0)
- (0.13,1.0)
- (0.14,1.0)
- (0.15,1.0)
- (0.16,1.0)
- (0.17,1.0)
- (0.18,1.0)
- (0.19,1.0)
- (0.2,1.0)
- (0.21,1.0)
- (0.22,1.0)
- (0.23,1.0)
- (0.24,1.0)
- (0.25,1.0)
- (0.26,1.0)
- (0.27,1.0)
- (0.28,1.0)
- (0.29,1.0)
- (0.3,1.0)
- (0.31,1.0)
- (0.32,1.0)
- (0.33,1.0)
- (0.34,1.0)
- (0.35,1.0)
- (0.36,1.0)
- (0.37,1.0)
- (0.38,1.0)
- (0.39,1.0)
- (0.4,1.0)
- (0.41,1.0)
- (0.42,1.0)
- (0.43,1.0)
- (0.44,1.0)
- (0.45,1.0)
- (0.46,1.0)
- (0.47,1.0)
- (0.48,1.0)
- (0.49,1.0)
- (0.5,1.0)
- (0.51,1.0)
- (0.52,1.0)
- (0.53,1.0)
- (0.54,1.0)
- (0.55,1.0)
- (0.56,1.0)
- (0.57,1.0)
- (0.58,1.0)
- (0.59,1.0)
- (0.6,1.0)
- (0.61,1.0)
- (0.62,1.0)
- (0.63,1.0)
- (0.64,1.0)
- (0.65,1.0)
- (0.66,1.0)
- (0.67,1.0)
- (0.68,1.0)
- (0.69,1.0)
- (0.7,1.0)
- (0.71,1.0)
- (0.72,1.0)
- (0.73,1.0)
- (0.74,1.0)
- (0.75,1.0)
- (0.76,1.0)
- (0.77,1.0)
- (0.78,1.0)
- (0.79,1.0)
- (0.8,1.0)
- (0.81,1.0)
- (0.82,1.0)
- (0.83,1.0)
- (0.84,1.0)
- (0.85,1.0)
- (0.86,1.0)
- (0.87,1.0)
- (0.88,1.0)
- (0.89,0.9998)
- (0.9,0.9996)
- (0.91,0.9992)
- (0.92,0.9987)
- (0.93,0.9976)
- (0.94,0.9945)
- (0.95,0.9873)
- (0.96,0.9723)
- (0.97,0.9391)
- (0.98,0.8703)
- (0.99,0.7067)
- (1.0,0.0)
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- \\
- 0.0 0.0 \\
- 0.01 0.0077 \\
- 0.02 0.0162 \\
- 0.03 0.0252 \\
- 0.04 0.0353 \\
- 0.05 0.0455 \\
- 0.06 0.056 \\
- 0.07 0.0656 \\
- 0.08 0.0773 \\
- 0.09 0.0868 \\
- 0.1 0.098 \\
- 0.11 0.1097 \\
- 0.12 0.1186 \\
- 0.13 0.1275 \\
- 0.14 0.1394 \\
- 0.15 0.1491 \\
- 0.16 0.1598 \\
- 0.17 0.1695 \\
- 0.18 0.1798 \\
- 0.19 0.191 \\
- 0.2 0.2014 \\
- 0.21 0.2126 \\
- 0.22 0.2227 \\
- 0.23 0.2327 \\
- 0.24 0.243 \\
- 0.25 0.2564 \\
- 0.26 0.267 \\
- 0.27 0.2759 \\
- 0.28 0.2862 \\
- 0.29 0.2973 \\
- 0.3 0.3076 \\
- 0.31 0.3182 \\
- 0.32 0.3307 \\
- 0.33 0.3402 \\
- 0.34 0.3508 \\
- 0.35 0.3607 \\
- 0.36 0.3718 \\
- 0.37 0.3801 \\
- 0.38 0.3921 \\
- 0.39 0.4033 \\
- 0.4 0.4141 \\
- 0.41 0.4244 \\
- 0.42 0.4334 \\
- 0.43 0.4441 \\
- 0.44 0.4545 \\
- 0.45 0.4647 \\
- 0.46 0.4737 \\
- 0.47 0.4836 \\
- 0.48 0.4943 \\
- 0.49 0.5037 \\
- 0.5 0.5154 \\
- 0.51 0.5236 \\
- 0.52 0.5318 \\
- 0.53 0.541 \\
- 0.54 0.5513 \\
- 0.55 0.5606 \\
- 0.56 0.5707 \\
- 0.57 0.5802 \\
- 0.58 0.5899 \\
- 0.59 0.5983 \\
- 0.6 0.6075 \\
- 0.61 0.616 \\
- 0.62 0.625 \\
- 0.63 0.6337 \\
- 0.64 0.6431 \\
- 0.65 0.6511 \\
- 0.66 0.6614 \\
- 0.67 0.6705 \\
- 0.68 0.6794 \\
- 0.69 0.6871 \\
- 0.7 0.6957 \\
- 0.71 0.7055 \\
- 0.72 0.7152 \\
- 0.73 0.7262 \\
- 0.74 0.7358 \\
- 0.75 0.7433 \\
- 0.76 0.7521 \\
- 0.77 0.7631 \\
- 0.78 0.7724 \\
- 0.79 0.781 \\
- 0.8 0.7894 \\
- 0.81 0.8002 \\
- 0.82 0.81 \\
- 0.83 0.8193 \\
- 0.84 0.8282 \\
- 0.85 0.8371 \\
- 0.86 0.8452 \\
- 0.87 0.8565 \\
- 0.88 0.8678 \\
- 0.89 0.8781 \\
- 0.9 0.8906 \\
- 0.91 0.9011 \\
- 0.92 0.9121 \\
- 0.93 0.9224 \\
- 0.94 0.9324 \\
- 0.95 0.9425 \\
- 0.96 0.9523 \\
- 0.97 0.9655 \\
- 0.98 0.9774 \\
- 0.99 0.9887 \\
- 1.0 1.0 \\
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- (0.04,0.0)
- (0.05,0.0)
- (0.06,0.0)
- (0.07,0.0)
- (0.08,0.0)
- (0.09,0.0)
- (0.1,0.0)
- (0.11,0.0)
- (0.12,0.0)
- (0.13,0.0)
- (0.14,0.0)
- (0.15,0.0)
- (0.16,0.0)
- (0.17,0.0)
- (0.18,0.0)
- (0.19,0.0)
- (0.2,0.0)
- (0.21,0.0)
- (0.22,0.0)
- (0.23,0.0)
- (0.24,0.0)
- (0.25,0.0)
- (0.26,0.0)
- (0.27,0.0)
- (0.28,0.0)
- (0.29,0.0)
- (0.3,0.0)
- (0.31,0.0)
- (0.32,0.0)
- (0.33,0.0)
- (0.34,0.0)
- (0.35,0.0)
- (0.36,0.0)
- (0.37,0.0)
- (0.38,0.0)
- (0.39,0.0)
- (0.4,0.0)
- (0.41,0.0)
- (0.42,0.0)
- (0.43,0.0)
- (0.44,0.0)
- (0.45,0.0)
- (0.46,0.0)
- (0.47,0.0)
- (0.48,0.0)
- (0.49,0.0)
- (0.5,0.0)
- (0.51,0.0)
- (0.52,0.0)
- (0.53,0.0)
- (0.54,0.0)
- (0.55,0.0)
- (0.56,0.0)
- (0.57,0.0)
- (0.58,0.0)
- (0.59,0.0)
- (0.6,0.0)
- (0.61,0.0)
- (0.62,0.0)
- (0.63,0.0)
- (0.64,0.0)
- (0.65,0.0)
- (0.66,0.0)
- (0.67,0.0)
- (0.68,0.0)
- (0.69,0.0)
- (0.7,0.0)
- (0.71,0.0)
- (0.72,0.0)
- (0.73,0.0)
- (0.74,0.0)
- (0.75,0.0)
- (0.76,0.0)
- (0.77,0.0)
- (0.78,0.0)
- (0.79,0.0)
- (0.8,0.0)
- (0.81,0.0)
- (0.82,0.0)
- (0.83,0.0)
- (0.84,0.0)
- (0.85,0.0)
- (0.86,0.0)
- (0.87,0.0)
- (0.88,0.0)
- (0.89,0.0)
- (0.9,0.0)
- (0.91,0.0)
- (0.92,0.0)
- (0.93,0.0)
- (0.94,0.0)
- (0.95,0.0)
- (0.96,0.0)
- (0.97,0.0)
- (0.98,0.0)
- (0.99,0.0)
- (1.0,0.0)
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- (0.03,0.8746)
- (0.04,0.8407)
- (0.05,0.8086)
- (0.06,0.7818)
- (0.07,0.7569)
- (0.08,0.7298)
- (0.09,0.708)
- (0.1,0.6831)
- (0.11,0.6608)
- (0.12,0.6407)
- (0.13,0.6185)
- (0.14,0.6009)
- (0.15,0.5842)
- (0.16,0.567)
- (0.17,0.5481)
- (0.18,0.5327999999999999)
- (0.19,0.5188999999999999)
- (0.2,0.5046999999999999)
- (0.21,0.4908)
- (0.22,0.4777)
- (0.23,0.4666)
- (0.24,0.4554)
- (0.25,0.4437)
- (0.26,0.43079999999999996)
- (0.27,0.41690000000000005)
- (0.28,0.40700000000000003)
- (0.29,0.39570000000000005)
- (0.3,0.38570000000000004)
- (0.31,0.3732)
- (0.32,0.3619)
- (0.33,0.3507)
- (0.34,0.34040000000000004)
- (0.35,0.33130000000000004)
- (0.36,0.3206)
- (0.37,0.31220000000000003)
- (0.38,0.30269999999999997)
- (0.39,0.2914)
- (0.4,0.2833)
- (0.41,0.275)
- (0.42,0.2653)
- (0.43,0.25680000000000003)
- (0.44,0.24950000000000006)
- (0.45,0.24229999999999996)
- (0.46,0.23399999999999999)
- (0.47,0.22560000000000002)
- (0.48,0.21889999999999998)
- (0.49,0.21450000000000002)
- (0.5,0.20799999999999996)
- (0.51,0.20120000000000005)
- (0.52,0.1945)
- (0.53,0.18769999999999998)
- (0.54,0.18069999999999997)
- (0.55,0.17420000000000002)
- (0.56,0.1674)
- (0.57,0.1623)
- (0.58,0.15690000000000004)
- (0.59,0.15159999999999996)
- (0.6,0.14559999999999995)
- (0.61,0.13980000000000004)
- (0.62,0.13490000000000002)
- (0.63,0.13019999999999998)
- (0.64,0.1251)
- (0.65,0.12)
- (0.66,0.11470000000000002)
- (0.67,0.11019999999999996)
- (0.68,0.10719999999999996)
- (0.69,0.10270000000000001)
- (0.7,0.09930000000000005)
- (0.71,0.0948)
- (0.72,0.09089999999999998)
- (0.73,0.08530000000000004)
- (0.74,0.08179999999999998)
- (0.75,0.07709999999999995)
- (0.76,0.07289999999999996)
- (0.77,0.06910000000000005)
- (0.78,0.06559999999999999)
- (0.79,0.060799999999999965)
- (0.8,0.05669999999999997)
- (0.81,0.05259999999999998)
- (0.82,0.04930000000000001)
- (0.83,0.046499999999999986)
- (0.84,0.04310000000000003)
- (0.85,0.03990000000000005)
- (0.86,0.03710000000000002)
- (0.87,0.03400000000000003)
- (0.88,0.03059999999999996)
- (0.89,0.027100000000000013)
- (0.9,0.024399999999999977)
- (0.91,0.022299999999999986)
- (0.92,0.01880000000000004)
- (0.93,0.016199999999999992)
- (0.94,0.0131)
- (0.95,0.01100000000000001)
- (0.96,0.007900000000000018)
- (0.97,0.005600000000000049)
- (0.98,0.0030000000000000027)
- (0.99,0.0019000000000000128)
- (1.0,0.0)
- }
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[xmin={0}, xmax={1}, ymin={0}, ylabel={$\asympunbiasedskce$}]
- \addplot+[]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- 0.0 0.0 \\
- 0.01 0.006 \\
- 0.02 0.008 \\
- 0.03 0.024 \\
- 0.04 0.03 \\
- 0.05 0.038 \\
- 0.06 0.046 \\
- 0.07 0.054 \\
- 0.08 0.062 \\
- 0.09 0.07 \\
- 0.1 0.074 \\
- 0.11 0.082 \\
- 0.12 0.098 \\
- 0.13 0.112 \\
- 0.14 0.122 \\
- 0.15 0.136 \\
- 0.16 0.146 \\
- 0.17 0.158 \\
- 0.18 0.17 \\
- 0.19 0.174 \\
- 0.2 0.178 \\
- 0.21 0.19 \\
- 0.22 0.194 \\
- 0.23 0.208 \\
- 0.24 0.22 \\
- 0.25 0.23 \\
- 0.26 0.242 \\
- 0.27 0.252 \\
- 0.28 0.262 \\
- 0.29 0.272 \\
- 0.3 0.278 \\
- 0.31 0.286 \\
- 0.32 0.298 \\
- 0.33 0.312 \\
- 0.34 0.32 \\
- 0.35 0.328 \\
- 0.36 0.336 \\
- 0.37 0.348 \\
- 0.38 0.36 \\
- 0.39 0.37 \\
- 0.4 0.378 \\
- 0.41 0.382 \\
- 0.42 0.398 \\
- 0.43 0.406 \\
- 0.44 0.418 \\
- 0.45 0.422 \\
- 0.46 0.43 \\
- 0.47 0.438 \\
- 0.48 0.452 \\
- 0.49 0.46 \\
- 0.5 0.47 \\
- 0.51 0.482 \\
- 0.52 0.502 \\
- 0.53 0.514 \\
- 0.54 0.53 \\
- 0.55 0.546 \\
- 0.56 0.56 \\
- 0.57 0.578 \\
- 0.58 0.588 \\
- 0.59 0.598 \\
- 0.6 0.614 \\
- 0.61 0.628 \\
- 0.62 0.638 \\
- 0.63 0.654 \\
- 0.64 0.672 \\
- 0.65 0.678 \\
- 0.66 0.684 \\
- 0.67 0.694 \\
- 0.68 0.704 \\
- 0.69 0.714 \\
- 0.7 0.732 \\
- 0.71 0.744 \\
- 0.72 0.762 \\
- 0.73 0.77 \\
- 0.74 0.778 \\
- 0.75 0.796 \\
- 0.76 0.8 \\
- 0.77 0.816 \\
- 0.78 0.826 \\
- 0.79 0.834 \\
- 0.8 0.84 \\
- 0.81 0.848 \\
- 0.82 0.858 \\
- 0.83 0.866 \\
- 0.84 0.876 \\
- 0.85 0.884 \\
- 0.86 0.896 \\
- 0.87 0.904 \\
- 0.88 0.91 \\
- 0.89 0.918 \\
- 0.9 0.936 \\
- 0.91 0.948 \\
- 0.92 0.954 \\
- 0.93 0.958 \\
- 0.94 0.962 \\
- 0.95 0.964 \\
- 0.96 0.98 \\
- 0.97 0.986 \\
- 0.98 0.994 \\
- 0.99 0.998 \\
- 1.0 1.0 \\
- }
- ;
- \addplot+[dotted]
- coordinates {
- (0,0)
- (1,1)
- }
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[xmin={0}, xmax={1}, ymin={0}]
- \addplot+[]
- coordinates {
- (0.0,0.0)
- (0.01,0.0)
- (0.02,0.0)
- (0.03,0.0)
- (0.04,0.0)
- (0.05,0.0)
- (0.06,0.0)
- (0.07,0.0)
- (0.08,0.0)
- (0.09,0.0)
- (0.1,0.0)
- (0.11,0.0)
- (0.12,0.0)
- (0.13,0.0)
- (0.14,0.0)
- (0.15,0.0)
- (0.16,0.0)
- (0.17,0.0)
- (0.18,0.0)
- (0.19,0.0)
- (0.2,0.0)
- (0.21,0.0)
- (0.22,0.0)
- (0.23,0.0)
- (0.24,0.0)
- (0.25,0.0)
- (0.26,0.0)
- (0.27,0.0)
- (0.28,0.0)
- (0.29,0.0)
- (0.3,0.0)
- (0.31,0.0)
- (0.32,0.0)
- (0.33,0.0)
- (0.34,0.0)
- (0.35,0.0)
- (0.36,0.0)
- (0.37,0.0)
- (0.38,0.0)
- (0.39,0.0)
- (0.4,0.0)
- (0.41,0.0)
- (0.42,0.0)
- (0.43,0.0)
- (0.44,0.0)
- (0.45,0.0)
- (0.46,0.0)
- (0.47,0.0)
- (0.48,0.0)
- (0.49,0.0)
- (0.5,0.0)
- (0.51,0.0)
- (0.52,0.0)
- (0.53,0.0)
- (0.54,0.0)
- (0.55,0.0)
- (0.56,0.0)
- (0.57,0.0)
- (0.58,0.0)
- (0.59,0.0)
- (0.6,0.0)
- (0.61,0.0)
- (0.62,0.0)
- (0.63,0.0)
- (0.64,0.0)
- (0.65,0.0)
- (0.66,0.0)
- (0.67,0.0)
- (0.68,0.0)
- (0.69,0.0)
- (0.7,0.0)
- (0.71,0.0)
- (0.72,0.0)
- (0.73,0.0)
- (0.74,0.0)
- (0.75,0.0)
- (0.76,0.0)
- (0.77,0.0)
- (0.78,0.0)
- (0.79,0.0)
- (0.8,0.0)
- (0.81,0.0)
- (0.82,0.0)
- (0.83,0.0)
- (0.84,0.0)
- (0.85,0.0)
- (0.86,0.0)
- (0.87,0.0)
- (0.88,0.0)
- (0.89,0.0)
- (0.9,0.0)
- (0.91,0.0)
- (0.92,0.0)
- (0.93,0.0)
- (0.94,0.0)
- (0.95,0.0)
- (0.96,0.0)
- (0.97,0.0)
- (0.98,0.0)
- (0.99,0.0)
- (1.0,0.0)
- }
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[xmin={0}, xmax={1}, ymin={0}]
- \addplot+[]
- coordinates {
- (0.0,0.0)
- (0.01,0.0)
- (0.02,0.0)
- (0.03,0.0)
- (0.04,0.0)
- (0.05,0.0)
- (0.06,0.0)
- (0.07,0.0)
- (0.08,0.0)
- (0.09,0.0)
- (0.1,0.0)
- (0.11,0.0)
- (0.12,0.0)
- (0.13,0.0)
- (0.14,0.0)
- (0.15,0.0)
- (0.16,0.0)
- (0.17,0.0)
- (0.18,0.0)
- (0.19,0.0)
- (0.2,0.0)
- (0.21,0.0)
- (0.22,0.0)
- (0.23,0.0)
- (0.24,0.0)
- (0.25,0.0)
- (0.26,0.0)
- (0.27,0.0)
- (0.28,0.0)
- (0.29,0.0)
- (0.3,0.0)
- (0.31,0.0)
- (0.32,0.0)
- (0.33,0.0)
- (0.34,0.0)
- (0.35,0.0)
- (0.36,0.0)
- (0.37,0.0)
- (0.38,0.0)
- (0.39,0.0)
- (0.4,0.0)
- (0.41,0.0)
- (0.42,0.0)
- (0.43,0.0)
- (0.44,0.0)
- (0.45,0.0)
- (0.46,0.0)
- (0.47,0.0)
- (0.48,0.0)
- (0.49,0.0)
- (0.5,0.0)
- (0.51,0.0)
- (0.52,0.0)
- (0.53,0.0)
- (0.54,0.0)
- (0.55,0.0)
- (0.56,0.0)
- (0.57,0.0)
- (0.58,0.0)
- (0.59,0.0)
- (0.6,0.0)
- (0.61,0.0)
- (0.62,0.0)
- (0.63,0.0)
- (0.64,0.0)
- (0.65,0.0)
- (0.66,0.0)
- (0.67,0.0)
- (0.68,0.0)
- (0.69,0.0)
- (0.7,0.0)
- (0.71,0.0)
- (0.72,0.0)
- (0.73,0.0)
- (0.74,0.0)
- (0.75,0.0)
- (0.76,0.0)
- (0.77,0.0)
- (0.78,0.0)
- (0.79,0.0)
- (0.8,0.0)
- (0.81,0.0)
- (0.82,0.0)
- (0.83,0.0)
- (0.84,0.0)
- (0.85,0.0)
- (0.86,0.0)
- (0.87,0.0)
- (0.88,0.0)
- (0.89,0.0)
- (0.9,0.0)
- (0.91,0.0)
- (0.92,0.0)
- (0.93,0.0)
- (0.94,0.0)
- (0.95,0.0)
- (0.96,0.0)
- (0.97,0.0)
- (0.98,0.0)
- (0.99,0.0)
- (1.0,0.0)
- }
- ;
-\node[anchor=north] at ($(group c1r6.west |- group c1r6.outer south)!0.5!(group c3r6.east |- group c3r6.outer south)$){bound/approximation of probability of false rejection};
-\node[anchor=south, rotate=90] at ($(group c1r1.north -| group c1r1.outer west)!0.5!(group c1r6.south -| group c1r6.outer west)$){test error};
diff --git a/poster/figures/errors_comparison.tex b/poster/figures/errors_comparison.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01dccf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poster/figures/errors_comparison.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+\begin{groupplot}[group style={group size={3 by 4}, xlabels at={edge bottom}, ylabels at={edge left}, horizontal sep={0.1\linewidth}, vertical sep={0.05\linewidth}}, no markers, tick label style={font={\tiny}}, grid={major}, title style={align={center}}, width={0.23\linewidth}, height={0.155\linewidth}, every x tick scale label/.style={at={{(1,0)}}, anchor={west}}, ylabel style={font={\small}}]
+ \nextgroupplot[title={$\symbf{M1}$}, ylabel={$\widehat{\ECE}$}]
+ \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={Dark2-A!30!white}]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.17 7.0 \\
+ 0.18 55.0 \\
+ 0.19 229.0 \\
+ 0.2 796.0 \\
+ 0.21 1782.0 \\
+ 0.22 2550.0 \\
+ 0.23 2307.0 \\
+ 0.24 1389.0 \\
+ 0.25 667.0 \\
+ 0.26 171.0 \\
+ 0.27 42.0 \\
+ 0.28 5.0 \\
+ 0.29 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \draw[solid, thick, Dark2-B] (0.22876019647666532,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.22876019647666532,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
+ \draw[dashed, thick, Dark2-C] (0.0,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.0,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
+ \addplot+[draw={none}]
+ coordinates {
+ (0.0,0)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot[title={$\symbf{M2}$}]
+ \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={Dark2-A!30!white}]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.42 23.0 \\
+ 0.44 207.0 \\
+ 0.46 838.0 \\
+ 0.48 1942.0 \\
+ 0.5 2982.0 \\
+ 0.52 2440.0 \\
+ 0.54 1165.0 \\
+ 0.56 345.0 \\
+ 0.58 52.0 \\
+ 0.6 6.0 \\
+ 0.62 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \draw[solid, thick, Dark2-B] (0.5133844252714233,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.5133844252714233,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
+ \draw[dashed, thick, Dark2-C] (0.45,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.45,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
+ \addplot+[draw={none}]
+ coordinates {
+ (0.45,0)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot[title={$\symbf{M3}$}]
+ \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={Dark2-A!30!white}]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.3 15.0 \\
+ 0.32 118.0 \\
+ 0.34 804.0 \\
+ 0.36 2310.0 \\
+ 0.38 3279.0 \\
+ 0.4 2413.0 \\
+ 0.42 863.0 \\
+ 0.44 185.0 \\
+ 0.46 13.0 \\
+ 0.48 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \draw[solid, thick, Dark2-B] (0.3908207321571612,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.3908207321571612,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
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+ \addplot+[draw={none}]
+ coordinates {
+ (0.7106418012290426,0)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot[ylabel={$\biasedestimator$}]
+ \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={Dark2-A!30!white}]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0005 61.0 \\
+ 0.001 2724.0 \\
+ 0.0015 4376.0 \\
+ 0.002 2111.0 \\
+ 0.0025 597.0 \\
+ 0.003 108.0 \\
+ 0.0035 20.0 \\
+ 0.004 3.0 \\
+ 0.0045 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \draw[solid, thick, Dark2-B] (0.001791065804877401,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.001791065804877401,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
+ \draw[dashed, thick, Dark2-C] (-8.624308735909016e-6,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(-8.624308735909016e-6,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
+ \addplot+[draw={none}]
+ coordinates {
+ (-8.624308735909016e-6,0)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot
+ \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={Dark2-A!30!white}]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.05 3.0 \\
+ 0.06 89.0 \\
+ 0.07 558.0 \\
+ 0.08 1735.0 \\
+ 0.09 2790.0 \\
+ 0.1 2643.0 \\
+ 0.11 1483.0 \\
+ 0.12 532.0 \\
+ 0.13 133.0 \\
+ 0.14 31.0 \\
+ 0.15 3.0 \\
+ 0.16 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \draw[solid, thick, Dark2-B] (0.09976616408194146,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.09976616408194146,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
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+ \addplot+[draw={none}]
+ coordinates {
+ (0.09655136747590724,0)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot
+ \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={Dark2-A!30!white}]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.014 2.0 \\
+ 0.015 12.0 \\
+ 0.016 124.0 \\
+ 0.017 527.0 \\
+ 0.018 1314.0 \\
+ 0.019 2150.0 \\
+ 0.02 2374.0 \\
+ 0.021 1705.0 \\
+ 0.022 986.0 \\
+ 0.023 518.0 \\
+ 0.024 209.0 \\
+ 0.025 57.0 \\
+ 0.026 14.0 \\
+ 0.027 6.0 \\
+ 0.028 2.0 \\
+ 0.029 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \draw[solid, thick, Dark2-B] (0.02045969775710109,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.02045969775710109,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
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+ \addplot+[draw={none}]
+ coordinates {
+ (0.015122104194196453,0)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot[ylabel={$\unbiasedestimator$}]
+ \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={Dark2-A!30!white}]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ -0.001 37.0 \\
+ -0.0008 438.0 \\
+ -0.0006 1286.0 \\
+ -0.0004 1968.0 \\
+ -0.0002 1919.0 \\
+ 0.0 1607.0 \\
+ 0.0002 1132.0 \\
+ 0.0004 704.0 \\
+ 0.0006 423.0 \\
+ 0.0008 242.0 \\
+ 0.001 122.0 \\
+ 0.0012 72.0 \\
+ 0.0014 22.0 \\
+ 0.0016 20.0 \\
+ 0.0018 4.0 \\
+ 0.002 4.0 \\
+ 0.0022 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \draw[solid, thick, Dark2-B] (-8.624308735909016e-6,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(-8.624308735909016e-6,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
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+ \addplot+[draw={none}]
+ coordinates {
+ (-8.624308735909016e-6,0)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot
+ \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={Dark2-A!30!white}]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.05 11.0 \\
+ 0.06 151.0 \\
+ 0.07 882.0 \\
+ 0.08 2126.0 \\
+ 0.09 2995.0 \\
+ 0.1 2302.0 \\
+ 0.11 1076.0 \\
+ 0.12 352.0 \\
+ 0.13 92.0 \\
+ 0.14 12.0 \\
+ 0.15 1.0 \\
+ 0.16 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \draw[solid, thick, Dark2-B] (0.09655136747590724,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.09655136747590724,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
+ \draw[dashed, thick, Dark2-C] (0.09655136747590724,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.09655136747590724,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
+ \addplot+[draw={none}]
+ coordinates {
+ (0.09655136747590724,0)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot
+ \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={Dark2-A!30!white}]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.009 2.0 \\
+ 0.01 15.0 \\
+ 0.011 166.0 \\
+ 0.012 702.0 \\
+ 0.013 1588.0 \\
+ 0.014 2501.0 \\
+ 0.015 2295.0 \\
+ 0.016 1441.0 \\
+ 0.017 767.0 \\
+ 0.018 352.0 \\
+ 0.019 126.0 \\
+ 0.02 34.0 \\
+ 0.021 7.0 \\
+ 0.022 3.0 \\
+ 0.023 1.0 \\
+ 0.024 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \draw[solid, thick, Dark2-B] (0.015122104194196453,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.015122104194196453,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
+ \draw[dashed, thick, Dark2-C] (0.015122104194196453,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.015122104194196453,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
+ \addplot+[draw={none}]
+ coordinates {
+ (0.015122104194196453,0)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot[ylabel={$\linearestimator$}]
+ \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={Dark2-A!30!white}]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ -0.03 1.0 \\
+ -0.025 13.0 \\
+ -0.02 117.0 \\
+ -0.015 555.0 \\
+ -0.01 1580.0 \\
+ -0.005 2580.0 \\
+ 0.0 2825.0 \\
+ 0.005 1594.0 \\
+ 0.01 564.0 \\
+ 0.015 145.0 \\
+ 0.02 21.0 \\
+ 0.025 5.0 \\
+ 0.03 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \draw[solid, thick, Dark2-B] (0.00016041013856191278,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.00016041013856191278,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
+ \draw[dashed, thick, Dark2-C] (-8.624308735909016e-6,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(-8.624308735909016e-6,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
+ \addplot+[draw={none}]
+ coordinates {
+ (-8.624308735909016e-6,0)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot
+ \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={Dark2-A!30!white}]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.03 10.0 \\
+ 0.04 52.0 \\
+ 0.05 211.0 \\
+ 0.06 603.0 \\
+ 0.07 1159.0 \\
+ 0.08 1823.0 \\
+ 0.09 1930.0 \\
+ 0.1 1743.0 \\
+ 0.11 1273.0 \\
+ 0.12 679.0 \\
+ 0.13 325.0 \\
+ 0.14 134.0 \\
+ 0.15 40.0 \\
+ 0.16 13.0 \\
+ 0.17 5.0 \\
+ 0.18 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \draw[solid, thick, Dark2-B] (0.09655648558846669,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.09655648558846669,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
+ \draw[dashed, thick, Dark2-C] (0.09655136747590724,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.09655136747590724,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
+ \addplot+[draw={none}]
+ coordinates {
+ (0.09655136747590724,0)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot
+ \addplot+[ybar interval, fill={Dark2-A!30!white}]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ -0.06 2.0 \\
+ -0.05 6.0 \\
+ -0.04 43.0 \\
+ -0.03 194.0 \\
+ -0.02 586.0 \\
+ -0.01 1248.0 \\
+ 0.0 1912.0 \\
+ 0.01 2179.0 \\
+ 0.02 1794.0 \\
+ 0.03 1100.0 \\
+ 0.04 604.0 \\
+ 0.05 252.0 \\
+ 0.06 60.0 \\
+ 0.07 18.0 \\
+ 0.08 2.0 \\
+ 0.09 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \draw[solid, thick, Dark2-B] (0.015012349168529436,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.015012349168529436,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
+ \draw[dashed, thick, Dark2-C] (0.015122104194196453,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})--(0.015122104194196453,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
+ \addplot+[draw={none}]
+ coordinates {
+ (0.015122104194196453,0)
+ }
+ ;
+\node[anchor=north] at ($(group c1r4.west |- group c1r4.outer south)!0.5!(group c3r4.east |- group c3r4.outer south)$){calibration error estimate};
+\node[anchor=south, rotate=90, yshift=1ex] at ($(group c1r1.north -| group c1r1.outer west)!0.5!(group c1r4.south -| group c1r4.outer west)$){\# runs};
diff --git a/poster/figures/gear.svg b/poster/figures/gear.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fabb7ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poster/figures/gear.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/poster/figures/pedestrian.svg b/poster/figures/pedestrian.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2853426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poster/figures/pedestrian.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/poster/figures/pvalues_comparison.tex b/poster/figures/pvalues_comparison.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90f2a58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poster/figures/pvalues_comparison.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1986 @@
+\begin{groupplot}[group style={group size={3 by 6}, xlabels at={edge bottom}, ylabels at={edge left}, horizontal sep={0.1\linewidth}, vertical sep={0.015\linewidth}, xticklabels at={edge bottom}}, no markers, tick label style={font={\tiny}}, grid={major}, title style={align={center}}, width={0.23\linewidth}, height={0.155\linewidth}, every x tick scale label/.style={at={{(1,0)}}, anchor={west}}, ylabel style={font={\small}}, xmin={0}, xmax={1}, ymin={-0.1}, ymax={1.1}]
+ \nextgroupplot[title={$\symbf{M1}$}, ylabel={$\symbf{C}$}]
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 0.0091 \\
+ 0.01 0.0728 \\
+ 0.02 0.1216 \\
+ 0.03 0.1663 \\
+ 0.04 0.2053 \\
+ 0.05 0.2447 \\
+ 0.06 0.2751 \\
+ 0.07 0.303 \\
+ 0.08 0.3305 \\
+ 0.09 0.3567 \\
+ 0.1 0.3827 \\
+ 0.11 0.4063 \\
+ 0.12 0.4305 \\
+ 0.13 0.4501 \\
+ 0.14 0.473 \\
+ 0.15 0.493 \\
+ 0.16 0.5103 \\
+ 0.17 0.5279 \\
+ 0.18 0.546 \\
+ 0.19 0.5617 \\
+ 0.2 0.5806 \\
+ 0.21 0.5952 \\
+ 0.22 0.6095 \\
+ 0.23 0.6236 \\
+ 0.24 0.6349 \\
+ 0.25 0.6497 \\
+ 0.26 0.6626 \\
+ 0.27 0.6755 \\
+ 0.28 0.6873 \\
+ 0.29 0.6995 \\
+ 0.3 0.7102 \\
+ 0.31 0.7221 \\
+ 0.32 0.7329 \\
+ 0.33 0.7437 \\
+ 0.34 0.7533 \\
+ 0.35 0.7613 \\
+ 0.36 0.7706 \\
+ 0.37 0.7793 \\
+ 0.38 0.7883 \\
+ 0.39 0.7972 \\
+ 0.4 0.8049 \\
+ 0.41 0.8123 \\
+ 0.42 0.8203 \\
+ 0.43 0.8282 \\
+ 0.44 0.8353 \\
+ 0.45 0.8417 \\
+ 0.46 0.8471 \\
+ 0.47 0.8544 \\
+ 0.48 0.8602 \\
+ 0.49 0.8664 \\
+ 0.5 0.8722 \\
+ 0.51 0.8783 \\
+ 0.52 0.8837 \\
+ 0.53 0.8887 \\
+ 0.54 0.8948 \\
+ 0.55 0.9007 \\
+ 0.56 0.9048 \\
+ 0.57 0.9085 \\
+ 0.58 0.913 \\
+ 0.59 0.9167 \\
+ 0.6 0.9212 \\
+ 0.61 0.9254 \\
+ 0.62 0.9295 \\
+ 0.63 0.9328 \\
+ 0.64 0.936 \\
+ 0.65 0.9407 \\
+ 0.66 0.9449 \\
+ 0.67 0.9487 \\
+ 0.68 0.9519 \\
+ 0.69 0.9553 \\
+ 0.7 0.9581 \\
+ 0.71 0.961 \\
+ 0.72 0.9636 \\
+ 0.73 0.9671 \\
+ 0.74 0.9707 \\
+ 0.75 0.9726 \\
+ 0.76 0.9747 \\
+ 0.77 0.9759 \\
+ 0.78 0.9777 \\
+ 0.79 0.9798 \\
+ 0.8 0.9819 \\
+ 0.81 0.9839 \\
+ 0.82 0.9851 \\
+ 0.83 0.9866 \\
+ 0.84 0.9881 \\
+ 0.85 0.9895 \\
+ 0.86 0.991 \\
+ 0.87 0.9923 \\
+ 0.88 0.9935 \\
+ 0.89 0.9942 \\
+ 0.9 0.995 \\
+ 0.91 0.9957 \\
+ 0.92 0.9969 \\
+ 0.93 0.9974 \\
+ 0.94 0.9982 \\
+ 0.95 0.999 \\
+ 0.96 0.9993 \\
+ 0.97 0.9995 \\
+ 0.98 0.9998 \\
+ 0.99 0.9998 \\
+ 1.0 1.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \addplot+[dashed, thick]
+ coordinates {
+ (0,0)
+ (1,1)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot[title={$\symbf{M2}$}]
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 0.0 \\
+ 0.01 0.0 \\
+ 0.02 0.0 \\
+ 0.03 0.0 \\
+ 0.04 0.0 \\
+ 0.05 0.0 \\
+ 0.06 0.0 \\
+ 0.07 0.0 \\
+ 0.08 0.0 \\
+ 0.09 0.0 \\
+ 0.1 0.0 \\
+ 0.11 0.0 \\
+ 0.12 0.0 \\
+ 0.13 0.0 \\
+ 0.14 0.0 \\
+ 0.15 0.0 \\
+ 0.16 0.0 \\
+ 0.17 0.0 \\
+ 0.18 0.0 \\
+ 0.19 0.0 \\
+ 0.2 0.0 \\
+ 0.21 0.0 \\
+ 0.22 0.0 \\
+ 0.23 0.0 \\
+ 0.24 0.0 \\
+ 0.25 0.0 \\
+ 0.26 0.0 \\
+ 0.27 0.0 \\
+ 0.28 0.0 \\
+ 0.29 0.0 \\
+ 0.3 0.0 \\
+ 0.31 0.0 \\
+ 0.32 0.0 \\
+ 0.33 0.0 \\
+ 0.34 0.0 \\
+ 0.35 0.0 \\
+ 0.36 0.0 \\
+ 0.37 0.0 \\
+ 0.38 0.0 \\
+ 0.39 0.0 \\
+ 0.4 0.0 \\
+ 0.41 0.0 \\
+ 0.42 0.0 \\
+ 0.43 0.0 \\
+ 0.44 0.0 \\
+ 0.45 0.0 \\
+ 0.46 0.0 \\
+ 0.47 0.0 \\
+ 0.48 0.0 \\
+ 0.49 0.0 \\
+ 0.5 0.0 \\
+ 0.51 0.0 \\
+ 0.52 0.0 \\
+ 0.53 0.0 \\
+ 0.54 0.0 \\
+ 0.55 0.0 \\
+ 0.56 0.0 \\
+ 0.57 0.0 \\
+ 0.58 0.0 \\
+ 0.59 0.0 \\
+ 0.6 0.0 \\
+ 0.61 0.0 \\
+ 0.62 0.0 \\
+ 0.63 0.0 \\
+ 0.64 0.0 \\
+ 0.65 0.0 \\
+ 0.66 0.0 \\
+ 0.67 0.0 \\
+ 0.68 0.0 \\
+ 0.69 0.0 \\
+ 0.7 0.0 \\
+ 0.71 0.0 \\
+ 0.72 0.0 \\
+ 0.73 0.0 \\
+ 0.74 0.0 \\
+ 0.75 0.0 \\
+ 0.76 0.0 \\
+ 0.77 0.0 \\
+ 0.78 0.0 \\
+ 0.79 0.0 \\
+ 0.8 0.0 \\
+ 0.81 0.0 \\
+ 0.82 0.0 \\
+ 0.83 0.0 \\
+ 0.84 0.0 \\
+ 0.85 0.0 \\
+ 0.86 0.0 \\
+ 0.87 0.0 \\
+ 0.88 0.0 \\
+ 0.89 0.0 \\
+ 0.9 0.0 \\
+ 0.91 0.0 \\
+ 0.92 0.0 \\
+ 0.93 0.0 \\
+ 0.94 0.0 \\
+ 0.95 0.0 \\
+ 0.96 0.0 \\
+ 0.97 0.0 \\
+ 0.98 0.0 \\
+ 0.99 0.0 \\
+ 1.0 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot[title={$\symbf{M3}$}]
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 0.0 \\
+ 0.01 0.0 \\
+ 0.02 0.0 \\
+ 0.03 0.0 \\
+ 0.04 0.0 \\
+ 0.05 0.0 \\
+ 0.06 0.0 \\
+ 0.07 0.0 \\
+ 0.08 0.0 \\
+ 0.09 0.0 \\
+ 0.1 0.0 \\
+ 0.11 0.0 \\
+ 0.12 0.0 \\
+ 0.13 0.0 \\
+ 0.14 0.0 \\
+ 0.15 0.0 \\
+ 0.16 0.0 \\
+ 0.17 0.0 \\
+ 0.18 0.0 \\
+ 0.19 0.0 \\
+ 0.2 0.0 \\
+ 0.21 0.0 \\
+ 0.22 0.0 \\
+ 0.23 0.0 \\
+ 0.24 0.0 \\
+ 0.25 0.0 \\
+ 0.26 0.0 \\
+ 0.27 0.0 \\
+ 0.28 0.0 \\
+ 0.29 0.0 \\
+ 0.3 0.0 \\
+ 0.31 0.0 \\
+ 0.32 0.0 \\
+ 0.33 0.0 \\
+ 0.34 0.0 \\
+ 0.35 0.0 \\
+ 0.36 0.0 \\
+ 0.37 0.0 \\
+ 0.38 0.0 \\
+ 0.39 0.0 \\
+ 0.4 0.0 \\
+ 0.41 0.0 \\
+ 0.42 0.0 \\
+ 0.43 0.0 \\
+ 0.44 0.0 \\
+ 0.45 0.0 \\
+ 0.46 0.0 \\
+ 0.47 0.0 \\
+ 0.48 0.0 \\
+ 0.49 0.0 \\
+ 0.5 0.0 \\
+ 0.51 0.0 \\
+ 0.52 0.0 \\
+ 0.53 0.0 \\
+ 0.54 0.0 \\
+ 0.55 0.0 \\
+ 0.56 0.0 \\
+ 0.57 0.0 \\
+ 0.58 0.0 \\
+ 0.59 0.0 \\
+ 0.6 0.0 \\
+ 0.61 0.0 \\
+ 0.62 0.0 \\
+ 0.63 0.0 \\
+ 0.64 0.0 \\
+ 0.65 0.0 \\
+ 0.66 0.0 \\
+ 0.67 0.0 \\
+ 0.68 0.0 \\
+ 0.69 0.0 \\
+ 0.7 0.0 \\
+ 0.71 0.0 \\
+ 0.72 0.0 \\
+ 0.73 0.0 \\
+ 0.74 0.0 \\
+ 0.75 0.0 \\
+ 0.76 0.0 \\
+ 0.77 0.0 \\
+ 0.78 0.0 \\
+ 0.79 0.0 \\
+ 0.8 0.0 \\
+ 0.81 0.0 \\
+ 0.82 0.0 \\
+ 0.83 0.0 \\
+ 0.84 0.0 \\
+ 0.85 0.0 \\
+ 0.86 0.0 \\
+ 0.87 0.0 \\
+ 0.88 0.0 \\
+ 0.89 0.0 \\
+ 0.9 0.0 \\
+ 0.91 0.0 \\
+ 0.92 0.0 \\
+ 0.93 0.0 \\
+ 0.94 0.0 \\
+ 0.95 0.0 \\
+ 0.96 0.0 \\
+ 0.97 0.0 \\
+ 0.98 0.0 \\
+ 0.99 0.0 \\
+ 1.0 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot[ylabel={$\symbf{D}_{\mathrm{b}}$}]
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 0.0 \\
+ 0.01 0.0 \\
+ 0.02 0.0 \\
+ 0.03 0.0 \\
+ 0.04 0.0 \\
+ 0.05 0.0 \\
+ 0.06 0.0 \\
+ 0.07 0.0 \\
+ 0.08 0.0 \\
+ 0.09 0.0 \\
+ 0.1 0.0 \\
+ 0.11 0.0 \\
+ 0.12 0.0 \\
+ 0.13 0.0 \\
+ 0.14 0.0 \\
+ 0.15 0.0 \\
+ 0.16 0.0 \\
+ 0.17 0.0 \\
+ 0.18 0.0 \\
+ 0.19 0.0 \\
+ 0.2 0.0 \\
+ 0.21 0.0 \\
+ 0.22 0.0 \\
+ 0.23 0.0 \\
+ 0.24 0.0 \\
+ 0.25 0.0 \\
+ 0.26 0.0 \\
+ 0.27 0.0 \\
+ 0.28 0.0 \\
+ 0.29 0.0 \\
+ 0.3 0.0 \\
+ 0.31 0.0 \\
+ 0.32 0.0 \\
+ 0.33 0.0 \\
+ 0.34 0.0 \\
+ 0.35 0.0 \\
+ 0.36 0.0 \\
+ 0.37 0.0 \\
+ 0.38 0.0 \\
+ 0.39 0.0 \\
+ 0.4 0.0 \\
+ 0.41 0.0 \\
+ 0.42 0.0 \\
+ 0.43 0.0 \\
+ 0.44 0.0 \\
+ 0.45 0.0 \\
+ 0.46 0.0 \\
+ 0.47 0.0 \\
+ 0.48 0.0 \\
+ 0.49 0.0 \\
+ 0.5 0.0 \\
+ 0.51 0.0 \\
+ 0.52 0.0 \\
+ 0.53 0.0 \\
+ 0.54 0.0 \\
+ 0.55 0.0 \\
+ 0.56 0.0 \\
+ 0.57 0.0 \\
+ 0.58 0.0 \\
+ 0.59 0.0 \\
+ 0.6 0.0 \\
+ 0.61 0.0 \\
+ 0.62 0.0 \\
+ 0.63 0.0 \\
+ 0.64 0.0 \\
+ 0.65 0.0 \\
+ 0.66 0.0 \\
+ 0.67 0.0 \\
+ 0.68 0.0 \\
+ 0.69 0.0 \\
+ 0.7 0.0 \\
+ 0.71 0.0 \\
+ 0.72 0.0 \\
+ 0.73 0.0 \\
+ 0.74 0.0 \\
+ 0.75 0.0 \\
+ 0.76 0.0 \\
+ 0.77 0.0 \\
+ 0.78 0.0 \\
+ 0.79 0.0 \\
+ 0.8 0.0 \\
+ 0.81 0.0 \\
+ 0.82 0.0 \\
+ 0.83 0.0 \\
+ 0.84 0.0 \\
+ 0.85 0.0 \\
+ 0.86 0.0 \\
+ 0.87 0.0 \\
+ 0.88 0.0 \\
+ 0.89 0.0 \\
+ 0.9 0.0 \\
+ 0.91 0.0 \\
+ 0.92 0.0 \\
+ 0.93 0.0 \\
+ 0.94 0.0 \\
+ 0.95 0.0 \\
+ 0.96 0.0 \\
+ 0.97 0.0 \\
+ 0.98 0.0 \\
+ 0.99 0.0 \\
+ 1.0 1.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \addplot+[dashed, thick]
+ coordinates {
+ (0,0)
+ (1,1)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 1.0 \\
+ 0.01 0.9843 \\
+ 0.02 0.8808 \\
+ 0.03 0.6994 \\
+ 0.04 0.5196000000000001 \\
+ 0.05 0.37060000000000004 \\
+ 0.06 0.25970000000000004 \\
+ 0.07 0.18200000000000005 \\
+ 0.08 0.12390000000000001 \\
+ 0.09 0.08450000000000002 \\
+ 0.1 0.056599999999999984 \\
+ 0.11 0.03739999999999999 \\
+ 0.12 0.025900000000000034 \\
+ 0.13 0.015700000000000047 \\
+ 0.14 0.0121 \\
+ 0.15 0.008099999999999996 \\
+ 0.16 0.005199999999999982 \\
+ 0.17 0.0038000000000000256 \\
+ 0.18 0.0024999999999999467 \\
+ 0.19 0.0013999999999999568 \\
+ 0.2 0.0010000000000000009 \\
+ 0.21 0.0004999999999999449 \\
+ 0.22 0.00039999999999995595 \\
+ 0.23 9.999999999998899e-5 \\
+ 0.24 0.0 \\
+ 0.25 0.0 \\
+ 0.26 0.0 \\
+ 0.27 0.0 \\
+ 0.28 0.0 \\
+ 0.29 0.0 \\
+ 0.3 0.0 \\
+ 0.31 0.0 \\
+ 0.32 0.0 \\
+ 0.33 0.0 \\
+ 0.34 0.0 \\
+ 0.35 0.0 \\
+ 0.36 0.0 \\
+ 0.37 0.0 \\
+ 0.38 0.0 \\
+ 0.39 0.0 \\
+ 0.4 0.0 \\
+ 0.41 0.0 \\
+ 0.42 0.0 \\
+ 0.43 0.0 \\
+ 0.44 0.0 \\
+ 0.45 0.0 \\
+ 0.46 0.0 \\
+ 0.47 0.0 \\
+ 0.48 0.0 \\
+ 0.49 0.0 \\
+ 0.5 0.0 \\
+ 0.51 0.0 \\
+ 0.52 0.0 \\
+ 0.53 0.0 \\
+ 0.54 0.0 \\
+ 0.55 0.0 \\
+ 0.56 0.0 \\
+ 0.57 0.0 \\
+ 0.58 0.0 \\
+ 0.59 0.0 \\
+ 0.6 0.0 \\
+ 0.61 0.0 \\
+ 0.62 0.0 \\
+ 0.63 0.0 \\
+ 0.64 0.0 \\
+ 0.65 0.0 \\
+ 0.66 0.0 \\
+ 0.67 0.0 \\
+ 0.68 0.0 \\
+ 0.69 0.0 \\
+ 0.7 0.0 \\
+ 0.71 0.0 \\
+ 0.72 0.0 \\
+ 0.73 0.0 \\
+ 0.74 0.0 \\
+ 0.75 0.0 \\
+ 0.76 0.0 \\
+ 0.77 0.0 \\
+ 0.78 0.0 \\
+ 0.79 0.0 \\
+ 0.8 0.0 \\
+ 0.81 0.0 \\
+ 0.82 0.0 \\
+ 0.83 0.0 \\
+ 0.84 0.0 \\
+ 0.85 0.0 \\
+ 0.86 0.0 \\
+ 0.87 0.0 \\
+ 0.88 0.0 \\
+ 0.89 0.0 \\
+ 0.9 0.0 \\
+ 0.91 0.0 \\
+ 0.92 0.0 \\
+ 0.93 0.0 \\
+ 0.94 0.0 \\
+ 0.95 0.0 \\
+ 0.96 0.0 \\
+ 0.97 0.0 \\
+ 0.98 0.0 \\
+ 0.99 0.0 \\
+ 1.0 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 1.0 \\
+ 0.01 1.0 \\
+ 0.02 1.0 \\
+ 0.03 1.0 \\
+ 0.04 1.0 \\
+ 0.05 1.0 \\
+ 0.06 1.0 \\
+ 0.07 1.0 \\
+ 0.08 1.0 \\
+ 0.09 1.0 \\
+ 0.1 1.0 \\
+ 0.11 1.0 \\
+ 0.12 1.0 \\
+ 0.13 1.0 \\
+ 0.14 1.0 \\
+ 0.15 1.0 \\
+ 0.16 1.0 \\
+ 0.17 1.0 \\
+ 0.18 1.0 \\
+ 0.19 1.0 \\
+ 0.2 1.0 \\
+ 0.21 1.0 \\
+ 0.22 1.0 \\
+ 0.23 1.0 \\
+ 0.24 1.0 \\
+ 0.25 1.0 \\
+ 0.26 1.0 \\
+ 0.27 1.0 \\
+ 0.28 1.0 \\
+ 0.29 1.0 \\
+ 0.3 1.0 \\
+ 0.31 1.0 \\
+ 0.32 1.0 \\
+ 0.33 1.0 \\
+ 0.34 1.0 \\
+ 0.35 1.0 \\
+ 0.36 1.0 \\
+ 0.37 1.0 \\
+ 0.38 1.0 \\
+ 0.39 1.0 \\
+ 0.4 1.0 \\
+ 0.41 1.0 \\
+ 0.42 1.0 \\
+ 0.43 1.0 \\
+ 0.44 1.0 \\
+ 0.45 1.0 \\
+ 0.46 1.0 \\
+ 0.47 1.0 \\
+ 0.48 1.0 \\
+ 0.49 1.0 \\
+ 0.5 1.0 \\
+ 0.51 1.0 \\
+ 0.52 1.0 \\
+ 0.53 1.0 \\
+ 0.54 1.0 \\
+ 0.55 1.0 \\
+ 0.56 1.0 \\
+ 0.57 1.0 \\
+ 0.58 1.0 \\
+ 0.59 1.0 \\
+ 0.6 1.0 \\
+ 0.61 1.0 \\
+ 0.62 1.0 \\
+ 0.63 1.0 \\
+ 0.64 1.0 \\
+ 0.65 1.0 \\
+ 0.66 1.0 \\
+ 0.67 1.0 \\
+ 0.68 0.9998 \\
+ 0.69 0.9997 \\
+ 0.7 0.9993 \\
+ 0.71 0.999 \\
+ 0.72 0.9981 \\
+ 0.73 0.9967 \\
+ 0.74 0.994 \\
+ 0.75 0.9886 \\
+ 0.76 0.9777 \\
+ 0.77 0.9618 \\
+ 0.78 0.9367 \\
+ 0.79 0.901 \\
+ 0.8 0.8527 \\
+ 0.81 0.7873 \\
+ 0.82 0.6995 \\
+ 0.83 0.5954999999999999 \\
+ 0.84 0.472 \\
+ 0.85 0.34709999999999996 \\
+ 0.86 0.23250000000000004 \\
+ 0.87 0.14559999999999995 \\
+ 0.88 0.07789999999999997 \\
+ 0.89 0.03590000000000004 \\
+ 0.9 0.01419999999999999 \\
+ 0.91 0.0048000000000000265 \\
+ 0.92 0.0010999999999999899 \\
+ 0.93 0.00039999999999995595 \\
+ 0.94 9.999999999998899e-5 \\
+ 0.95 0.0 \\
+ 0.96 0.0 \\
+ 0.97 0.0 \\
+ 0.98 0.0 \\
+ 0.99 0.0 \\
+ 1.0 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot[ylabel={$\symbf{D}_{\mathrm{uq}}$}]
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 0.0 \\
+ 0.01 0.0 \\
+ 0.02 0.0 \\
+ 0.03 0.0 \\
+ 0.04 0.0 \\
+ 0.05 0.0 \\
+ 0.06 0.0 \\
+ 0.07 0.0 \\
+ 0.08 0.0 \\
+ 0.09 0.0 \\
+ 0.1 0.0 \\
+ 0.11 0.0 \\
+ 0.12 0.0 \\
+ 0.13 0.0 \\
+ 0.14 0.0 \\
+ 0.15 0.0 \\
+ 0.16 0.0 \\
+ 0.17 0.0 \\
+ 0.18 0.0 \\
+ 0.19 0.0 \\
+ 0.2 0.0 \\
+ 0.21 0.0 \\
+ 0.22 0.0 \\
+ 0.23 0.0 \\
+ 0.24 0.0 \\
+ 0.25 0.0 \\
+ 0.26 0.0 \\
+ 0.27 0.0 \\
+ 0.28 0.0 \\
+ 0.29 0.0 \\
+ 0.3 0.0 \\
+ 0.31 0.0 \\
+ 0.32 0.0 \\
+ 0.33 0.0 \\
+ 0.34 0.0 \\
+ 0.35 0.0 \\
+ 0.36 0.0 \\
+ 0.37 0.0 \\
+ 0.38 0.0 \\
+ 0.39 0.0 \\
+ 0.4 0.0 \\
+ 0.41 0.0 \\
+ 0.42 0.0 \\
+ 0.43 0.0 \\
+ 0.44 0.0 \\
+ 0.45 0.0 \\
+ 0.46 0.0 \\
+ 0.47 0.0 \\
+ 0.48 0.0 \\
+ 0.49 0.0 \\
+ 0.5 0.0 \\
+ 0.51 0.0 \\
+ 0.52 0.0 \\
+ 0.53 0.0 \\
+ 0.54 0.0 \\
+ 0.55 0.0 \\
+ 0.56 0.0 \\
+ 0.57 0.0 \\
+ 0.58 0.0 \\
+ 0.59 0.0 \\
+ 0.6 0.0 \\
+ 0.61 0.0 \\
+ 0.62 0.0 \\
+ 0.63 0.0 \\
+ 0.64 0.0 \\
+ 0.65 0.0 \\
+ 0.66 0.0 \\
+ 0.67 0.0 \\
+ 0.68 0.0 \\
+ 0.69 0.0 \\
+ 0.7 0.0 \\
+ 0.71 0.0 \\
+ 0.72 0.0 \\
+ 0.73 0.0 \\
+ 0.74 0.0 \\
+ 0.75 0.0 \\
+ 0.76 0.0 \\
+ 0.77 0.0 \\
+ 0.78 0.0 \\
+ 0.79 0.0 \\
+ 0.8 0.0 \\
+ 0.81 0.0 \\
+ 0.82 0.0 \\
+ 0.83 0.0 \\
+ 0.84 0.0 \\
+ 0.85 0.0 \\
+ 0.86 0.0 \\
+ 0.87 0.0 \\
+ 0.88 0.0 \\
+ 0.89 0.0 \\
+ 0.9 0.0 \\
+ 0.91 0.0 \\
+ 0.92 0.0 \\
+ 0.93 0.0 \\
+ 0.94 0.0 \\
+ 0.95 0.0 \\
+ 0.96 0.0 \\
+ 0.97 0.0 \\
+ 0.98 0.0 \\
+ 0.99 0.0 \\
+ 1.0 1.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \addplot+[dashed, thick]
+ coordinates {
+ (0,0)
+ (1,1)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 1.0 \\
+ 0.01 1.0 \\
+ 0.02 1.0 \\
+ 0.03 1.0 \\
+ 0.04 1.0 \\
+ 0.05 1.0 \\
+ 0.06 1.0 \\
+ 0.07 1.0 \\
+ 0.08 1.0 \\
+ 0.09 1.0 \\
+ 0.1 1.0 \\
+ 0.11 1.0 \\
+ 0.12 1.0 \\
+ 0.13 1.0 \\
+ 0.14 1.0 \\
+ 0.15 1.0 \\
+ 0.16 1.0 \\
+ 0.17 1.0 \\
+ 0.18 1.0 \\
+ 0.19 1.0 \\
+ 0.2 1.0 \\
+ 0.21 1.0 \\
+ 0.22 1.0 \\
+ 0.23 1.0 \\
+ 0.24 1.0 \\
+ 0.25 1.0 \\
+ 0.26 1.0 \\
+ 0.27 1.0 \\
+ 0.28 1.0 \\
+ 0.29 1.0 \\
+ 0.3 1.0 \\
+ 0.31 1.0 \\
+ 0.32 1.0 \\
+ 0.33 1.0 \\
+ 0.34 1.0 \\
+ 0.35 1.0 \\
+ 0.36 1.0 \\
+ 0.37 1.0 \\
+ 0.38 1.0 \\
+ 0.39 1.0 \\
+ 0.4 1.0 \\
+ 0.41 1.0 \\
+ 0.42 1.0 \\
+ 0.43 1.0 \\
+ 0.44 1.0 \\
+ 0.45 1.0 \\
+ 0.46 1.0 \\
+ 0.47 1.0 \\
+ 0.48 1.0 \\
+ 0.49 1.0 \\
+ 0.5 1.0 \\
+ 0.51 1.0 \\
+ 0.52 1.0 \\
+ 0.53 1.0 \\
+ 0.54 1.0 \\
+ 0.55 1.0 \\
+ 0.56 1.0 \\
+ 0.57 1.0 \\
+ 0.58 1.0 \\
+ 0.59 1.0 \\
+ 0.6 1.0 \\
+ 0.61 1.0 \\
+ 0.62 1.0 \\
+ 0.63 1.0 \\
+ 0.64 1.0 \\
+ 0.65 1.0 \\
+ 0.66 1.0 \\
+ 0.67 1.0 \\
+ 0.68 1.0 \\
+ 0.69 1.0 \\
+ 0.7 0.9999 \\
+ 0.71 0.9998 \\
+ 0.72 0.9997 \\
+ 0.73 0.9993 \\
+ 0.74 0.9982 \\
+ 0.75 0.9962 \\
+ 0.76 0.9931 \\
+ 0.77 0.9877 \\
+ 0.78 0.9818 \\
+ 0.79 0.9711 \\
+ 0.8 0.952 \\
+ 0.81 0.9261 \\
+ 0.82 0.8895 \\
+ 0.83 0.8322 \\
+ 0.84 0.7575000000000001 \\
+ 0.85 0.6692 \\
+ 0.86 0.5622 \\
+ 0.87 0.4465 \\
+ 0.88 0.32830000000000004 \\
+ 0.89 0.2278 \\
+ 0.9 0.13970000000000005 \\
+ 0.91 0.07399999999999995 \\
+ 0.92 0.03149999999999997 \\
+ 0.93 0.012199999999999989 \\
+ 0.94 0.0030999999999999917 \\
+ 0.95 0.00039999999999995595 \\
+ 0.96 0.0 \\
+ 0.97 0.0 \\
+ 0.98 0.0 \\
+ 0.99 0.0 \\
+ 1.0 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 1.0 \\
+ 0.01 1.0 \\
+ 0.02 1.0 \\
+ 0.03 1.0 \\
+ 0.04 1.0 \\
+ 0.05 1.0 \\
+ 0.06 1.0 \\
+ 0.07 1.0 \\
+ 0.08 1.0 \\
+ 0.09 1.0 \\
+ 0.1 1.0 \\
+ 0.11 1.0 \\
+ 0.12 1.0 \\
+ 0.13 1.0 \\
+ 0.14 1.0 \\
+ 0.15 1.0 \\
+ 0.16 1.0 \\
+ 0.17 1.0 \\
+ 0.18 1.0 \\
+ 0.19 1.0 \\
+ 0.2 1.0 \\
+ 0.21 1.0 \\
+ 0.22 1.0 \\
+ 0.23 1.0 \\
+ 0.24 1.0 \\
+ 0.25 1.0 \\
+ 0.26 1.0 \\
+ 0.27 1.0 \\
+ 0.28 1.0 \\
+ 0.29 1.0 \\
+ 0.3 1.0 \\
+ 0.31 1.0 \\
+ 0.32 1.0 \\
+ 0.33 1.0 \\
+ 0.34 1.0 \\
+ 0.35 1.0 \\
+ 0.36 1.0 \\
+ 0.37 1.0 \\
+ 0.38 1.0 \\
+ 0.39 1.0 \\
+ 0.4 1.0 \\
+ 0.41 1.0 \\
+ 0.42 1.0 \\
+ 0.43 1.0 \\
+ 0.44 1.0 \\
+ 0.45 1.0 \\
+ 0.46 1.0 \\
+ 0.47 1.0 \\
+ 0.48 1.0 \\
+ 0.49 1.0 \\
+ 0.5 1.0 \\
+ 0.51 1.0 \\
+ 0.52 1.0 \\
+ 0.53 1.0 \\
+ 0.54 1.0 \\
+ 0.55 1.0 \\
+ 0.56 1.0 \\
+ 0.57 1.0 \\
+ 0.58 1.0 \\
+ 0.59 1.0 \\
+ 0.6 1.0 \\
+ 0.61 1.0 \\
+ 0.62 1.0 \\
+ 0.63 1.0 \\
+ 0.64 1.0 \\
+ 0.65 1.0 \\
+ 0.66 1.0 \\
+ 0.67 1.0 \\
+ 0.68 1.0 \\
+ 0.69 1.0 \\
+ 0.7 1.0 \\
+ 0.71 1.0 \\
+ 0.72 1.0 \\
+ 0.73 1.0 \\
+ 0.74 1.0 \\
+ 0.75 1.0 \\
+ 0.76 1.0 \\
+ 0.77 1.0 \\
+ 0.78 1.0 \\
+ 0.79 1.0 \\
+ 0.8 1.0 \\
+ 0.81 1.0 \\
+ 0.82 1.0 \\
+ 0.83 1.0 \\
+ 0.84 1.0 \\
+ 0.85 1.0 \\
+ 0.86 1.0 \\
+ 0.87 1.0 \\
+ 0.88 1.0 \\
+ 0.89 1.0 \\
+ 0.9 1.0 \\
+ 0.91 1.0 \\
+ 0.92 1.0 \\
+ 0.93 1.0 \\
+ 0.94 1.0 \\
+ 0.95 1.0 \\
+ 0.96 1.0 \\
+ 0.97 1.0 \\
+ 0.98 1.0 \\
+ 0.99 1.0 \\
+ 1.0 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot[ylabel={$\symbf{D}_{\mathrm{l}}$}]
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 0.0 \\
+ 0.01 0.0 \\
+ 0.02 0.0 \\
+ 0.03 0.0 \\
+ 0.04 0.0 \\
+ 0.05 0.0 \\
+ 0.06 0.0 \\
+ 0.07 0.0 \\
+ 0.08 0.0 \\
+ 0.09 0.0 \\
+ 0.1 0.0 \\
+ 0.11 0.0 \\
+ 0.12 0.0 \\
+ 0.13 0.0 \\
+ 0.14 0.0 \\
+ 0.15 0.0 \\
+ 0.16 0.0 \\
+ 0.17 0.0 \\
+ 0.18 0.0 \\
+ 0.19 0.0 \\
+ 0.2 0.0 \\
+ 0.21 0.0 \\
+ 0.22 0.0 \\
+ 0.23 0.0 \\
+ 0.24 0.0 \\
+ 0.25 0.0 \\
+ 0.26 0.0 \\
+ 0.27 0.0 \\
+ 0.28 0.0 \\
+ 0.29 0.0 \\
+ 0.3 0.0 \\
+ 0.31 0.0 \\
+ 0.32 0.0 \\
+ 0.33 0.0 \\
+ 0.34 0.0 \\
+ 0.35 0.0 \\
+ 0.36 0.0 \\
+ 0.37 0.0 \\
+ 0.38 0.0 \\
+ 0.39 0.0 \\
+ 0.4 0.0 \\
+ 0.41 0.0 \\
+ 0.42 0.0 \\
+ 0.43 0.0 \\
+ 0.44 0.0 \\
+ 0.45 0.0 \\
+ 0.46 0.0 \\
+ 0.47 0.0 \\
+ 0.48 0.0 \\
+ 0.49 0.0 \\
+ 0.5 0.0 \\
+ 0.51 0.0 \\
+ 0.52 0.0 \\
+ 0.53 0.0 \\
+ 0.54 0.0 \\
+ 0.55 0.0 \\
+ 0.56 0.0 \\
+ 0.57 0.0 \\
+ 0.58 0.0 \\
+ 0.59 0.0 \\
+ 0.6 0.0 \\
+ 0.61 0.0 \\
+ 0.62 0.0 \\
+ 0.63 0.0 \\
+ 0.64 0.0 \\
+ 0.65 0.0 \\
+ 0.66 0.0 \\
+ 0.67 0.0 \\
+ 0.68 0.0 \\
+ 0.69 0.0 \\
+ 0.7 0.0 \\
+ 0.71 0.0 \\
+ 0.72 0.0 \\
+ 0.73 0.0 \\
+ 0.74 0.0 \\
+ 0.75 0.0 \\
+ 0.76 0.0 \\
+ 0.77 0.0 \\
+ 0.78 0.0 \\
+ 0.79 0.0 \\
+ 0.8 0.0 \\
+ 0.81 0.0 \\
+ 0.82 0.0 \\
+ 0.83 0.0 \\
+ 0.84 0.0 \\
+ 0.85 0.0 \\
+ 0.86 0.0 \\
+ 0.87 0.0 \\
+ 0.88 0.0 \\
+ 0.89 0.0 \\
+ 0.9 0.0 \\
+ 0.91 0.0 \\
+ 0.92 0.0 \\
+ 0.93 0.0 \\
+ 0.94 0.0 \\
+ 0.95 0.0 \\
+ 0.96 0.0 \\
+ 0.97 0.0 \\
+ 0.98 0.0 \\
+ 0.99 0.0006 \\
+ 1.0 1.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \addplot+[dashed, thick]
+ coordinates {
+ (0,0)
+ (1,1)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 1.0 \\
+ 0.01 1.0 \\
+ 0.02 1.0 \\
+ 0.03 1.0 \\
+ 0.04 1.0 \\
+ 0.05 1.0 \\
+ 0.06 1.0 \\
+ 0.07 1.0 \\
+ 0.08 1.0 \\
+ 0.09 1.0 \\
+ 0.1 1.0 \\
+ 0.11 1.0 \\
+ 0.12 1.0 \\
+ 0.13 1.0 \\
+ 0.14 1.0 \\
+ 0.15 1.0 \\
+ 0.16 1.0 \\
+ 0.17 1.0 \\
+ 0.18 1.0 \\
+ 0.19 1.0 \\
+ 0.2 1.0 \\
+ 0.21 1.0 \\
+ 0.22 1.0 \\
+ 0.23 1.0 \\
+ 0.24 1.0 \\
+ 0.25 1.0 \\
+ 0.26 1.0 \\
+ 0.27 1.0 \\
+ 0.28 1.0 \\
+ 0.29 1.0 \\
+ 0.3 1.0 \\
+ 0.31 1.0 \\
+ 0.32 1.0 \\
+ 0.33 1.0 \\
+ 0.34 1.0 \\
+ 0.35 1.0 \\
+ 0.36 1.0 \\
+ 0.37 1.0 \\
+ 0.38 1.0 \\
+ 0.39 1.0 \\
+ 0.4 1.0 \\
+ 0.41 1.0 \\
+ 0.42 1.0 \\
+ 0.43 1.0 \\
+ 0.44 1.0 \\
+ 0.45 1.0 \\
+ 0.46 1.0 \\
+ 0.47 1.0 \\
+ 0.48 1.0 \\
+ 0.49 1.0 \\
+ 0.5 1.0 \\
+ 0.51 1.0 \\
+ 0.52 1.0 \\
+ 0.53 1.0 \\
+ 0.54 1.0 \\
+ 0.55 1.0 \\
+ 0.56 1.0 \\
+ 0.57 1.0 \\
+ 0.58 1.0 \\
+ 0.59 1.0 \\
+ 0.6 1.0 \\
+ 0.61 0.9999 \\
+ 0.62 0.9997 \\
+ 0.63 0.9995 \\
+ 0.64 0.9993 \\
+ 0.65 0.9989 \\
+ 0.66 0.9987 \\
+ 0.67 0.9982 \\
+ 0.68 0.9973 \\
+ 0.69 0.9961 \\
+ 0.7 0.9951 \\
+ 0.71 0.9925 \\
+ 0.72 0.9888 \\
+ 0.73 0.985 \\
+ 0.74 0.9773 \\
+ 0.75 0.969 \\
+ 0.76 0.9596 \\
+ 0.77 0.9449 \\
+ 0.78 0.9262 \\
+ 0.79 0.9023 \\
+ 0.8 0.8748 \\
+ 0.81 0.836 \\
+ 0.82 0.7911 \\
+ 0.83 0.7404999999999999 \\
+ 0.84 0.6813 \\
+ 0.85 0.6166 \\
+ 0.86 0.5448 \\
+ 0.87 0.47019999999999995 \\
+ 0.88 0.39339999999999997 \\
+ 0.89 0.3164 \\
+ 0.9 0.23939999999999995 \\
+ 0.91 0.17420000000000002 \\
+ 0.92 0.11980000000000002 \\
+ 0.93 0.07279999999999998 \\
+ 0.94 0.03969999999999996 \\
+ 0.95 0.01870000000000005 \\
+ 0.96 0.007099999999999995 \\
+ 0.97 0.0022999999999999687 \\
+ 0.98 0.00039999999999995595 \\
+ 0.99 0.0 \\
+ 1.0 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 1.0 \\
+ 0.01 1.0 \\
+ 0.02 1.0 \\
+ 0.03 1.0 \\
+ 0.04 1.0 \\
+ 0.05 1.0 \\
+ 0.06 1.0 \\
+ 0.07 1.0 \\
+ 0.08 1.0 \\
+ 0.09 1.0 \\
+ 0.1 1.0 \\
+ 0.11 1.0 \\
+ 0.12 1.0 \\
+ 0.13 1.0 \\
+ 0.14 1.0 \\
+ 0.15 1.0 \\
+ 0.16 1.0 \\
+ 0.17 1.0 \\
+ 0.18 1.0 \\
+ 0.19 1.0 \\
+ 0.2 1.0 \\
+ 0.21 1.0 \\
+ 0.22 1.0 \\
+ 0.23 1.0 \\
+ 0.24 1.0 \\
+ 0.25 1.0 \\
+ 0.26 1.0 \\
+ 0.27 1.0 \\
+ 0.28 1.0 \\
+ 0.29 1.0 \\
+ 0.3 1.0 \\
+ 0.31 1.0 \\
+ 0.32 1.0 \\
+ 0.33 1.0 \\
+ 0.34 1.0 \\
+ 0.35 1.0 \\
+ 0.36 1.0 \\
+ 0.37 1.0 \\
+ 0.38 1.0 \\
+ 0.39 1.0 \\
+ 0.4 1.0 \\
+ 0.41 1.0 \\
+ 0.42 1.0 \\
+ 0.43 1.0 \\
+ 0.44 1.0 \\
+ 0.45 1.0 \\
+ 0.46 1.0 \\
+ 0.47 1.0 \\
+ 0.48 1.0 \\
+ 0.49 1.0 \\
+ 0.5 1.0 \\
+ 0.51 1.0 \\
+ 0.52 1.0 \\
+ 0.53 1.0 \\
+ 0.54 1.0 \\
+ 0.55 1.0 \\
+ 0.56 1.0 \\
+ 0.57 1.0 \\
+ 0.58 1.0 \\
+ 0.59 1.0 \\
+ 0.6 1.0 \\
+ 0.61 1.0 \\
+ 0.62 1.0 \\
+ 0.63 1.0 \\
+ 0.64 1.0 \\
+ 0.65 1.0 \\
+ 0.66 1.0 \\
+ 0.67 1.0 \\
+ 0.68 1.0 \\
+ 0.69 1.0 \\
+ 0.7 1.0 \\
+ 0.71 1.0 \\
+ 0.72 1.0 \\
+ 0.73 1.0 \\
+ 0.74 1.0 \\
+ 0.75 1.0 \\
+ 0.76 1.0 \\
+ 0.77 1.0 \\
+ 0.78 1.0 \\
+ 0.79 1.0 \\
+ 0.8 1.0 \\
+ 0.81 1.0 \\
+ 0.82 1.0 \\
+ 0.83 1.0 \\
+ 0.84 1.0 \\
+ 0.85 1.0 \\
+ 0.86 1.0 \\
+ 0.87 1.0 \\
+ 0.88 1.0 \\
+ 0.89 1.0 \\
+ 0.9 0.9998 \\
+ 0.91 0.9996 \\
+ 0.92 0.999 \\
+ 0.93 0.9977 \\
+ 0.94 0.9948 \\
+ 0.95 0.9877 \\
+ 0.96 0.9723 \\
+ 0.97 0.9383 \\
+ 0.98 0.8665 \\
+ 0.99 0.7092 \\
+ 1.0 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot[ylabel={$\symbf{A}_{\mathrm{uq}}$}]
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 0.0003 \\
+ 0.01 0.0057 \\
+ 0.02 0.0125 \\
+ 0.03 0.0204 \\
+ 0.04 0.0285 \\
+ 0.05 0.0365 \\
+ 0.06 0.0441 \\
+ 0.07 0.0533 \\
+ 0.08 0.0625 \\
+ 0.09 0.072 \\
+ 0.1 0.0806 \\
+ 0.11 0.0891 \\
+ 0.12 0.1009 \\
+ 0.13 0.112 \\
+ 0.14 0.123 \\
+ 0.15 0.1317 \\
+ 0.16 0.1433 \\
+ 0.17 0.1521 \\
+ 0.18 0.1613 \\
+ 0.19 0.1713 \\
+ 0.2 0.1813 \\
+ 0.21 0.1907 \\
+ 0.22 0.1996 \\
+ 0.23 0.2127 \\
+ 0.24 0.2227 \\
+ 0.25 0.2332 \\
+ 0.26 0.243 \\
+ 0.27 0.2554 \\
+ 0.28 0.265 \\
+ 0.29 0.2761 \\
+ 0.3 0.285 \\
+ 0.31 0.2971 \\
+ 0.32 0.307 \\
+ 0.33 0.3185 \\
+ 0.34 0.3304 \\
+ 0.35 0.3422 \\
+ 0.36 0.3505 \\
+ 0.37 0.3621 \\
+ 0.38 0.3728 \\
+ 0.39 0.3836 \\
+ 0.4 0.3951 \\
+ 0.41 0.4049 \\
+ 0.42 0.4154 \\
+ 0.43 0.4265 \\
+ 0.44 0.4373 \\
+ 0.45 0.4476 \\
+ 0.46 0.4577 \\
+ 0.47 0.4686 \\
+ 0.48 0.4811 \\
+ 0.49 0.4921 \\
+ 0.5 0.5017 \\
+ 0.51 0.5122 \\
+ 0.52 0.5227 \\
+ 0.53 0.5345 \\
+ 0.54 0.546 \\
+ 0.55 0.5595 \\
+ 0.56 0.5716 \\
+ 0.57 0.5828 \\
+ 0.58 0.5928 \\
+ 0.59 0.6037 \\
+ 0.6 0.6165 \\
+ 0.61 0.6256 \\
+ 0.62 0.6358 \\
+ 0.63 0.6472 \\
+ 0.64 0.6592 \\
+ 0.65 0.6707 \\
+ 0.66 0.6829 \\
+ 0.67 0.6941 \\
+ 0.68 0.7038 \\
+ 0.69 0.716 \\
+ 0.7 0.7265 \\
+ 0.71 0.7385 \\
+ 0.72 0.7483 \\
+ 0.73 0.7608 \\
+ 0.74 0.7747 \\
+ 0.75 0.7859 \\
+ 0.76 0.7962 \\
+ 0.77 0.8055 \\
+ 0.78 0.8151 \\
+ 0.79 0.8261 \\
+ 0.8 0.8361 \\
+ 0.81 0.847 \\
+ 0.82 0.8564 \\
+ 0.83 0.8695 \\
+ 0.84 0.8783 \\
+ 0.85 0.8899 \\
+ 0.86 0.899 \\
+ 0.87 0.9069 \\
+ 0.88 0.9164 \\
+ 0.89 0.9261 \\
+ 0.9 0.9356 \\
+ 0.91 0.9429 \\
+ 0.92 0.9522 \\
+ 0.93 0.9599 \\
+ 0.94 0.9683 \\
+ 0.95 0.9763 \\
+ 0.96 0.9837 \\
+ 0.97 0.9893 \\
+ 0.98 0.9946 \\
+ 0.99 0.9984 \\
+ 1.0 1.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \addplot+[dashed, thick]
+ coordinates {
+ (0,0)
+ (1,1)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 0.0 \\
+ 0.01 0.0 \\
+ 0.02 0.0 \\
+ 0.03 0.0 \\
+ 0.04 0.0 \\
+ 0.05 0.0 \\
+ 0.06 0.0 \\
+ 0.07 0.0 \\
+ 0.08 0.0 \\
+ 0.09 0.0 \\
+ 0.1 0.0 \\
+ 0.11 0.0 \\
+ 0.12 0.0 \\
+ 0.13 0.0 \\
+ 0.14 0.0 \\
+ 0.15 0.0 \\
+ 0.16 0.0 \\
+ 0.17 0.0 \\
+ 0.18 0.0 \\
+ 0.19 0.0 \\
+ 0.2 0.0 \\
+ 0.21 0.0 \\
+ 0.22 0.0 \\
+ 0.23 0.0 \\
+ 0.24 0.0 \\
+ 0.25 0.0 \\
+ 0.26 0.0 \\
+ 0.27 0.0 \\
+ 0.28 0.0 \\
+ 0.29 0.0 \\
+ 0.3 0.0 \\
+ 0.31 0.0 \\
+ 0.32 0.0 \\
+ 0.33 0.0 \\
+ 0.34 0.0 \\
+ 0.35 0.0 \\
+ 0.36 0.0 \\
+ 0.37 0.0 \\
+ 0.38 0.0 \\
+ 0.39 0.0 \\
+ 0.4 0.0 \\
+ 0.41 0.0 \\
+ 0.42 0.0 \\
+ 0.43 0.0 \\
+ 0.44 0.0 \\
+ 0.45 0.0 \\
+ 0.46 0.0 \\
+ 0.47 0.0 \\
+ 0.48 0.0 \\
+ 0.49 0.0 \\
+ 0.5 0.0 \\
+ 0.51 0.0 \\
+ 0.52 0.0 \\
+ 0.53 0.0 \\
+ 0.54 0.0 \\
+ 0.55 0.0 \\
+ 0.56 0.0 \\
+ 0.57 0.0 \\
+ 0.58 0.0 \\
+ 0.59 0.0 \\
+ 0.6 0.0 \\
+ 0.61 0.0 \\
+ 0.62 0.0 \\
+ 0.63 0.0 \\
+ 0.64 0.0 \\
+ 0.65 0.0 \\
+ 0.66 0.0 \\
+ 0.67 0.0 \\
+ 0.68 0.0 \\
+ 0.69 0.0 \\
+ 0.7 0.0 \\
+ 0.71 0.0 \\
+ 0.72 0.0 \\
+ 0.73 0.0 \\
+ 0.74 0.0 \\
+ 0.75 0.0 \\
+ 0.76 0.0 \\
+ 0.77 0.0 \\
+ 0.78 0.0 \\
+ 0.79 0.0 \\
+ 0.8 0.0 \\
+ 0.81 0.0 \\
+ 0.82 0.0 \\
+ 0.83 0.0 \\
+ 0.84 0.0 \\
+ 0.85 0.0 \\
+ 0.86 0.0 \\
+ 0.87 0.0 \\
+ 0.88 0.0 \\
+ 0.89 0.0 \\
+ 0.9 0.0 \\
+ 0.91 0.0 \\
+ 0.92 0.0 \\
+ 0.93 0.0 \\
+ 0.94 0.0 \\
+ 0.95 0.0 \\
+ 0.96 0.0 \\
+ 0.97 0.0 \\
+ 0.98 0.0 \\
+ 0.99 0.0 \\
+ 1.0 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 0.0 \\
+ 0.01 0.0 \\
+ 0.02 0.0 \\
+ 0.03 0.0 \\
+ 0.04 0.0 \\
+ 0.05 0.0 \\
+ 0.06 0.0 \\
+ 0.07 0.0 \\
+ 0.08 0.0 \\
+ 0.09 0.0 \\
+ 0.1 0.0 \\
+ 0.11 0.0 \\
+ 0.12 0.0 \\
+ 0.13 0.0 \\
+ 0.14 0.0 \\
+ 0.15 0.0 \\
+ 0.16 0.0 \\
+ 0.17 0.0 \\
+ 0.18 0.0 \\
+ 0.19 0.0 \\
+ 0.2 0.0 \\
+ 0.21 0.0 \\
+ 0.22 0.0 \\
+ 0.23 0.0 \\
+ 0.24 0.0 \\
+ 0.25 0.0 \\
+ 0.26 0.0 \\
+ 0.27 0.0 \\
+ 0.28 0.0 \\
+ 0.29 0.0 \\
+ 0.3 0.0 \\
+ 0.31 0.0 \\
+ 0.32 0.0 \\
+ 0.33 0.0 \\
+ 0.34 0.0 \\
+ 0.35 0.0 \\
+ 0.36 0.0 \\
+ 0.37 0.0 \\
+ 0.38 0.0 \\
+ 0.39 0.0 \\
+ 0.4 0.0 \\
+ 0.41 0.0 \\
+ 0.42 0.0 \\
+ 0.43 0.0 \\
+ 0.44 0.0 \\
+ 0.45 0.0 \\
+ 0.46 0.0 \\
+ 0.47 0.0 \\
+ 0.48 0.0 \\
+ 0.49 0.0 \\
+ 0.5 0.0 \\
+ 0.51 0.0 \\
+ 0.52 0.0 \\
+ 0.53 0.0 \\
+ 0.54 0.0 \\
+ 0.55 0.0 \\
+ 0.56 0.0 \\
+ 0.57 0.0 \\
+ 0.58 0.0 \\
+ 0.59 0.0 \\
+ 0.6 0.0 \\
+ 0.61 0.0 \\
+ 0.62 0.0 \\
+ 0.63 0.0 \\
+ 0.64 0.0 \\
+ 0.65 0.0 \\
+ 0.66 0.0 \\
+ 0.67 0.0 \\
+ 0.68 0.0 \\
+ 0.69 0.0 \\
+ 0.7 0.0 \\
+ 0.71 0.0 \\
+ 0.72 0.0 \\
+ 0.73 0.0 \\
+ 0.74 0.0 \\
+ 0.75 0.0 \\
+ 0.76 0.0 \\
+ 0.77 0.0 \\
+ 0.78 0.0 \\
+ 0.79 0.0 \\
+ 0.8 0.0 \\
+ 0.81 0.0 \\
+ 0.82 0.0 \\
+ 0.83 0.0 \\
+ 0.84 0.0 \\
+ 0.85 0.0 \\
+ 0.86 0.0 \\
+ 0.87 0.0 \\
+ 0.88 0.0 \\
+ 0.89 0.0 \\
+ 0.9 0.0 \\
+ 0.91 0.0 \\
+ 0.92 0.0 \\
+ 0.93 0.0 \\
+ 0.94 0.0 \\
+ 0.95 0.0 \\
+ 0.96 0.0 \\
+ 0.97 0.0 \\
+ 0.98 0.0 \\
+ 0.99 0.0 \\
+ 1.0 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot[ylabel={$\symbf{A}_{\mathrm{l}}$}]
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 0.0 \\
+ 0.01 0.0077 \\
+ 0.02 0.0162 \\
+ 0.03 0.0252 \\
+ 0.04 0.0353 \\
+ 0.05 0.0455 \\
+ 0.06 0.056 \\
+ 0.07 0.0656 \\
+ 0.08 0.0773 \\
+ 0.09 0.0868 \\
+ 0.1 0.098 \\
+ 0.11 0.1097 \\
+ 0.12 0.1186 \\
+ 0.13 0.1275 \\
+ 0.14 0.1394 \\
+ 0.15 0.1491 \\
+ 0.16 0.1598 \\
+ 0.17 0.1695 \\
+ 0.18 0.1798 \\
+ 0.19 0.191 \\
+ 0.2 0.2014 \\
+ 0.21 0.2126 \\
+ 0.22 0.2227 \\
+ 0.23 0.2327 \\
+ 0.24 0.243 \\
+ 0.25 0.2564 \\
+ 0.26 0.267 \\
+ 0.27 0.2759 \\
+ 0.28 0.2862 \\
+ 0.29 0.2973 \\
+ 0.3 0.3076 \\
+ 0.31 0.3182 \\
+ 0.32 0.3307 \\
+ 0.33 0.3402 \\
+ 0.34 0.3508 \\
+ 0.35 0.3607 \\
+ 0.36 0.3718 \\
+ 0.37 0.3801 \\
+ 0.38 0.3921 \\
+ 0.39 0.4033 \\
+ 0.4 0.4141 \\
+ 0.41 0.4244 \\
+ 0.42 0.4334 \\
+ 0.43 0.4441 \\
+ 0.44 0.4545 \\
+ 0.45 0.4647 \\
+ 0.46 0.4737 \\
+ 0.47 0.4836 \\
+ 0.48 0.4943 \\
+ 0.49 0.5037 \\
+ 0.5 0.5154 \\
+ 0.51 0.5236 \\
+ 0.52 0.5318 \\
+ 0.53 0.541 \\
+ 0.54 0.5513 \\
+ 0.55 0.5606 \\
+ 0.56 0.5707 \\
+ 0.57 0.5802 \\
+ 0.58 0.5899 \\
+ 0.59 0.5983 \\
+ 0.6 0.6075 \\
+ 0.61 0.616 \\
+ 0.62 0.625 \\
+ 0.63 0.6337 \\
+ 0.64 0.6431 \\
+ 0.65 0.6511 \\
+ 0.66 0.6614 \\
+ 0.67 0.6705 \\
+ 0.68 0.6794 \\
+ 0.69 0.6871 \\
+ 0.7 0.6957 \\
+ 0.71 0.7055 \\
+ 0.72 0.7152 \\
+ 0.73 0.7262 \\
+ 0.74 0.7358 \\
+ 0.75 0.7433 \\
+ 0.76 0.7521 \\
+ 0.77 0.7631 \\
+ 0.78 0.7724 \\
+ 0.79 0.781 \\
+ 0.8 0.7894 \\
+ 0.81 0.8002 \\
+ 0.82 0.81 \\
+ 0.83 0.8193 \\
+ 0.84 0.8282 \\
+ 0.85 0.8371 \\
+ 0.86 0.8452 \\
+ 0.87 0.8565 \\
+ 0.88 0.8678 \\
+ 0.89 0.8781 \\
+ 0.9 0.8906 \\
+ 0.91 0.9011 \\
+ 0.92 0.9121 \\
+ 0.93 0.9224 \\
+ 0.94 0.9324 \\
+ 0.95 0.9425 \\
+ 0.96 0.9523 \\
+ 0.97 0.9655 \\
+ 0.98 0.9774 \\
+ 0.99 0.9887 \\
+ 1.0 1.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \addplot+[dashed, thick]
+ coordinates {
+ (0,0)
+ (1,1)
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 1.0 \\
+ 0.01 0.00039999999999995595 \\
+ 0.02 9.999999999998899e-5 \\
+ 0.03 0.0 \\
+ 0.04 0.0 \\
+ 0.05 0.0 \\
+ 0.06 0.0 \\
+ 0.07 0.0 \\
+ 0.08 0.0 \\
+ 0.09 0.0 \\
+ 0.1 0.0 \\
+ 0.11 0.0 \\
+ 0.12 0.0 \\
+ 0.13 0.0 \\
+ 0.14 0.0 \\
+ 0.15 0.0 \\
+ 0.16 0.0 \\
+ 0.17 0.0 \\
+ 0.18 0.0 \\
+ 0.19 0.0 \\
+ 0.2 0.0 \\
+ 0.21 0.0 \\
+ 0.22 0.0 \\
+ 0.23 0.0 \\
+ 0.24 0.0 \\
+ 0.25 0.0 \\
+ 0.26 0.0 \\
+ 0.27 0.0 \\
+ 0.28 0.0 \\
+ 0.29 0.0 \\
+ 0.3 0.0 \\
+ 0.31 0.0 \\
+ 0.32 0.0 \\
+ 0.33 0.0 \\
+ 0.34 0.0 \\
+ 0.35 0.0 \\
+ 0.36 0.0 \\
+ 0.37 0.0 \\
+ 0.38 0.0 \\
+ 0.39 0.0 \\
+ 0.4 0.0 \\
+ 0.41 0.0 \\
+ 0.42 0.0 \\
+ 0.43 0.0 \\
+ 0.44 0.0 \\
+ 0.45 0.0 \\
+ 0.46 0.0 \\
+ 0.47 0.0 \\
+ 0.48 0.0 \\
+ 0.49 0.0 \\
+ 0.5 0.0 \\
+ 0.51 0.0 \\
+ 0.52 0.0 \\
+ 0.53 0.0 \\
+ 0.54 0.0 \\
+ 0.55 0.0 \\
+ 0.56 0.0 \\
+ 0.57 0.0 \\
+ 0.58 0.0 \\
+ 0.59 0.0 \\
+ 0.6 0.0 \\
+ 0.61 0.0 \\
+ 0.62 0.0 \\
+ 0.63 0.0 \\
+ 0.64 0.0 \\
+ 0.65 0.0 \\
+ 0.66 0.0 \\
+ 0.67 0.0 \\
+ 0.68 0.0 \\
+ 0.69 0.0 \\
+ 0.7 0.0 \\
+ 0.71 0.0 \\
+ 0.72 0.0 \\
+ 0.73 0.0 \\
+ 0.74 0.0 \\
+ 0.75 0.0 \\
+ 0.76 0.0 \\
+ 0.77 0.0 \\
+ 0.78 0.0 \\
+ 0.79 0.0 \\
+ 0.8 0.0 \\
+ 0.81 0.0 \\
+ 0.82 0.0 \\
+ 0.83 0.0 \\
+ 0.84 0.0 \\
+ 0.85 0.0 \\
+ 0.86 0.0 \\
+ 0.87 0.0 \\
+ 0.88 0.0 \\
+ 0.89 0.0 \\
+ 0.9 0.0 \\
+ 0.91 0.0 \\
+ 0.92 0.0 \\
+ 0.93 0.0 \\
+ 0.94 0.0 \\
+ 0.95 0.0 \\
+ 0.96 0.0 \\
+ 0.97 0.0 \\
+ 0.98 0.0 \\
+ 0.99 0.0 \\
+ 1.0 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+ \nextgroupplot
+ \addplot+[thick]
+ table[row sep={\\}]
+ {
+ \\
+ 0.0 1.0 \\
+ 0.01 0.9501 \\
+ 0.02 0.9077 \\
+ 0.03 0.872 \\
+ 0.04 0.8418 \\
+ 0.05 0.8146 \\
+ 0.06 0.7867999999999999 \\
+ 0.07 0.7612 \\
+ 0.08 0.7364999999999999 \\
+ 0.09 0.7128 \\
+ 0.1 0.6935 \\
+ 0.11 0.6708000000000001 \\
+ 0.12 0.6504 \\
+ 0.13 0.6284000000000001 \\
+ 0.14 0.6113 \\
+ 0.15 0.5927 \\
+ 0.16 0.5751999999999999 \\
+ 0.17 0.5590999999999999 \\
+ 0.18 0.5437000000000001 \\
+ 0.19 0.5276000000000001 \\
+ 0.2 0.5143 \\
+ 0.21 0.49950000000000006 \\
+ 0.22 0.48450000000000004 \\
+ 0.23 0.4726 \\
+ 0.24 0.4586 \\
+ 0.25 0.44499999999999995 \\
+ 0.26 0.43220000000000003 \\
+ 0.27 0.4196 \\
+ 0.28 0.406 \\
+ 0.29 0.39370000000000005 \\
+ 0.3 0.38270000000000004 \\
+ 0.31 0.3699 \\
+ 0.32 0.35950000000000004 \\
+ 0.33 0.3506 \\
+ 0.34 0.3419 \\
+ 0.35 0.33140000000000003 \\
+ 0.36 0.32189999999999996 \\
+ 0.37 0.31210000000000004 \\
+ 0.38 0.3036 \\
+ 0.39 0.29369999999999996 \\
+ 0.4 0.2852 \\
+ 0.41 0.27559999999999996 \\
+ 0.42 0.2661 \\
+ 0.43 0.25860000000000005 \\
+ 0.44 0.24970000000000003 \\
+ 0.45 0.24280000000000002 \\
+ 0.46 0.23460000000000003 \\
+ 0.47 0.22840000000000005 \\
+ 0.48 0.2217 \\
+ 0.49 0.21489999999999998 \\
+ 0.5 0.20789999999999997 \\
+ 0.51 0.2006 \\
+ 0.52 0.19420000000000004 \\
+ 0.53 0.1884 \\
+ 0.54 0.1834 \\
+ 0.55 0.17769999999999997 \\
+ 0.56 0.17220000000000002 \\
+ 0.57 0.16559999999999997 \\
+ 0.58 0.15810000000000002 \\
+ 0.59 0.1513 \\
+ 0.6 0.14649999999999996 \\
+ 0.61 0.14059999999999995 \\
+ 0.62 0.13570000000000004 \\
+ 0.63 0.12980000000000003 \\
+ 0.64 0.12429999999999997 \\
+ 0.65 0.11919999999999997 \\
+ 0.66 0.11429999999999996 \\
+ 0.67 0.11009999999999998 \\
+ 0.68 0.1058 \\
+ 0.69 0.10089999999999999 \\
+ 0.7 0.09450000000000003 \\
+ 0.71 0.08960000000000001 \\
+ 0.72 0.08520000000000005 \\
+ 0.73 0.08109999999999995 \\
+ 0.74 0.07779999999999998 \\
+ 0.75 0.07340000000000002 \\
+ 0.76 0.06930000000000003 \\
+ 0.77 0.06520000000000004 \\
+ 0.78 0.060799999999999965 \\
+ 0.79 0.05779999999999996 \\
+ 0.8 0.05510000000000004 \\
+ 0.81 0.05120000000000002 \\
+ 0.82 0.04690000000000005 \\
+ 0.83 0.04310000000000003 \\
+ 0.84 0.04049999999999998 \\
+ 0.85 0.037799999999999945 \\
+ 0.86 0.0353 \\
+ 0.87 0.03149999999999997 \\
+ 0.88 0.027699999999999947 \\
+ 0.89 0.024900000000000033 \\
+ 0.9 0.022800000000000042 \\
+ 0.91 0.020399999999999974 \\
+ 0.92 0.017800000000000038 \\
+ 0.93 0.015199999999999991 \\
+ 0.94 0.013000000000000012 \\
+ 0.95 0.01090000000000002 \\
+ 0.96 0.008299999999999974 \\
+ 0.97 0.006000000000000005 \\
+ 0.98 0.0044999999999999485 \\
+ 0.99 0.0027000000000000357 \\
+ 1.0 0.0 \\
+ }
+ ;
+\node[anchor=north] at ($(group c1r6.west |- group c1r6.outer south)!0.5!(group c3r6.east |- group c3r6.outer south)$){significance level};
+\node[anchor=south, rotate=90] at ($(group c1r1.north -| group c1r1.outer west)!0.5!(group c1r6.south -| group c1r6.outer west)$){empirical test error};
diff --git a/poster/figures/triangular_models.tex b/poster/figures/triangular_models.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 336b048..0000000
--- a/poster/figures/triangular_models.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5501 +0,0 @@
-\begin{groupplot}[group style={group size={4 by 1}, ylabels at={edge left}, yticklabels at={edge left}}, xlabel={$x$}, ylabel={$g_y(x)$}, ymin={0}, ymax={1}, enlarge x limits={false}, axis on top, no marks, title style={font={\small}}]
- \nextgroupplot[title={$g_y(X) = \mathbb{P}[Y = y \,|\, X]$}]
- \addplot+[fill, fill opacity={0.2}, thick]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- -3.0 nan \\
- -2.99 1.0 \\
- -2.98 1.0 \\
- -2.97 1.0 \\
- -2.96 1.0 \\
- -2.95 1.0 \\
- -2.94 1.0 \\
- -2.93 1.0 \\
- -2.92 1.0 \\
- -2.91 1.0 \\
- -2.9 1.0 \\
- -2.89 1.0 \\
- -2.88 1.0 \\
- -2.87 1.0 \\
- -2.86 1.0 \\
- -2.85 1.0 \\
- -2.84 1.0 \\
- -2.83 1.0 \\
- -2.82 1.0 \\
- -2.81 1.0 \\
- -2.8 1.0 \\
- -2.79 1.0 \\
- -2.78 1.0 \\
- -2.77 1.0 \\
- -2.76 1.0 \\
- -2.75 1.0 \\
- -2.74 1.0 \\
- -2.73 1.0 \\
- -2.72 1.0 \\
- -2.71 1.0 \\
- -2.7 1.0 \\
- -2.69 1.0 \\
- -2.68 1.0 \\
- -2.67 1.0 \\
- -2.66 1.0 \\
- -2.65 1.0 \\
- -2.64 1.0 \\
- -2.63 1.0 \\
- -2.62 1.0 \\
- -2.61 1.0 \\
- -2.6 1.0 \\
- -2.59 1.0 \\
- -2.58 1.0 \\
- -2.57 1.0 \\
- -2.56 1.0 \\
- -2.55 1.0 \\
- -2.54 1.0 \\
- -2.53 1.0 \\
- -2.52 1.0 \\
- -2.51 1.0 \\
- -2.5 1.0 \\
- -2.49 1.0 \\
- -2.48 1.0 \\
- -2.47 1.0 \\
- -2.46 1.0 \\
- -2.45 1.0 \\
- -2.44 1.0 \\
- -2.43 1.0 \\
- -2.42 1.0 \\
- -2.41 1.0 \\
- -2.4 1.0 \\
- -2.39 1.0 \\
- -2.38 1.0 \\
- -2.37 1.0 \\
- -2.36 1.0 \\
- -2.35 1.0 \\
- -2.34 1.0 \\
- -2.33 1.0 \\
- -2.32 1.0 \\
- -2.31 1.0 \\
- -2.3 1.0 \\
- -2.29 1.0 \\
- -2.28 1.0 \\
- -2.27 1.0 \\
- -2.26 1.0 \\
- -2.25 1.0 \\
- -2.24 1.0 \\
- -2.23 1.0 \\
- -2.22 1.0 \\
- -2.21 1.0 \\
- -2.2 1.0 \\
- -2.19 1.0 \\
- -2.18 1.0 \\
- -2.17 1.0 \\
- -2.16 1.0 \\
- -2.15 1.0 \\
- -2.14 1.0 \\
- -2.13 1.0 \\
- -2.12 1.0 \\
- -2.11 1.0 \\
- -2.1 1.0 \\
- -2.09 1.0 \\
- -2.08 1.0 \\
- -2.07 1.0 \\
- -2.06 1.0 \\
- -2.05 1.0 \\
- -2.04 1.0 \\
- -2.03 1.0 \\
- -2.02 1.0 \\
- -2.01 1.0 \\
- -2.0 1.0 \\
- -1.99 0.9901960784313726 \\
- -1.98 0.9807692307692307 \\
- -1.97 0.9716981132075472 \\
- -1.96 0.9629629629629629 \\
- -1.95 0.9545454545454545 \\
- -1.94 0.9464285714285714 \\
- -1.93 0.9385964912280701 \\
- -1.92 0.9310344827586207 \\
- -1.91 0.923728813559322 \\
- -1.9 0.9166666666666666 \\
- -1.89 0.9098360655737704 \\
- -1.88 0.9032258064516129 \\
- -1.87 0.8968253968253969 \\
- -1.86 0.8906250000000001 \\
- -1.85 0.8846153846153847 \\
- -1.84 0.8787878787878788 \\
- -1.83 0.873134328358209 \\
- -1.82 0.8676470588235294 \\
- -1.81 0.8623188405797102 \\
- -1.8 0.8571428571428572 \\
- -1.79 0.852112676056338 \\
- -1.78 0.8472222222222222 \\
- -1.77 0.8424657534246576 \\
- -1.76 0.8378378378378378 \\
- -1.75 0.8333333333333334 \\
- -1.74 0.8289473684210527 \\
- -1.73 0.8246753246753247 \\
- -1.72 0.8205128205128205 \\
- -1.71 0.8164556962025317 \\
- -1.7 0.8125 \\
- -1.69 0.8086419753086419 \\
- -1.68 0.8048780487804877 \\
- -1.67 0.8012048192771084 \\
- -1.66 0.7976190476190476 \\
- -1.65 0.7941176470588235 \\
- -1.64 0.7906976744186046 \\
- -1.63 0.7873563218390804 \\
- -1.62 0.7840909090909092 \\
- -1.61 0.7808988764044944 \\
- -1.6 0.7777777777777778 \\
- -1.59 0.7747252747252747 \\
- -1.58 0.7717391304347826 \\
- -1.57 0.7688172043010753 \\
- -1.56 0.7659574468085106 \\
- -1.55 0.7631578947368421 \\
- -1.54 0.7604166666666666 \\
- -1.53 0.7577319587628866 \\
- -1.52 0.7551020408163265 \\
- -1.51 0.7525252525252525 \\
- -1.5 0.75 \\
- -1.49 0.7475247524752475 \\
- -1.48 0.7450980392156863 \\
- -1.47 0.7427184466019418 \\
- -1.46 0.7403846153846154 \\
- -1.45 0.7380952380952381 \\
- -1.44 0.7358490566037735 \\
- -1.43 0.7336448598130841 \\
- -1.42 0.7314814814814815 \\
- -1.41 0.7293577981651376 \\
- -1.4 0.7272727272727273 \\
- -1.39 0.7252252252252253 \\
- -1.38 0.7232142857142857 \\
- -1.37 0.7212389380530974 \\
- -1.36 0.7192982456140351 \\
- -1.35 0.717391304347826 \\
- -1.34 0.7155172413793104 \\
- -1.33 0.7136752136752137 \\
- -1.32 0.711864406779661 \\
- -1.31 0.7100840336134454 \\
- -1.3 0.7083333333333334 \\
- -1.29 0.7066115702479339 \\
- -1.28 0.7049180327868853 \\
- -1.27 0.7032520325203252 \\
- -1.26 0.7016129032258065 \\
- -1.25 0.7 \\
- -1.24 0.6984126984126984 \\
- -1.23 0.6968503937007874 \\
- -1.22 0.6953125 \\
- -1.21 0.6937984496124031 \\
- -1.2 0.6923076923076923 \\
- -1.19 0.6908396946564885 \\
- -1.18 0.6893939393939393 \\
- -1.17 0.6879699248120301 \\
- -1.16 0.6865671641791045 \\
- -1.15 0.6851851851851851 \\
- -1.14 0.6838235294117647 \\
- -1.13 0.6824817518248175 \\
- -1.12 0.6811594202898551 \\
- -1.11 0.6798561151079137 \\
- -1.1 0.6785714285714286 \\
- -1.09 0.6773049645390071 \\
- -1.08 0.676056338028169 \\
- -1.07 0.6748251748251748 \\
- -1.06 0.6736111111111112 \\
- -1.05 0.6724137931034483 \\
- -1.04 0.6712328767123288 \\
- -1.03 0.6700680272108843 \\
- -1.02 0.668918918918919 \\
- -1.01 0.6677852348993288 \\
- -1.0 0.6666666666666666 \\
- -0.99 0.6611295681063123 \\
- -0.98 0.6556291390728477 \\
- -0.97 0.6501650165016502 \\
- -0.96 0.6447368421052632 \\
- -0.95 0.639344262295082 \\
- -0.94 0.6339869281045751 \\
- -0.93 0.6286644951140066 \\
- -0.92 0.6233766233766234 \\
- -0.91 0.6181229773462784 \\
- -0.9 0.6129032258064515 \\
- -0.89 0.6077170418006431 \\
- -0.88 0.6025641025641025 \\
- -0.87 0.5974440894568691 \\
- -0.86 0.5923566878980892 \\
- -0.85 0.5873015873015873 \\
- -0.84 0.5822784810126581 \\
- -0.83 0.5772870662460569 \\
- -0.82 0.5723270440251571 \\
- -0.81 0.5673981191222571 \\
- -0.8 0.5625 \\
- -0.79 0.5576323987538941 \\
- -0.78 0.5527950310559007 \\
- -0.77 0.5479876160990712 \\
- -0.76 0.5432098765432098 \\
- -0.75 0.5384615384615384 \\
- -0.74 0.5337423312883436 \\
- -0.73 0.5290519877675841 \\
- -0.72 0.5243902439024389 \\
- -0.71 0.5197568389057751 \\
- -0.7 0.5151515151515151 \\
- -0.69 0.5105740181268882 \\
- -0.68 0.5060240963855422 \\
- -0.67 0.5015015015015015 \\
- -0.66 0.4970059880239522 \\
- -0.65 0.4925373134328358 \\
- -0.64 0.48809523809523814 \\
- -0.63 0.48367952522255186 \\
- -0.62 0.4792899408284024 \\
- -0.61 0.47492625368731556 \\
- -0.6 0.4705882352941177 \\
- -0.59 0.46627565982404684 \\
- -0.58 0.4619883040935673 \\
- -0.57 0.4577259475218658 \\
- -0.56 0.4534883720930233 \\
- -0.55 0.4492753623188406 \\
- -0.54 0.44508670520231214 \\
- -0.53 0.4409221902017291 \\
- -0.52 0.4367816091954023 \\
- -0.51 0.43266475644699137 \\
- -0.5 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.49 0.42450142450142453 \\
- -0.48 0.42045454545454547 \\
- -0.47 0.4164305949008498 \\
- -0.46 0.4124293785310734 \\
- -0.45 0.4084507042253521 \\
- -0.44 0.4044943820224719 \\
- -0.43 0.4005602240896358 \\
- -0.42 0.3966480446927374 \\
- -0.41 0.39275766016713093 \\
- -0.4 0.38888888888888884 \\
- -0.39 0.38504155124653744 \\
- -0.38 0.38121546961325964 \\
- -0.37 0.37741046831955927 \\
- -0.36 0.3736263736263736 \\
- -0.35 0.36986301369863017 \\
- -0.34 0.366120218579235 \\
- -0.33 0.36239782016348776 \\
- -0.32 0.3586956521739131 \\
- -0.31 0.3550135501355014 \\
- -0.3 0.35135135135135137 \\
- -0.29 0.3477088948787062 \\
- -0.28 0.34408602150537637 \\
- -0.27 0.34048257372654156 \\
- -0.26 0.3368983957219251 \\
- -0.25 0.3333333333333333 \\
- -0.24 0.3297872340425532 \\
- -0.23 0.32625994694960214 \\
- -0.22 0.32275132275132273 \\
- -0.21 0.31926121372031663 \\
- -0.2 0.3157894736842105 \\
- -0.19 0.3123359580052493 \\
- -0.18 0.30890052356020936 \\
- -0.17 0.3054830287206266 \\
- -0.16 0.3020833333333333 \\
- -0.15 0.2987012987012987 \\
- -0.14 0.2953367875647669 \\
- -0.13 0.2919896640826873 \\
- -0.12 0.288659793814433 \\
- -0.11 0.2853470437017995 \\
- -0.1 0.2820512820512821 \\
- -0.09 0.27877237851662406 \\
- -0.08 0.2755102040816327 \\
- -0.07 0.27226463104325704 \\
- -0.06 0.2690355329949239 \\
- -0.05 0.26582278481012656 \\
- -0.04 0.26262626262626265 \\
- -0.03 0.2594458438287154 \\
- -0.02 0.2562814070351759 \\
- -0.01 0.2531328320802005 \\
- 0.0 0.25 \\
- 0.01 0.24812030075187969 \\
- 0.02 0.24623115577889446 \\
- 0.03 0.2443324937027708 \\
- 0.04 0.24242424242424243 \\
- 0.05 0.24050632911392403 \\
- 0.06 0.23857868020304568 \\
- 0.07 0.2366412213740458 \\
- 0.08 0.23469387755102042 \\
- 0.09 0.23273657289002558 \\
- 0.1 0.23076923076923078 \\
- 0.11 0.22879177377892032 \\
- 0.12 0.2268041237113402 \\
- 0.13 0.22480620155038758 \\
- 0.14 0.2227979274611399 \\
- 0.15 0.22077922077922077 \\
- 0.16 0.21875 \\
- 0.17 0.216710182767624 \\
- 0.18 0.21465968586387435 \\
- 0.19 0.2125984251968504 \\
- 0.2 0.2105263157894737 \\
- 0.21 0.20844327176781002 \\
- 0.22 0.20634920634920634 \\
- 0.23 0.20424403183023873 \\
- 0.24 0.2021276595744681 \\
- 0.25 0.2 \\
- 0.26 0.1978609625668449 \\
- 0.27 0.19571045576407506 \\
- 0.28 0.1935483870967742 \\
- 0.29 0.19137466307277629 \\
- 0.3 0.18918918918918917 \\
- 0.31 0.18699186991869918 \\
- 0.32 0.18478260869565216 \\
- 0.33 0.18256130790190733 \\
- 0.34 0.180327868852459 \\
- 0.35 0.17808219178082194 \\
- 0.36 0.1758241758241758 \\
- 0.37 0.17355371900826447 \\
- 0.38 0.1712707182320442 \\
- 0.39 0.16897506925207756 \\
- 0.4 0.16666666666666666 \\
- 0.41 0.16434540389972147 \\
- 0.42 0.16201117318435757 \\
- 0.43 0.1596638655462185 \\
- 0.44 0.15730337078651688 \\
- 0.45 0.15492957746478875 \\
- 0.46 0.15254237288135594 \\
- 0.47 0.15014164305949007 \\
- 0.48 0.14772727272727273 \\
- 0.49 0.1452991452991453 \\
- 0.5 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.51 0.14040114613180515 \\
- 0.52 0.13793103448275862 \\
- 0.53 0.13544668587896252 \\
- 0.54 0.1329479768786127 \\
- 0.55 0.13043478260869562 \\
- 0.56 0.12790697674418602 \\
- 0.57 0.12536443148688048 \\
- 0.58 0.12280701754385967 \\
- 0.59 0.12023460410557185 \\
- 0.6 0.11764705882352942 \\
- 0.61 0.11504424778761062 \\
- 0.62 0.11242603550295859 \\
- 0.63 0.10979228486646883 \\
- 0.64 0.10714285714285714 \\
- 0.65 0.1044776119402985 \\
- 0.66 0.10179640718562874 \\
- 0.67 0.09909909909909909 \\
- 0.68 0.09638554216867469 \\
- 0.69 0.09365558912386708 \\
- 0.7 0.09090909090909093 \\
- 0.71 0.08814589665653497 \\
- 0.72 0.08536585365853659 \\
- 0.73 0.08256880733944955 \\
- 0.74 0.07975460122699388 \\
- 0.75 0.07692307692307693 \\
- 0.76 0.07407407407407407 \\
- 0.77 0.07120743034055727 \\
- 0.78 0.06832298136645962 \\
- 0.79 0.06542056074766354 \\
- 0.8 0.062499999999999986 \\
- 0.81 0.05956112852664575 \\
- 0.82 0.056603773584905676 \\
- 0.83 0.053627760252365944 \\
- 0.84 0.05063291139240507 \\
- 0.85 0.04761904761904763 \\
- 0.86 0.0445859872611465 \\
- 0.87 0.0415335463258786 \\
- 0.88 0.03846153846153846 \\
- 0.89 0.03536977491961415 \\
- 0.9 0.032258064516129024 \\
- 0.91 0.029126213592233 \\
- 0.92 0.025974025974025962 \\
- 0.93 0.022801302931596077 \\
- 0.94 0.01960784313725492 \\
- 0.95 0.016393442622950834 \\
- 0.96 0.013157894736842117 \\
- 0.97 0.00990099009900991 \\
- 0.98 0.006622516556291397 \\
- 0.99 0.0033222591362126277 \\
- 1.0 0.0 \\
- 1.01 0.0 \\
- 1.02 0.0 \\
- 1.03 0.0 \\
- 1.04 0.0 \\
- 1.05 0.0 \\
- 1.06 0.0 \\
- 1.07 0.0 \\
- 1.08 0.0 \\
- 1.09 0.0 \\
- 1.1 0.0 \\
- 1.11 0.0 \\
- 1.12 0.0 \\
- 1.13 0.0 \\
- 1.14 0.0 \\
- 1.15 0.0 \\
- 1.16 0.0 \\
- 1.17 0.0 \\
- 1.18 0.0 \\
- 1.19 0.0 \\
- 1.2 0.0 \\
- 1.21 0.0 \\
- 1.22 0.0 \\
- 1.23 0.0 \\
- 1.24 0.0 \\
- 1.25 0.0 \\
- 1.26 0.0 \\
- 1.27 0.0 \\
- 1.28 0.0 \\
- 1.29 0.0 \\
- 1.3 0.0 \\
- 1.31 0.0 \\
- 1.32 0.0 \\
- 1.33 0.0 \\
- 1.34 0.0 \\
- 1.35 0.0 \\
- 1.36 0.0 \\
- 1.37 0.0 \\
- 1.38 0.0 \\
- 1.39 0.0 \\
- 1.4 0.0 \\
- 1.41 0.0 \\
- 1.42 0.0 \\
- 1.43 0.0 \\
- 1.44 0.0 \\
- 1.45 0.0 \\
- 1.46 0.0 \\
- 1.47 0.0 \\
- 1.48 0.0 \\
- 1.49 0.0 \\
- 1.5 0.0 \\
- 1.51 0.0 \\
- 1.52 0.0 \\
- 1.53 0.0 \\
- 1.54 0.0 \\
- 1.55 0.0 \\
- 1.56 0.0 \\
- 1.57 0.0 \\
- 1.58 0.0 \\
- 1.59 0.0 \\
- 1.6 0.0 \\
- 1.61 0.0 \\
- 1.62 0.0 \\
- 1.63 0.0 \\
- 1.64 0.0 \\
- 1.65 0.0 \\
- 1.66 0.0 \\
- 1.67 0.0 \\
- 1.68 0.0 \\
- 1.69 0.0 \\
- 1.7 0.0 \\
- 1.71 0.0 \\
- 1.72 0.0 \\
- 1.73 0.0 \\
- 1.74 0.0 \\
- 1.75 0.0 \\
- 1.76 0.0 \\
- 1.77 0.0 \\
- 1.78 0.0 \\
- 1.79 0.0 \\
- 1.8 0.0 \\
- 1.81 0.0 \\
- 1.82 0.0 \\
- 1.83 0.0 \\
- 1.84 0.0 \\
- 1.85 0.0 \\
- 1.86 0.0 \\
- 1.87 0.0 \\
- 1.88 0.0 \\
- 1.89 0.0 \\
- 1.9 0.0 \\
- 1.91 0.0 \\
- 1.92 0.0 \\
- 1.93 0.0 \\
- 1.94 0.0 \\
- 1.95 0.0 \\
- 1.96 0.0 \\
- 1.97 0.0 \\
- 1.98 0.0 \\
- 1.99 0.0 \\
- 2.0 0.0 \\
- 2.01 0.0 \\
- 2.02 0.0 \\
- 2.03 0.0 \\
- 2.04 0.0 \\
- 2.05 0.0 \\
- 2.06 0.0 \\
- 2.07 0.0 \\
- 2.08 0.0 \\
- 2.09 0.0 \\
- 2.1 0.0 \\
- 2.11 0.0 \\
- 2.12 0.0 \\
- 2.13 0.0 \\
- 2.14 0.0 \\
- 2.15 0.0 \\
- 2.16 0.0 \\
- 2.17 0.0 \\
- 2.18 0.0 \\
- 2.19 0.0 \\
- 2.2 0.0 \\
- 2.21 0.0 \\
- 2.22 0.0 \\
- 2.23 0.0 \\
- 2.24 0.0 \\
- 2.25 0.0 \\
- 2.26 0.0 \\
- 2.27 0.0 \\
- 2.28 0.0 \\
- 2.29 0.0 \\
- 2.3 0.0 \\
- 2.31 0.0 \\
- 2.32 0.0 \\
- 2.33 0.0 \\
- 2.34 0.0 \\
- 2.35 0.0 \\
- 2.36 0.0 \\
- 2.37 0.0 \\
- 2.38 0.0 \\
- 2.39 0.0 \\
- 2.4 0.0 \\
- 2.41 0.0 \\
- 2.42 0.0 \\
- 2.43 0.0 \\
- 2.44 0.0 \\
- 2.45 0.0 \\
- 2.46 0.0 \\
- 2.47 0.0 \\
- 2.48 0.0 \\
- 2.49 0.0 \\
- 2.5 0.0 \\
- 2.51 0.0 \\
- 2.52 0.0 \\
- 2.53 0.0 \\
- 2.54 0.0 \\
- 2.55 0.0 \\
- 2.56 0.0 \\
- 2.57 0.0 \\
- 2.58 0.0 \\
- 2.59 0.0 \\
- 2.6 0.0 \\
- 2.61 0.0 \\
- 2.62 0.0 \\
- 2.63 0.0 \\
- 2.64 0.0 \\
- 2.65 0.0 \\
- 2.66 0.0 \\
- 2.67 0.0 \\
- 2.68 0.0 \\
- 2.69 0.0 \\
- 2.7 0.0 \\
- 2.71 0.0 \\
- 2.72 0.0 \\
- 2.73 0.0 \\
- 2.74 0.0 \\
- 2.75 0.0 \\
- 2.76 0.0 \\
- 2.77 0.0 \\
- 2.78 0.0 \\
- 2.79 0.0 \\
- 2.8 0.0 \\
- 2.81 0.0 \\
- 2.82 0.0 \\
- 2.83 0.0 \\
- 2.84 0.0 \\
- 2.85 0.0 \\
- 2.86 0.0 \\
- 2.87 0.0 \\
- 2.88 0.0 \\
- 2.89 0.0 \\
- 2.9 0.0 \\
- 2.91 0.0 \\
- 2.92 0.0 \\
- 2.93 0.0 \\
- 2.94 0.0 \\
- 2.95 0.0 \\
- 2.96 0.0 \\
- 2.97 0.0 \\
- 2.98 0.0 \\
- 2.99 0.0 \\
- 3.0 nan \\
- }
- \closedcycle
- ;
- \addplot+[fill, fill opacity={0.2}, thick]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- -3.0 nan \\
- -2.99 0.0 \\
- -2.98 0.0 \\
- -2.97 0.0 \\
- -2.96 0.0 \\
- -2.95 0.0 \\
- -2.94 0.0 \\
- -2.93 0.0 \\
- -2.92 0.0 \\
- -2.91 0.0 \\
- -2.9 0.0 \\
- -2.89 0.0 \\
- -2.88 0.0 \\
- -2.87 0.0 \\
- -2.86 0.0 \\
- -2.85 0.0 \\
- -2.84 0.0 \\
- -2.83 0.0 \\
- -2.82 0.0 \\
- -2.81 0.0 \\
- -2.8 0.0 \\
- -2.79 0.0 \\
- -2.78 0.0 \\
- -2.77 0.0 \\
- -2.76 0.0 \\
- -2.75 0.0 \\
- -2.74 0.0 \\
- -2.73 0.0 \\
- -2.72 0.0 \\
- -2.71 0.0 \\
- -2.7 0.0 \\
- -2.69 0.0 \\
- -2.68 0.0 \\
- -2.67 0.0 \\
- -2.66 0.0 \\
- -2.65 0.0 \\
- -2.64 0.0 \\
- -2.63 0.0 \\
- -2.62 0.0 \\
- -2.61 0.0 \\
- -2.6 0.0 \\
- -2.59 0.0 \\
- -2.58 0.0 \\
- -2.57 0.0 \\
- -2.56 0.0 \\
- -2.55 0.0 \\
- -2.54 0.0 \\
- -2.53 0.0 \\
- -2.52 0.0 \\
- -2.51 0.0 \\
- -2.5 0.0 \\
- -2.49 0.0 \\
- -2.48 0.0 \\
- -2.47 0.0 \\
- -2.46 0.0 \\
- -2.45 0.0 \\
- -2.44 0.0 \\
- -2.43 0.0 \\
- -2.42 0.0 \\
- -2.41 0.0 \\
- -2.4 0.0 \\
- -2.39 0.0 \\
- -2.38 0.0 \\
- -2.37 0.0 \\
- -2.36 0.0 \\
- -2.35 0.0 \\
- -2.34 0.0 \\
- -2.33 0.0 \\
- -2.32 0.0 \\
- -2.31 0.0 \\
- -2.3 0.0 \\
- -2.29 0.0 \\
- -2.28 0.0 \\
- -2.27 0.0 \\
- -2.26 0.0 \\
- -2.25 0.0 \\
- -2.24 0.0 \\
- -2.23 0.0 \\
- -2.22 0.0 \\
- -2.21 0.0 \\
- -2.2 0.0 \\
- -2.19 0.0 \\
- -2.18 0.0 \\
- -2.17 0.0 \\
- -2.16 0.0 \\
- -2.15 0.0 \\
- -2.14 0.0 \\
- -2.13 0.0 \\
- -2.12 0.0 \\
- -2.11 0.0 \\
- -2.1 0.0 \\
- -2.09 0.0 \\
- -2.08 0.0 \\
- -2.07 0.0 \\
- -2.06 0.0 \\
- -2.05 0.0 \\
- -2.04 0.0 \\
- -2.03 0.0 \\
- -2.02 0.0 \\
- -2.01 0.0 \\
- -2.0 0.0 \\
- -1.99 0.00980392156862746 \\
- -1.98 0.019230769230769246 \\
- -1.97 0.028301886792452855 \\
- -1.96 0.03703703703703707 \\
- -1.95 0.04545454545454549 \\
- -1.94 0.05357142857142862 \\
- -1.93 0.06140350877192987 \\
- -1.92 0.06896551724137936 \\
- -1.91 0.07627118644067803 \\
- -1.9 0.0833333333333334 \\
- -1.89 0.09016393442622958 \\
- -1.88 0.09677419354838716 \\
- -1.87 0.10317460317460311 \\
- -1.86 0.10937499999999994 \\
- -1.85 0.11538461538461534 \\
- -1.84 0.12121212121212116 \\
- -1.83 0.126865671641791 \\
- -1.82 0.13235294117647056 \\
- -1.81 0.13768115942028983 \\
- -1.8 0.14285714285714282 \\
- -1.79 0.14788732394366194 \\
- -1.78 0.15277777777777776 \\
- -1.77 0.15753424657534246 \\
- -1.76 0.16216216216216217 \\
- -1.75 0.16666666666666666 \\
- -1.74 0.17105263157894737 \\
- -1.73 0.17532467532467533 \\
- -1.72 0.1794871794871795 \\
- -1.71 0.18354430379746836 \\
- -1.7 0.18750000000000003 \\
- -1.69 0.19135802469135804 \\
- -1.68 0.19512195121951223 \\
- -1.67 0.1987951807228916 \\
- -1.66 0.2023809523809524 \\
- -1.65 0.2058823529411765 \\
- -1.64 0.2093023255813954 \\
- -1.63 0.21264367816091959 \\
- -1.62 0.21590909090909088 \\
- -1.61 0.2191011235955056 \\
- -1.6 0.22222222222222218 \\
- -1.59 0.22527472527472525 \\
- -1.58 0.22826086956521738 \\
- -1.57 0.23118279569892472 \\
- -1.56 0.23404255319148934 \\
- -1.55 0.23684210526315788 \\
- -1.54 0.23958333333333331 \\
- -1.53 0.2422680412371134 \\
- -1.52 0.24489795918367346 \\
- -1.51 0.2474747474747475 \\
- -1.5 0.25 \\
- -1.49 0.2524752475247525 \\
- -1.48 0.2549019607843137 \\
- -1.47 0.25728155339805825 \\
- -1.46 0.25961538461538464 \\
- -1.45 0.2619047619047619 \\
- -1.44 0.2641509433962264 \\
- -1.43 0.2663551401869159 \\
- -1.42 0.26851851851851855 \\
- -1.41 0.27064220183486243 \\
- -1.4 0.27272727272727276 \\
- -1.39 0.2747747747747748 \\
- -1.38 0.2767857142857143 \\
- -1.37 0.27876106194690264 \\
- -1.36 0.2807017543859649 \\
- -1.35 0.2826086956521739 \\
- -1.34 0.2844827586206896 \\
- -1.33 0.2863247863247863 \\
- -1.32 0.288135593220339 \\
- -1.31 0.2899159663865546 \\
- -1.3 0.2916666666666667 \\
- -1.29 0.2933884297520661 \\
- -1.28 0.29508196721311475 \\
- -1.27 0.2967479674796748 \\
- -1.26 0.29838709677419356 \\
- -1.25 0.3 \\
- -1.24 0.30158730158730157 \\
- -1.23 0.3031496062992126 \\
- -1.22 0.3046875 \\
- -1.21 0.3062015503875969 \\
- -1.2 0.3076923076923077 \\
- -1.19 0.30916030534351147 \\
- -1.18 0.3106060606060606 \\
- -1.17 0.31203007518796994 \\
- -1.16 0.31343283582089554 \\
- -1.15 0.3148148148148148 \\
- -1.14 0.3161764705882353 \\
- -1.13 0.3175182481751825 \\
- -1.12 0.3188405797101449 \\
- -1.11 0.32014388489208634 \\
- -1.1 0.3214285714285714 \\
- -1.09 0.3226950354609929 \\
- -1.08 0.323943661971831 \\
- -1.07 0.32517482517482516 \\
- -1.06 0.3263888888888889 \\
- -1.05 0.3275862068965517 \\
- -1.04 0.3287671232876712 \\
- -1.03 0.3299319727891156 \\
- -1.02 0.3310810810810811 \\
- -1.01 0.33221476510067116 \\
- -1.0 0.3333333333333333 \\
- -0.99 0.3355481727574751 \\
- -0.98 0.33774834437086093 \\
- -0.97 0.33993399339933994 \\
- -0.96 0.34210526315789475 \\
- -0.95 0.34426229508196726 \\
- -0.94 0.3464052287581699 \\
- -0.93 0.3485342019543974 \\
- -0.92 0.35064935064935066 \\
- -0.91 0.35275080906148865 \\
- -0.9 0.3548387096774194 \\
- -0.89 0.35691318327974275 \\
- -0.88 0.358974358974359 \\
- -0.87 0.36102236421725237 \\
- -0.86 0.36305732484076436 \\
- -0.85 0.36507936507936506 \\
- -0.84 0.3670886075949367 \\
- -0.83 0.36908517350157727 \\
- -0.82 0.37106918238993714 \\
- -0.81 0.3730407523510972 \\
- -0.8 0.37499999999999994 \\
- -0.79 0.37694704049844235 \\
- -0.78 0.37888198757763975 \\
- -0.77 0.38080495356037153 \\
- -0.76 0.38271604938271603 \\
- -0.75 0.38461538461538464 \\
- -0.74 0.3865030674846626 \\
- -0.73 0.38837920489296635 \\
- -0.72 0.39024390243902435 \\
- -0.71 0.39209726443769 \\
- -0.7 0.393939393939394 \\
- -0.69 0.39577039274924475 \\
- -0.68 0.3975903614457831 \\
- -0.67 0.3993993993993994 \\
- -0.66 0.40119760479041916 \\
- -0.65 0.40298507462686567 \\
- -0.64 0.40476190476190477 \\
- -0.63 0.4065281899109792 \\
- -0.62 0.40828402366863903 \\
- -0.61 0.41002949852507375 \\
- -0.6 0.4117647058823529 \\
- -0.59 0.41348973607038125 \\
- -0.58 0.4152046783625731 \\
- -0.57 0.41690962099125367 \\
- -0.56 0.41860465116279066 \\
- -0.55 0.42028985507246375 \\
- -0.54 0.42196531791907516 \\
- -0.53 0.4236311239193084 \\
- -0.52 0.42528735632183906 \\
- -0.51 0.4269340974212034 \\
- -0.5 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.49 0.43019943019943024 \\
- -0.48 0.4318181818181818 \\
- -0.47 0.43342776203966005 \\
- -0.46 0.4350282485875706 \\
- -0.45 0.4366197183098592 \\
- -0.44 0.43820224719101125 \\
- -0.43 0.43977591036414565 \\
- -0.42 0.44134078212290506 \\
- -0.41 0.44289693593314766 \\
- -0.4 0.4444444444444445 \\
- -0.39 0.445983379501385 \\
- -0.38 0.44751381215469616 \\
- -0.37 0.4490358126721763 \\
- -0.36 0.45054945054945056 \\
- -0.35 0.4520547945205479 \\
- -0.34 0.45355191256830596 \\
- -0.33 0.4550408719346049 \\
- -0.32 0.4565217391304348 \\
- -0.31 0.45799457994579945 \\
- -0.3 0.45945945945945943 \\
- -0.29 0.4609164420485175 \\
- -0.28 0.4623655913978495 \\
- -0.27 0.46380697050938335 \\
- -0.26 0.4652406417112299 \\
- -0.25 0.4666666666666667 \\
- -0.24 0.46808510638297873 \\
- -0.23 0.46949602122015915 \\
- -0.22 0.4708994708994709 \\
- -0.21 0.47229551451187335 \\
- -0.2 0.4736842105263158 \\
- -0.19 0.47506561679790027 \\
- -0.18 0.47643979057591623 \\
- -0.17 0.47780678851174935 \\
- -0.16 0.4791666666666667 \\
- -0.15 0.4805194805194805 \\
- -0.14 0.48186528497409326 \\
- -0.13 0.48320413436692505 \\
- -0.12 0.4845360824742268 \\
- -0.11 0.4858611825192802 \\
- -0.1 0.48717948717948717 \\
- -0.09 0.48849104859335035 \\
- -0.08 0.4897959183673469 \\
- -0.07 0.4910941475826972 \\
- -0.06 0.49238578680203043 \\
- -0.05 0.49367088607594933 \\
- -0.04 0.494949494949495 \\
- -0.03 0.4962216624685139 \\
- -0.02 0.49748743718592964 \\
- -0.01 0.49874686716791977 \\
- 0.0 0.5 \\
- 0.01 0.49874686716791977 \\
- 0.02 0.49748743718592964 \\
- 0.03 0.4962216624685139 \\
- 0.04 0.494949494949495 \\
- 0.05 0.49367088607594933 \\
- 0.06 0.49238578680203043 \\
- 0.07 0.4910941475826972 \\
- 0.08 0.4897959183673469 \\
- 0.09 0.48849104859335035 \\
- 0.1 0.48717948717948717 \\
- 0.11 0.48586118251928023 \\
- 0.12 0.4845360824742268 \\
- 0.13 0.48320413436692505 \\
- 0.14 0.48186528497409326 \\
- 0.15 0.4805194805194805 \\
- 0.16 0.4791666666666667 \\
- 0.17 0.47780678851174935 \\
- 0.18 0.47643979057591623 \\
- 0.19 0.47506561679790027 \\
- 0.2 0.4736842105263158 \\
- 0.21 0.47229551451187335 \\
- 0.22 0.4708994708994709 \\
- 0.23 0.46949602122015915 \\
- 0.24 0.46808510638297873 \\
- 0.25 0.4666666666666667 \\
- 0.26 0.4652406417112299 \\
- 0.27 0.46380697050938335 \\
- 0.28 0.4623655913978495 \\
- 0.29 0.4609164420485175 \\
- 0.3 0.45945945945945943 \\
- 0.31 0.45799457994579945 \\
- 0.32 0.4565217391304348 \\
- 0.33 0.4550408719346049 \\
- 0.34 0.45355191256830596 \\
- 0.35 0.4520547945205479 \\
- 0.36 0.45054945054945056 \\
- 0.37 0.4490358126721763 \\
- 0.38 0.44751381215469616 \\
- 0.39 0.445983379501385 \\
- 0.4 0.4444444444444445 \\
- 0.41 0.44289693593314766 \\
- 0.42 0.44134078212290506 \\
- 0.43 0.43977591036414565 \\
- 0.44 0.43820224719101125 \\
- 0.45 0.4366197183098592 \\
- 0.46 0.4350282485875706 \\
- 0.47 0.43342776203966005 \\
- 0.48 0.4318181818181818 \\
- 0.49 0.43019943019943024 \\
- 0.5 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.51 0.4269340974212034 \\
- 0.52 0.42528735632183906 \\
- 0.53 0.4236311239193084 \\
- 0.54 0.42196531791907516 \\
- 0.55 0.42028985507246375 \\
- 0.56 0.41860465116279066 \\
- 0.57 0.41690962099125367 \\
- 0.58 0.4152046783625731 \\
- 0.59 0.41348973607038125 \\
- 0.6 0.4117647058823529 \\
- 0.61 0.41002949852507375 \\
- 0.62 0.40828402366863903 \\
- 0.63 0.4065281899109792 \\
- 0.64 0.40476190476190477 \\
- 0.65 0.40298507462686567 \\
- 0.66 0.40119760479041916 \\
- 0.67 0.3993993993993994 \\
- 0.68 0.3975903614457831 \\
- 0.69 0.39577039274924475 \\
- 0.7 0.393939393939394 \\
- 0.71 0.39209726443769 \\
- 0.72 0.39024390243902435 \\
- 0.73 0.38837920489296635 \\
- 0.74 0.3865030674846626 \\
- 0.75 0.38461538461538464 \\
- 0.76 0.38271604938271603 \\
- 0.77 0.38080495356037153 \\
- 0.78 0.37888198757763975 \\
- 0.79 0.37694704049844235 \\
- 0.8 0.37499999999999994 \\
- 0.81 0.3730407523510972 \\
- 0.82 0.37106918238993714 \\
- 0.83 0.36908517350157727 \\
- 0.84 0.3670886075949367 \\
- 0.85 0.36507936507936506 \\
- 0.86 0.36305732484076436 \\
- 0.87 0.36102236421725237 \\
- 0.88 0.358974358974359 \\
- 0.89 0.35691318327974275 \\
- 0.9 0.3548387096774194 \\
- 0.91 0.35275080906148865 \\
- 0.92 0.35064935064935066 \\
- 0.93 0.3485342019543974 \\
- 0.94 0.3464052287581699 \\
- 0.95 0.34426229508196726 \\
- 0.96 0.34210526315789475 \\
- 0.97 0.33993399339933994 \\
- 0.98 0.33774834437086093 \\
- 0.99 0.3355481727574751 \\
- 1.0 0.3333333333333333 \\
- 1.01 0.33221476510067116 \\
- 1.02 0.3310810810810811 \\
- 1.03 0.3299319727891156 \\
- 1.04 0.3287671232876712 \\
- 1.05 0.3275862068965517 \\
- 1.06 0.3263888888888889 \\
- 1.07 0.32517482517482516 \\
- 1.08 0.323943661971831 \\
- 1.09 0.3226950354609929 \\
- 1.1 0.3214285714285714 \\
- 1.11 0.32014388489208634 \\
- 1.12 0.3188405797101449 \\
- 1.13 0.3175182481751825 \\
- 1.14 0.3161764705882353 \\
- 1.15 0.3148148148148148 \\
- 1.16 0.31343283582089554 \\
- 1.17 0.31203007518796994 \\
- 1.18 0.3106060606060606 \\
- 1.19 0.30916030534351147 \\
- 1.2 0.3076923076923077 \\
- 1.21 0.3062015503875969 \\
- 1.22 0.3046875 \\
- 1.23 0.3031496062992126 \\
- 1.24 0.30158730158730157 \\
- 1.25 0.3 \\
- 1.26 0.29838709677419356 \\
- 1.27 0.2967479674796748 \\
- 1.28 0.29508196721311475 \\
- 1.29 0.2933884297520661 \\
- 1.3 0.2916666666666667 \\
- 1.31 0.2899159663865546 \\
- 1.32 0.288135593220339 \\
- 1.33 0.2863247863247863 \\
- 1.34 0.2844827586206896 \\
- 1.35 0.2826086956521739 \\
- 1.36 0.2807017543859649 \\
- 1.37 0.27876106194690264 \\
- 1.38 0.2767857142857143 \\
- 1.39 0.2747747747747748 \\
- 1.4 0.27272727272727276 \\
- 1.41 0.27064220183486243 \\
- 1.42 0.26851851851851855 \\
- 1.43 0.2663551401869159 \\
- 1.44 0.2641509433962264 \\
- 1.45 0.2619047619047619 \\
- 1.46 0.25961538461538464 \\
- 1.47 0.25728155339805825 \\
- 1.48 0.2549019607843137 \\
- 1.49 0.2524752475247525 \\
- 1.5 0.25 \\
- 1.51 0.2474747474747475 \\
- 1.52 0.24489795918367346 \\
- 1.53 0.2422680412371134 \\
- 1.54 0.23958333333333331 \\
- 1.55 0.23684210526315788 \\
- 1.56 0.23404255319148934 \\
- 1.57 0.23118279569892472 \\
- 1.58 0.22826086956521738 \\
- 1.59 0.22527472527472525 \\
- 1.6 0.22222222222222218 \\
- 1.61 0.2191011235955056 \\
- 1.62 0.21590909090909088 \\
- 1.63 0.21264367816091959 \\
- 1.64 0.2093023255813954 \\
- 1.65 0.2058823529411765 \\
- 1.66 0.2023809523809524 \\
- 1.67 0.1987951807228916 \\
- 1.68 0.19512195121951223 \\
- 1.69 0.19135802469135804 \\
- 1.7 0.18750000000000003 \\
- 1.71 0.18354430379746836 \\
- 1.72 0.1794871794871795 \\
- 1.73 0.17532467532467533 \\
- 1.74 0.17105263157894737 \\
- 1.75 0.16666666666666666 \\
- 1.76 0.16216216216216217 \\
- 1.77 0.15753424657534246 \\
- 1.78 0.15277777777777776 \\
- 1.79 0.14788732394366194 \\
- 1.8 0.14285714285714282 \\
- 1.81 0.13768115942028983 \\
- 1.82 0.13235294117647056 \\
- 1.83 0.126865671641791 \\
- 1.84 0.12121212121212116 \\
- 1.85 0.11538461538461534 \\
- 1.86 0.10937499999999994 \\
- 1.87 0.10317460317460311 \\
- 1.88 0.09677419354838716 \\
- 1.89 0.09016393442622958 \\
- 1.9 0.0833333333333334 \\
- 1.91 0.07627118644067803 \\
- 1.92 0.06896551724137936 \\
- 1.93 0.06140350877192987 \\
- 1.94 0.05357142857142862 \\
- 1.95 0.04545454545454549 \\
- 1.96 0.03703703703703707 \\
- 1.97 0.028301886792452855 \\
- 1.98 0.019230769230769246 \\
- 1.99 0.00980392156862746 \\
- 2.0 0.0 \\
- 2.01 0.0 \\
- 2.02 0.0 \\
- 2.03 0.0 \\
- 2.04 0.0 \\
- 2.05 0.0 \\
- 2.06 0.0 \\
- 2.07 0.0 \\
- 2.08 0.0 \\
- 2.09 0.0 \\
- 2.1 0.0 \\
- 2.11 0.0 \\
- 2.12 0.0 \\
- 2.13 0.0 \\
- 2.14 0.0 \\
- 2.15 0.0 \\
- 2.16 0.0 \\
- 2.17 0.0 \\
- 2.18 0.0 \\
- 2.19 0.0 \\
- 2.2 0.0 \\
- 2.21 0.0 \\
- 2.22 0.0 \\
- 2.23 0.0 \\
- 2.24 0.0 \\
- 2.25 0.0 \\
- 2.26 0.0 \\
- 2.27 0.0 \\
- 2.28 0.0 \\
- 2.29 0.0 \\
- 2.3 0.0 \\
- 2.31 0.0 \\
- 2.32 0.0 \\
- 2.33 0.0 \\
- 2.34 0.0 \\
- 2.35 0.0 \\
- 2.36 0.0 \\
- 2.37 0.0 \\
- 2.38 0.0 \\
- 2.39 0.0 \\
- 2.4 0.0 \\
- 2.41 0.0 \\
- 2.42 0.0 \\
- 2.43 0.0 \\
- 2.44 0.0 \\
- 2.45 0.0 \\
- 2.46 0.0 \\
- 2.47 0.0 \\
- 2.48 0.0 \\
- 2.49 0.0 \\
- 2.5 0.0 \\
- 2.51 0.0 \\
- 2.52 0.0 \\
- 2.53 0.0 \\
- 2.54 0.0 \\
- 2.55 0.0 \\
- 2.56 0.0 \\
- 2.57 0.0 \\
- 2.58 0.0 \\
- 2.59 0.0 \\
- 2.6 0.0 \\
- 2.61 0.0 \\
- 2.62 0.0 \\
- 2.63 0.0 \\
- 2.64 0.0 \\
- 2.65 0.0 \\
- 2.66 0.0 \\
- 2.67 0.0 \\
- 2.68 0.0 \\
- 2.69 0.0 \\
- 2.7 0.0 \\
- 2.71 0.0 \\
- 2.72 0.0 \\
- 2.73 0.0 \\
- 2.74 0.0 \\
- 2.75 0.0 \\
- 2.76 0.0 \\
- 2.77 0.0 \\
- 2.78 0.0 \\
- 2.79 0.0 \\
- 2.8 0.0 \\
- 2.81 0.0 \\
- 2.82 0.0 \\
- 2.83 0.0 \\
- 2.84 0.0 \\
- 2.85 0.0 \\
- 2.86 0.0 \\
- 2.87 0.0 \\
- 2.88 0.0 \\
- 2.89 0.0 \\
- 2.9 0.0 \\
- 2.91 0.0 \\
- 2.92 0.0 \\
- 2.93 0.0 \\
- 2.94 0.0 \\
- 2.95 0.0 \\
- 2.96 0.0 \\
- 2.97 0.0 \\
- 2.98 0.0 \\
- 2.99 0.0 \\
- 3.0 nan \\
- }
- \closedcycle
- ;
- \addplot+[fill, fill opacity={0.2}, thick]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- -3.0 nan \\
- -2.99 0.0 \\
- -2.98 0.0 \\
- -2.97 0.0 \\
- -2.96 0.0 \\
- -2.95 0.0 \\
- -2.94 0.0 \\
- -2.93 0.0 \\
- -2.92 0.0 \\
- -2.91 0.0 \\
- -2.9 0.0 \\
- -2.89 0.0 \\
- -2.88 0.0 \\
- -2.87 0.0 \\
- -2.86 0.0 \\
- -2.85 0.0 \\
- -2.84 0.0 \\
- -2.83 0.0 \\
- -2.82 0.0 \\
- -2.81 0.0 \\
- -2.8 0.0 \\
- -2.79 0.0 \\
- -2.78 0.0 \\
- -2.77 0.0 \\
- -2.76 0.0 \\
- -2.75 0.0 \\
- -2.74 0.0 \\
- -2.73 0.0 \\
- -2.72 0.0 \\
- -2.71 0.0 \\
- -2.7 0.0 \\
- -2.69 0.0 \\
- -2.68 0.0 \\
- -2.67 0.0 \\
- -2.66 0.0 \\
- -2.65 0.0 \\
- -2.64 0.0 \\
- -2.63 0.0 \\
- -2.62 0.0 \\
- -2.61 0.0 \\
- -2.6 0.0 \\
- -2.59 0.0 \\
- -2.58 0.0 \\
- -2.57 0.0 \\
- -2.56 0.0 \\
- -2.55 0.0 \\
- -2.54 0.0 \\
- -2.53 0.0 \\
- -2.52 0.0 \\
- -2.51 0.0 \\
- -2.5 0.0 \\
- -2.49 0.0 \\
- -2.48 0.0 \\
- -2.47 0.0 \\
- -2.46 0.0 \\
- -2.45 0.0 \\
- -2.44 0.0 \\
- -2.43 0.0 \\
- -2.42 0.0 \\
- -2.41 0.0 \\
- -2.4 0.0 \\
- -2.39 0.0 \\
- -2.38 0.0 \\
- -2.37 0.0 \\
- -2.36 0.0 \\
- -2.35 0.0 \\
- -2.34 0.0 \\
- -2.33 0.0 \\
- -2.32 0.0 \\
- -2.31 0.0 \\
- -2.3 0.0 \\
- -2.29 0.0 \\
- -2.28 0.0 \\
- -2.27 0.0 \\
- -2.26 0.0 \\
- -2.25 0.0 \\
- -2.24 0.0 \\
- -2.23 0.0 \\
- -2.22 0.0 \\
- -2.21 0.0 \\
- -2.2 0.0 \\
- -2.19 0.0 \\
- -2.18 0.0 \\
- -2.17 0.0 \\
- -2.16 0.0 \\
- -2.15 0.0 \\
- -2.14 0.0 \\
- -2.13 0.0 \\
- -2.12 0.0 \\
- -2.11 0.0 \\
- -2.1 0.0 \\
- -2.09 0.0 \\
- -2.08 0.0 \\
- -2.07 0.0 \\
- -2.06 0.0 \\
- -2.05 0.0 \\
- -2.04 0.0 \\
- -2.03 0.0 \\
- -2.02 0.0 \\
- -2.01 0.0 \\
- -2.0 0.0 \\
- -1.99 0.0 \\
- -1.98 0.0 \\
- -1.97 0.0 \\
- -1.96 0.0 \\
- -1.95 0.0 \\
- -1.94 0.0 \\
- -1.93 0.0 \\
- -1.92 0.0 \\
- -1.91 0.0 \\
- -1.9 0.0 \\
- -1.89 0.0 \\
- -1.88 0.0 \\
- -1.87 0.0 \\
- -1.86 0.0 \\
- -1.85 0.0 \\
- -1.84 0.0 \\
- -1.83 0.0 \\
- -1.82 0.0 \\
- -1.81 0.0 \\
- -1.8 0.0 \\
- -1.79 0.0 \\
- -1.78 0.0 \\
- -1.77 0.0 \\
- -1.76 0.0 \\
- -1.75 0.0 \\
- -1.74 0.0 \\
- -1.73 0.0 \\
- -1.72 0.0 \\
- -1.71 0.0 \\
- -1.7 0.0 \\
- -1.69 0.0 \\
- -1.68 0.0 \\
- -1.67 0.0 \\
- -1.66 0.0 \\
- -1.65 0.0 \\
- -1.64 0.0 \\
- -1.63 0.0 \\
- -1.62 0.0 \\
- -1.61 0.0 \\
- -1.6 0.0 \\
- -1.59 0.0 \\
- -1.58 0.0 \\
- -1.57 0.0 \\
- -1.56 0.0 \\
- -1.55 0.0 \\
- -1.54 0.0 \\
- -1.53 0.0 \\
- -1.52 0.0 \\
- -1.51 0.0 \\
- -1.5 0.0 \\
- -1.49 0.0 \\
- -1.48 0.0 \\
- -1.47 0.0 \\
- -1.46 0.0 \\
- -1.45 0.0 \\
- -1.44 0.0 \\
- -1.43 0.0 \\
- -1.42 0.0 \\
- -1.41 0.0 \\
- -1.4 0.0 \\
- -1.39 0.0 \\
- -1.38 0.0 \\
- -1.37 0.0 \\
- -1.36 0.0 \\
- -1.35 0.0 \\
- -1.34 0.0 \\
- -1.33 0.0 \\
- -1.32 0.0 \\
- -1.31 0.0 \\
- -1.3 0.0 \\
- -1.29 0.0 \\
- -1.28 0.0 \\
- -1.27 0.0 \\
- -1.26 0.0 \\
- -1.25 0.0 \\
- -1.24 0.0 \\
- -1.23 0.0 \\
- -1.22 0.0 \\
- -1.21 0.0 \\
- -1.2 0.0 \\
- -1.19 0.0 \\
- -1.18 0.0 \\
- -1.17 0.0 \\
- -1.16 0.0 \\
- -1.15 0.0 \\
- -1.14 0.0 \\
- -1.13 0.0 \\
- -1.12 0.0 \\
- -1.11 0.0 \\
- -1.1 0.0 \\
- -1.09 0.0 \\
- -1.08 0.0 \\
- -1.07 0.0 \\
- -1.06 0.0 \\
- -1.05 0.0 \\
- -1.04 0.0 \\
- -1.03 0.0 \\
- -1.02 0.0 \\
- -1.01 0.0 \\
- -1.0 0.0 \\
- -0.99 0.0033222591362126277 \\
- -0.98 0.006622516556291397 \\
- -0.97 0.00990099009900991 \\
- -0.96 0.013157894736842117 \\
- -0.95 0.016393442622950834 \\
- -0.94 0.01960784313725492 \\
- -0.93 0.022801302931596077 \\
- -0.92 0.025974025974025962 \\
- -0.91 0.029126213592233 \\
- -0.9 0.032258064516129024 \\
- -0.89 0.03536977491961415 \\
- -0.88 0.03846153846153846 \\
- -0.87 0.0415335463258786 \\
- -0.86 0.0445859872611465 \\
- -0.85 0.04761904761904763 \\
- -0.84 0.05063291139240507 \\
- -0.83 0.053627760252365944 \\
- -0.82 0.056603773584905676 \\
- -0.81 0.05956112852664575 \\
- -0.8 0.062499999999999986 \\
- -0.79 0.06542056074766354 \\
- -0.78 0.06832298136645962 \\
- -0.77 0.07120743034055727 \\
- -0.76 0.07407407407407407 \\
- -0.75 0.07692307692307693 \\
- -0.74 0.07975460122699388 \\
- -0.73 0.08256880733944955 \\
- -0.72 0.08536585365853659 \\
- -0.71 0.08814589665653497 \\
- -0.7 0.09090909090909093 \\
- -0.69 0.09365558912386708 \\
- -0.68 0.09638554216867469 \\
- -0.67 0.09909909909909909 \\
- -0.66 0.10179640718562874 \\
- -0.65 0.1044776119402985 \\
- -0.64 0.10714285714285714 \\
- -0.63 0.10979228486646883 \\
- -0.62 0.11242603550295859 \\
- -0.61 0.11504424778761062 \\
- -0.6 0.11764705882352942 \\
- -0.59 0.12023460410557185 \\
- -0.58 0.12280701754385967 \\
- -0.57 0.12536443148688048 \\
- -0.56 0.12790697674418602 \\
- -0.55 0.13043478260869562 \\
- -0.54 0.1329479768786127 \\
- -0.53 0.13544668587896252 \\
- -0.52 0.13793103448275862 \\
- -0.51 0.14040114613180515 \\
- -0.5 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.49 0.1452991452991453 \\
- -0.48 0.14772727272727273 \\
- -0.47 0.15014164305949007 \\
- -0.46 0.15254237288135594 \\
- -0.45 0.15492957746478875 \\
- -0.44 0.15730337078651688 \\
- -0.43 0.1596638655462185 \\
- -0.42 0.16201117318435757 \\
- -0.41 0.16434540389972147 \\
- -0.4 0.16666666666666666 \\
- -0.39 0.16897506925207756 \\
- -0.38 0.1712707182320442 \\
- -0.37 0.17355371900826447 \\
- -0.36 0.1758241758241758 \\
- -0.35 0.17808219178082194 \\
- -0.34 0.180327868852459 \\
- -0.33 0.18256130790190733 \\
- -0.32 0.18478260869565216 \\
- -0.31 0.18699186991869918 \\
- -0.3 0.18918918918918917 \\
- -0.29 0.19137466307277629 \\
- -0.28 0.1935483870967742 \\
- -0.27 0.19571045576407506 \\
- -0.26 0.1978609625668449 \\
- -0.25 0.2 \\
- -0.24 0.2021276595744681 \\
- -0.23 0.20424403183023873 \\
- -0.22 0.20634920634920634 \\
- -0.21 0.20844327176781002 \\
- -0.2 0.2105263157894737 \\
- -0.19 0.2125984251968504 \\
- -0.18 0.21465968586387435 \\
- -0.17 0.216710182767624 \\
- -0.16 0.21875 \\
- -0.15 0.22077922077922077 \\
- -0.14 0.2227979274611399 \\
- -0.13 0.22480620155038758 \\
- -0.12 0.2268041237113402 \\
- -0.11 0.2287917737789203 \\
- -0.1 0.23076923076923078 \\
- -0.09 0.23273657289002558 \\
- -0.08 0.23469387755102042 \\
- -0.07 0.2366412213740458 \\
- -0.06 0.23857868020304568 \\
- -0.05 0.24050632911392403 \\
- -0.04 0.24242424242424243 \\
- -0.03 0.2443324937027708 \\
- -0.02 0.24623115577889446 \\
- -0.01 0.24812030075187969 \\
- 0.0 0.25 \\
- 0.01 0.2531328320802005 \\
- 0.02 0.2562814070351759 \\
- 0.03 0.2594458438287154 \\
- 0.04 0.26262626262626265 \\
- 0.05 0.26582278481012656 \\
- 0.06 0.2690355329949239 \\
- 0.07 0.27226463104325704 \\
- 0.08 0.2755102040816327 \\
- 0.09 0.27877237851662406 \\
- 0.1 0.2820512820512821 \\
- 0.11 0.28534704370179953 \\
- 0.12 0.288659793814433 \\
- 0.13 0.2919896640826873 \\
- 0.14 0.2953367875647669 \\
- 0.15 0.2987012987012987 \\
- 0.16 0.3020833333333333 \\
- 0.17 0.3054830287206266 \\
- 0.18 0.30890052356020936 \\
- 0.19 0.3123359580052493 \\
- 0.2 0.3157894736842105 \\
- 0.21 0.31926121372031663 \\
- 0.22 0.32275132275132273 \\
- 0.23 0.32625994694960214 \\
- 0.24 0.3297872340425532 \\
- 0.25 0.3333333333333333 \\
- 0.26 0.3368983957219251 \\
- 0.27 0.34048257372654156 \\
- 0.28 0.34408602150537637 \\
- 0.29 0.3477088948787062 \\
- 0.3 0.35135135135135137 \\
- 0.31 0.3550135501355014 \\
- 0.32 0.3586956521739131 \\
- 0.33 0.36239782016348776 \\
- 0.34 0.366120218579235 \\
- 0.35 0.36986301369863017 \\
- 0.36 0.3736263736263736 \\
- 0.37 0.37741046831955927 \\
- 0.38 0.38121546961325964 \\
- 0.39 0.38504155124653744 \\
- 0.4 0.38888888888888884 \\
- 0.41 0.39275766016713093 \\
- 0.42 0.3966480446927374 \\
- 0.43 0.4005602240896358 \\
- 0.44 0.4044943820224719 \\
- 0.45 0.4084507042253521 \\
- 0.46 0.4124293785310734 \\
- 0.47 0.4164305949008498 \\
- 0.48 0.42045454545454547 \\
- 0.49 0.42450142450142453 \\
- 0.5 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.51 0.43266475644699137 \\
- 0.52 0.4367816091954023 \\
- 0.53 0.4409221902017291 \\
- 0.54 0.44508670520231214 \\
- 0.55 0.4492753623188406 \\
- 0.56 0.4534883720930233 \\
- 0.57 0.4577259475218658 \\
- 0.58 0.4619883040935673 \\
- 0.59 0.46627565982404684 \\
- 0.6 0.4705882352941177 \\
- 0.61 0.47492625368731556 \\
- 0.62 0.4792899408284024 \\
- 0.63 0.48367952522255186 \\
- 0.64 0.48809523809523814 \\
- 0.65 0.4925373134328358 \\
- 0.66 0.4970059880239522 \\
- 0.67 0.5015015015015015 \\
- 0.68 0.5060240963855422 \\
- 0.69 0.5105740181268882 \\
- 0.7 0.5151515151515151 \\
- 0.71 0.5197568389057751 \\
- 0.72 0.5243902439024389 \\
- 0.73 0.5290519877675841 \\
- 0.74 0.5337423312883436 \\
- 0.75 0.5384615384615384 \\
- 0.76 0.5432098765432098 \\
- 0.77 0.5479876160990712 \\
- 0.78 0.5527950310559007 \\
- 0.79 0.5576323987538941 \\
- 0.8 0.5625 \\
- 0.81 0.5673981191222571 \\
- 0.82 0.5723270440251571 \\
- 0.83 0.5772870662460569 \\
- 0.84 0.5822784810126581 \\
- 0.85 0.5873015873015873 \\
- 0.86 0.5923566878980892 \\
- 0.87 0.5974440894568691 \\
- 0.88 0.6025641025641025 \\
- 0.89 0.6077170418006431 \\
- 0.9 0.6129032258064515 \\
- 0.91 0.6181229773462784 \\
- 0.92 0.6233766233766234 \\
- 0.93 0.6286644951140066 \\
- 0.94 0.6339869281045751 \\
- 0.95 0.639344262295082 \\
- 0.96 0.6447368421052632 \\
- 0.97 0.6501650165016502 \\
- 0.98 0.6556291390728477 \\
- 0.99 0.6611295681063123 \\
- 1.0 0.6666666666666666 \\
- 1.01 0.6677852348993288 \\
- 1.02 0.668918918918919 \\
- 1.03 0.6700680272108843 \\
- 1.04 0.6712328767123288 \\
- 1.05 0.6724137931034483 \\
- 1.06 0.6736111111111112 \\
- 1.07 0.6748251748251748 \\
- 1.08 0.676056338028169 \\
- 1.09 0.6773049645390071 \\
- 1.1 0.6785714285714286 \\
- 1.11 0.6798561151079137 \\
- 1.12 0.6811594202898551 \\
- 1.13 0.6824817518248175 \\
- 1.14 0.6838235294117647 \\
- 1.15 0.6851851851851851 \\
- 1.16 0.6865671641791045 \\
- 1.17 0.6879699248120301 \\
- 1.18 0.6893939393939393 \\
- 1.19 0.6908396946564885 \\
- 1.2 0.6923076923076923 \\
- 1.21 0.6937984496124031 \\
- 1.22 0.6953125 \\
- 1.23 0.6968503937007874 \\
- 1.24 0.6984126984126984 \\
- 1.25 0.7 \\
- 1.26 0.7016129032258065 \\
- 1.27 0.7032520325203252 \\
- 1.28 0.7049180327868853 \\
- 1.29 0.7066115702479339 \\
- 1.3 0.7083333333333334 \\
- 1.31 0.7100840336134454 \\
- 1.32 0.711864406779661 \\
- 1.33 0.7136752136752137 \\
- 1.34 0.7155172413793104 \\
- 1.35 0.717391304347826 \\
- 1.36 0.7192982456140351 \\
- 1.37 0.7212389380530974 \\
- 1.38 0.7232142857142857 \\
- 1.39 0.7252252252252253 \\
- 1.4 0.7272727272727273 \\
- 1.41 0.7293577981651376 \\
- 1.42 0.7314814814814815 \\
- 1.43 0.7336448598130841 \\
- 1.44 0.7358490566037735 \\
- 1.45 0.7380952380952381 \\
- 1.46 0.7403846153846154 \\
- 1.47 0.7427184466019418 \\
- 1.48 0.7450980392156863 \\
- 1.49 0.7475247524752475 \\
- 1.5 0.75 \\
- 1.51 0.7525252525252525 \\
- 1.52 0.7551020408163265 \\
- 1.53 0.7577319587628866 \\
- 1.54 0.7604166666666666 \\
- 1.55 0.7631578947368421 \\
- 1.56 0.7659574468085106 \\
- 1.57 0.7688172043010753 \\
- 1.58 0.7717391304347826 \\
- 1.59 0.7747252747252747 \\
- 1.6 0.7777777777777778 \\
- 1.61 0.7808988764044944 \\
- 1.62 0.7840909090909092 \\
- 1.63 0.7873563218390804 \\
- 1.64 0.7906976744186046 \\
- 1.65 0.7941176470588235 \\
- 1.66 0.7976190476190476 \\
- 1.67 0.8012048192771084 \\
- 1.68 0.8048780487804877 \\
- 1.69 0.8086419753086419 \\
- 1.7 0.8125 \\
- 1.71 0.8164556962025317 \\
- 1.72 0.8205128205128205 \\
- 1.73 0.8246753246753247 \\
- 1.74 0.8289473684210527 \\
- 1.75 0.8333333333333334 \\
- 1.76 0.8378378378378378 \\
- 1.77 0.8424657534246576 \\
- 1.78 0.8472222222222222 \\
- 1.79 0.852112676056338 \\
- 1.8 0.8571428571428572 \\
- 1.81 0.8623188405797102 \\
- 1.82 0.8676470588235294 \\
- 1.83 0.873134328358209 \\
- 1.84 0.8787878787878788 \\
- 1.85 0.8846153846153847 \\
- 1.86 0.8906250000000001 \\
- 1.87 0.8968253968253969 \\
- 1.88 0.9032258064516129 \\
- 1.89 0.9098360655737704 \\
- 1.9 0.9166666666666666 \\
- 1.91 0.923728813559322 \\
- 1.92 0.9310344827586207 \\
- 1.93 0.9385964912280701 \\
- 1.94 0.9464285714285714 \\
- 1.95 0.9545454545454545 \\
- 1.96 0.9629629629629629 \\
- 1.97 0.9716981132075472 \\
- 1.98 0.9807692307692307 \\
- 1.99 0.9901960784313726 \\
- 2.0 1.0 \\
- 2.01 1.0 \\
- 2.02 1.0 \\
- 2.03 1.0 \\
- 2.04 1.0 \\
- 2.05 1.0 \\
- 2.06 1.0 \\
- 2.07 1.0 \\
- 2.08 1.0 \\
- 2.09 1.0 \\
- 2.1 1.0 \\
- 2.11 1.0 \\
- 2.12 1.0 \\
- 2.13 1.0 \\
- 2.14 1.0 \\
- 2.15 1.0 \\
- 2.16 1.0 \\
- 2.17 1.0 \\
- 2.18 1.0 \\
- 2.19 1.0 \\
- 2.2 1.0 \\
- 2.21 1.0 \\
- 2.22 1.0 \\
- 2.23 1.0 \\
- 2.24 1.0 \\
- 2.25 1.0 \\
- 2.26 1.0 \\
- 2.27 1.0 \\
- 2.28 1.0 \\
- 2.29 1.0 \\
- 2.3 1.0 \\
- 2.31 1.0 \\
- 2.32 1.0 \\
- 2.33 1.0 \\
- 2.34 1.0 \\
- 2.35 1.0 \\
- 2.36 1.0 \\
- 2.37 1.0 \\
- 2.38 1.0 \\
- 2.39 1.0 \\
- 2.4 1.0 \\
- 2.41 1.0 \\
- 2.42 1.0 \\
- 2.43 1.0 \\
- 2.44 1.0 \\
- 2.45 1.0 \\
- 2.46 1.0 \\
- 2.47 1.0 \\
- 2.48 1.0 \\
- 2.49 1.0 \\
- 2.5 1.0 \\
- 2.51 1.0 \\
- 2.52 1.0 \\
- 2.53 1.0 \\
- 2.54 1.0 \\
- 2.55 1.0 \\
- 2.56 1.0 \\
- 2.57 1.0 \\
- 2.58 1.0 \\
- 2.59 1.0 \\
- 2.6 1.0 \\
- 2.61 1.0 \\
- 2.62 1.0 \\
- 2.63 1.0 \\
- 2.64 1.0 \\
- 2.65 1.0 \\
- 2.66 1.0 \\
- 2.67 1.0 \\
- 2.68 1.0 \\
- 2.69 1.0 \\
- 2.7 1.0 \\
- 2.71 1.0 \\
- 2.72 1.0 \\
- 2.73 1.0 \\
- 2.74 1.0 \\
- 2.75 1.0 \\
- 2.76 1.0 \\
- 2.77 1.0 \\
- 2.78 1.0 \\
- 2.79 1.0 \\
- 2.8 1.0 \\
- 2.81 1.0 \\
- 2.82 1.0 \\
- 2.83 1.0 \\
- 2.84 1.0 \\
- 2.85 1.0 \\
- 2.86 1.0 \\
- 2.87 1.0 \\
- 2.88 1.0 \\
- 2.89 1.0 \\
- 2.9 1.0 \\
- 2.91 1.0 \\
- 2.92 1.0 \\
- 2.93 1.0 \\
- 2.94 1.0 \\
- 2.95 1.0 \\
- 2.96 1.0 \\
- 2.97 1.0 \\
- 2.98 1.0 \\
- 2.99 1.0 \\
- 3.0 nan \\
- }
- \closedcycle
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[title={$g_y(X) = \mathbb{P}[Y = y \,|\, \lfloor X \rfloor]$}]
- \addplot+[fill, fill opacity={0.2}, thick]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- -3.0 1.0 \\
- -2.99 1.0 \\
- -2.98 1.0 \\
- -2.97 1.0 \\
- -2.96 1.0 \\
- -2.95 1.0 \\
- -2.94 1.0 \\
- -2.93 1.0 \\
- -2.92 1.0 \\
- -2.91 1.0 \\
- -2.9 1.0 \\
- -2.89 1.0 \\
- -2.88 1.0 \\
- -2.87 1.0 \\
- -2.86 1.0 \\
- -2.85 1.0 \\
- -2.84 1.0 \\
- -2.83 1.0 \\
- -2.82 1.0 \\
- -2.81 1.0 \\
- -2.8 1.0 \\
- -2.79 1.0 \\
- -2.78 1.0 \\
- -2.77 1.0 \\
- -2.76 1.0 \\
- -2.75 1.0 \\
- -2.74 1.0 \\
- -2.73 1.0 \\
- -2.72 1.0 \\
- -2.71 1.0 \\
- -2.7 1.0 \\
- -2.69 1.0 \\
- -2.68 1.0 \\
- -2.67 1.0 \\
- -2.66 1.0 \\
- -2.65 1.0 \\
- -2.64 1.0 \\
- -2.63 1.0 \\
- -2.62 1.0 \\
- -2.61 1.0 \\
- -2.6 1.0 \\
- -2.59 1.0 \\
- -2.58 1.0 \\
- -2.57 1.0 \\
- -2.56 1.0 \\
- -2.55 1.0 \\
- -2.54 1.0 \\
- -2.53 1.0 \\
- -2.52 1.0 \\
- -2.51 1.0 \\
- -2.5 1.0 \\
- -2.49 1.0 \\
- -2.48 1.0 \\
- -2.47 1.0 \\
- -2.46 1.0 \\
- -2.45 1.0 \\
- -2.44 1.0 \\
- -2.43 1.0 \\
- -2.42 1.0 \\
- -2.41 1.0 \\
- -2.4 1.0 \\
- -2.39 1.0 \\
- -2.38 1.0 \\
- -2.37 1.0 \\
- -2.36 1.0 \\
- -2.35 1.0 \\
- -2.34 1.0 \\
- -2.33 1.0 \\
- -2.32 1.0 \\
- -2.31 1.0 \\
- -2.3 1.0 \\
- -2.29 1.0 \\
- -2.28 1.0 \\
- -2.27 1.0 \\
- -2.26 1.0 \\
- -2.25 1.0 \\
- -2.24 1.0 \\
- -2.23 1.0 \\
- -2.22 1.0 \\
- -2.21 1.0 \\
- -2.2 1.0 \\
- -2.19 1.0 \\
- -2.18 1.0 \\
- -2.17 1.0 \\
- -2.16 1.0 \\
- -2.15 1.0 \\
- -2.14 1.0 \\
- -2.13 1.0 \\
- -2.12 1.0 \\
- -2.11 1.0 \\
- -2.1 1.0 \\
- -2.09 1.0 \\
- -2.08 1.0 \\
- -2.07 1.0 \\
- -2.06 1.0 \\
- -2.05 1.0 \\
- -2.04 1.0 \\
- -2.03 1.0 \\
- -2.02 1.0 \\
- -2.01 1.0 \\
- -2.0 0.75 \\
- -1.99 0.75 \\
- -1.98 0.75 \\
- -1.97 0.75 \\
- -1.96 0.75 \\
- -1.95 0.75 \\
- -1.94 0.75 \\
- -1.93 0.75 \\
- -1.92 0.75 \\
- -1.91 0.75 \\
- -1.9 0.75 \\
- -1.89 0.75 \\
- -1.88 0.75 \\
- -1.87 0.75 \\
- -1.86 0.75 \\
- -1.85 0.75 \\
- -1.84 0.75 \\
- -1.83 0.75 \\
- -1.82 0.75 \\
- -1.81 0.75 \\
- -1.8 0.75 \\
- -1.79 0.75 \\
- -1.78 0.75 \\
- -1.77 0.75 \\
- -1.76 0.75 \\
- -1.75 0.75 \\
- -1.74 0.75 \\
- -1.73 0.75 \\
- -1.72 0.75 \\
- -1.71 0.75 \\
- -1.7 0.75 \\
- -1.69 0.75 \\
- -1.68 0.75 \\
- -1.67 0.75 \\
- -1.66 0.75 \\
- -1.65 0.75 \\
- -1.64 0.75 \\
- -1.63 0.75 \\
- -1.62 0.75 \\
- -1.61 0.75 \\
- -1.6 0.75 \\
- -1.59 0.75 \\
- -1.58 0.75 \\
- -1.57 0.75 \\
- -1.56 0.75 \\
- -1.55 0.75 \\
- -1.54 0.75 \\
- -1.53 0.75 \\
- -1.52 0.75 \\
- -1.51 0.75 \\
- -1.5 0.75 \\
- -1.49 0.75 \\
- -1.48 0.75 \\
- -1.47 0.75 \\
- -1.46 0.75 \\
- -1.45 0.75 \\
- -1.44 0.75 \\
- -1.43 0.75 \\
- -1.42 0.75 \\
- -1.41 0.75 \\
- -1.4 0.75 \\
- -1.39 0.75 \\
- -1.38 0.75 \\
- -1.37 0.75 \\
- -1.36 0.75 \\
- -1.35 0.75 \\
- -1.34 0.75 \\
- -1.33 0.75 \\
- -1.32 0.75 \\
- -1.31 0.75 \\
- -1.3 0.75 \\
- -1.29 0.75 \\
- -1.28 0.75 \\
- -1.27 0.75 \\
- -1.26 0.75 \\
- -1.25 0.75 \\
- -1.24 0.75 \\
- -1.23 0.75 \\
- -1.22 0.75 \\
- -1.21 0.75 \\
- -1.2 0.75 \\
- -1.19 0.75 \\
- -1.18 0.75 \\
- -1.17 0.75 \\
- -1.16 0.75 \\
- -1.15 0.75 \\
- -1.14 0.75 \\
- -1.13 0.75 \\
- -1.12 0.75 \\
- -1.11 0.75 \\
- -1.1 0.75 \\
- -1.09 0.75 \\
- -1.08 0.75 \\
- -1.07 0.75 \\
- -1.06 0.75 \\
- -1.05 0.75 \\
- -1.04 0.75 \\
- -1.03 0.75 \\
- -1.02 0.75 \\
- -1.01 0.75 \\
- -1.0 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.99 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.98 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.97 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.96 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.95 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.94 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.93 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.92 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.91 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.9 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.89 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.88 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.87 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.86 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.85 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.84 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.83 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.82 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.81 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.8 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.79 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.78 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.77 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.76 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.75 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.74 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.73 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.72 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.71 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.7 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.69 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.68 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.67 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.66 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.65 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.64 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.63 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.62 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.61 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.6 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.59 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.58 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.57 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.56 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.55 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.54 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.53 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.52 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.51 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.5 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.49 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.48 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.47 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.46 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.45 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.44 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.43 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.42 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.41 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.4 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.39 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.38 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.37 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.36 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.35 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.34 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.33 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.32 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.31 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.3 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.29 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.28 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.27 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.26 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.25 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.24 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.23 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.22 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.21 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.2 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.19 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.18 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.17 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.16 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.15 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.14 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.13 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.12 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.11 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.1 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.09 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.08 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.07 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.06 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.05 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.04 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.03 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.02 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.01 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.0 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.01 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.02 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.03 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.04 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.05 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.06 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.07 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.08 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.09 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.1 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.11 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.12 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.13 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.14 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.15 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.16 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.17 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.18 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.19 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.2 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.21 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.22 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.23 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.24 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.25 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.26 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.27 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.28 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.29 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.3 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.31 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.32 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.33 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.34 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.35 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.36 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.37 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.38 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.39 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.4 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.41 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.42 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.43 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.44 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.45 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.46 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.47 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.48 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.49 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.5 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.51 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.52 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.53 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.54 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.55 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.56 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.57 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.58 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.59 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.6 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.61 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.62 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.63 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.64 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.65 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.66 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.67 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.68 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.69 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.7 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.71 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.72 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.73 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.74 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.75 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.76 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.77 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.78 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.79 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.8 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.81 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.82 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.83 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.84 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.85 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.86 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.87 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.88 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.89 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.9 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.91 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.92 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.93 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.94 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.95 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.96 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.97 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.98 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.99 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 1.0 0.0 \\
- 1.01 0.0 \\
- 1.02 0.0 \\
- 1.03 0.0 \\
- 1.04 0.0 \\
- 1.05 0.0 \\
- 1.06 0.0 \\
- 1.07 0.0 \\
- 1.08 0.0 \\
- 1.09 0.0 \\
- 1.1 0.0 \\
- 1.11 0.0 \\
- 1.12 0.0 \\
- 1.13 0.0 \\
- 1.14 0.0 \\
- 1.15 0.0 \\
- 1.16 0.0 \\
- 1.17 0.0 \\
- 1.18 0.0 \\
- 1.19 0.0 \\
- 1.2 0.0 \\
- 1.21 0.0 \\
- 1.22 0.0 \\
- 1.23 0.0 \\
- 1.24 0.0 \\
- 1.25 0.0 \\
- 1.26 0.0 \\
- 1.27 0.0 \\
- 1.28 0.0 \\
- 1.29 0.0 \\
- 1.3 0.0 \\
- 1.31 0.0 \\
- 1.32 0.0 \\
- 1.33 0.0 \\
- 1.34 0.0 \\
- 1.35 0.0 \\
- 1.36 0.0 \\
- 1.37 0.0 \\
- 1.38 0.0 \\
- 1.39 0.0 \\
- 1.4 0.0 \\
- 1.41 0.0 \\
- 1.42 0.0 \\
- 1.43 0.0 \\
- 1.44 0.0 \\
- 1.45 0.0 \\
- 1.46 0.0 \\
- 1.47 0.0 \\
- 1.48 0.0 \\
- 1.49 0.0 \\
- 1.5 0.0 \\
- 1.51 0.0 \\
- 1.52 0.0 \\
- 1.53 0.0 \\
- 1.54 0.0 \\
- 1.55 0.0 \\
- 1.56 0.0 \\
- 1.57 0.0 \\
- 1.58 0.0 \\
- 1.59 0.0 \\
- 1.6 0.0 \\
- 1.61 0.0 \\
- 1.62 0.0 \\
- 1.63 0.0 \\
- 1.64 0.0 \\
- 1.65 0.0 \\
- 1.66 0.0 \\
- 1.67 0.0 \\
- 1.68 0.0 \\
- 1.69 0.0 \\
- 1.7 0.0 \\
- 1.71 0.0 \\
- 1.72 0.0 \\
- 1.73 0.0 \\
- 1.74 0.0 \\
- 1.75 0.0 \\
- 1.76 0.0 \\
- 1.77 0.0 \\
- 1.78 0.0 \\
- 1.79 0.0 \\
- 1.8 0.0 \\
- 1.81 0.0 \\
- 1.82 0.0 \\
- 1.83 0.0 \\
- 1.84 0.0 \\
- 1.85 0.0 \\
- 1.86 0.0 \\
- 1.87 0.0 \\
- 1.88 0.0 \\
- 1.89 0.0 \\
- 1.9 0.0 \\
- 1.91 0.0 \\
- 1.92 0.0 \\
- 1.93 0.0 \\
- 1.94 0.0 \\
- 1.95 0.0 \\
- 1.96 0.0 \\
- 1.97 0.0 \\
- 1.98 0.0 \\
- 1.99 0.0 \\
- 2.0 0.0 \\
- 2.01 0.0 \\
- 2.02 0.0 \\
- 2.03 0.0 \\
- 2.04 0.0 \\
- 2.05 0.0 \\
- 2.06 0.0 \\
- 2.07 0.0 \\
- 2.08 0.0 \\
- 2.09 0.0 \\
- 2.1 0.0 \\
- 2.11 0.0 \\
- 2.12 0.0 \\
- 2.13 0.0 \\
- 2.14 0.0 \\
- 2.15 0.0 \\
- 2.16 0.0 \\
- 2.17 0.0 \\
- 2.18 0.0 \\
- 2.19 0.0 \\
- 2.2 0.0 \\
- 2.21 0.0 \\
- 2.22 0.0 \\
- 2.23 0.0 \\
- 2.24 0.0 \\
- 2.25 0.0 \\
- 2.26 0.0 \\
- 2.27 0.0 \\
- 2.28 0.0 \\
- 2.29 0.0 \\
- 2.3 0.0 \\
- 2.31 0.0 \\
- 2.32 0.0 \\
- 2.33 0.0 \\
- 2.34 0.0 \\
- 2.35 0.0 \\
- 2.36 0.0 \\
- 2.37 0.0 \\
- 2.38 0.0 \\
- 2.39 0.0 \\
- 2.4 0.0 \\
- 2.41 0.0 \\
- 2.42 0.0 \\
- 2.43 0.0 \\
- 2.44 0.0 \\
- 2.45 0.0 \\
- 2.46 0.0 \\
- 2.47 0.0 \\
- 2.48 0.0 \\
- 2.49 0.0 \\
- 2.5 0.0 \\
- 2.51 0.0 \\
- 2.52 0.0 \\
- 2.53 0.0 \\
- 2.54 0.0 \\
- 2.55 0.0 \\
- 2.56 0.0 \\
- 2.57 0.0 \\
- 2.58 0.0 \\
- 2.59 0.0 \\
- 2.6 0.0 \\
- 2.61 0.0 \\
- 2.62 0.0 \\
- 2.63 0.0 \\
- 2.64 0.0 \\
- 2.65 0.0 \\
- 2.66 0.0 \\
- 2.67 0.0 \\
- 2.68 0.0 \\
- 2.69 0.0 \\
- 2.7 0.0 \\
- 2.71 0.0 \\
- 2.72 0.0 \\
- 2.73 0.0 \\
- 2.74 0.0 \\
- 2.75 0.0 \\
- 2.76 0.0 \\
- 2.77 0.0 \\
- 2.78 0.0 \\
- 2.79 0.0 \\
- 2.8 0.0 \\
- 2.81 0.0 \\
- 2.82 0.0 \\
- 2.83 0.0 \\
- 2.84 0.0 \\
- 2.85 0.0 \\
- 2.86 0.0 \\
- 2.87 0.0 \\
- 2.88 0.0 \\
- 2.89 0.0 \\
- 2.9 0.0 \\
- 2.91 0.0 \\
- 2.92 0.0 \\
- 2.93 0.0 \\
- 2.94 0.0 \\
- 2.95 0.0 \\
- 2.96 0.0 \\
- 2.97 0.0 \\
- 2.98 0.0 \\
- 2.99 0.0 \\
- 3.0 nan \\
- }
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- {
- \\
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- -2.95 0.0 \\
- -2.94 0.0 \\
- -2.93 0.0 \\
- -2.92 0.0 \\
- -2.91 0.0 \\
- -2.9 0.0 \\
- -2.89 0.0 \\
- -2.88 0.0 \\
- -2.87 0.0 \\
- -2.86 0.0 \\
- -2.85 0.0 \\
- -2.84 0.0 \\
- -2.83 0.0 \\
- -2.82 0.0 \\
- -2.81 0.0 \\
- -2.8 0.0 \\
- -2.79 0.0 \\
- -2.78 0.0 \\
- -2.77 0.0 \\
- -2.76 0.0 \\
- -2.75 0.0 \\
- -2.74 0.0 \\
- -2.73 0.0 \\
- -2.72 0.0 \\
- -2.71 0.0 \\
- -2.7 0.0 \\
- -2.69 0.0 \\
- -2.68 0.0 \\
- -2.67 0.0 \\
- -2.66 0.0 \\
- -2.65 0.0 \\
- -2.64 0.0 \\
- -2.63 0.0 \\
- -2.62 0.0 \\
- -2.61 0.0 \\
- -2.6 0.0 \\
- -2.59 0.0 \\
- -2.58 0.0 \\
- -2.57 0.0 \\
- -2.56 0.0 \\
- -2.55 0.0 \\
- -2.54 0.0 \\
- -2.53 0.0 \\
- -2.52 0.0 \\
- -2.51 0.0 \\
- -2.5 0.0 \\
- -2.49 0.0 \\
- -2.48 0.0 \\
- -2.47 0.0 \\
- -2.46 0.0 \\
- -2.45 0.0 \\
- -2.44 0.0 \\
- -2.43 0.0 \\
- -2.42 0.0 \\
- -2.41 0.0 \\
- -2.4 0.0 \\
- -2.39 0.0 \\
- -2.38 0.0 \\
- -2.37 0.0 \\
- -2.36 0.0 \\
- -2.35 0.0 \\
- -2.34 0.0 \\
- -2.33 0.0 \\
- -2.32 0.0 \\
- -2.31 0.0 \\
- -2.3 0.0 \\
- -2.29 0.0 \\
- -2.28 0.0 \\
- -2.27 0.0 \\
- -2.26 0.0 \\
- -2.25 0.0 \\
- -2.24 0.0 \\
- -2.23 0.0 \\
- -2.22 0.0 \\
- -2.21 0.0 \\
- -2.2 0.0 \\
- -2.19 0.0 \\
- -2.18 0.0 \\
- -2.17 0.0 \\
- -2.16 0.0 \\
- -2.15 0.0 \\
- -2.14 0.0 \\
- -2.13 0.0 \\
- -2.12 0.0 \\
- -2.11 0.0 \\
- -2.1 0.0 \\
- -2.09 0.0 \\
- -2.08 0.0 \\
- -2.07 0.0 \\
- -2.06 0.0 \\
- -2.05 0.0 \\
- -2.04 0.0 \\
- -2.03 0.0 \\
- -2.02 0.0 \\
- -2.01 0.0 \\
- -2.0 0.25 \\
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- -1.98 0.25 \\
- -1.97 0.25 \\
- -1.96 0.25 \\
- -1.95 0.25 \\
- -1.94 0.25 \\
- -1.93 0.25 \\
- -1.92 0.25 \\
- -1.91 0.25 \\
- -1.9 0.25 \\
- -1.89 0.25 \\
- -1.88 0.25 \\
- -1.87 0.25 \\
- -1.86 0.25 \\
- -1.85 0.25 \\
- -1.84 0.25 \\
- -1.83 0.25 \\
- -1.82 0.25 \\
- -1.81 0.25 \\
- -1.8 0.25 \\
- -1.79 0.25 \\
- -1.78 0.25 \\
- -1.77 0.25 \\
- -1.76 0.25 \\
- -1.75 0.25 \\
- -1.74 0.25 \\
- -1.73 0.25 \\
- -1.72 0.25 \\
- -1.71 0.25 \\
- -1.7 0.25 \\
- -1.69 0.25 \\
- -1.68 0.25 \\
- -1.67 0.25 \\
- -1.66 0.25 \\
- -1.65 0.25 \\
- -1.64 0.25 \\
- -1.63 0.25 \\
- -1.62 0.25 \\
- -1.61 0.25 \\
- -1.6 0.25 \\
- -1.59 0.25 \\
- -1.58 0.25 \\
- -1.57 0.25 \\
- -1.56 0.25 \\
- -1.55 0.25 \\
- -1.54 0.25 \\
- -1.53 0.25 \\
- -1.52 0.25 \\
- -1.51 0.25 \\
- -1.5 0.25 \\
- -1.49 0.25 \\
- -1.48 0.25 \\
- -1.47 0.25 \\
- -1.46 0.25 \\
- -1.45 0.25 \\
- -1.44 0.25 \\
- -1.43 0.25 \\
- -1.42 0.25 \\
- -1.41 0.25 \\
- -1.4 0.25 \\
- -1.39 0.25 \\
- -1.38 0.25 \\
- -1.37 0.25 \\
- -1.36 0.25 \\
- -1.35 0.25 \\
- -1.34 0.25 \\
- -1.33 0.25 \\
- -1.32 0.25 \\
- -1.31 0.25 \\
- -1.3 0.25 \\
- -1.29 0.25 \\
- -1.28 0.25 \\
- -1.27 0.25 \\
- -1.26 0.25 \\
- -1.25 0.25 \\
- -1.24 0.25 \\
- -1.23 0.25 \\
- -1.22 0.25 \\
- -1.21 0.25 \\
- -1.2 0.25 \\
- -1.19 0.25 \\
- -1.18 0.25 \\
- -1.17 0.25 \\
- -1.16 0.25 \\
- -1.15 0.25 \\
- -1.14 0.25 \\
- -1.13 0.25 \\
- -1.12 0.25 \\
- -1.11 0.25 \\
- -1.1 0.25 \\
- -1.09 0.25 \\
- -1.08 0.25 \\
- -1.07 0.25 \\
- -1.06 0.25 \\
- -1.05 0.25 \\
- -1.04 0.25 \\
- -1.03 0.25 \\
- -1.02 0.25 \\
- -1.01 0.25 \\
- -1.0 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.99 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.98 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.97 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.96 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.95 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.94 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.93 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.92 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.91 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.9 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.89 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.88 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.87 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.86 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.85 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.84 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.83 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.82 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.81 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.8 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.79 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.78 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.77 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.76 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.75 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.74 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.73 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.72 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.71 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.7 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.69 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.68 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.67 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.66 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.65 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.64 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.63 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.62 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.61 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.6 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.59 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.58 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.57 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.56 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.55 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.54 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.53 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.52 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.51 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.5 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.49 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.48 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.47 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.46 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.45 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.44 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.43 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.42 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.41 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.4 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.39 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.38 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.37 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.36 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.35 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.34 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.33 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.32 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.31 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.3 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.29 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.28 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.27 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.26 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.25 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.24 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.23 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.22 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.21 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.2 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.19 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.18 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.17 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.16 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.15 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.14 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.13 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.12 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.11 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.1 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.09 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.08 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.07 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.06 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.05 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.04 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.03 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.02 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.01 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.0 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.01 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.02 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.03 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.04 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.05 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.06 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.07 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.08 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.09 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.1 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.11 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.12 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.13 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.14 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.15 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.16 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.17 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.18 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.19 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.2 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.21 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.22 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.23 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.24 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.25 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.26 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.27 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.28 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.29 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.3 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.31 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.32 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.33 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.34 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.35 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.36 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.37 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.38 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.39 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.4 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.41 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.42 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.43 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.44 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.45 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.46 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.47 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.48 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.49 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.5 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.51 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.52 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.53 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.54 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.55 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.56 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.57 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.58 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.59 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.6 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.61 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.62 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.63 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.64 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.65 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.66 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.67 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.68 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.69 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.7 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.71 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.72 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.73 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.74 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.75 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.76 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.77 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.78 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.79 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.8 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.81 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.82 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.83 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.84 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.85 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.86 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.87 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.88 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.89 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.9 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.91 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.92 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.93 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.94 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.95 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.96 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.97 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.98 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.99 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 1.0 0.25 \\
- 1.01 0.25 \\
- 1.02 0.25 \\
- 1.03 0.25 \\
- 1.04 0.25 \\
- 1.05 0.25 \\
- 1.06 0.25 \\
- 1.07 0.25 \\
- 1.08 0.25 \\
- 1.09 0.25 \\
- 1.1 0.25 \\
- 1.11 0.25 \\
- 1.12 0.25 \\
- 1.13 0.25 \\
- 1.14 0.25 \\
- 1.15 0.25 \\
- 1.16 0.25 \\
- 1.17 0.25 \\
- 1.18 0.25 \\
- 1.19 0.25 \\
- 1.2 0.25 \\
- 1.21 0.25 \\
- 1.22 0.25 \\
- 1.23 0.25 \\
- 1.24 0.25 \\
- 1.25 0.25 \\
- 1.26 0.25 \\
- 1.27 0.25 \\
- 1.28 0.25 \\
- 1.29 0.25 \\
- 1.3 0.25 \\
- 1.31 0.25 \\
- 1.32 0.25 \\
- 1.33 0.25 \\
- 1.34 0.25 \\
- 1.35 0.25 \\
- 1.36 0.25 \\
- 1.37 0.25 \\
- 1.38 0.25 \\
- 1.39 0.25 \\
- 1.4 0.25 \\
- 1.41 0.25 \\
- 1.42 0.25 \\
- 1.43 0.25 \\
- 1.44 0.25 \\
- 1.45 0.25 \\
- 1.46 0.25 \\
- 1.47 0.25 \\
- 1.48 0.25 \\
- 1.49 0.25 \\
- 1.5 0.25 \\
- 1.51 0.25 \\
- 1.52 0.25 \\
- 1.53 0.25 \\
- 1.54 0.25 \\
- 1.55 0.25 \\
- 1.56 0.25 \\
- 1.57 0.25 \\
- 1.58 0.25 \\
- 1.59 0.25 \\
- 1.6 0.25 \\
- 1.61 0.25 \\
- 1.62 0.25 \\
- 1.63 0.25 \\
- 1.64 0.25 \\
- 1.65 0.25 \\
- 1.66 0.25 \\
- 1.67 0.25 \\
- 1.68 0.25 \\
- 1.69 0.25 \\
- 1.7 0.25 \\
- 1.71 0.25 \\
- 1.72 0.25 \\
- 1.73 0.25 \\
- 1.74 0.25 \\
- 1.75 0.25 \\
- 1.76 0.25 \\
- 1.77 0.25 \\
- 1.78 0.25 \\
- 1.79 0.25 \\
- 1.8 0.25 \\
- 1.81 0.25 \\
- 1.82 0.25 \\
- 1.83 0.25 \\
- 1.84 0.25 \\
- 1.85 0.25 \\
- 1.86 0.25 \\
- 1.87 0.25 \\
- 1.88 0.25 \\
- 1.89 0.25 \\
- 1.9 0.25 \\
- 1.91 0.25 \\
- 1.92 0.25 \\
- 1.93 0.25 \\
- 1.94 0.25 \\
- 1.95 0.25 \\
- 1.96 0.25 \\
- 1.97 0.25 \\
- 1.98 0.25 \\
- 1.99 0.25 \\
- 2.0 0.0 \\
- 2.01 0.0 \\
- 2.02 0.0 \\
- 2.03 0.0 \\
- 2.04 0.0 \\
- 2.05 0.0 \\
- 2.06 0.0 \\
- 2.07 0.0 \\
- 2.08 0.0 \\
- 2.09 0.0 \\
- 2.1 0.0 \\
- 2.11 0.0 \\
- 2.12 0.0 \\
- 2.13 0.0 \\
- 2.14 0.0 \\
- 2.15 0.0 \\
- 2.16 0.0 \\
- 2.17 0.0 \\
- 2.18 0.0 \\
- 2.19 0.0 \\
- 2.2 0.0 \\
- 2.21 0.0 \\
- 2.22 0.0 \\
- 2.23 0.0 \\
- 2.24 0.0 \\
- 2.25 0.0 \\
- 2.26 0.0 \\
- 2.27 0.0 \\
- 2.28 0.0 \\
- 2.29 0.0 \\
- 2.3 0.0 \\
- 2.31 0.0 \\
- 2.32 0.0 \\
- 2.33 0.0 \\
- 2.34 0.0 \\
- 2.35 0.0 \\
- 2.36 0.0 \\
- 2.37 0.0 \\
- 2.38 0.0 \\
- 2.39 0.0 \\
- 2.4 0.0 \\
- 2.41 0.0 \\
- 2.42 0.0 \\
- 2.43 0.0 \\
- 2.44 0.0 \\
- 2.45 0.0 \\
- 2.46 0.0 \\
- 2.47 0.0 \\
- 2.48 0.0 \\
- 2.49 0.0 \\
- 2.5 0.0 \\
- 2.51 0.0 \\
- 2.52 0.0 \\
- 2.53 0.0 \\
- 2.54 0.0 \\
- 2.55 0.0 \\
- 2.56 0.0 \\
- 2.57 0.0 \\
- 2.58 0.0 \\
- 2.59 0.0 \\
- 2.6 0.0 \\
- 2.61 0.0 \\
- 2.62 0.0 \\
- 2.63 0.0 \\
- 2.64 0.0 \\
- 2.65 0.0 \\
- 2.66 0.0 \\
- 2.67 0.0 \\
- 2.68 0.0 \\
- 2.69 0.0 \\
- 2.7 0.0 \\
- 2.71 0.0 \\
- 2.72 0.0 \\
- 2.73 0.0 \\
- 2.74 0.0 \\
- 2.75 0.0 \\
- 2.76 0.0 \\
- 2.77 0.0 \\
- 2.78 0.0 \\
- 2.79 0.0 \\
- 2.8 0.0 \\
- 2.81 0.0 \\
- 2.82 0.0 \\
- 2.83 0.0 \\
- 2.84 0.0 \\
- 2.85 0.0 \\
- 2.86 0.0 \\
- 2.87 0.0 \\
- 2.88 0.0 \\
- 2.89 0.0 \\
- 2.9 0.0 \\
- 2.91 0.0 \\
- 2.92 0.0 \\
- 2.93 0.0 \\
- 2.94 0.0 \\
- 2.95 0.0 \\
- 2.96 0.0 \\
- 2.97 0.0 \\
- 2.98 0.0 \\
- 2.99 0.0 \\
- 3.0 nan \\
- }
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- ;
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- {
- \\
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- -2.95 0.0 \\
- -2.94 0.0 \\
- -2.93 0.0 \\
- -2.92 0.0 \\
- -2.91 0.0 \\
- -2.9 0.0 \\
- -2.89 0.0 \\
- -2.88 0.0 \\
- -2.87 0.0 \\
- -2.86 0.0 \\
- -2.85 0.0 \\
- -2.84 0.0 \\
- -2.83 0.0 \\
- -2.82 0.0 \\
- -2.81 0.0 \\
- -2.8 0.0 \\
- -2.79 0.0 \\
- -2.78 0.0 \\
- -2.77 0.0 \\
- -2.76 0.0 \\
- -2.75 0.0 \\
- -2.74 0.0 \\
- -2.73 0.0 \\
- -2.72 0.0 \\
- -2.71 0.0 \\
- -2.7 0.0 \\
- -2.69 0.0 \\
- -2.68 0.0 \\
- -2.67 0.0 \\
- -2.66 0.0 \\
- -2.65 0.0 \\
- -2.64 0.0 \\
- -2.63 0.0 \\
- -2.62 0.0 \\
- -2.61 0.0 \\
- -2.6 0.0 \\
- -2.59 0.0 \\
- -2.58 0.0 \\
- -2.57 0.0 \\
- -2.56 0.0 \\
- -2.55 0.0 \\
- -2.54 0.0 \\
- -2.53 0.0 \\
- -2.52 0.0 \\
- -2.51 0.0 \\
- -2.5 0.0 \\
- -2.49 0.0 \\
- -2.48 0.0 \\
- -2.47 0.0 \\
- -2.46 0.0 \\
- -2.45 0.0 \\
- -2.44 0.0 \\
- -2.43 0.0 \\
- -2.42 0.0 \\
- -2.41 0.0 \\
- -2.4 0.0 \\
- -2.39 0.0 \\
- -2.38 0.0 \\
- -2.37 0.0 \\
- -2.36 0.0 \\
- -2.35 0.0 \\
- -2.34 0.0 \\
- -2.33 0.0 \\
- -2.32 0.0 \\
- -2.31 0.0 \\
- -2.3 0.0 \\
- -2.29 0.0 \\
- -2.28 0.0 \\
- -2.27 0.0 \\
- -2.26 0.0 \\
- -2.25 0.0 \\
- -2.24 0.0 \\
- -2.23 0.0 \\
- -2.22 0.0 \\
- -2.21 0.0 \\
- -2.2 0.0 \\
- -2.19 0.0 \\
- -2.18 0.0 \\
- -2.17 0.0 \\
- -2.16 0.0 \\
- -2.15 0.0 \\
- -2.14 0.0 \\
- -2.13 0.0 \\
- -2.12 0.0 \\
- -2.11 0.0 \\
- -2.1 0.0 \\
- -2.09 0.0 \\
- -2.08 0.0 \\
- -2.07 0.0 \\
- -2.06 0.0 \\
- -2.05 0.0 \\
- -2.04 0.0 \\
- -2.03 0.0 \\
- -2.02 0.0 \\
- -2.01 0.0 \\
- -2.0 0.0 \\
- -1.99 0.0 \\
- -1.98 0.0 \\
- -1.97 0.0 \\
- -1.96 0.0 \\
- -1.95 0.0 \\
- -1.94 0.0 \\
- -1.93 0.0 \\
- -1.92 0.0 \\
- -1.91 0.0 \\
- -1.9 0.0 \\
- -1.89 0.0 \\
- -1.88 0.0 \\
- -1.87 0.0 \\
- -1.86 0.0 \\
- -1.85 0.0 \\
- -1.84 0.0 \\
- -1.83 0.0 \\
- -1.82 0.0 \\
- -1.81 0.0 \\
- -1.8 0.0 \\
- -1.79 0.0 \\
- -1.78 0.0 \\
- -1.77 0.0 \\
- -1.76 0.0 \\
- -1.75 0.0 \\
- -1.74 0.0 \\
- -1.73 0.0 \\
- -1.72 0.0 \\
- -1.71 0.0 \\
- -1.7 0.0 \\
- -1.69 0.0 \\
- -1.68 0.0 \\
- -1.67 0.0 \\
- -1.66 0.0 \\
- -1.65 0.0 \\
- -1.64 0.0 \\
- -1.63 0.0 \\
- -1.62 0.0 \\
- -1.61 0.0 \\
- -1.6 0.0 \\
- -1.59 0.0 \\
- -1.58 0.0 \\
- -1.57 0.0 \\
- -1.56 0.0 \\
- -1.55 0.0 \\
- -1.54 0.0 \\
- -1.53 0.0 \\
- -1.52 0.0 \\
- -1.51 0.0 \\
- -1.5 0.0 \\
- -1.49 0.0 \\
- -1.48 0.0 \\
- -1.47 0.0 \\
- -1.46 0.0 \\
- -1.45 0.0 \\
- -1.44 0.0 \\
- -1.43 0.0 \\
- -1.42 0.0 \\
- -1.41 0.0 \\
- -1.4 0.0 \\
- -1.39 0.0 \\
- -1.38 0.0 \\
- -1.37 0.0 \\
- -1.36 0.0 \\
- -1.35 0.0 \\
- -1.34 0.0 \\
- -1.33 0.0 \\
- -1.32 0.0 \\
- -1.31 0.0 \\
- -1.3 0.0 \\
- -1.29 0.0 \\
- -1.28 0.0 \\
- -1.27 0.0 \\
- -1.26 0.0 \\
- -1.25 0.0 \\
- -1.24 0.0 \\
- -1.23 0.0 \\
- -1.22 0.0 \\
- -1.21 0.0 \\
- -1.2 0.0 \\
- -1.19 0.0 \\
- -1.18 0.0 \\
- -1.17 0.0 \\
- -1.16 0.0 \\
- -1.15 0.0 \\
- -1.14 0.0 \\
- -1.13 0.0 \\
- -1.12 0.0 \\
- -1.11 0.0 \\
- -1.1 0.0 \\
- -1.09 0.0 \\
- -1.08 0.0 \\
- -1.07 0.0 \\
- -1.06 0.0 \\
- -1.05 0.0 \\
- -1.04 0.0 \\
- -1.03 0.0 \\
- -1.02 0.0 \\
- -1.01 0.0 \\
- -1.0 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.99 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.98 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.97 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.96 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.95 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.94 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.93 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.92 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.91 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.9 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.89 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.88 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.87 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.86 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.85 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.84 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.83 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.82 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.81 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.8 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.79 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.78 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.77 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.76 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.75 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.74 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.73 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.72 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.71 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.7 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.69 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.68 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.67 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.66 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.65 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.64 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.63 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.62 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.61 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.6 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.59 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.58 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.57 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.56 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.55 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.54 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.53 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.52 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.51 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.5 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.49 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.48 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.47 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.46 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.45 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.44 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.43 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.42 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.41 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.4 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.39 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.38 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.37 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.36 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.35 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.34 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.33 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.32 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.31 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.3 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.29 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.28 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.27 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.26 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.25 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.24 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.23 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.22 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.21 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.2 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.19 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.18 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.17 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.16 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.15 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.14 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.13 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.12 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.11 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.1 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.09 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.08 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.07 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.06 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.05 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.04 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.03 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.02 0.14285714285714285 \\
- -0.01 0.14285714285714285 \\
- 0.0 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.01 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.02 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.03 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.04 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.05 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.06 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.07 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.08 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.09 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.1 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.11 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.12 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.13 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.14 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.15 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.16 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.17 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.18 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.19 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.2 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.21 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.22 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.23 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.24 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.25 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.26 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.27 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.28 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.29 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.3 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.31 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.32 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.33 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.34 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.35 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.36 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.37 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.38 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.39 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.4 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.41 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.42 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.43 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.44 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.45 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.46 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.47 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.48 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.49 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.5 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.51 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.52 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.53 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.54 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.55 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.56 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.57 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.58 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.59 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.6 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.61 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.62 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.63 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.64 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.65 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.66 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.67 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.68 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.69 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.7 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.71 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.72 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.73 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.74 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.75 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.76 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.77 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.78 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.79 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.8 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.81 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.82 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.83 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.84 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.85 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.86 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.87 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.88 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.89 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.9 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.91 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.92 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.93 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.94 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.95 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.96 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.97 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.98 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.99 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 1.0 0.75 \\
- 1.01 0.75 \\
- 1.02 0.75 \\
- 1.03 0.75 \\
- 1.04 0.75 \\
- 1.05 0.75 \\
- 1.06 0.75 \\
- 1.07 0.75 \\
- 1.08 0.75 \\
- 1.09 0.75 \\
- 1.1 0.75 \\
- 1.11 0.75 \\
- 1.12 0.75 \\
- 1.13 0.75 \\
- 1.14 0.75 \\
- 1.15 0.75 \\
- 1.16 0.75 \\
- 1.17 0.75 \\
- 1.18 0.75 \\
- 1.19 0.75 \\
- 1.2 0.75 \\
- 1.21 0.75 \\
- 1.22 0.75 \\
- 1.23 0.75 \\
- 1.24 0.75 \\
- 1.25 0.75 \\
- 1.26 0.75 \\
- 1.27 0.75 \\
- 1.28 0.75 \\
- 1.29 0.75 \\
- 1.3 0.75 \\
- 1.31 0.75 \\
- 1.32 0.75 \\
- 1.33 0.75 \\
- 1.34 0.75 \\
- 1.35 0.75 \\
- 1.36 0.75 \\
- 1.37 0.75 \\
- 1.38 0.75 \\
- 1.39 0.75 \\
- 1.4 0.75 \\
- 1.41 0.75 \\
- 1.42 0.75 \\
- 1.43 0.75 \\
- 1.44 0.75 \\
- 1.45 0.75 \\
- 1.46 0.75 \\
- 1.47 0.75 \\
- 1.48 0.75 \\
- 1.49 0.75 \\
- 1.5 0.75 \\
- 1.51 0.75 \\
- 1.52 0.75 \\
- 1.53 0.75 \\
- 1.54 0.75 \\
- 1.55 0.75 \\
- 1.56 0.75 \\
- 1.57 0.75 \\
- 1.58 0.75 \\
- 1.59 0.75 \\
- 1.6 0.75 \\
- 1.61 0.75 \\
- 1.62 0.75 \\
- 1.63 0.75 \\
- 1.64 0.75 \\
- 1.65 0.75 \\
- 1.66 0.75 \\
- 1.67 0.75 \\
- 1.68 0.75 \\
- 1.69 0.75 \\
- 1.7 0.75 \\
- 1.71 0.75 \\
- 1.72 0.75 \\
- 1.73 0.75 \\
- 1.74 0.75 \\
- 1.75 0.75 \\
- 1.76 0.75 \\
- 1.77 0.75 \\
- 1.78 0.75 \\
- 1.79 0.75 \\
- 1.8 0.75 \\
- 1.81 0.75 \\
- 1.82 0.75 \\
- 1.83 0.75 \\
- 1.84 0.75 \\
- 1.85 0.75 \\
- 1.86 0.75 \\
- 1.87 0.75 \\
- 1.88 0.75 \\
- 1.89 0.75 \\
- 1.9 0.75 \\
- 1.91 0.75 \\
- 1.92 0.75 \\
- 1.93 0.75 \\
- 1.94 0.75 \\
- 1.95 0.75 \\
- 1.96 0.75 \\
- 1.97 0.75 \\
- 1.98 0.75 \\
- 1.99 0.75 \\
- 2.0 1.0 \\
- 2.01 1.0 \\
- 2.02 1.0 \\
- 2.03 1.0 \\
- 2.04 1.0 \\
- 2.05 1.0 \\
- 2.06 1.0 \\
- 2.07 1.0 \\
- 2.08 1.0 \\
- 2.09 1.0 \\
- 2.1 1.0 \\
- 2.11 1.0 \\
- 2.12 1.0 \\
- 2.13 1.0 \\
- 2.14 1.0 \\
- 2.15 1.0 \\
- 2.16 1.0 \\
- 2.17 1.0 \\
- 2.18 1.0 \\
- 2.19 1.0 \\
- 2.2 1.0 \\
- 2.21 1.0 \\
- 2.22 1.0 \\
- 2.23 1.0 \\
- 2.24 1.0 \\
- 2.25 1.0 \\
- 2.26 1.0 \\
- 2.27 1.0 \\
- 2.28 1.0 \\
- 2.29 1.0 \\
- 2.3 1.0 \\
- 2.31 1.0 \\
- 2.32 1.0 \\
- 2.33 1.0 \\
- 2.34 1.0 \\
- 2.35 1.0 \\
- 2.36 1.0 \\
- 2.37 1.0 \\
- 2.38 1.0 \\
- 2.39 1.0 \\
- 2.4 1.0 \\
- 2.41 1.0 \\
- 2.42 1.0 \\
- 2.43 1.0 \\
- 2.44 1.0 \\
- 2.45 1.0 \\
- 2.46 1.0 \\
- 2.47 1.0 \\
- 2.48 1.0 \\
- 2.49 1.0 \\
- 2.5 1.0 \\
- 2.51 1.0 \\
- 2.52 1.0 \\
- 2.53 1.0 \\
- 2.54 1.0 \\
- 2.55 1.0 \\
- 2.56 1.0 \\
- 2.57 1.0 \\
- 2.58 1.0 \\
- 2.59 1.0 \\
- 2.6 1.0 \\
- 2.61 1.0 \\
- 2.62 1.0 \\
- 2.63 1.0 \\
- 2.64 1.0 \\
- 2.65 1.0 \\
- 2.66 1.0 \\
- 2.67 1.0 \\
- 2.68 1.0 \\
- 2.69 1.0 \\
- 2.7 1.0 \\
- 2.71 1.0 \\
- 2.72 1.0 \\
- 2.73 1.0 \\
- 2.74 1.0 \\
- 2.75 1.0 \\
- 2.76 1.0 \\
- 2.77 1.0 \\
- 2.78 1.0 \\
- 2.79 1.0 \\
- 2.8 1.0 \\
- 2.81 1.0 \\
- 2.82 1.0 \\
- 2.83 1.0 \\
- 2.84 1.0 \\
- 2.85 1.0 \\
- 2.86 1.0 \\
- 2.87 1.0 \\
- 2.88 1.0 \\
- 2.89 1.0 \\
- 2.9 1.0 \\
- 2.91 1.0 \\
- 2.92 1.0 \\
- 2.93 1.0 \\
- 2.94 1.0 \\
- 2.95 1.0 \\
- 2.96 1.0 \\
- 2.97 1.0 \\
- 2.98 1.0 \\
- 2.99 1.0 \\
- 3.0 nan \\
- }
- \closedcycle
- ;
- \nextgroupplot[title={$g_y(X) = \mathbb{P}[Y = y \,|\, |X|]$}]
- \addplot+[fill, fill opacity={0.2}, thick]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- -3.0 nan \\
- -2.99 0.5 \\
- -2.98 0.5 \\
- -2.97 0.5 \\
- -2.96 0.5 \\
- -2.95 0.5 \\
- -2.94 0.5 \\
- -2.93 0.5 \\
- -2.92 0.5 \\
- -2.91 0.5 \\
- -2.9 0.5 \\
- -2.89 0.5 \\
- -2.88 0.5 \\
- -2.87 0.5 \\
- -2.86 0.5 \\
- -2.85 0.5 \\
- -2.84 0.5 \\
- -2.83 0.5 \\
- -2.82 0.5 \\
- -2.81 0.5 \\
- -2.8 0.5 \\
- -2.79 0.5 \\
- -2.78 0.5 \\
- -2.77 0.5 \\
- -2.76 0.5 \\
- -2.75 0.5 \\
- -2.74 0.5 \\
- -2.73 0.5 \\
- -2.72 0.5 \\
- -2.71 0.5 \\
- -2.7 0.5 \\
- -2.69 0.5 \\
- -2.68 0.5 \\
- -2.67 0.5 \\
- -2.66 0.5 \\
- -2.65 0.5 \\
- -2.64 0.5 \\
- -2.63 0.5 \\
- -2.62 0.5 \\
- -2.61 0.5 \\
- -2.6 0.5 \\
- -2.59 0.5 \\
- -2.58 0.5 \\
- -2.57 0.5 \\
- -2.56 0.5 \\
- -2.55 0.5 \\
- -2.54 0.5 \\
- -2.53 0.5 \\
- -2.52 0.5 \\
- -2.51 0.5 \\
- -2.5 0.5 \\
- -2.49 0.5 \\
- -2.48 0.5 \\
- -2.47 0.5 \\
- -2.46 0.5 \\
- -2.45 0.5 \\
- -2.44 0.5 \\
- -2.43 0.5 \\
- -2.42 0.5 \\
- -2.41 0.5 \\
- -2.4 0.5 \\
- -2.39 0.5 \\
- -2.38 0.5 \\
- -2.37 0.5 \\
- -2.36 0.5 \\
- -2.35 0.5 \\
- -2.34 0.5 \\
- -2.33 0.5 \\
- -2.32 0.5 \\
- -2.31 0.5 \\
- -2.3 0.5 \\
- -2.29 0.5 \\
- -2.28 0.5 \\
- -2.27 0.5 \\
- -2.26 0.5 \\
- -2.25 0.5 \\
- -2.24 0.5 \\
- -2.23 0.5 \\
- -2.22 0.5 \\
- -2.21 0.5 \\
- -2.2 0.5 \\
- -2.19 0.5 \\
- -2.18 0.5 \\
- -2.17 0.5 \\
- -2.16 0.5 \\
- -2.15 0.5 \\
- -2.14 0.5 \\
- -2.13 0.5 \\
- -2.12 0.5 \\
- -2.11 0.5 \\
- -2.1 0.5 \\
- -2.09 0.5 \\
- -2.08 0.5 \\
- -2.07 0.5 \\
- -2.06 0.5 \\
- -2.05 0.5 \\
- -2.04 0.5 \\
- -2.03 0.5 \\
- -2.02 0.5 \\
- -2.01 0.5 \\
- -2.0 0.5 \\
- -1.99 0.4950980392156863 \\
- -1.98 0.49038461538461536 \\
- -1.97 0.4858490566037736 \\
- -1.96 0.48148148148148145 \\
- -1.95 0.47727272727272724 \\
- -1.94 0.4732142857142857 \\
- -1.93 0.46929824561403505 \\
- -1.92 0.46551724137931033 \\
- -1.91 0.461864406779661 \\
- -1.9 0.4583333333333333 \\
- -1.89 0.4549180327868852 \\
- -1.88 0.45161290322580644 \\
- -1.87 0.44841269841269843 \\
- -1.86 0.44531250000000006 \\
- -1.85 0.44230769230769235 \\
- -1.84 0.4393939393939394 \\
- -1.83 0.4365671641791045 \\
- -1.82 0.4338235294117647 \\
- -1.81 0.4311594202898551 \\
- -1.8 0.4285714285714286 \\
- -1.79 0.426056338028169 \\
- -1.78 0.4236111111111111 \\
- -1.77 0.4212328767123288 \\
- -1.76 0.4189189189189189 \\
- -1.75 0.4166666666666667 \\
- -1.74 0.4144736842105263 \\
- -1.73 0.41233766233766234 \\
- -1.72 0.41025641025641024 \\
- -1.71 0.40822784810126583 \\
- -1.7 0.40625 \\
- -1.69 0.40432098765432095 \\
- -1.68 0.40243902439024387 \\
- -1.67 0.4006024096385542 \\
- -1.66 0.3988095238095238 \\
- -1.65 0.39705882352941174 \\
- -1.64 0.3953488372093023 \\
- -1.63 0.3936781609195402 \\
- -1.62 0.3920454545454546 \\
- -1.61 0.3904494382022472 \\
- -1.6 0.3888888888888889 \\
- -1.59 0.3873626373626374 \\
- -1.58 0.3858695652173913 \\
- -1.57 0.3844086021505376 \\
- -1.56 0.3829787234042553 \\
- -1.55 0.3815789473684211 \\
- -1.54 0.3802083333333333 \\
- -1.53 0.3788659793814433 \\
- -1.52 0.37755102040816324 \\
- -1.51 0.37626262626262624 \\
- -1.5 0.375 \\
- -1.49 0.37376237623762376 \\
- -1.48 0.37254901960784315 \\
- -1.47 0.3713592233009709 \\
- -1.46 0.3701923076923077 \\
- -1.45 0.36904761904761907 \\
- -1.44 0.36792452830188677 \\
- -1.43 0.36682242990654207 \\
- -1.42 0.36574074074074076 \\
- -1.41 0.3646788990825688 \\
- -1.4 0.36363636363636365 \\
- -1.39 0.36261261261261263 \\
- -1.38 0.36160714285714285 \\
- -1.37 0.3606194690265487 \\
- -1.36 0.35964912280701755 \\
- -1.35 0.358695652173913 \\
- -1.34 0.3577586206896552 \\
- -1.33 0.35683760683760685 \\
- -1.32 0.3559322033898305 \\
- -1.31 0.3550420168067227 \\
- -1.3 0.3541666666666667 \\
- -1.29 0.35330578512396693 \\
- -1.28 0.3524590163934426 \\
- -1.27 0.3516260162601626 \\
- -1.26 0.35080645161290325 \\
- -1.25 0.35 \\
- -1.24 0.3492063492063492 \\
- -1.23 0.3484251968503937 \\
- -1.22 0.34765625 \\
- -1.21 0.34689922480620156 \\
- -1.2 0.34615384615384615 \\
- -1.19 0.34541984732824427 \\
- -1.18 0.34469696969696967 \\
- -1.17 0.34398496240601506 \\
- -1.16 0.34328358208955223 \\
- -1.15 0.34259259259259256 \\
- -1.14 0.34191176470588236 \\
- -1.13 0.34124087591240876 \\
- -1.12 0.34057971014492755 \\
- -1.11 0.33992805755395683 \\
- -1.1 0.3392857142857143 \\
- -1.09 0.33865248226950356 \\
- -1.08 0.3380281690140845 \\
- -1.07 0.3374125874125874 \\
- -1.06 0.3368055555555556 \\
- -1.05 0.33620689655172414 \\
- -1.04 0.3356164383561644 \\
- -1.03 0.33503401360544216 \\
- -1.02 0.3344594594594595 \\
- -1.01 0.3338926174496644 \\
- -1.0 0.3333333333333333 \\
- -0.99 0.33222591362126247 \\
- -0.98 0.33112582781456956 \\
- -0.97 0.33003300330033003 \\
- -0.96 0.32894736842105265 \\
- -0.95 0.3278688524590164 \\
- -0.94 0.32679738562091504 \\
- -0.93 0.32573289902280134 \\
- -0.92 0.3246753246753247 \\
- -0.91 0.3236245954692557 \\
- -0.9 0.3225806451612903 \\
- -0.89 0.3215434083601286 \\
- -0.88 0.3205128205128205 \\
- -0.87 0.3194888178913738 \\
- -0.86 0.3184713375796178 \\
- -0.85 0.31746031746031744 \\
- -0.84 0.3164556962025316 \\
- -0.83 0.31545741324921134 \\
- -0.82 0.31446540880503143 \\
- -0.81 0.31347962382445144 \\
- -0.8 0.3125 \\
- -0.79 0.3115264797507788 \\
- -0.78 0.31055900621118016 \\
- -0.77 0.30959752321981426 \\
- -0.76 0.30864197530864196 \\
- -0.75 0.3076923076923077 \\
- -0.74 0.3067484662576687 \\
- -0.73 0.3058103975535168 \\
- -0.72 0.3048780487804878 \\
- -0.71 0.303951367781155 \\
- -0.7 0.30303030303030304 \\
- -0.69 0.3021148036253776 \\
- -0.68 0.30120481927710846 \\
- -0.67 0.3003003003003003 \\
- -0.66 0.29940119760479045 \\
- -0.65 0.29850746268656714 \\
- -0.64 0.2976190476190476 \\
- -0.63 0.29673590504451036 \\
- -0.62 0.2958579881656805 \\
- -0.61 0.2949852507374631 \\
- -0.6 0.29411764705882354 \\
- -0.59 0.29325513196480935 \\
- -0.58 0.29239766081871343 \\
- -0.57 0.29154518950437314 \\
- -0.56 0.29069767441860467 \\
- -0.55 0.2898550724637681 \\
- -0.54 0.28901734104046245 \\
- -0.53 0.2881844380403458 \\
- -0.52 0.28735632183908044 \\
- -0.51 0.28653295128939826 \\
- -0.5 0.2857142857142857 \\
- -0.49 0.2849002849002849 \\
- -0.48 0.2840909090909091 \\
- -0.47 0.28328611898017 \\
- -0.46 0.2824858757062147 \\
- -0.45 0.28169014084507044 \\
- -0.44 0.2808988764044944 \\
- -0.43 0.2801120448179272 \\
- -0.42 0.27932960893854747 \\
- -0.41 0.2785515320334262 \\
- -0.4 0.2777777777777778 \\
- -0.39 0.2770083102493075 \\
- -0.38 0.27624309392265195 \\
- -0.37 0.27548209366391185 \\
- -0.36 0.2747252747252747 \\
- -0.35 0.273972602739726 \\
- -0.34 0.27322404371584696 \\
- -0.33 0.2724795640326976 \\
- -0.32 0.27173913043478265 \\
- -0.31 0.2710027100271003 \\
- -0.3 0.27027027027027023 \\
- -0.29 0.2695417789757412 \\
- -0.28 0.2688172043010753 \\
- -0.27 0.2680965147453083 \\
- -0.26 0.267379679144385 \\
- -0.25 0.26666666666666666 \\
- -0.24 0.26595744680851063 \\
- -0.23 0.26525198938992045 \\
- -0.22 0.26455026455026454 \\
- -0.21 0.2638522427440633 \\
- -0.2 0.2631578947368421 \\
- -0.19 0.26246719160104987 \\
- -0.18 0.2617801047120419 \\
- -0.17 0.2610966057441253 \\
- -0.16 0.2604166666666667 \\
- -0.15 0.2597402597402597 \\
- -0.14 0.2590673575129534 \\
- -0.13 0.25839793281653745 \\
- -0.12 0.2577319587628866 \\
- -0.11 0.25706940874035994 \\
- -0.1 0.25641025641025644 \\
- -0.09 0.2557544757033248 \\
- -0.08 0.25510204081632654 \\
- -0.07 0.2544529262086514 \\
- -0.06 0.25380710659898476 \\
- -0.05 0.2531645569620253 \\
- -0.04 0.25252525252525254 \\
- -0.03 0.2518891687657431 \\
- -0.02 0.25125628140703515 \\
- -0.01 0.2506265664160401 \\
- 0.0 0.25 \\
- 0.01 0.2506265664160401 \\
- 0.02 0.25125628140703515 \\
- 0.03 0.2518891687657431 \\
- 0.04 0.25252525252525254 \\
- 0.05 0.2531645569620253 \\
- 0.06 0.25380710659898476 \\
- 0.07 0.2544529262086514 \\
- 0.08 0.25510204081632654 \\
- 0.09 0.2557544757033248 \\
- 0.1 0.25641025641025644 \\
- 0.11 0.25706940874035994 \\
- 0.12 0.2577319587628866 \\
- 0.13 0.25839793281653745 \\
- 0.14 0.2590673575129534 \\
- 0.15 0.2597402597402597 \\
- 0.16 0.2604166666666667 \\
- 0.17 0.2610966057441253 \\
- 0.18 0.2617801047120419 \\
- 0.19 0.26246719160104987 \\
- 0.2 0.2631578947368421 \\
- 0.21 0.2638522427440633 \\
- 0.22 0.26455026455026454 \\
- 0.23 0.26525198938992045 \\
- 0.24 0.26595744680851063 \\
- 0.25 0.26666666666666666 \\
- 0.26 0.267379679144385 \\
- 0.27 0.2680965147453083 \\
- 0.28 0.2688172043010753 \\
- 0.29 0.2695417789757412 \\
- 0.3 0.27027027027027023 \\
- 0.31 0.2710027100271003 \\
- 0.32 0.27173913043478265 \\
- 0.33 0.2724795640326976 \\
- 0.34 0.27322404371584696 \\
- 0.35 0.273972602739726 \\
- 0.36 0.2747252747252747 \\
- 0.37 0.27548209366391185 \\
- 0.38 0.27624309392265195 \\
- 0.39 0.2770083102493075 \\
- 0.4 0.2777777777777778 \\
- 0.41 0.2785515320334262 \\
- 0.42 0.27932960893854747 \\
- 0.43 0.2801120448179272 \\
- 0.44 0.2808988764044944 \\
- 0.45 0.28169014084507044 \\
- 0.46 0.2824858757062147 \\
- 0.47 0.28328611898017 \\
- 0.48 0.2840909090909091 \\
- 0.49 0.2849002849002849 \\
- 0.5 0.2857142857142857 \\
- 0.51 0.28653295128939826 \\
- 0.52 0.28735632183908044 \\
- 0.53 0.2881844380403458 \\
- 0.54 0.28901734104046245 \\
- 0.55 0.2898550724637681 \\
- 0.56 0.29069767441860467 \\
- 0.57 0.29154518950437314 \\
- 0.58 0.29239766081871343 \\
- 0.59 0.29325513196480935 \\
- 0.6 0.29411764705882354 \\
- 0.61 0.2949852507374631 \\
- 0.62 0.2958579881656805 \\
- 0.63 0.29673590504451036 \\
- 0.64 0.2976190476190476 \\
- 0.65 0.29850746268656714 \\
- 0.66 0.29940119760479045 \\
- 0.67 0.3003003003003003 \\
- 0.68 0.30120481927710846 \\
- 0.69 0.3021148036253776 \\
- 0.7 0.30303030303030304 \\
- 0.71 0.303951367781155 \\
- 0.72 0.3048780487804878 \\
- 0.73 0.3058103975535168 \\
- 0.74 0.3067484662576687 \\
- 0.75 0.3076923076923077 \\
- 0.76 0.30864197530864196 \\
- 0.77 0.30959752321981426 \\
- 0.78 0.31055900621118016 \\
- 0.79 0.3115264797507788 \\
- 0.8 0.3125 \\
- 0.81 0.31347962382445144 \\
- 0.82 0.31446540880503143 \\
- 0.83 0.31545741324921134 \\
- 0.84 0.3164556962025316 \\
- 0.85 0.31746031746031744 \\
- 0.86 0.3184713375796178 \\
- 0.87 0.3194888178913738 \\
- 0.88 0.3205128205128205 \\
- 0.89 0.3215434083601286 \\
- 0.9 0.3225806451612903 \\
- 0.91 0.3236245954692557 \\
- 0.92 0.3246753246753247 \\
- 0.93 0.32573289902280134 \\
- 0.94 0.32679738562091504 \\
- 0.95 0.3278688524590164 \\
- 0.96 0.32894736842105265 \\
- 0.97 0.33003300330033003 \\
- 0.98 0.33112582781456956 \\
- 0.99 0.33222591362126247 \\
- 1.0 0.3333333333333333 \\
- 1.01 0.3338926174496644 \\
- 1.02 0.3344594594594595 \\
- 1.03 0.33503401360544216 \\
- 1.04 0.3356164383561644 \\
- 1.05 0.33620689655172414 \\
- 1.06 0.3368055555555556 \\
- 1.07 0.3374125874125874 \\
- 1.08 0.3380281690140845 \\
- 1.09 0.33865248226950356 \\
- 1.1 0.3392857142857143 \\
- 1.11 0.33992805755395683 \\
- 1.12 0.34057971014492755 \\
- 1.13 0.34124087591240876 \\
- 1.14 0.34191176470588236 \\
- 1.15 0.34259259259259256 \\
- 1.16 0.34328358208955223 \\
- 1.17 0.34398496240601506 \\
- 1.18 0.34469696969696967 \\
- 1.19 0.34541984732824427 \\
- 1.2 0.34615384615384615 \\
- 1.21 0.34689922480620156 \\
- 1.22 0.34765625 \\
- 1.23 0.3484251968503937 \\
- 1.24 0.3492063492063492 \\
- 1.25 0.35 \\
- 1.26 0.35080645161290325 \\
- 1.27 0.3516260162601626 \\
- 1.28 0.3524590163934426 \\
- 1.29 0.35330578512396693 \\
- 1.3 0.3541666666666667 \\
- 1.31 0.3550420168067227 \\
- 1.32 0.3559322033898305 \\
- 1.33 0.35683760683760685 \\
- 1.34 0.3577586206896552 \\
- 1.35 0.358695652173913 \\
- 1.36 0.35964912280701755 \\
- 1.37 0.3606194690265487 \\
- 1.38 0.36160714285714285 \\
- 1.39 0.36261261261261263 \\
- 1.4 0.36363636363636365 \\
- 1.41 0.3646788990825688 \\
- 1.42 0.36574074074074076 \\
- 1.43 0.36682242990654207 \\
- 1.44 0.36792452830188677 \\
- 1.45 0.36904761904761907 \\
- 1.46 0.3701923076923077 \\
- 1.47 0.3713592233009709 \\
- 1.48 0.37254901960784315 \\
- 1.49 0.37376237623762376 \\
- 1.5 0.375 \\
- 1.51 0.37626262626262624 \\
- 1.52 0.37755102040816324 \\
- 1.53 0.3788659793814433 \\
- 1.54 0.3802083333333333 \\
- 1.55 0.3815789473684211 \\
- 1.56 0.3829787234042553 \\
- 1.57 0.3844086021505376 \\
- 1.58 0.3858695652173913 \\
- 1.59 0.3873626373626374 \\
- 1.6 0.3888888888888889 \\
- 1.61 0.3904494382022472 \\
- 1.62 0.3920454545454546 \\
- 1.63 0.3936781609195402 \\
- 1.64 0.3953488372093023 \\
- 1.65 0.39705882352941174 \\
- 1.66 0.3988095238095238 \\
- 1.67 0.4006024096385542 \\
- 1.68 0.40243902439024387 \\
- 1.69 0.40432098765432095 \\
- 1.7 0.40625 \\
- 1.71 0.40822784810126583 \\
- 1.72 0.41025641025641024 \\
- 1.73 0.41233766233766234 \\
- 1.74 0.4144736842105263 \\
- 1.75 0.4166666666666667 \\
- 1.76 0.4189189189189189 \\
- 1.77 0.4212328767123288 \\
- 1.78 0.4236111111111111 \\
- 1.79 0.426056338028169 \\
- 1.8 0.4285714285714286 \\
- 1.81 0.4311594202898551 \\
- 1.82 0.4338235294117647 \\
- 1.83 0.4365671641791045 \\
- 1.84 0.4393939393939394 \\
- 1.85 0.44230769230769235 \\
- 1.86 0.44531250000000006 \\
- 1.87 0.44841269841269843 \\
- 1.88 0.45161290322580644 \\
- 1.89 0.4549180327868852 \\
- 1.9 0.4583333333333333 \\
- 1.91 0.461864406779661 \\
- 1.92 0.46551724137931033 \\
- 1.93 0.46929824561403505 \\
- 1.94 0.4732142857142857 \\
- 1.95 0.47727272727272724 \\
- 1.96 0.48148148148148145 \\
- 1.97 0.4858490566037736 \\
- 1.98 0.49038461538461536 \\
- 1.99 0.4950980392156863 \\
- 2.0 0.5 \\
- 2.01 0.5 \\
- 2.02 0.5 \\
- 2.03 0.5 \\
- 2.04 0.5 \\
- 2.05 0.5 \\
- 2.06 0.5 \\
- 2.07 0.5 \\
- 2.08 0.5 \\
- 2.09 0.5 \\
- 2.1 0.5 \\
- 2.11 0.5 \\
- 2.12 0.5 \\
- 2.13 0.5 \\
- 2.14 0.5 \\
- 2.15 0.5 \\
- 2.16 0.5 \\
- 2.17 0.5 \\
- 2.18 0.5 \\
- 2.19 0.5 \\
- 2.2 0.5 \\
- 2.21 0.5 \\
- 2.22 0.5 \\
- 2.23 0.5 \\
- 2.24 0.5 \\
- 2.25 0.5 \\
- 2.26 0.5 \\
- 2.27 0.5 \\
- 2.28 0.5 \\
- 2.29 0.5 \\
- 2.3 0.5 \\
- 2.31 0.5 \\
- 2.32 0.5 \\
- 2.33 0.5 \\
- 2.34 0.5 \\
- 2.35 0.5 \\
- 2.36 0.5 \\
- 2.37 0.5 \\
- 2.38 0.5 \\
- 2.39 0.5 \\
- 2.4 0.5 \\
- 2.41 0.5 \\
- 2.42 0.5 \\
- 2.43 0.5 \\
- 2.44 0.5 \\
- 2.45 0.5 \\
- 2.46 0.5 \\
- 2.47 0.5 \\
- 2.48 0.5 \\
- 2.49 0.5 \\
- 2.5 0.5 \\
- 2.51 0.5 \\
- 2.52 0.5 \\
- 2.53 0.5 \\
- 2.54 0.5 \\
- 2.55 0.5 \\
- 2.56 0.5 \\
- 2.57 0.5 \\
- 2.58 0.5 \\
- 2.59 0.5 \\
- 2.6 0.5 \\
- 2.61 0.5 \\
- 2.62 0.5 \\
- 2.63 0.5 \\
- 2.64 0.5 \\
- 2.65 0.5 \\
- 2.66 0.5 \\
- 2.67 0.5 \\
- 2.68 0.5 \\
- 2.69 0.5 \\
- 2.7 0.5 \\
- 2.71 0.5 \\
- 2.72 0.5 \\
- 2.73 0.5 \\
- 2.74 0.5 \\
- 2.75 0.5 \\
- 2.76 0.5 \\
- 2.77 0.5 \\
- 2.78 0.5 \\
- 2.79 0.5 \\
- 2.8 0.5 \\
- 2.81 0.5 \\
- 2.82 0.5 \\
- 2.83 0.5 \\
- 2.84 0.5 \\
- 2.85 0.5 \\
- 2.86 0.5 \\
- 2.87 0.5 \\
- 2.88 0.5 \\
- 2.89 0.5 \\
- 2.9 0.5 \\
- 2.91 0.5 \\
- 2.92 0.5 \\
- 2.93 0.5 \\
- 2.94 0.5 \\
- 2.95 0.5 \\
- 2.96 0.5 \\
- 2.97 0.5 \\
- 2.98 0.5 \\
- 2.99 0.5 \\
- 3.0 nan \\
- }
- \closedcycle
- ;
- \addplot+[fill, fill opacity={0.2}, thick]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- -3.0 nan \\
- -2.99 0.0 \\
- -2.98 0.0 \\
- -2.97 0.0 \\
- -2.96 0.0 \\
- -2.95 0.0 \\
- -2.94 0.0 \\
- -2.93 0.0 \\
- -2.92 0.0 \\
- -2.91 0.0 \\
- -2.9 0.0 \\
- -2.89 0.0 \\
- -2.88 0.0 \\
- -2.87 0.0 \\
- -2.86 0.0 \\
- -2.85 0.0 \\
- -2.84 0.0 \\
- -2.83 0.0 \\
- -2.82 0.0 \\
- -2.81 0.0 \\
- -2.8 0.0 \\
- -2.79 0.0 \\
- -2.78 0.0 \\
- -2.77 0.0 \\
- -2.76 0.0 \\
- -2.75 0.0 \\
- -2.74 0.0 \\
- -2.73 0.0 \\
- -2.72 0.0 \\
- -2.71 0.0 \\
- -2.7 0.0 \\
- -2.69 0.0 \\
- -2.68 0.0 \\
- -2.67 0.0 \\
- -2.66 0.0 \\
- -2.65 0.0 \\
- -2.64 0.0 \\
- -2.63 0.0 \\
- -2.62 0.0 \\
- -2.61 0.0 \\
- -2.6 0.0 \\
- -2.59 0.0 \\
- -2.58 0.0 \\
- -2.57 0.0 \\
- -2.56 0.0 \\
- -2.55 0.0 \\
- -2.54 0.0 \\
- -2.53 0.0 \\
- -2.52 0.0 \\
- -2.51 0.0 \\
- -2.5 0.0 \\
- -2.49 0.0 \\
- -2.48 0.0 \\
- -2.47 0.0 \\
- -2.46 0.0 \\
- -2.45 0.0 \\
- -2.44 0.0 \\
- -2.43 0.0 \\
- -2.42 0.0 \\
- -2.41 0.0 \\
- -2.4 0.0 \\
- -2.39 0.0 \\
- -2.38 0.0 \\
- -2.37 0.0 \\
- -2.36 0.0 \\
- -2.35 0.0 \\
- -2.34 0.0 \\
- -2.33 0.0 \\
- -2.32 0.0 \\
- -2.31 0.0 \\
- -2.3 0.0 \\
- -2.29 0.0 \\
- -2.28 0.0 \\
- -2.27 0.0 \\
- -2.26 0.0 \\
- -2.25 0.0 \\
- -2.24 0.0 \\
- -2.23 0.0 \\
- -2.22 0.0 \\
- -2.21 0.0 \\
- -2.2 0.0 \\
- -2.19 0.0 \\
- -2.18 0.0 \\
- -2.17 0.0 \\
- -2.16 0.0 \\
- -2.15 0.0 \\
- -2.14 0.0 \\
- -2.13 0.0 \\
- -2.12 0.0 \\
- -2.11 0.0 \\
- -2.1 0.0 \\
- -2.09 0.0 \\
- -2.08 0.0 \\
- -2.07 0.0 \\
- -2.06 0.0 \\
- -2.05 0.0 \\
- -2.04 0.0 \\
- -2.03 0.0 \\
- -2.02 0.0 \\
- -2.01 0.0 \\
- -2.0 0.0 \\
- -1.99 0.00980392156862746 \\
- -1.98 0.019230769230769246 \\
- -1.97 0.028301886792452855 \\
- -1.96 0.03703703703703707 \\
- -1.95 0.04545454545454549 \\
- -1.94 0.05357142857142862 \\
- -1.93 0.06140350877192987 \\
- -1.92 0.06896551724137936 \\
- -1.91 0.07627118644067803 \\
- -1.9 0.0833333333333334 \\
- -1.89 0.09016393442622958 \\
- -1.88 0.09677419354838716 \\
- -1.87 0.10317460317460311 \\
- -1.86 0.10937499999999994 \\
- -1.85 0.11538461538461534 \\
- -1.84 0.12121212121212116 \\
- -1.83 0.126865671641791 \\
- -1.82 0.13235294117647056 \\
- -1.81 0.13768115942028983 \\
- -1.8 0.14285714285714282 \\
- -1.79 0.14788732394366194 \\
- -1.78 0.15277777777777776 \\
- -1.77 0.15753424657534246 \\
- -1.76 0.16216216216216217 \\
- -1.75 0.16666666666666666 \\
- -1.74 0.17105263157894737 \\
- -1.73 0.17532467532467533 \\
- -1.72 0.1794871794871795 \\
- -1.71 0.18354430379746836 \\
- -1.7 0.18750000000000003 \\
- -1.69 0.19135802469135804 \\
- -1.68 0.19512195121951223 \\
- -1.67 0.1987951807228916 \\
- -1.66 0.2023809523809524 \\
- -1.65 0.2058823529411765 \\
- -1.64 0.2093023255813954 \\
- -1.63 0.21264367816091959 \\
- -1.62 0.21590909090909088 \\
- -1.61 0.2191011235955056 \\
- -1.6 0.22222222222222218 \\
- -1.59 0.22527472527472525 \\
- -1.58 0.22826086956521738 \\
- -1.57 0.23118279569892472 \\
- -1.56 0.23404255319148934 \\
- -1.55 0.23684210526315788 \\
- -1.54 0.23958333333333331 \\
- -1.53 0.2422680412371134 \\
- -1.52 0.24489795918367346 \\
- -1.51 0.2474747474747475 \\
- -1.5 0.25 \\
- -1.49 0.2524752475247525 \\
- -1.48 0.2549019607843137 \\
- -1.47 0.25728155339805825 \\
- -1.46 0.25961538461538464 \\
- -1.45 0.2619047619047619 \\
- -1.44 0.2641509433962264 \\
- -1.43 0.2663551401869159 \\
- -1.42 0.26851851851851855 \\
- -1.41 0.27064220183486243 \\
- -1.4 0.27272727272727276 \\
- -1.39 0.2747747747747748 \\
- -1.38 0.2767857142857143 \\
- -1.37 0.27876106194690264 \\
- -1.36 0.2807017543859649 \\
- -1.35 0.2826086956521739 \\
- -1.34 0.2844827586206896 \\
- -1.33 0.2863247863247863 \\
- -1.32 0.288135593220339 \\
- -1.31 0.2899159663865546 \\
- -1.3 0.2916666666666667 \\
- -1.29 0.2933884297520661 \\
- -1.28 0.29508196721311475 \\
- -1.27 0.2967479674796748 \\
- -1.26 0.29838709677419356 \\
- -1.25 0.3 \\
- -1.24 0.30158730158730157 \\
- -1.23 0.3031496062992126 \\
- -1.22 0.3046875 \\
- -1.21 0.3062015503875969 \\
- -1.2 0.3076923076923077 \\
- -1.19 0.30916030534351147 \\
- -1.18 0.3106060606060606 \\
- -1.17 0.31203007518796994 \\
- -1.16 0.31343283582089554 \\
- -1.15 0.3148148148148148 \\
- -1.14 0.3161764705882353 \\
- -1.13 0.3175182481751825 \\
- -1.12 0.3188405797101449 \\
- -1.11 0.32014388489208634 \\
- -1.1 0.3214285714285714 \\
- -1.09 0.3226950354609929 \\
- -1.08 0.323943661971831 \\
- -1.07 0.32517482517482516 \\
- -1.06 0.3263888888888889 \\
- -1.05 0.3275862068965517 \\
- -1.04 0.3287671232876712 \\
- -1.03 0.3299319727891156 \\
- -1.02 0.3310810810810811 \\
- -1.01 0.33221476510067116 \\
- -1.0 0.3333333333333333 \\
- -0.99 0.3355481727574751 \\
- -0.98 0.33774834437086093 \\
- -0.97 0.33993399339933994 \\
- -0.96 0.34210526315789475 \\
- -0.95 0.34426229508196726 \\
- -0.94 0.3464052287581699 \\
- -0.93 0.3485342019543974 \\
- -0.92 0.35064935064935066 \\
- -0.91 0.35275080906148865 \\
- -0.9 0.3548387096774194 \\
- -0.89 0.35691318327974275 \\
- -0.88 0.358974358974359 \\
- -0.87 0.36102236421725237 \\
- -0.86 0.36305732484076436 \\
- -0.85 0.36507936507936506 \\
- -0.84 0.3670886075949367 \\
- -0.83 0.36908517350157727 \\
- -0.82 0.37106918238993714 \\
- -0.81 0.3730407523510972 \\
- -0.8 0.37499999999999994 \\
- -0.79 0.37694704049844235 \\
- -0.78 0.37888198757763975 \\
- -0.77 0.38080495356037153 \\
- -0.76 0.38271604938271603 \\
- -0.75 0.38461538461538464 \\
- -0.74 0.3865030674846626 \\
- -0.73 0.38837920489296635 \\
- -0.72 0.39024390243902435 \\
- -0.71 0.39209726443769 \\
- -0.7 0.393939393939394 \\
- -0.69 0.39577039274924475 \\
- -0.68 0.3975903614457831 \\
- -0.67 0.3993993993993994 \\
- -0.66 0.40119760479041916 \\
- -0.65 0.40298507462686567 \\
- -0.64 0.40476190476190477 \\
- -0.63 0.4065281899109792 \\
- -0.62 0.40828402366863903 \\
- -0.61 0.41002949852507375 \\
- -0.6 0.4117647058823529 \\
- -0.59 0.41348973607038125 \\
- -0.58 0.4152046783625731 \\
- -0.57 0.41690962099125367 \\
- -0.56 0.41860465116279066 \\
- -0.55 0.42028985507246375 \\
- -0.54 0.42196531791907516 \\
- -0.53 0.4236311239193084 \\
- -0.52 0.42528735632183906 \\
- -0.51 0.4269340974212034 \\
- -0.5 0.42857142857142855 \\
- -0.49 0.43019943019943024 \\
- -0.48 0.4318181818181818 \\
- -0.47 0.43342776203966005 \\
- -0.46 0.4350282485875706 \\
- -0.45 0.4366197183098592 \\
- -0.44 0.43820224719101125 \\
- -0.43 0.43977591036414565 \\
- -0.42 0.44134078212290506 \\
- -0.41 0.44289693593314766 \\
- -0.4 0.4444444444444445 \\
- -0.39 0.445983379501385 \\
- -0.38 0.44751381215469616 \\
- -0.37 0.4490358126721763 \\
- -0.36 0.45054945054945056 \\
- -0.35 0.4520547945205479 \\
- -0.34 0.45355191256830596 \\
- -0.33 0.4550408719346049 \\
- -0.32 0.4565217391304348 \\
- -0.31 0.45799457994579945 \\
- -0.3 0.45945945945945943 \\
- -0.29 0.4609164420485175 \\
- -0.28 0.4623655913978495 \\
- -0.27 0.46380697050938335 \\
- -0.26 0.4652406417112299 \\
- -0.25 0.4666666666666667 \\
- -0.24 0.46808510638297873 \\
- -0.23 0.46949602122015915 \\
- -0.22 0.4708994708994709 \\
- -0.21 0.47229551451187335 \\
- -0.2 0.4736842105263158 \\
- -0.19 0.47506561679790027 \\
- -0.18 0.47643979057591623 \\
- -0.17 0.47780678851174935 \\
- -0.16 0.4791666666666667 \\
- -0.15 0.4805194805194805 \\
- -0.14 0.48186528497409326 \\
- -0.13 0.48320413436692505 \\
- -0.12 0.4845360824742268 \\
- -0.11 0.48586118251928023 \\
- -0.1 0.48717948717948717 \\
- -0.09 0.48849104859335035 \\
- -0.08 0.4897959183673469 \\
- -0.07 0.4910941475826972 \\
- -0.06 0.49238578680203043 \\
- -0.05 0.49367088607594933 \\
- -0.04 0.494949494949495 \\
- -0.03 0.4962216624685139 \\
- -0.02 0.49748743718592964 \\
- -0.01 0.49874686716791977 \\
- 0.0 0.5 \\
- 0.01 0.49874686716791977 \\
- 0.02 0.49748743718592964 \\
- 0.03 0.4962216624685139 \\
- 0.04 0.494949494949495 \\
- 0.05 0.49367088607594933 \\
- 0.06 0.49238578680203043 \\
- 0.07 0.4910941475826972 \\
- 0.08 0.4897959183673469 \\
- 0.09 0.48849104859335035 \\
- 0.1 0.48717948717948717 \\
- 0.11 0.48586118251928023 \\
- 0.12 0.4845360824742268 \\
- 0.13 0.48320413436692505 \\
- 0.14 0.48186528497409326 \\
- 0.15 0.4805194805194805 \\
- 0.16 0.4791666666666667 \\
- 0.17 0.47780678851174935 \\
- 0.18 0.47643979057591623 \\
- 0.19 0.47506561679790027 \\
- 0.2 0.4736842105263158 \\
- 0.21 0.47229551451187335 \\
- 0.22 0.4708994708994709 \\
- 0.23 0.46949602122015915 \\
- 0.24 0.46808510638297873 \\
- 0.25 0.4666666666666667 \\
- 0.26 0.4652406417112299 \\
- 0.27 0.46380697050938335 \\
- 0.28 0.4623655913978495 \\
- 0.29 0.4609164420485175 \\
- 0.3 0.45945945945945943 \\
- 0.31 0.45799457994579945 \\
- 0.32 0.4565217391304348 \\
- 0.33 0.4550408719346049 \\
- 0.34 0.45355191256830596 \\
- 0.35 0.4520547945205479 \\
- 0.36 0.45054945054945056 \\
- 0.37 0.4490358126721763 \\
- 0.38 0.44751381215469616 \\
- 0.39 0.445983379501385 \\
- 0.4 0.4444444444444445 \\
- 0.41 0.44289693593314766 \\
- 0.42 0.44134078212290506 \\
- 0.43 0.43977591036414565 \\
- 0.44 0.43820224719101125 \\
- 0.45 0.4366197183098592 \\
- 0.46 0.4350282485875706 \\
- 0.47 0.43342776203966005 \\
- 0.48 0.4318181818181818 \\
- 0.49 0.43019943019943024 \\
- 0.5 0.42857142857142855 \\
- 0.51 0.4269340974212034 \\
- 0.52 0.42528735632183906 \\
- 0.53 0.4236311239193084 \\
- 0.54 0.42196531791907516 \\
- 0.55 0.42028985507246375 \\
- 0.56 0.41860465116279066 \\
- 0.57 0.41690962099125367 \\
- 0.58 0.4152046783625731 \\
- 0.59 0.41348973607038125 \\
- 0.6 0.4117647058823529 \\
- 0.61 0.41002949852507375 \\
- 0.62 0.40828402366863903 \\
- 0.63 0.4065281899109792 \\
- 0.64 0.40476190476190477 \\
- 0.65 0.40298507462686567 \\
- 0.66 0.40119760479041916 \\
- 0.67 0.3993993993993994 \\
- 0.68 0.3975903614457831 \\
- 0.69 0.39577039274924475 \\
- 0.7 0.393939393939394 \\
- 0.71 0.39209726443769 \\
- 0.72 0.39024390243902435 \\
- 0.73 0.38837920489296635 \\
- 0.74 0.3865030674846626 \\
- 0.75 0.38461538461538464 \\
- 0.76 0.38271604938271603 \\
- 0.77 0.38080495356037153 \\
- 0.78 0.37888198757763975 \\
- 0.79 0.37694704049844235 \\
- 0.8 0.37499999999999994 \\
- 0.81 0.3730407523510972 \\
- 0.82 0.37106918238993714 \\
- 0.83 0.36908517350157727 \\
- 0.84 0.3670886075949367 \\
- 0.85 0.36507936507936506 \\
- 0.86 0.36305732484076436 \\
- 0.87 0.36102236421725237 \\
- 0.88 0.358974358974359 \\
- 0.89 0.35691318327974275 \\
- 0.9 0.3548387096774194 \\
- 0.91 0.35275080906148865 \\
- 0.92 0.35064935064935066 \\
- 0.93 0.3485342019543974 \\
- 0.94 0.3464052287581699 \\
- 0.95 0.34426229508196726 \\
- 0.96 0.34210526315789475 \\
- 0.97 0.33993399339933994 \\
- 0.98 0.33774834437086093 \\
- 0.99 0.3355481727574751 \\
- 1.0 0.3333333333333333 \\
- 1.01 0.33221476510067116 \\
- 1.02 0.3310810810810811 \\
- 1.03 0.3299319727891156 \\
- 1.04 0.3287671232876712 \\
- 1.05 0.3275862068965517 \\
- 1.06 0.3263888888888889 \\
- 1.07 0.32517482517482516 \\
- 1.08 0.323943661971831 \\
- 1.09 0.3226950354609929 \\
- 1.1 0.3214285714285714 \\
- 1.11 0.32014388489208634 \\
- 1.12 0.3188405797101449 \\
- 1.13 0.3175182481751825 \\
- 1.14 0.3161764705882353 \\
- 1.15 0.3148148148148148 \\
- 1.16 0.31343283582089554 \\
- 1.17 0.31203007518796994 \\
- 1.18 0.3106060606060606 \\
- 1.19 0.30916030534351147 \\
- 1.2 0.3076923076923077 \\
- 1.21 0.3062015503875969 \\
- 1.22 0.3046875 \\
- 1.23 0.3031496062992126 \\
- 1.24 0.30158730158730157 \\
- 1.25 0.3 \\
- 1.26 0.29838709677419356 \\
- 1.27 0.2967479674796748 \\
- 1.28 0.29508196721311475 \\
- 1.29 0.2933884297520661 \\
- 1.3 0.2916666666666667 \\
- 1.31 0.2899159663865546 \\
- 1.32 0.288135593220339 \\
- 1.33 0.2863247863247863 \\
- 1.34 0.2844827586206896 \\
- 1.35 0.2826086956521739 \\
- 1.36 0.2807017543859649 \\
- 1.37 0.27876106194690264 \\
- 1.38 0.2767857142857143 \\
- 1.39 0.2747747747747748 \\
- 1.4 0.27272727272727276 \\
- 1.41 0.27064220183486243 \\
- 1.42 0.26851851851851855 \\
- 1.43 0.2663551401869159 \\
- 1.44 0.2641509433962264 \\
- 1.45 0.2619047619047619 \\
- 1.46 0.25961538461538464 \\
- 1.47 0.25728155339805825 \\
- 1.48 0.2549019607843137 \\
- 1.49 0.2524752475247525 \\
- 1.5 0.25 \\
- 1.51 0.2474747474747475 \\
- 1.52 0.24489795918367346 \\
- 1.53 0.2422680412371134 \\
- 1.54 0.23958333333333331 \\
- 1.55 0.23684210526315788 \\
- 1.56 0.23404255319148934 \\
- 1.57 0.23118279569892472 \\
- 1.58 0.22826086956521738 \\
- 1.59 0.22527472527472525 \\
- 1.6 0.22222222222222218 \\
- 1.61 0.2191011235955056 \\
- 1.62 0.21590909090909088 \\
- 1.63 0.21264367816091959 \\
- 1.64 0.2093023255813954 \\
- 1.65 0.2058823529411765 \\
- 1.66 0.2023809523809524 \\
- 1.67 0.1987951807228916 \\
- 1.68 0.19512195121951223 \\
- 1.69 0.19135802469135804 \\
- 1.7 0.18750000000000003 \\
- 1.71 0.18354430379746836 \\
- 1.72 0.1794871794871795 \\
- 1.73 0.17532467532467533 \\
- 1.74 0.17105263157894737 \\
- 1.75 0.16666666666666666 \\
- 1.76 0.16216216216216217 \\
- 1.77 0.15753424657534246 \\
- 1.78 0.15277777777777776 \\
- 1.79 0.14788732394366194 \\
- 1.8 0.14285714285714282 \\
- 1.81 0.13768115942028983 \\
- 1.82 0.13235294117647056 \\
- 1.83 0.126865671641791 \\
- 1.84 0.12121212121212116 \\
- 1.85 0.11538461538461534 \\
- 1.86 0.10937499999999994 \\
- 1.87 0.10317460317460311 \\
- 1.88 0.09677419354838716 \\
- 1.89 0.09016393442622958 \\
- 1.9 0.0833333333333334 \\
- 1.91 0.07627118644067803 \\
- 1.92 0.06896551724137936 \\
- 1.93 0.06140350877192987 \\
- 1.94 0.05357142857142862 \\
- 1.95 0.04545454545454549 \\
- 1.96 0.03703703703703707 \\
- 1.97 0.028301886792452855 \\
- 1.98 0.019230769230769246 \\
- 1.99 0.00980392156862746 \\
- 2.0 0.0 \\
- 2.01 0.0 \\
- 2.02 0.0 \\
- 2.03 0.0 \\
- 2.04 0.0 \\
- 2.05 0.0 \\
- 2.06 0.0 \\
- 2.07 0.0 \\
- 2.08 0.0 \\
- 2.09 0.0 \\
- 2.1 0.0 \\
- 2.11 0.0 \\
- 2.12 0.0 \\
- 2.13 0.0 \\
- 2.14 0.0 \\
- 2.15 0.0 \\
- 2.16 0.0 \\
- 2.17 0.0 \\
- 2.18 0.0 \\
- 2.19 0.0 \\
- 2.2 0.0 \\
- 2.21 0.0 \\
- 2.22 0.0 \\
- 2.23 0.0 \\
- 2.24 0.0 \\
- 2.25 0.0 \\
- 2.26 0.0 \\
- 2.27 0.0 \\
- 2.28 0.0 \\
- 2.29 0.0 \\
- 2.3 0.0 \\
- 2.31 0.0 \\
- 2.32 0.0 \\
- 2.33 0.0 \\
- 2.34 0.0 \\
- 2.35 0.0 \\
- 2.36 0.0 \\
- 2.37 0.0 \\
- 2.38 0.0 \\
- 2.39 0.0 \\
- 2.4 0.0 \\
- 2.41 0.0 \\
- 2.42 0.0 \\
- 2.43 0.0 \\
- 2.44 0.0 \\
- 2.45 0.0 \\
- 2.46 0.0 \\
- 2.47 0.0 \\
- 2.48 0.0 \\
- 2.49 0.0 \\
- 2.5 0.0 \\
- 2.51 0.0 \\
- 2.52 0.0 \\
- 2.53 0.0 \\
- 2.54 0.0 \\
- 2.55 0.0 \\
- 2.56 0.0 \\
- 2.57 0.0 \\
- 2.58 0.0 \\
- 2.59 0.0 \\
- 2.6 0.0 \\
- 2.61 0.0 \\
- 2.62 0.0 \\
- 2.63 0.0 \\
- 2.64 0.0 \\
- 2.65 0.0 \\
- 2.66 0.0 \\
- 2.67 0.0 \\
- 2.68 0.0 \\
- 2.69 0.0 \\
- 2.7 0.0 \\
- 2.71 0.0 \\
- 2.72 0.0 \\
- 2.73 0.0 \\
- 2.74 0.0 \\
- 2.75 0.0 \\
- 2.76 0.0 \\
- 2.77 0.0 \\
- 2.78 0.0 \\
- 2.79 0.0 \\
- 2.8 0.0 \\
- 2.81 0.0 \\
- 2.82 0.0 \\
- 2.83 0.0 \\
- 2.84 0.0 \\
- 2.85 0.0 \\
- 2.86 0.0 \\
- 2.87 0.0 \\
- 2.88 0.0 \\
- 2.89 0.0 \\
- 2.9 0.0 \\
- 2.91 0.0 \\
- 2.92 0.0 \\
- 2.93 0.0 \\
- 2.94 0.0 \\
- 2.95 0.0 \\
- 2.96 0.0 \\
- 2.97 0.0 \\
- 2.98 0.0 \\
- 2.99 0.0 \\
- 3.0 nan \\
- }
- \closedcycle
- ;
- \addplot+[fill, fill opacity={0.2}, thick]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- -3.0 nan \\
- -2.99 0.5 \\
- -2.98 0.5 \\
- -2.97 0.5 \\
- -2.96 0.5 \\
- -2.95 0.5 \\
- -2.94 0.5 \\
- -2.93 0.5 \\
- -2.92 0.5 \\
- -2.91 0.5 \\
- -2.9 0.5 \\
- -2.89 0.5 \\
- -2.88 0.5 \\
- -2.87 0.5 \\
- -2.86 0.5 \\
- -2.85 0.5 \\
- -2.84 0.5 \\
- -2.83 0.5 \\
- -2.82 0.5 \\
- -2.81 0.5 \\
- -2.8 0.5 \\
- -2.79 0.5 \\
- -2.78 0.5 \\
- -2.77 0.5 \\
- -2.76 0.5 \\
- -2.75 0.5 \\
- -2.74 0.5 \\
- -2.73 0.5 \\
- -2.72 0.5 \\
- -2.71 0.5 \\
- -2.7 0.5 \\
- -2.69 0.5 \\
- -2.68 0.5 \\
- -2.67 0.5 \\
- -2.66 0.5 \\
- -2.65 0.5 \\
- -2.64 0.5 \\
- -2.63 0.5 \\
- -2.62 0.5 \\
- -2.61 0.5 \\
- -2.6 0.5 \\
- -2.59 0.5 \\
- -2.58 0.5 \\
- -2.57 0.5 \\
- -2.56 0.5 \\
- -2.55 0.5 \\
- -2.54 0.5 \\
- -2.53 0.5 \\
- -2.52 0.5 \\
- -2.51 0.5 \\
- -2.5 0.5 \\
- -2.49 0.5 \\
- -2.48 0.5 \\
- -2.47 0.5 \\
- -2.46 0.5 \\
- -2.45 0.5 \\
- -2.44 0.5 \\
- -2.43 0.5 \\
- -2.42 0.5 \\
- -2.41 0.5 \\
- -2.4 0.5 \\
- -2.39 0.5 \\
- -2.38 0.5 \\
- -2.37 0.5 \\
- -2.36 0.5 \\
- -2.35 0.5 \\
- -2.34 0.5 \\
- -2.33 0.5 \\
- -2.32 0.5 \\
- -2.31 0.5 \\
- -2.3 0.5 \\
- -2.29 0.5 \\
- -2.28 0.5 \\
- -2.27 0.5 \\
- -2.26 0.5 \\
- -2.25 0.5 \\
- -2.24 0.5 \\
- -2.23 0.5 \\
- -2.22 0.5 \\
- -2.21 0.5 \\
- -2.2 0.5 \\
- -2.19 0.5 \\
- -2.18 0.5 \\
- -2.17 0.5 \\
- -2.16 0.5 \\
- -2.15 0.5 \\
- -2.14 0.5 \\
- -2.13 0.5 \\
- -2.12 0.5 \\
- -2.11 0.5 \\
- -2.1 0.5 \\
- -2.09 0.5 \\
- -2.08 0.5 \\
- -2.07 0.5 \\
- -2.06 0.5 \\
- -2.05 0.5 \\
- -2.04 0.5 \\
- -2.03 0.5 \\
- -2.02 0.5 \\
- -2.01 0.5 \\
- -2.0 0.5 \\
- -1.99 0.4950980392156863 \\
- -1.98 0.49038461538461536 \\
- -1.97 0.4858490566037736 \\
- -1.96 0.48148148148148145 \\
- -1.95 0.47727272727272724 \\
- -1.94 0.4732142857142857 \\
- -1.93 0.46929824561403505 \\
- -1.92 0.46551724137931033 \\
- -1.91 0.461864406779661 \\
- -1.9 0.4583333333333333 \\
- -1.89 0.4549180327868852 \\
- -1.88 0.45161290322580644 \\
- -1.87 0.44841269841269843 \\
- -1.86 0.44531250000000006 \\
- -1.85 0.44230769230769235 \\
- -1.84 0.4393939393939394 \\
- -1.83 0.4365671641791045 \\
- -1.82 0.4338235294117647 \\
- -1.81 0.4311594202898551 \\
- -1.8 0.4285714285714286 \\
- -1.79 0.426056338028169 \\
- -1.78 0.4236111111111111 \\
- -1.77 0.4212328767123288 \\
- -1.76 0.4189189189189189 \\
- -1.75 0.4166666666666667 \\
- -1.74 0.4144736842105263 \\
- -1.73 0.41233766233766234 \\
- -1.72 0.41025641025641024 \\
- -1.71 0.40822784810126583 \\
- -1.7 0.40625 \\
- -1.69 0.40432098765432095 \\
- -1.68 0.40243902439024387 \\
- -1.67 0.4006024096385542 \\
- -1.66 0.3988095238095238 \\
- -1.65 0.39705882352941174 \\
- -1.64 0.3953488372093023 \\
- -1.63 0.3936781609195402 \\
- -1.62 0.3920454545454546 \\
- -1.61 0.3904494382022472 \\
- -1.6 0.3888888888888889 \\
- -1.59 0.3873626373626374 \\
- -1.58 0.3858695652173913 \\
- -1.57 0.3844086021505376 \\
- -1.56 0.3829787234042553 \\
- -1.55 0.3815789473684211 \\
- -1.54 0.3802083333333333 \\
- -1.53 0.3788659793814433 \\
- -1.52 0.37755102040816324 \\
- -1.51 0.37626262626262624 \\
- -1.5 0.375 \\
- -1.49 0.37376237623762376 \\
- -1.48 0.37254901960784315 \\
- -1.47 0.3713592233009709 \\
- -1.46 0.3701923076923077 \\
- -1.45 0.36904761904761907 \\
- -1.44 0.36792452830188677 \\
- -1.43 0.36682242990654207 \\
- -1.42 0.36574074074074076 \\
- -1.41 0.3646788990825688 \\
- -1.4 0.36363636363636365 \\
- -1.39 0.36261261261261263 \\
- -1.38 0.36160714285714285 \\
- -1.37 0.3606194690265487 \\
- -1.36 0.35964912280701755 \\
- -1.35 0.358695652173913 \\
- -1.34 0.3577586206896552 \\
- -1.33 0.35683760683760685 \\
- -1.32 0.3559322033898305 \\
- -1.31 0.3550420168067227 \\
- -1.3 0.3541666666666667 \\
- -1.29 0.35330578512396693 \\
- -1.28 0.3524590163934426 \\
- -1.27 0.3516260162601626 \\
- -1.26 0.35080645161290325 \\
- -1.25 0.35 \\
- -1.24 0.3492063492063492 \\
- -1.23 0.3484251968503937 \\
- -1.22 0.34765625 \\
- -1.21 0.34689922480620156 \\
- -1.2 0.34615384615384615 \\
- -1.19 0.34541984732824427 \\
- -1.18 0.34469696969696967 \\
- -1.17 0.34398496240601506 \\
- -1.16 0.34328358208955223 \\
- -1.15 0.34259259259259256 \\
- -1.14 0.34191176470588236 \\
- -1.13 0.34124087591240876 \\
- -1.12 0.34057971014492755 \\
- -1.11 0.33992805755395683 \\
- -1.1 0.3392857142857143 \\
- -1.09 0.33865248226950356 \\
- -1.08 0.3380281690140845 \\
- -1.07 0.3374125874125874 \\
- -1.06 0.3368055555555556 \\
- -1.05 0.33620689655172414 \\
- -1.04 0.3356164383561644 \\
- -1.03 0.33503401360544216 \\
- -1.02 0.3344594594594595 \\
- -1.01 0.3338926174496644 \\
- -1.0 0.3333333333333333 \\
- -0.99 0.33222591362126247 \\
- -0.98 0.33112582781456956 \\
- -0.97 0.33003300330033003 \\
- -0.96 0.32894736842105265 \\
- -0.95 0.3278688524590164 \\
- -0.94 0.32679738562091504 \\
- -0.93 0.32573289902280134 \\
- -0.92 0.3246753246753247 \\
- -0.91 0.3236245954692557 \\
- -0.9 0.3225806451612903 \\
- -0.89 0.3215434083601286 \\
- -0.88 0.3205128205128205 \\
- -0.87 0.3194888178913738 \\
- -0.86 0.3184713375796178 \\
- -0.85 0.31746031746031744 \\
- -0.84 0.3164556962025316 \\
- -0.83 0.31545741324921134 \\
- -0.82 0.31446540880503143 \\
- -0.81 0.31347962382445144 \\
- -0.8 0.3125 \\
- -0.79 0.3115264797507788 \\
- -0.78 0.31055900621118016 \\
- -0.77 0.30959752321981426 \\
- -0.76 0.30864197530864196 \\
- -0.75 0.3076923076923077 \\
- -0.74 0.3067484662576687 \\
- -0.73 0.3058103975535168 \\
- -0.72 0.3048780487804878 \\
- -0.71 0.303951367781155 \\
- -0.7 0.30303030303030304 \\
- -0.69 0.3021148036253776 \\
- -0.68 0.30120481927710846 \\
- -0.67 0.3003003003003003 \\
- -0.66 0.29940119760479045 \\
- -0.65 0.29850746268656714 \\
- -0.64 0.2976190476190476 \\
- -0.63 0.29673590504451036 \\
- -0.62 0.2958579881656805 \\
- -0.61 0.2949852507374631 \\
- -0.6 0.29411764705882354 \\
- -0.59 0.29325513196480935 \\
- -0.58 0.29239766081871343 \\
- -0.57 0.29154518950437314 \\
- -0.56 0.29069767441860467 \\
- -0.55 0.2898550724637681 \\
- -0.54 0.28901734104046245 \\
- -0.53 0.2881844380403458 \\
- -0.52 0.28735632183908044 \\
- -0.51 0.28653295128939826 \\
- -0.5 0.2857142857142857 \\
- -0.49 0.2849002849002849 \\
- -0.48 0.2840909090909091 \\
- -0.47 0.28328611898017 \\
- -0.46 0.2824858757062147 \\
- -0.45 0.28169014084507044 \\
- -0.44 0.2808988764044944 \\
- -0.43 0.2801120448179272 \\
- -0.42 0.27932960893854747 \\
- -0.41 0.2785515320334262 \\
- -0.4 0.2777777777777778 \\
- -0.39 0.2770083102493075 \\
- -0.38 0.27624309392265195 \\
- -0.37 0.27548209366391185 \\
- -0.36 0.2747252747252747 \\
- -0.35 0.273972602739726 \\
- -0.34 0.27322404371584696 \\
- -0.33 0.2724795640326976 \\
- -0.32 0.27173913043478265 \\
- -0.31 0.2710027100271003 \\
- -0.3 0.27027027027027023 \\
- -0.29 0.2695417789757412 \\
- -0.28 0.2688172043010753 \\
- -0.27 0.2680965147453083 \\
- -0.26 0.267379679144385 \\
- -0.25 0.26666666666666666 \\
- -0.24 0.26595744680851063 \\
- -0.23 0.26525198938992045 \\
- -0.22 0.26455026455026454 \\
- -0.21 0.2638522427440633 \\
- -0.2 0.2631578947368421 \\
- -0.19 0.26246719160104987 \\
- -0.18 0.2617801047120419 \\
- -0.17 0.2610966057441253 \\
- -0.16 0.2604166666666667 \\
- -0.15 0.2597402597402597 \\
- -0.14 0.2590673575129534 \\
- -0.13 0.25839793281653745 \\
- -0.12 0.2577319587628866 \\
- -0.11 0.25706940874035994 \\
- -0.1 0.25641025641025644 \\
- -0.09 0.2557544757033248 \\
- -0.08 0.25510204081632654 \\
- -0.07 0.2544529262086514 \\
- -0.06 0.25380710659898476 \\
- -0.05 0.2531645569620253 \\
- -0.04 0.25252525252525254 \\
- -0.03 0.2518891687657431 \\
- -0.02 0.25125628140703515 \\
- -0.01 0.2506265664160401 \\
- 0.0 0.25 \\
- 0.01 0.2506265664160401 \\
- 0.02 0.25125628140703515 \\
- 0.03 0.2518891687657431 \\
- 0.04 0.25252525252525254 \\
- 0.05 0.2531645569620253 \\
- 0.06 0.25380710659898476 \\
- 0.07 0.2544529262086514 \\
- 0.08 0.25510204081632654 \\
- 0.09 0.2557544757033248 \\
- 0.1 0.25641025641025644 \\
- 0.11 0.25706940874035994 \\
- 0.12 0.2577319587628866 \\
- 0.13 0.25839793281653745 \\
- 0.14 0.2590673575129534 \\
- 0.15 0.2597402597402597 \\
- 0.16 0.2604166666666667 \\
- 0.17 0.2610966057441253 \\
- 0.18 0.2617801047120419 \\
- 0.19 0.26246719160104987 \\
- 0.2 0.2631578947368421 \\
- 0.21 0.2638522427440633 \\
- 0.22 0.26455026455026454 \\
- 0.23 0.26525198938992045 \\
- 0.24 0.26595744680851063 \\
- 0.25 0.26666666666666666 \\
- 0.26 0.267379679144385 \\
- 0.27 0.2680965147453083 \\
- 0.28 0.2688172043010753 \\
- 0.29 0.2695417789757412 \\
- 0.3 0.27027027027027023 \\
- 0.31 0.2710027100271003 \\
- 0.32 0.27173913043478265 \\
- 0.33 0.2724795640326976 \\
- 0.34 0.27322404371584696 \\
- 0.35 0.273972602739726 \\
- 0.36 0.2747252747252747 \\
- 0.37 0.27548209366391185 \\
- 0.38 0.27624309392265195 \\
- 0.39 0.2770083102493075 \\
- 0.4 0.2777777777777778 \\
- 0.41 0.2785515320334262 \\
- 0.42 0.27932960893854747 \\
- 0.43 0.2801120448179272 \\
- 0.44 0.2808988764044944 \\
- 0.45 0.28169014084507044 \\
- 0.46 0.2824858757062147 \\
- 0.47 0.28328611898017 \\
- 0.48 0.2840909090909091 \\
- 0.49 0.2849002849002849 \\
- 0.5 0.2857142857142857 \\
- 0.51 0.28653295128939826 \\
- 0.52 0.28735632183908044 \\
- 0.53 0.2881844380403458 \\
- 0.54 0.28901734104046245 \\
- 0.55 0.2898550724637681 \\
- 0.56 0.29069767441860467 \\
- 0.57 0.29154518950437314 \\
- 0.58 0.29239766081871343 \\
- 0.59 0.29325513196480935 \\
- 0.6 0.29411764705882354 \\
- 0.61 0.2949852507374631 \\
- 0.62 0.2958579881656805 \\
- 0.63 0.29673590504451036 \\
- 0.64 0.2976190476190476 \\
- 0.65 0.29850746268656714 \\
- 0.66 0.29940119760479045 \\
- 0.67 0.3003003003003003 \\
- 0.68 0.30120481927710846 \\
- 0.69 0.3021148036253776 \\
- 0.7 0.30303030303030304 \\
- 0.71 0.303951367781155 \\
- 0.72 0.3048780487804878 \\
- 0.73 0.3058103975535168 \\
- 0.74 0.3067484662576687 \\
- 0.75 0.3076923076923077 \\
- 0.76 0.30864197530864196 \\
- 0.77 0.30959752321981426 \\
- 0.78 0.31055900621118016 \\
- 0.79 0.3115264797507788 \\
- 0.8 0.3125 \\
- 0.81 0.31347962382445144 \\
- 0.82 0.31446540880503143 \\
- 0.83 0.31545741324921134 \\
- 0.84 0.3164556962025316 \\
- 0.85 0.31746031746031744 \\
- 0.86 0.3184713375796178 \\
- 0.87 0.3194888178913738 \\
- 0.88 0.3205128205128205 \\
- 0.89 0.3215434083601286 \\
- 0.9 0.3225806451612903 \\
- 0.91 0.3236245954692557 \\
- 0.92 0.3246753246753247 \\
- 0.93 0.32573289902280134 \\
- 0.94 0.32679738562091504 \\
- 0.95 0.3278688524590164 \\
- 0.96 0.32894736842105265 \\
- 0.97 0.33003300330033003 \\
- 0.98 0.33112582781456956 \\
- 0.99 0.33222591362126247 \\
- 1.0 0.3333333333333333 \\
- 1.01 0.3338926174496644 \\
- 1.02 0.3344594594594595 \\
- 1.03 0.33503401360544216 \\
- 1.04 0.3356164383561644 \\
- 1.05 0.33620689655172414 \\
- 1.06 0.3368055555555556 \\
- 1.07 0.3374125874125874 \\
- 1.08 0.3380281690140845 \\
- 1.09 0.33865248226950356 \\
- 1.1 0.3392857142857143 \\
- 1.11 0.33992805755395683 \\
- 1.12 0.34057971014492755 \\
- 1.13 0.34124087591240876 \\
- 1.14 0.34191176470588236 \\
- 1.15 0.34259259259259256 \\
- 1.16 0.34328358208955223 \\
- 1.17 0.34398496240601506 \\
- 1.18 0.34469696969696967 \\
- 1.19 0.34541984732824427 \\
- 1.2 0.34615384615384615 \\
- 1.21 0.34689922480620156 \\
- 1.22 0.34765625 \\
- 1.23 0.3484251968503937 \\
- 1.24 0.3492063492063492 \\
- 1.25 0.35 \\
- 1.26 0.35080645161290325 \\
- 1.27 0.3516260162601626 \\
- 1.28 0.3524590163934426 \\
- 1.29 0.35330578512396693 \\
- 1.3 0.3541666666666667 \\
- 1.31 0.3550420168067227 \\
- 1.32 0.3559322033898305 \\
- 1.33 0.35683760683760685 \\
- 1.34 0.3577586206896552 \\
- 1.35 0.358695652173913 \\
- 1.36 0.35964912280701755 \\
- 1.37 0.3606194690265487 \\
- 1.38 0.36160714285714285 \\
- 1.39 0.36261261261261263 \\
- 1.4 0.36363636363636365 \\
- 1.41 0.3646788990825688 \\
- 1.42 0.36574074074074076 \\
- 1.43 0.36682242990654207 \\
- 1.44 0.36792452830188677 \\
- 1.45 0.36904761904761907 \\
- 1.46 0.3701923076923077 \\
- 1.47 0.3713592233009709 \\
- 1.48 0.37254901960784315 \\
- 1.49 0.37376237623762376 \\
- 1.5 0.375 \\
- 1.51 0.37626262626262624 \\
- 1.52 0.37755102040816324 \\
- 1.53 0.3788659793814433 \\
- 1.54 0.3802083333333333 \\
- 1.55 0.3815789473684211 \\
- 1.56 0.3829787234042553 \\
- 1.57 0.3844086021505376 \\
- 1.58 0.3858695652173913 \\
- 1.59 0.3873626373626374 \\
- 1.6 0.3888888888888889 \\
- 1.61 0.3904494382022472 \\
- 1.62 0.3920454545454546 \\
- 1.63 0.3936781609195402 \\
- 1.64 0.3953488372093023 \\
- 1.65 0.39705882352941174 \\
- 1.66 0.3988095238095238 \\
- 1.67 0.4006024096385542 \\
- 1.68 0.40243902439024387 \\
- 1.69 0.40432098765432095 \\
- 1.7 0.40625 \\
- 1.71 0.40822784810126583 \\
- 1.72 0.41025641025641024 \\
- 1.73 0.41233766233766234 \\
- 1.74 0.4144736842105263 \\
- 1.75 0.4166666666666667 \\
- 1.76 0.4189189189189189 \\
- 1.77 0.4212328767123288 \\
- 1.78 0.4236111111111111 \\
- 1.79 0.426056338028169 \\
- 1.8 0.4285714285714286 \\
- 1.81 0.4311594202898551 \\
- 1.82 0.4338235294117647 \\
- 1.83 0.4365671641791045 \\
- 1.84 0.4393939393939394 \\
- 1.85 0.44230769230769235 \\
- 1.86 0.44531250000000006 \\
- 1.87 0.44841269841269843 \\
- 1.88 0.45161290322580644 \\
- 1.89 0.4549180327868852 \\
- 1.9 0.4583333333333333 \\
- 1.91 0.461864406779661 \\
- 1.92 0.46551724137931033 \\
- 1.93 0.46929824561403505 \\
- 1.94 0.4732142857142857 \\
- 1.95 0.47727272727272724 \\
- 1.96 0.48148148148148145 \\
- 1.97 0.4858490566037736 \\
- 1.98 0.49038461538461536 \\
- 1.99 0.4950980392156863 \\
- 2.0 0.5 \\
- 2.01 0.5 \\
- 2.02 0.5 \\
- 2.03 0.5 \\
- 2.04 0.5 \\
- 2.05 0.5 \\
- 2.06 0.5 \\
- 2.07 0.5 \\
- 2.08 0.5 \\
- 2.09 0.5 \\
- 2.1 0.5 \\
- 2.11 0.5 \\
- 2.12 0.5 \\
- 2.13 0.5 \\
- 2.14 0.5 \\
- 2.15 0.5 \\
- 2.16 0.5 \\
- 2.17 0.5 \\
- 2.18 0.5 \\
- 2.19 0.5 \\
- 2.2 0.5 \\
- 2.21 0.5 \\
- 2.22 0.5 \\
- 2.23 0.5 \\
- 2.24 0.5 \\
- 2.25 0.5 \\
- 2.26 0.5 \\
- 2.27 0.5 \\
- 2.28 0.5 \\
- 2.29 0.5 \\
- 2.3 0.5 \\
- 2.31 0.5 \\
- 2.32 0.5 \\
- 2.33 0.5 \\
- 2.34 0.5 \\
- 2.35 0.5 \\
- 2.36 0.5 \\
- 2.37 0.5 \\
- 2.38 0.5 \\
- 2.39 0.5 \\
- 2.4 0.5 \\
- 2.41 0.5 \\
- 2.42 0.5 \\
- 2.43 0.5 \\
- 2.44 0.5 \\
- 2.45 0.5 \\
- 2.46 0.5 \\
- 2.47 0.5 \\
- 2.48 0.5 \\
- 2.49 0.5 \\
- 2.5 0.5 \\
- 2.51 0.5 \\
- 2.52 0.5 \\
- 2.53 0.5 \\
- 2.54 0.5 \\
- 2.55 0.5 \\
- 2.56 0.5 \\
- 2.57 0.5 \\
- 2.58 0.5 \\
- 2.59 0.5 \\
- 2.6 0.5 \\
- 2.61 0.5 \\
- 2.62 0.5 \\
- 2.63 0.5 \\
- 2.64 0.5 \\
- 2.65 0.5 \\
- 2.66 0.5 \\
- 2.67 0.5 \\
- 2.68 0.5 \\
- 2.69 0.5 \\
- 2.7 0.5 \\
- 2.71 0.5 \\
- 2.72 0.5 \\
- 2.73 0.5 \\
- 2.74 0.5 \\
- 2.75 0.5 \\
- 2.76 0.5 \\
- 2.77 0.5 \\
- 2.78 0.5 \\
- 2.79 0.5 \\
- 2.8 0.5 \\
- 2.81 0.5 \\
- 2.82 0.5 \\
- 2.83 0.5 \\
- 2.84 0.5 \\
- 2.85 0.5 \\
- 2.86 0.5 \\
- 2.87 0.5 \\
- 2.88 0.5 \\
- 2.89 0.5 \\
- 2.9 0.5 \\
- 2.91 0.5 \\
- 2.92 0.5 \\
- 2.93 0.5 \\
- 2.94 0.5 \\
- 2.95 0.5 \\
- 2.96 0.5 \\
- 2.97 0.5 \\
- 2.98 0.5 \\
- 2.99 0.5 \\
- 3.0 nan \\
- }
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- (3.0,0.3333333333333333)
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- (3.0,0.3333333333333333)
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- (-3.0,0.3333333333333333)
- (3.0,0.3333333333333333)
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-\begin{axis}[xlabel={$x$}, ylabel={$p_{X|Y}(x \,|\, y)$}, no marks, legend style={at={{(0.5, 1.1)}}, anchor={south}, legend columns={-1}}, %legend pos={outer north east},%
-enlarge x limits={false}, axis on top, ymin={0}]
- \addplot+[fill, fill opacity={0.2}, thick]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- -3.0 0.0 \\
- -2.99 0.0024999999999999467 \\
- -2.98 0.0050000000000000044 \\
- -2.97 0.007499999999999951 \\
- -2.96 0.010000000000000009 \\
- -2.95 0.012499999999999956 \\
- -2.94 0.015000000000000013 \\
- -2.93 0.01749999999999996 \\
- -2.92 0.020000000000000018 \\
- -2.91 0.022499999999999964 \\
- -2.9 0.025000000000000022 \\
- -2.89 0.02749999999999997 \\
- -2.88 0.030000000000000027 \\
- -2.87 0.03249999999999997 \\
- -2.86 0.03500000000000003 \\
- -2.85 0.03749999999999998 \\
- -2.84 0.040000000000000036 \\
- -2.83 0.04249999999999998 \\
- -2.82 0.04500000000000004 \\
- -2.81 0.04749999999999999 \\
- -2.8 0.050000000000000044 \\
- -2.79 0.05249999999999999 \\
- -2.78 0.05500000000000005 \\
- -2.77 0.057499999999999996 \\
- -2.76 0.06000000000000005 \\
- -2.75 0.0625 \\
- -2.74 0.06499999999999995 \\
- -2.73 0.0675 \\
- -2.72 0.06999999999999995 \\
- -2.71 0.07250000000000001 \\
- -2.7 0.07499999999999996 \\
- -2.69 0.07750000000000001 \\
- -2.68 0.07999999999999996 \\
- -2.67 0.08250000000000002 \\
- -2.66 0.08499999999999996 \\
- -2.65 0.08750000000000002 \\
- -2.64 0.08999999999999997 \\
- -2.63 0.09250000000000003 \\
- -2.62 0.09499999999999997 \\
- -2.61 0.09750000000000003 \\
- -2.6 0.09999999999999998 \\
- -2.59 0.10250000000000004 \\
- -2.58 0.10499999999999998 \\
- -2.57 0.10750000000000004 \\
- -2.56 0.10999999999999999 \\
- -2.55 0.11250000000000004 \\
- -2.54 0.11499999999999999 \\
- -2.53 0.11750000000000005 \\
- -2.52 0.12 \\
- -2.51 0.12250000000000005 \\
- -2.5 0.125 \\
- -2.49 0.12749999999999995 \\
- -2.48 0.13 \\
- -2.47 0.13249999999999995 \\
- -2.46 0.135 \\
- -2.45 0.13749999999999996 \\
- -2.44 0.14 \\
- -2.43 0.14249999999999996 \\
- -2.42 0.14500000000000002 \\
- -2.41 0.14749999999999996 \\
- -2.4 0.15000000000000002 \\
- -2.39 0.15249999999999997 \\
- -2.38 0.15500000000000003 \\
- -2.37 0.15749999999999997 \\
- -2.36 0.16000000000000003 \\
- -2.35 0.16249999999999998 \\
- -2.34 0.16500000000000004 \\
- -2.33 0.16749999999999998 \\
- -2.32 0.17000000000000004 \\
- -2.31 0.1725 \\
- -2.3 0.17500000000000004 \\
- -2.29 0.1775 \\
- -2.28 0.18000000000000005 \\
- -2.27 0.1825 \\
- -2.26 0.18500000000000005 \\
- -2.25 0.1875 \\
- -2.24 0.18999999999999995 \\
- -2.23 0.1925 \\
- -2.22 0.19499999999999995 \\
- -2.21 0.1975 \\
- -2.2 0.19999999999999996 \\
- -2.19 0.2025 \\
- -2.18 0.20499999999999996 \\
- -2.17 0.20750000000000002 \\
- -2.16 0.20999999999999996 \\
- -2.15 0.21250000000000002 \\
- -2.14 0.21499999999999997 \\
- -2.13 0.21750000000000003 \\
- -2.12 0.21999999999999997 \\
- -2.11 0.22250000000000003 \\
- -2.1 0.22499999999999998 \\
- -2.09 0.22750000000000004 \\
- -2.08 0.22999999999999998 \\
- -2.07 0.23250000000000004 \\
- -2.06 0.235 \\
- -2.05 0.23750000000000004 \\
- -2.04 0.24 \\
- -2.03 0.24250000000000005 \\
- -2.02 0.245 \\
- -2.01 0.24750000000000005 \\
- -2.0 0.25 \\
- -1.99 0.2525 \\
- -1.98 0.255 \\
- -1.97 0.2575 \\
- -1.96 0.26 \\
- -1.95 0.2625 \\
- -1.94 0.265 \\
- -1.93 0.2675 \\
- -1.92 0.27 \\
- -1.91 0.2725 \\
- -1.9 0.275 \\
- -1.89 0.2775 \\
- -1.88 0.28 \\
- -1.87 0.2825 \\
- -1.86 0.285 \\
- -1.85 0.2875 \\
- -1.84 0.29 \\
- -1.83 0.2925 \\
- -1.82 0.295 \\
- -1.81 0.2975 \\
- -1.8 0.3 \\
- -1.79 0.3025 \\
- -1.78 0.305 \\
- -1.77 0.3075 \\
- -1.76 0.31 \\
- -1.75 0.3125 \\
- -1.74 0.315 \\
- -1.73 0.3175 \\
- -1.72 0.32 \\
- -1.71 0.3225 \\
- -1.7 0.325 \\
- -1.69 0.3275 \\
- -1.68 0.33 \\
- -1.67 0.3325 \\
- -1.66 0.335 \\
- -1.65 0.3375 \\
- -1.64 0.34 \\
- -1.63 0.3425 \\
- -1.62 0.345 \\
- -1.61 0.3475 \\
- -1.6 0.35 \\
- -1.59 0.3525 \\
- -1.58 0.355 \\
- -1.57 0.3575 \\
- -1.56 0.36 \\
- -1.55 0.3625 \\
- -1.54 0.365 \\
- -1.53 0.3675 \\
- -1.52 0.37 \\
- -1.51 0.3725 \\
- -1.5 0.375 \\
- -1.49 0.3775 \\
- -1.48 0.38 \\
- -1.47 0.3825 \\
- -1.46 0.385 \\
- -1.45 0.3875 \\
- -1.44 0.39 \\
- -1.43 0.3925 \\
- -1.42 0.395 \\
- -1.41 0.3975 \\
- -1.4 0.4 \\
- -1.39 0.4025 \\
- -1.38 0.405 \\
- -1.37 0.4075 \\
- -1.36 0.41 \\
- -1.35 0.4125 \\
- -1.34 0.415 \\
- -1.33 0.4175 \\
- -1.32 0.42 \\
- -1.31 0.4225 \\
- -1.3 0.425 \\
- -1.29 0.4275 \\
- -1.28 0.43 \\
- -1.27 0.4325 \\
- -1.26 0.435 \\
- -1.25 0.4375 \\
- -1.24 0.44 \\
- -1.23 0.4425 \\
- -1.22 0.445 \\
- -1.21 0.4475 \\
- -1.2 0.45 \\
- -1.19 0.4525 \\
- -1.18 0.455 \\
- -1.17 0.4575 \\
- -1.16 0.46 \\
- -1.15 0.4625 \\
- -1.14 0.465 \\
- -1.13 0.4675 \\
- -1.12 0.47 \\
- -1.11 0.4725 \\
- -1.1 0.475 \\
- -1.09 0.4775 \\
- -1.08 0.48 \\
- -1.07 0.4825 \\
- -1.06 0.485 \\
- -1.05 0.4875 \\
- -1.04 0.49 \\
- -1.03 0.4925 \\
- -1.02 0.495 \\
- -1.01 0.4975 \\
- -1.0 0.5 \\
- -0.99 0.4975 \\
- -0.98 0.495 \\
- -0.97 0.4925 \\
- -0.96 0.49 \\
- -0.95 0.4875 \\
- -0.94 0.485 \\
- -0.93 0.48250000000000004 \\
- -0.92 0.48 \\
- -0.91 0.47750000000000004 \\
- -0.9 0.475 \\
- -0.89 0.47250000000000003 \\
- -0.88 0.47 \\
- -0.87 0.4675 \\
- -0.86 0.46499999999999997 \\
- -0.85 0.4625 \\
- -0.84 0.45999999999999996 \\
- -0.83 0.4575 \\
- -0.82 0.45499999999999996 \\
- -0.81 0.4525 \\
- -0.8 0.45 \\
- -0.79 0.4475 \\
- -0.78 0.445 \\
- -0.77 0.4425 \\
- -0.76 0.44 \\
- -0.75 0.4375 \\
- -0.74 0.435 \\
- -0.73 0.4325 \\
- -0.72 0.43 \\
- -0.71 0.4275 \\
- -0.7 0.425 \\
- -0.69 0.4225 \\
- -0.68 0.42000000000000004 \\
- -0.67 0.4175 \\
- -0.66 0.41500000000000004 \\
- -0.65 0.4125 \\
- -0.64 0.41000000000000003 \\
- -0.63 0.4075 \\
- -0.62 0.405 \\
- -0.61 0.40249999999999997 \\
- -0.6 0.4 \\
- -0.59 0.39749999999999996 \\
- -0.58 0.395 \\
- -0.57 0.39249999999999996 \\
- -0.56 0.39 \\
- -0.55 0.3875 \\
- -0.54 0.385 \\
- -0.53 0.3825 \\
- -0.52 0.38 \\
- -0.51 0.3775 \\
- -0.5 0.375 \\
- -0.49 0.3725 \\
- -0.48 0.37 \\
- -0.47 0.3675 \\
- -0.46 0.365 \\
- -0.45 0.3625 \\
- -0.44 0.36 \\
- -0.43 0.3575 \\
- -0.42 0.355 \\
- -0.41 0.3525 \\
- -0.4 0.35 \\
- -0.39 0.34750000000000003 \\
- -0.38 0.345 \\
- -0.37 0.3425 \\
- -0.36 0.33999999999999997 \\
- -0.35 0.3375 \\
- -0.34 0.335 \\
- -0.33 0.3325 \\
- -0.32 0.33 \\
- -0.31 0.3275 \\
- -0.3 0.325 \\
- -0.29 0.3225 \\
- -0.28 0.32 \\
- -0.27 0.3175 \\
- -0.26 0.315 \\
- -0.25 0.3125 \\
- -0.24 0.31 \\
- -0.23 0.3075 \\
- -0.22 0.305 \\
- -0.21 0.3025 \\
- -0.2 0.3 \\
- -0.19 0.2975 \\
- -0.18 0.295 \\
- -0.17 0.2925 \\
- -0.16 0.29 \\
- -0.15 0.2875 \\
- -0.14 0.28500000000000003 \\
- -0.13 0.2825 \\
- -0.12 0.28 \\
- -0.11 0.2775 \\
- -0.1 0.275 \\
- -0.09 0.2725 \\
- -0.08 0.27 \\
- -0.07 0.2675 \\
- -0.06 0.265 \\
- -0.05 0.2625 \\
- -0.04 0.26 \\
- -0.03 0.2575 \\
- -0.02 0.255 \\
- -0.01 0.2525 \\
- 0.0 0.25 \\
- 0.01 0.2475 \\
- 0.02 0.245 \\
- 0.03 0.2425 \\
- 0.04 0.24 \\
- 0.05 0.2375 \\
- 0.06 0.235 \\
- 0.07 0.23249999999999998 \\
- 0.08 0.23 \\
- 0.09 0.2275 \\
- 0.1 0.225 \\
- 0.11 0.2225 \\
- 0.12 0.22 \\
- 0.13 0.2175 \\
- 0.14 0.215 \\
- 0.15 0.2125 \\
- 0.16 0.21 \\
- 0.17 0.2075 \\
- 0.18 0.20500000000000002 \\
- 0.19 0.2025 \\
- 0.2 0.2 \\
- 0.21 0.1975 \\
- 0.22 0.195 \\
- 0.23 0.1925 \\
- 0.24 0.19 \\
- 0.25 0.1875 \\
- 0.26 0.185 \\
- 0.27 0.1825 \\
- 0.28 0.18 \\
- 0.29 0.1775 \\
- 0.3 0.175 \\
- 0.31 0.1725 \\
- 0.32 0.16999999999999998 \\
- 0.33 0.16749999999999998 \\
- 0.34 0.16499999999999998 \\
- 0.35 0.1625 \\
- 0.36 0.16 \\
- 0.37 0.1575 \\
- 0.38 0.155 \\
- 0.39 0.1525 \\
- 0.4 0.15 \\
- 0.41 0.14750000000000002 \\
- 0.42 0.14500000000000002 \\
- 0.43 0.14250000000000002 \\
- 0.44 0.14 \\
- 0.45 0.1375 \\
- 0.46 0.135 \\
- 0.47 0.1325 \\
- 0.48 0.13 \\
- 0.49 0.1275 \\
- 0.5 0.125 \\
- 0.51 0.1225 \\
- 0.52 0.12 \\
- 0.53 0.1175 \\
- 0.54 0.11499999999999999 \\
- 0.55 0.11249999999999999 \\
- 0.56 0.10999999999999999 \\
- 0.57 0.10750000000000001 \\
- 0.58 0.10500000000000001 \\
- 0.59 0.10250000000000001 \\
- 0.6 0.1 \\
- 0.61 0.0975 \\
- 0.62 0.095 \\
- 0.63 0.0925 \\
- 0.64 0.09 \\
- 0.65 0.0875 \\
- 0.66 0.08499999999999999 \\
- 0.67 0.08249999999999999 \\
- 0.68 0.07999999999999999 \\
- 0.69 0.07750000000000001 \\
- 0.7 0.07500000000000001 \\
- 0.71 0.07250000000000001 \\
- 0.72 0.07 \\
- 0.73 0.0675 \\
- 0.74 0.065 \\
- 0.75 0.0625 \\
- 0.76 0.06 \\
- 0.77 0.057499999999999996 \\
- 0.78 0.05499999999999999 \\
- 0.79 0.05249999999999999 \\
- 0.8 0.04999999999999999 \\
- 0.81 0.04749999999999999 \\
- 0.82 0.04500000000000001 \\
- 0.83 0.04250000000000001 \\
- 0.84 0.04000000000000001 \\
- 0.85 0.037500000000000006 \\
- 0.86 0.035 \\
- 0.87 0.0325 \\
- 0.88 0.03 \\
- 0.89 0.027499999999999997 \\
- 0.9 0.024999999999999994 \\
- 0.91 0.022499999999999992 \\
- 0.92 0.01999999999999999 \\
- 0.93 0.017499999999999988 \\
- 0.94 0.015000000000000013 \\
- 0.95 0.012500000000000011 \\
- 0.96 0.010000000000000009 \\
- 0.97 0.007500000000000007 \\
- 0.98 0.0050000000000000044 \\
- 0.99 0.0025000000000000022 \\
- 1.0 0.0 \\
- 1.01 0.0 \\
- 1.02 0.0 \\
- 1.03 0.0 \\
- 1.04 0.0 \\
- 1.05 0.0 \\
- 1.06 0.0 \\
- 1.07 0.0 \\
- 1.08 0.0 \\
- 1.09 0.0 \\
- 1.1 0.0 \\
- 1.11 0.0 \\
- 1.12 0.0 \\
- 1.13 0.0 \\
- 1.14 0.0 \\
- 1.15 0.0 \\
- 1.16 0.0 \\
- 1.17 0.0 \\
- 1.18 0.0 \\
- 1.19 0.0 \\
- 1.2 0.0 \\
- 1.21 0.0 \\
- 1.22 0.0 \\
- 1.23 0.0 \\
- 1.24 0.0 \\
- 1.25 0.0 \\
- 1.26 0.0 \\
- 1.27 0.0 \\
- 1.28 0.0 \\
- 1.29 0.0 \\
- 1.3 0.0 \\
- 1.31 0.0 \\
- 1.32 0.0 \\
- 1.33 0.0 \\
- 1.34 0.0 \\
- 1.35 0.0 \\
- 1.36 0.0 \\
- 1.37 0.0 \\
- 1.38 0.0 \\
- 1.39 0.0 \\
- 1.4 0.0 \\
- 1.41 0.0 \\
- 1.42 0.0 \\
- 1.43 0.0 \\
- 1.44 0.0 \\
- 1.45 0.0 \\
- 1.46 0.0 \\
- 1.47 0.0 \\
- 1.48 0.0 \\
- 1.49 0.0 \\
- 1.5 0.0 \\
- 1.51 0.0 \\
- 1.52 0.0 \\
- 1.53 0.0 \\
- 1.54 0.0 \\
- 1.55 0.0 \\
- 1.56 0.0 \\
- 1.57 0.0 \\
- 1.58 0.0 \\
- 1.59 0.0 \\
- 1.6 0.0 \\
- 1.61 0.0 \\
- 1.62 0.0 \\
- 1.63 0.0 \\
- 1.64 0.0 \\
- 1.65 0.0 \\
- 1.66 0.0 \\
- 1.67 0.0 \\
- 1.68 0.0 \\
- 1.69 0.0 \\
- 1.7 0.0 \\
- 1.71 0.0 \\
- 1.72 0.0 \\
- 1.73 0.0 \\
- 1.74 0.0 \\
- 1.75 0.0 \\
- 1.76 0.0 \\
- 1.77 0.0 \\
- 1.78 0.0 \\
- 1.79 0.0 \\
- 1.8 0.0 \\
- 1.81 0.0 \\
- 1.82 0.0 \\
- 1.83 0.0 \\
- 1.84 0.0 \\
- 1.85 0.0 \\
- 1.86 0.0 \\
- 1.87 0.0 \\
- 1.88 0.0 \\
- 1.89 0.0 \\
- 1.9 0.0 \\
- 1.91 0.0 \\
- 1.92 0.0 \\
- 1.93 0.0 \\
- 1.94 0.0 \\
- 1.95 0.0 \\
- 1.96 0.0 \\
- 1.97 0.0 \\
- 1.98 0.0 \\
- 1.99 0.0 \\
- 2.0 0.0 \\
- 2.01 0.0 \\
- 2.02 0.0 \\
- 2.03 0.0 \\
- 2.04 0.0 \\
- 2.05 0.0 \\
- 2.06 0.0 \\
- 2.07 0.0 \\
- 2.08 0.0 \\
- 2.09 0.0 \\
- 2.1 0.0 \\
- 2.11 0.0 \\
- 2.12 0.0 \\
- 2.13 0.0 \\
- 2.14 0.0 \\
- 2.15 0.0 \\
- 2.16 0.0 \\
- 2.17 0.0 \\
- 2.18 0.0 \\
- 2.19 0.0 \\
- 2.2 0.0 \\
- 2.21 0.0 \\
- 2.22 0.0 \\
- 2.23 0.0 \\
- 2.24 0.0 \\
- 2.25 0.0 \\
- 2.26 0.0 \\
- 2.27 0.0 \\
- 2.28 0.0 \\
- 2.29 0.0 \\
- 2.3 0.0 \\
- 2.31 0.0 \\
- 2.32 0.0 \\
- 2.33 0.0 \\
- 2.34 0.0 \\
- 2.35 0.0 \\
- 2.36 0.0 \\
- 2.37 0.0 \\
- 2.38 0.0 \\
- 2.39 0.0 \\
- 2.4 0.0 \\
- 2.41 0.0 \\
- 2.42 0.0 \\
- 2.43 0.0 \\
- 2.44 0.0 \\
- 2.45 0.0 \\
- 2.46 0.0 \\
- 2.47 0.0 \\
- 2.48 0.0 \\
- 2.49 0.0 \\
- 2.5 0.0 \\
- 2.51 0.0 \\
- 2.52 0.0 \\
- 2.53 0.0 \\
- 2.54 0.0 \\
- 2.55 0.0 \\
- 2.56 0.0 \\
- 2.57 0.0 \\
- 2.58 0.0 \\
- 2.59 0.0 \\
- 2.6 0.0 \\
- 2.61 0.0 \\
- 2.62 0.0 \\
- 2.63 0.0 \\
- 2.64 0.0 \\
- 2.65 0.0 \\
- 2.66 0.0 \\
- 2.67 0.0 \\
- 2.68 0.0 \\
- 2.69 0.0 \\
- 2.7 0.0 \\
- 2.71 0.0 \\
- 2.72 0.0 \\
- 2.73 0.0 \\
- 2.74 0.0 \\
- 2.75 0.0 \\
- 2.76 0.0 \\
- 2.77 0.0 \\
- 2.78 0.0 \\
- 2.79 0.0 \\
- 2.8 0.0 \\
- 2.81 0.0 \\
- 2.82 0.0 \\
- 2.83 0.0 \\
- 2.84 0.0 \\
- 2.85 0.0 \\
- 2.86 0.0 \\
- 2.87 0.0 \\
- 2.88 0.0 \\
- 2.89 0.0 \\
- 2.9 0.0 \\
- 2.91 0.0 \\
- 2.92 0.0 \\
- 2.93 0.0 \\
- 2.94 0.0 \\
- 2.95 0.0 \\
- 2.96 0.0 \\
- 2.97 0.0 \\
- 2.98 0.0 \\
- 2.99 0.0 \\
- 3.0 0.0 \\
- }
- \closedcycle
- ;
- \addlegendentry {$y = 1$}
- \addplot+[fill, fill opacity={0.2}, thick]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- -3.0 0.0 \\
- -2.99 0.0 \\
- -2.98 0.0 \\
- -2.97 0.0 \\
- -2.96 0.0 \\
- -2.95 0.0 \\
- -2.94 0.0 \\
- -2.93 0.0 \\
- -2.92 0.0 \\
- -2.91 0.0 \\
- -2.9 0.0 \\
- -2.89 0.0 \\
- -2.88 0.0 \\
- -2.87 0.0 \\
- -2.86 0.0 \\
- -2.85 0.0 \\
- -2.84 0.0 \\
- -2.83 0.0 \\
- -2.82 0.0 \\
- -2.81 0.0 \\
- -2.8 0.0 \\
- -2.79 0.0 \\
- -2.78 0.0 \\
- -2.77 0.0 \\
- -2.76 0.0 \\
- -2.75 0.0 \\
- -2.74 0.0 \\
- -2.73 0.0 \\
- -2.72 0.0 \\
- -2.71 0.0 \\
- -2.7 0.0 \\
- -2.69 0.0 \\
- -2.68 0.0 \\
- -2.67 0.0 \\
- -2.66 0.0 \\
- -2.65 0.0 \\
- -2.64 0.0 \\
- -2.63 0.0 \\
- -2.62 0.0 \\
- -2.61 0.0 \\
- -2.6 0.0 \\
- -2.59 0.0 \\
- -2.58 0.0 \\
- -2.57 0.0 \\
- -2.56 0.0 \\
- -2.55 0.0 \\
- -2.54 0.0 \\
- -2.53 0.0 \\
- -2.52 0.0 \\
- -2.51 0.0 \\
- -2.5 0.0 \\
- -2.49 0.0 \\
- -2.48 0.0 \\
- -2.47 0.0 \\
- -2.46 0.0 \\
- -2.45 0.0 \\
- -2.44 0.0 \\
- -2.43 0.0 \\
- -2.42 0.0 \\
- -2.41 0.0 \\
- -2.4 0.0 \\
- -2.39 0.0 \\
- -2.38 0.0 \\
- -2.37 0.0 \\
- -2.36 0.0 \\
- -2.35 0.0 \\
- -2.34 0.0 \\
- -2.33 0.0 \\
- -2.32 0.0 \\
- -2.31 0.0 \\
- -2.3 0.0 \\
- -2.29 0.0 \\
- -2.28 0.0 \\
- -2.27 0.0 \\
- -2.26 0.0 \\
- -2.25 0.0 \\
- -2.24 0.0 \\
- -2.23 0.0 \\
- -2.22 0.0 \\
- -2.21 0.0 \\
- -2.2 0.0 \\
- -2.19 0.0 \\
- -2.18 0.0 \\
- -2.17 0.0 \\
- -2.16 0.0 \\
- -2.15 0.0 \\
- -2.14 0.0 \\
- -2.13 0.0 \\
- -2.12 0.0 \\
- -2.11 0.0 \\
- -2.1 0.0 \\
- -2.09 0.0 \\
- -2.08 0.0 \\
- -2.07 0.0 \\
- -2.06 0.0 \\
- -2.05 0.0 \\
- -2.04 0.0 \\
- -2.03 0.0 \\
- -2.02 0.0 \\
- -2.01 0.0 \\
- -2.0 0.0 \\
- -1.99 0.0025000000000000022 \\
- -1.98 0.0050000000000000044 \\
- -1.97 0.007500000000000007 \\
- -1.96 0.010000000000000009 \\
- -1.95 0.012500000000000011 \\
- -1.94 0.015000000000000013 \\
- -1.93 0.017500000000000016 \\
- -1.92 0.020000000000000018 \\
- -1.91 0.02250000000000002 \\
- -1.9 0.025000000000000022 \\
- -1.89 0.027500000000000024 \\
- -1.88 0.030000000000000027 \\
- -1.87 0.03249999999999997 \\
- -1.86 0.034999999999999976 \\
- -1.85 0.03749999999999998 \\
- -1.84 0.03999999999999998 \\
- -1.83 0.04249999999999998 \\
- -1.82 0.044999999999999984 \\
- -1.81 0.04749999999999999 \\
- -1.8 0.04999999999999999 \\
- -1.79 0.05249999999999999 \\
- -1.78 0.05499999999999999 \\
- -1.77 0.057499999999999996 \\
- -1.76 0.06 \\
- -1.75 0.0625 \\
- -1.74 0.065 \\
- -1.73 0.0675 \\
- -1.72 0.07 \\
- -1.71 0.07250000000000001 \\
- -1.7 0.07500000000000001 \\
- -1.69 0.07750000000000001 \\
- -1.68 0.08000000000000002 \\
- -1.67 0.08250000000000002 \\
- -1.66 0.08500000000000002 \\
- -1.65 0.08750000000000002 \\
- -1.64 0.09000000000000002 \\
- -1.63 0.09250000000000003 \\
- -1.62 0.09499999999999997 \\
- -1.61 0.09749999999999998 \\
- -1.6 0.09999999999999998 \\
- -1.59 0.10249999999999998 \\
- -1.58 0.10499999999999998 \\
- -1.57 0.10749999999999998 \\
- -1.56 0.10999999999999999 \\
- -1.55 0.11249999999999999 \\
- -1.54 0.11499999999999999 \\
- -1.53 0.1175 \\
- -1.52 0.12 \\
- -1.51 0.1225 \\
- -1.5 0.125 \\
- -1.49 0.1275 \\
- -1.48 0.13 \\
- -1.47 0.1325 \\
- -1.46 0.135 \\
- -1.45 0.1375 \\
- -1.44 0.14 \\
- -1.43 0.14250000000000002 \\
- -1.42 0.14500000000000002 \\
- -1.41 0.14750000000000002 \\
- -1.4 0.15000000000000002 \\
- -1.39 0.15250000000000002 \\
- -1.38 0.15500000000000003 \\
- -1.37 0.15749999999999997 \\
- -1.36 0.15999999999999998 \\
- -1.35 0.16249999999999998 \\
- -1.34 0.16499999999999998 \\
- -1.33 0.16749999999999998 \\
- -1.32 0.16999999999999998 \\
- -1.31 0.1725 \\
- -1.3 0.175 \\
- -1.29 0.1775 \\
- -1.28 0.18 \\
- -1.27 0.1825 \\
- -1.26 0.185 \\
- -1.25 0.1875 \\
- -1.24 0.19 \\
- -1.23 0.1925 \\
- -1.22 0.195 \\
- -1.21 0.1975 \\
- -1.2 0.2 \\
- -1.19 0.2025 \\
- -1.18 0.20500000000000002 \\
- -1.17 0.20750000000000002 \\
- -1.16 0.21000000000000002 \\
- -1.15 0.21250000000000002 \\
- -1.14 0.21500000000000002 \\
- -1.13 0.21750000000000003 \\
- -1.12 0.21999999999999997 \\
- -1.11 0.22249999999999998 \\
- -1.1 0.22499999999999998 \\
- -1.09 0.22749999999999998 \\
- -1.08 0.22999999999999998 \\
- -1.07 0.23249999999999998 \\
- -1.06 0.235 \\
- -1.05 0.2375 \\
- -1.04 0.24 \\
- -1.03 0.2425 \\
- -1.02 0.245 \\
- -1.01 0.2475 \\
- -1.0 0.25 \\
- -0.99 0.2525 \\
- -0.98 0.255 \\
- -0.97 0.2575 \\
- -0.96 0.26 \\
- -0.95 0.2625 \\
- -0.94 0.265 \\
- -0.93 0.26749999999999996 \\
- -0.92 0.27 \\
- -0.91 0.27249999999999996 \\
- -0.9 0.275 \\
- -0.89 0.27749999999999997 \\
- -0.88 0.28 \\
- -0.87 0.2825 \\
- -0.86 0.28500000000000003 \\
- -0.85 0.2875 \\
- -0.84 0.29000000000000004 \\
- -0.83 0.2925 \\
- -0.82 0.29500000000000004 \\
- -0.81 0.2975 \\
- -0.8 0.3 \\
- -0.79 0.3025 \\
- -0.78 0.305 \\
- -0.77 0.3075 \\
- -0.76 0.31 \\
- -0.75 0.3125 \\
- -0.74 0.315 \\
- -0.73 0.3175 \\
- -0.72 0.32 \\
- -0.71 0.3225 \\
- -0.7 0.325 \\
- -0.69 0.3275 \\
- -0.68 0.32999999999999996 \\
- -0.67 0.3325 \\
- -0.66 0.33499999999999996 \\
- -0.65 0.3375 \\
- -0.64 0.33999999999999997 \\
- -0.63 0.3425 \\
- -0.62 0.345 \\
- -0.61 0.34750000000000003 \\
- -0.6 0.35 \\
- -0.59 0.35250000000000004 \\
- -0.58 0.355 \\
- -0.57 0.35750000000000004 \\
- -0.56 0.36 \\
- -0.55 0.3625 \\
- -0.54 0.365 \\
- -0.53 0.3675 \\
- -0.52 0.37 \\
- -0.51 0.3725 \\
- -0.5 0.375 \\
- -0.49 0.3775 \\
- -0.48 0.38 \\
- -0.47 0.3825 \\
- -0.46 0.385 \\
- -0.45 0.3875 \\
- -0.44 0.39 \\
- -0.43 0.3925 \\
- -0.42 0.395 \\
- -0.41 0.3975 \\
- -0.4 0.4 \\
- -0.39 0.40249999999999997 \\
- -0.38 0.405 \\
- -0.37 0.4075 \\
- -0.36 0.41000000000000003 \\
- -0.35 0.4125 \\
- -0.34 0.415 \\
- -0.33 0.4175 \\
- -0.32 0.42 \\
- -0.31 0.4225 \\
- -0.3 0.425 \\
- -0.29 0.4275 \\
- -0.28 0.43 \\
- -0.27 0.4325 \\
- -0.26 0.435 \\
- -0.25 0.4375 \\
- -0.24 0.44 \\
- -0.23 0.4425 \\
- -0.22 0.445 \\
- -0.21 0.4475 \\
- -0.2 0.45 \\
- -0.19 0.4525 \\
- -0.18 0.455 \\
- -0.17 0.4575 \\
- -0.16 0.46 \\
- -0.15 0.4625 \\
- -0.14 0.46499999999999997 \\
- -0.13 0.4675 \\
- -0.12 0.47 \\
- -0.11 0.4725 \\
- -0.1 0.475 \\
- -0.09 0.4775 \\
- -0.08 0.48 \\
- -0.07 0.4825 \\
- -0.06 0.485 \\
- -0.05 0.4875 \\
- -0.04 0.49 \\
- -0.03 0.4925 \\
- -0.02 0.495 \\
- -0.01 0.4975 \\
- 0.0 0.5 \\
- 0.01 0.4975 \\
- 0.02 0.495 \\
- 0.03 0.4925 \\
- 0.04 0.49 \\
- 0.05 0.4875 \\
- 0.06 0.485 \\
- 0.07 0.4825 \\
- 0.08 0.48 \\
- 0.09 0.4775 \\
- 0.1 0.475 \\
- 0.11 0.4725 \\
- 0.12 0.47 \\
- 0.13 0.4675 \\
- 0.14 0.46499999999999997 \\
- 0.15 0.4625 \\
- 0.16 0.46 \\
- 0.17 0.4575 \\
- 0.18 0.455 \\
- 0.19 0.4525 \\
- 0.2 0.45 \\
- 0.21 0.4475 \\
- 0.22 0.445 \\
- 0.23 0.4425 \\
- 0.24 0.44 \\
- 0.25 0.4375 \\
- 0.26 0.435 \\
- 0.27 0.4325 \\
- 0.28 0.43 \\
- 0.29 0.4275 \\
- 0.3 0.425 \\
- 0.31 0.4225 \\
- 0.32 0.42 \\
- 0.33 0.4175 \\
- 0.34 0.415 \\
- 0.35 0.4125 \\
- 0.36 0.41000000000000003 \\
- 0.37 0.4075 \\
- 0.38 0.405 \\
- 0.39 0.40249999999999997 \\
- 0.4 0.4 \\
- 0.41 0.3975 \\
- 0.42 0.395 \\
- 0.43 0.3925 \\
- 0.44 0.39 \\
- 0.45 0.3875 \\
- 0.46 0.385 \\
- 0.47 0.3825 \\
- 0.48 0.38 \\
- 0.49 0.3775 \\
- 0.5 0.375 \\
- 0.51 0.3725 \\
- 0.52 0.37 \\
- 0.53 0.3675 \\
- 0.54 0.365 \\
- 0.55 0.3625 \\
- 0.56 0.36 \\
- 0.57 0.35750000000000004 \\
- 0.58 0.355 \\
- 0.59 0.35250000000000004 \\
- 0.6 0.35 \\
- 0.61 0.34750000000000003 \\
- 0.62 0.345 \\
- 0.63 0.3425 \\
- 0.64 0.33999999999999997 \\
- 0.65 0.3375 \\
- 0.66 0.33499999999999996 \\
- 0.67 0.3325 \\
- 0.68 0.32999999999999996 \\
- 0.69 0.3275 \\
- 0.7 0.325 \\
- 0.71 0.3225 \\
- 0.72 0.32 \\
- 0.73 0.3175 \\
- 0.74 0.315 \\
- 0.75 0.3125 \\
- 0.76 0.31 \\
- 0.77 0.3075 \\
- 0.78 0.305 \\
- 0.79 0.3025 \\
- 0.8 0.3 \\
- 0.81 0.2975 \\
- 0.82 0.29500000000000004 \\
- 0.83 0.2925 \\
- 0.84 0.29000000000000004 \\
- 0.85 0.2875 \\
- 0.86 0.28500000000000003 \\
- 0.87 0.2825 \\
- 0.88 0.28 \\
- 0.89 0.27749999999999997 \\
- 0.9 0.275 \\
- 0.91 0.27249999999999996 \\
- 0.92 0.27 \\
- 0.93 0.26749999999999996 \\
- 0.94 0.265 \\
- 0.95 0.2625 \\
- 0.96 0.26 \\
- 0.97 0.2575 \\
- 0.98 0.255 \\
- 0.99 0.2525 \\
- 1.0 0.25 \\
- 1.01 0.2475 \\
- 1.02 0.245 \\
- 1.03 0.2425 \\
- 1.04 0.24 \\
- 1.05 0.2375 \\
- 1.06 0.235 \\
- 1.07 0.23249999999999998 \\
- 1.08 0.22999999999999998 \\
- 1.09 0.22749999999999998 \\
- 1.1 0.22499999999999998 \\
- 1.11 0.22249999999999998 \\
- 1.12 0.21999999999999997 \\
- 1.13 0.21750000000000003 \\
- 1.14 0.21500000000000002 \\
- 1.15 0.21250000000000002 \\
- 1.16 0.21000000000000002 \\
- 1.17 0.20750000000000002 \\
- 1.18 0.20500000000000002 \\
- 1.19 0.2025 \\
- 1.2 0.2 \\
- 1.21 0.1975 \\
- 1.22 0.195 \\
- 1.23 0.1925 \\
- 1.24 0.19 \\
- 1.25 0.1875 \\
- 1.26 0.185 \\
- 1.27 0.1825 \\
- 1.28 0.18 \\
- 1.29 0.1775 \\
- 1.3 0.175 \\
- 1.31 0.1725 \\
- 1.32 0.16999999999999998 \\
- 1.33 0.16749999999999998 \\
- 1.34 0.16499999999999998 \\
- 1.35 0.16249999999999998 \\
- 1.36 0.15999999999999998 \\
- 1.37 0.15749999999999997 \\
- 1.38 0.15500000000000003 \\
- 1.39 0.15250000000000002 \\
- 1.4 0.15000000000000002 \\
- 1.41 0.14750000000000002 \\
- 1.42 0.14500000000000002 \\
- 1.43 0.14250000000000002 \\
- 1.44 0.14 \\
- 1.45 0.1375 \\
- 1.46 0.135 \\
- 1.47 0.1325 \\
- 1.48 0.13 \\
- 1.49 0.1275 \\
- 1.5 0.125 \\
- 1.51 0.1225 \\
- 1.52 0.12 \\
- 1.53 0.1175 \\
- 1.54 0.11499999999999999 \\
- 1.55 0.11249999999999999 \\
- 1.56 0.10999999999999999 \\
- 1.57 0.10749999999999998 \\
- 1.58 0.10499999999999998 \\
- 1.59 0.10249999999999998 \\
- 1.6 0.09999999999999998 \\
- 1.61 0.09749999999999998 \\
- 1.62 0.09499999999999997 \\
- 1.63 0.09250000000000003 \\
- 1.64 0.09000000000000002 \\
- 1.65 0.08750000000000002 \\
- 1.66 0.08500000000000002 \\
- 1.67 0.08250000000000002 \\
- 1.68 0.08000000000000002 \\
- 1.69 0.07750000000000001 \\
- 1.7 0.07500000000000001 \\
- 1.71 0.07250000000000001 \\
- 1.72 0.07 \\
- 1.73 0.0675 \\
- 1.74 0.065 \\
- 1.75 0.0625 \\
- 1.76 0.06 \\
- 1.77 0.057499999999999996 \\
- 1.78 0.05499999999999999 \\
- 1.79 0.05249999999999999 \\
- 1.8 0.04999999999999999 \\
- 1.81 0.04749999999999999 \\
- 1.82 0.044999999999999984 \\
- 1.83 0.04249999999999998 \\
- 1.84 0.03999999999999998 \\
- 1.85 0.03749999999999998 \\
- 1.86 0.034999999999999976 \\
- 1.87 0.03249999999999997 \\
- 1.88 0.030000000000000027 \\
- 1.89 0.027500000000000024 \\
- 1.9 0.025000000000000022 \\
- 1.91 0.02250000000000002 \\
- 1.92 0.020000000000000018 \\
- 1.93 0.017500000000000016 \\
- 1.94 0.015000000000000013 \\
- 1.95 0.012500000000000011 \\
- 1.96 0.010000000000000009 \\
- 1.97 0.007500000000000007 \\
- 1.98 0.0050000000000000044 \\
- 1.99 0.0025000000000000022 \\
- 2.0 0.0 \\
- 2.01 0.0 \\
- 2.02 0.0 \\
- 2.03 0.0 \\
- 2.04 0.0 \\
- 2.05 0.0 \\
- 2.06 0.0 \\
- 2.07 0.0 \\
- 2.08 0.0 \\
- 2.09 0.0 \\
- 2.1 0.0 \\
- 2.11 0.0 \\
- 2.12 0.0 \\
- 2.13 0.0 \\
- 2.14 0.0 \\
- 2.15 0.0 \\
- 2.16 0.0 \\
- 2.17 0.0 \\
- 2.18 0.0 \\
- 2.19 0.0 \\
- 2.2 0.0 \\
- 2.21 0.0 \\
- 2.22 0.0 \\
- 2.23 0.0 \\
- 2.24 0.0 \\
- 2.25 0.0 \\
- 2.26 0.0 \\
- 2.27 0.0 \\
- 2.28 0.0 \\
- 2.29 0.0 \\
- 2.3 0.0 \\
- 2.31 0.0 \\
- 2.32 0.0 \\
- 2.33 0.0 \\
- 2.34 0.0 \\
- 2.35 0.0 \\
- 2.36 0.0 \\
- 2.37 0.0 \\
- 2.38 0.0 \\
- 2.39 0.0 \\
- 2.4 0.0 \\
- 2.41 0.0 \\
- 2.42 0.0 \\
- 2.43 0.0 \\
- 2.44 0.0 \\
- 2.45 0.0 \\
- 2.46 0.0 \\
- 2.47 0.0 \\
- 2.48 0.0 \\
- 2.49 0.0 \\
- 2.5 0.0 \\
- 2.51 0.0 \\
- 2.52 0.0 \\
- 2.53 0.0 \\
- 2.54 0.0 \\
- 2.55 0.0 \\
- 2.56 0.0 \\
- 2.57 0.0 \\
- 2.58 0.0 \\
- 2.59 0.0 \\
- 2.6 0.0 \\
- 2.61 0.0 \\
- 2.62 0.0 \\
- 2.63 0.0 \\
- 2.64 0.0 \\
- 2.65 0.0 \\
- 2.66 0.0 \\
- 2.67 0.0 \\
- 2.68 0.0 \\
- 2.69 0.0 \\
- 2.7 0.0 \\
- 2.71 0.0 \\
- 2.72 0.0 \\
- 2.73 0.0 \\
- 2.74 0.0 \\
- 2.75 0.0 \\
- 2.76 0.0 \\
- 2.77 0.0 \\
- 2.78 0.0 \\
- 2.79 0.0 \\
- 2.8 0.0 \\
- 2.81 0.0 \\
- 2.82 0.0 \\
- 2.83 0.0 \\
- 2.84 0.0 \\
- 2.85 0.0 \\
- 2.86 0.0 \\
- 2.87 0.0 \\
- 2.88 0.0 \\
- 2.89 0.0 \\
- 2.9 0.0 \\
- 2.91 0.0 \\
- 2.92 0.0 \\
- 2.93 0.0 \\
- 2.94 0.0 \\
- 2.95 0.0 \\
- 2.96 0.0 \\
- 2.97 0.0 \\
- 2.98 0.0 \\
- 2.99 0.0 \\
- 3.0 0.0 \\
- }
- \closedcycle
- ;
- \addlegendentry {$y = 2$}
- \addplot+[fill, fill opacity={0.2}, thick]
- table[row sep={\\}]
- {
- \\
- -3.0 0.0 \\
- -2.99 0.0 \\
- -2.98 0.0 \\
- -2.97 0.0 \\
- -2.96 0.0 \\
- -2.95 0.0 \\
- -2.94 0.0 \\
- -2.93 0.0 \\
- -2.92 0.0 \\
- -2.91 0.0 \\
- -2.9 0.0 \\
- -2.89 0.0 \\
- -2.88 0.0 \\
- -2.87 0.0 \\
- -2.86 0.0 \\
- -2.85 0.0 \\
- -2.84 0.0 \\
- -2.83 0.0 \\
- -2.82 0.0 \\
- -2.81 0.0 \\
- -2.8 0.0 \\
- -2.79 0.0 \\
- -2.78 0.0 \\
- -2.77 0.0 \\
- -2.76 0.0 \\
- -2.75 0.0 \\
- -2.74 0.0 \\
- -2.73 0.0 \\
- -2.72 0.0 \\
- -2.71 0.0 \\
- -2.7 0.0 \\
- -2.69 0.0 \\
- -2.68 0.0 \\
- -2.67 0.0 \\
- -2.66 0.0 \\
- -2.65 0.0 \\
- -2.64 0.0 \\
- -2.63 0.0 \\
- -2.62 0.0 \\
- -2.61 0.0 \\
- -2.6 0.0 \\
- -2.59 0.0 \\
- -2.58 0.0 \\
- -2.57 0.0 \\
- -2.56 0.0 \\
- -2.55 0.0 \\
- -2.54 0.0 \\
- -2.53 0.0 \\
- -2.52 0.0 \\
- -2.51 0.0 \\
- -2.5 0.0 \\
- -2.49 0.0 \\
- -2.48 0.0 \\
- -2.47 0.0 \\
- -2.46 0.0 \\
- -2.45 0.0 \\
- -2.44 0.0 \\
- -2.43 0.0 \\
- -2.42 0.0 \\
- -2.41 0.0 \\
- -2.4 0.0 \\
- -2.39 0.0 \\
- -2.38 0.0 \\
- -2.37 0.0 \\
- -2.36 0.0 \\
- -2.35 0.0 \\
- -2.34 0.0 \\
- -2.33 0.0 \\
- -2.32 0.0 \\
- -2.31 0.0 \\
- -2.3 0.0 \\
- -2.29 0.0 \\
- -2.28 0.0 \\
- -2.27 0.0 \\
- -2.26 0.0 \\
- -2.25 0.0 \\
- -2.24 0.0 \\
- -2.23 0.0 \\
- -2.22 0.0 \\
- -2.21 0.0 \\
- -2.2 0.0 \\
- -2.19 0.0 \\
- -2.18 0.0 \\
- -2.17 0.0 \\
- -2.16 0.0 \\
- -2.15 0.0 \\
- -2.14 0.0 \\
- -2.13 0.0 \\
- -2.12 0.0 \\
- -2.11 0.0 \\
- -2.1 0.0 \\
- -2.09 0.0 \\
- -2.08 0.0 \\
- -2.07 0.0 \\
- -2.06 0.0 \\
- -2.05 0.0 \\
- -2.04 0.0 \\
- -2.03 0.0 \\
- -2.02 0.0 \\
- -2.01 0.0 \\
- -2.0 0.0 \\
- -1.99 0.0 \\
- -1.98 0.0 \\
- -1.97 0.0 \\
- -1.96 0.0 \\
- -1.95 0.0 \\
- -1.94 0.0 \\
- -1.93 0.0 \\
- -1.92 0.0 \\
- -1.91 0.0 \\
- -1.9 0.0 \\
- -1.89 0.0 \\
- -1.88 0.0 \\
- -1.87 0.0 \\
- -1.86 0.0 \\
- -1.85 0.0 \\
- -1.84 0.0 \\
- -1.83 0.0 \\
- -1.82 0.0 \\
- -1.81 0.0 \\
- -1.8 0.0 \\
- -1.79 0.0 \\
- -1.78 0.0 \\
- -1.77 0.0 \\
- -1.76 0.0 \\
- -1.75 0.0 \\
- -1.74 0.0 \\
- -1.73 0.0 \\
- -1.72 0.0 \\
- -1.71 0.0 \\
- -1.7 0.0 \\
- -1.69 0.0 \\
- -1.68 0.0 \\
- -1.67 0.0 \\
- -1.66 0.0 \\
- -1.65 0.0 \\
- -1.64 0.0 \\
- -1.63 0.0 \\
- -1.62 0.0 \\
- -1.61 0.0 \\
- -1.6 0.0 \\
- -1.59 0.0 \\
- -1.58 0.0 \\
- -1.57 0.0 \\
- -1.56 0.0 \\
- -1.55 0.0 \\
- -1.54 0.0 \\
- -1.53 0.0 \\
- -1.52 0.0 \\
- -1.51 0.0 \\
- -1.5 0.0 \\
- -1.49 0.0 \\
- -1.48 0.0 \\
- -1.47 0.0 \\
- -1.46 0.0 \\
- -1.45 0.0 \\
- -1.44 0.0 \\
- -1.43 0.0 \\
- -1.42 0.0 \\
- -1.41 0.0 \\
- -1.4 0.0 \\
- -1.39 0.0 \\
- -1.38 0.0 \\
- -1.37 0.0 \\
- -1.36 0.0 \\
- -1.35 0.0 \\
- -1.34 0.0 \\
- -1.33 0.0 \\
- -1.32 0.0 \\
- -1.31 0.0 \\
- -1.3 0.0 \\
- -1.29 0.0 \\
- -1.28 0.0 \\
- -1.27 0.0 \\
- -1.26 0.0 \\
- -1.25 0.0 \\
- -1.24 0.0 \\
- -1.23 0.0 \\
- -1.22 0.0 \\
- -1.21 0.0 \\
- -1.2 0.0 \\
- -1.19 0.0 \\
- -1.18 0.0 \\
- -1.17 0.0 \\
- -1.16 0.0 \\
- -1.15 0.0 \\
- -1.14 0.0 \\
- -1.13 0.0 \\
- -1.12 0.0 \\
- -1.11 0.0 \\
- -1.1 0.0 \\
- -1.09 0.0 \\
- -1.08 0.0 \\
- -1.07 0.0 \\
- -1.06 0.0 \\
- -1.05 0.0 \\
- -1.04 0.0 \\
- -1.03 0.0 \\
- -1.02 0.0 \\
- -1.01 0.0 \\
- -1.0 0.0 \\
- -0.99 0.0025000000000000022 \\
- -0.98 0.0050000000000000044 \\
- -0.97 0.007500000000000007 \\
- -0.96 0.010000000000000009 \\
- -0.95 0.012500000000000011 \\
- -0.94 0.015000000000000013 \\
- -0.93 0.017499999999999988 \\
- -0.92 0.01999999999999999 \\
- -0.91 0.022499999999999992 \\
- -0.9 0.024999999999999994 \\
- -0.89 0.027499999999999997 \\
- -0.88 0.03 \\
- -0.87 0.0325 \\
- -0.86 0.035 \\
- -0.85 0.037500000000000006 \\
- -0.84 0.04000000000000001 \\
- -0.83 0.04250000000000001 \\
- -0.82 0.04500000000000001 \\
- -0.81 0.04749999999999999 \\
- -0.8 0.04999999999999999 \\
- -0.79 0.05249999999999999 \\
- -0.78 0.05499999999999999 \\
- -0.77 0.057499999999999996 \\
- -0.76 0.06 \\
- -0.75 0.0625 \\
- -0.74 0.065 \\
- -0.73 0.0675 \\
- -0.72 0.07 \\
- -0.71 0.07250000000000001 \\
- -0.7 0.07500000000000001 \\
- -0.69 0.07750000000000001 \\
- -0.68 0.07999999999999999 \\
- -0.67 0.08249999999999999 \\
- -0.66 0.08499999999999999 \\
- -0.65 0.0875 \\
- -0.64 0.09 \\
- -0.63 0.0925 \\
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- 1.43 0.3925 \\
- 1.44 0.39 \\
- 1.45 0.3875 \\
- 1.46 0.385 \\
- 1.47 0.3825 \\
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- 1.52 0.37 \\
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- 1.66 0.335 \\
- 1.67 0.3325 \\
- 1.68 0.33 \\
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- 1.7 0.325 \\
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- 1.72 0.32 \\
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- 1.74 0.315 \\
- 1.75 0.3125 \\
- 1.76 0.31 \\
- 1.77 0.3075 \\
- 1.78 0.305 \\
- 1.79 0.3025 \\
- 1.8 0.3 \\
- 1.81 0.2975 \\
- 1.82 0.295 \\
- 1.83 0.2925 \\
- 1.84 0.29 \\
- 1.85 0.2875 \\
- 1.86 0.285 \\
- 1.87 0.2825 \\
- 1.88 0.28 \\
- 1.89 0.2775 \\
- 1.9 0.275 \\
- 1.91 0.2725 \\
- 1.92 0.27 \\
- 1.93 0.2675 \\
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- 1.95 0.2625 \\
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- 2.17 0.20750000000000002 \\
- 2.18 0.20499999999999996 \\
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- 2.2 0.19999999999999996 \\
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- 2.27 0.1825 \\
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- 2.3 0.17500000000000004 \\
- 2.31 0.1725 \\
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- 2.34 0.16500000000000004 \\
- 2.35 0.16249999999999998 \\
- 2.36 0.16000000000000003 \\
- 2.37 0.15749999999999997 \\
- 2.38 0.15500000000000003 \\
- 2.39 0.15249999999999997 \\
- 2.4 0.15000000000000002 \\
- 2.41 0.14749999999999996 \\
- 2.42 0.14500000000000002 \\
- 2.43 0.14249999999999996 \\
- 2.44 0.14 \\
- 2.45 0.13749999999999996 \\
- 2.46 0.135 \\
- 2.47 0.13249999999999995 \\
- 2.48 0.13 \\
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- 2.5 0.125 \\
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- 2.52 0.12 \\
- 2.53 0.11750000000000005 \\
- 2.54 0.11499999999999999 \\
- 2.55 0.11250000000000004 \\
- 2.56 0.10999999999999999 \\
- 2.57 0.10750000000000004 \\
- 2.58 0.10499999999999998 \\
- 2.59 0.10250000000000004 \\
- 2.6 0.09999999999999998 \\
- 2.61 0.09750000000000003 \\
- 2.62 0.09499999999999997 \\
- 2.63 0.09250000000000003 \\
- 2.64 0.08999999999999997 \\
- 2.65 0.08750000000000002 \\
- 2.66 0.08499999999999996 \\
- 2.67 0.08250000000000002 \\
- 2.68 0.07999999999999996 \\
- 2.69 0.07750000000000001 \\
- 2.7 0.07499999999999996 \\
- 2.71 0.07250000000000001 \\
- 2.72 0.06999999999999995 \\
- 2.73 0.0675 \\
- 2.74 0.06499999999999995 \\
- 2.75 0.0625 \\
- 2.76 0.06000000000000005 \\
- 2.77 0.057499999999999996 \\
- 2.78 0.05500000000000005 \\
- 2.79 0.05249999999999999 \\
- 2.8 0.050000000000000044 \\
- 2.81 0.04749999999999999 \\
- 2.82 0.04500000000000004 \\
- 2.83 0.04249999999999998 \\
- 2.84 0.040000000000000036 \\
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- 2.92 0.020000000000000018 \\
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- 2.94 0.015000000000000013 \\
- 2.95 0.012499999999999956 \\
- 2.96 0.010000000000000009 \\
- 2.97 0.007499999999999951 \\
- 2.98 0.0050000000000000044 \\
- 2.99 0.0024999999999999467 \\
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-\title{Calibration tests in multi-class classification:\\A unifying framework}
-\author{David Widmann$^*$ Fredrik Lindsten$^\dagger$ Dave Zachariah$^*$}
-\def\institute{$^*$Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University\\ $^\ddagger$Division of Statistics and Machine Learning, Linköping University}
-\def\contact{david.widmann@it.uu.se fredrik.lindsten@liu.se dave.zachariah@it.uu.se}
+\title{Calibration tests in multi-class classification:\\ A unifying framework}
+\author{David Widmann$^\star$ Fredrik Lindsten$^\ddagger$ Dave Zachariah$^\star$}
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+ \posterbox[adjusted title={Motivation - what is a calibrated model?}, colback=blondsvag]{name=calibration,column=3,span=4,below=title}{
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=blondstark]
+ \begin{center}
+ A \hl{calibrated model} yields predictions consistent with empirically observed frequencies.
+ \end{center}
+ \end{tcolorbox}
- \posterbox[adjusted title=Summary of our work]{name=summary,column=1,below=title}{
- \begin{itemize}
- \item We propose a \hl{unifying framework} for quantifying calibration error of probabilistic classifiers that encompasses several existing error measures.
- \item We introduce a new \hl{kernel calibration error} (KCE), for which we derive \hl{unbiased and consistent estimators}.
- \item We show how the transfer of calibration error estimates to \hl{probabilities of false rejection} makes them interpretable and statistically commensurable.
- \item We provide \hl{Julia packages} for calibration estimation.
- \end{itemize}
- }
+ \tcbsubtitle{Collision detection system}
- \posterbox[adjusted title=General setup]{name=setup,column=1,below=summary}{
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Let $X$ be random inputs (features) of $m$ classes $1,\ldots,m$, denoted by $Y$.
- \item Consider a \hl{probabilistic model} $g$ that predicts a probability distribution of classes $g(X) \in \Delta^{m}$ for input $X$, where $\Delta^m \coloneqq \{z \in \mathbb{R}^m_{\geq 0} : \|z\|_1 = 1\}$ denotes the $(m-1)$-dimensional probability simplex.
- \item Ideally $g$ predicts $g_y(X) = \Prob[Y = y \,|\,X]$ for all classes $y$.
- \end{itemize}
- }
+ Consider a model that predicts if there is an object, a human, or an animal ahead of a car.
- \posterbox[adjusted title={Calibration}]{name=calibration,column=1,below=setup}{
- Although in practice the model will never be ideal but at most close to it, we can strive to satisfy other desirable statistical properties such as \hl{calibration}.
- \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=blondsvag, halign=center]
- Informally, in the long run every prediction should match the relative frequencies of the observed classes.
- \end{tcolorbox}
- \vspace{-\topsep}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Mathematically, a model \(g\) is calibrated if
+ \begin{minipage}[c]{0.6\linewidth}
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[draw, inner sep=2mm] (image) at (0, 0) {\includesvg[height=8mm]{car}};
+ \node[above=2mm of image, anchor=base, font=\scriptsize] {Input $X$};
+ \node[draw, fill=gronskasvag, right=0.75cm of image, inner sep=2mm] (model)
+ {\includesvg[height=8mm]{gear}};
+ \node[above=2mm of model, anchor=base, font=\scriptsize] {Model $g$};
+ \draw [->] (image) -- (model);
+ \node[draw, right=0.75cm of model, minimum height=1.2cm, font=\scriptsize, align=center] (prediction)
+ {\begin{tabular}{@{}ccc@{}}
+ \includesvg[width=6mm]{barrier} & \includesvg[width=6mm]{pedestrian} & \includesvg[width=6mm]{bear} \\
+ 80\% & 0\% & 20\% \\
+ \end{tabular}};
+ \node[above=2mm of prediction, anchor=base, font=\scriptsize] {Prediction $g(X) \in \Delta^m$};
+ \draw [->] (model) -- (prediction);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \begin{minipage}[c]{0.4\linewidth}
+ We use $m$ for the number of classes, and
+ $\Delta^m \coloneqq \{ z \in [0,1]^m \colon \|z\|_1 = 1\}$ for the
+ $(m-1)$-dimensional probability simplex.
+ \end{minipage}\vspace*{\baselineskip}
+ If the model is calibrated we know that for all inputs with this
+ prediction there is an object ahead 80\% of the time, a human 0\%
+ of the time, and an animal 20\% of the time.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[minimum height=1.2cm, inner sep=2mm] (image) at (0, 0)
+ {\begin{tabular}{@{}ccc@{}}
+ \includesvg[height=3mm]{car0} & \includesvg[height=3mm]{car1} & \includesvg[height=3mm]{car2} \\
+ \includesvg[height=3mm]{car3} & \includesvg[height=3mm]{car4} & $\cdots$ \\
+ \end{tabular}};
+ \node[draw, fill=gronskasvag, right=0.75cm of image, inner sep=2mm] (model)
+ {\includesvg[height=8mm]{gear}};
+ \draw [->] (image) -- (model);
+ \node[draw, right=0.75cm of model, minimum height=1.2cm, font=\scriptsize, align=center] (prediction)
+ {\begin{tabular}{@{}ccc@{}}
+ \includesvg[width=6mm]{barrier} & \includesvg[width=6mm]{pedestrian} & \includesvg[width=6mm]{bear} \\
+ 80\% & 0\% & 20\% \\
+ \end{tabular}};
+ \draw [->] (model) -- (prediction);
+ \node[right=1cm of prediction] (empirical)
+ {\begin{tabular}{@{}cccccc@{}} \toprule
+ \multicolumn{4}{c}{\includesvg[width=3mm]{barrier}} & \includesvg[width=3mm]{pedestrian} & \includesvg[width=3mm]{bear} \\ \midrule
+ \includesvg[height=3mm]{car0} & \includesvg[height=3mm]{car2} & \includesvg[height=3mm]{car3} & \includesvg[height=3mm]{car4} & & \includesvg[height=3mm]{car1} \\
+ $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & & $\vdots$ \\ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}};
+ \node[above=2mm of empirical, anchor=base, font=\scriptsize] (A) {Empirical frequency $r(g(X)) \in \Delta^m$};
+ \node[font=\scriptsize] at (prediction |- A) {Prediction $g(X) \in \Delta^m$};
+ \path (prediction) -- node [font=\boldmath\Huge, color=uured, align=center, midway] {$=$} (empirical);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{center}
+ \posterbox[adjusted title={Quantifying calibration - a unifying framework}, colback=gryningmellan]{name=error,column=1,span=3,between=calibration and footline}{
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=blondstark]
+ We define the \hl{calibration error}~($\measure$) of model $g$ with respect to a class $\mathcal{F}$ of functions $f \colon \Delta^m \to \mathbb{R}^m$ as
- g_y(X) = \Prob[Y = y \,|\, g(X)] \quad \text{almost surely for all classes } y,
+ \measure[\mathcal{F}, g] \coloneqq \sup_{f \in \mathcal{F}} \Expect\left[\transpose{(r(g(X)) - g(X))} f(g(X)) \right].
- or equivalently if
- \begin{equation}\label{eq:calibration}
- g(X) = r(g(X)) \coloneqq (\mathbb{P}[Y = 1 \,|\, g(X)], \ldots, \mathbb{P}[Y = m \,|\, g(X)]) \quad \text{almost surely}.
- \end{equation}
+ \end{tcolorbox}
- \item There are many calibrated models \parencite{vaicenavicius19_evaluat}, so there is hope to find one.
- \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=blondsvag]
- Consider three equally likely classes with triangular distributions of inputs:
- \begin{center}
- \pgfplotsset{width=0.25\textwidth,height=0.1\textwidth}
- \input{figures/triangular_pdf_x_y.tex}
- \end{center}
- The following models are all calibrated but only the first one is ideal:
- \begin{center}
- \pgfplotsset{width=0.25\linewidth,height=0.1\textwidth,ytick={0,0.5,1}}
- \input{figures/triangular_models.tex}
- \end{center}
- \end{tcolorbox}
- \end{itemize}
- }
+ By design, if model $g$ is calibrated then the $\measure$ is zero, regardless of $\mathcal{F}$.
- \posterbox[adjusted title={Calibration error}]{name=error,column=1,below=calibration}{
- We propose the following general measure of miscalibration which arises naturally from the definition of calibration in \cref{eq:calibration}.
+ \tcbsubtitle{Kernel calibration error}
- \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=sandstark]
- The \hl{calibration error}~($\measure$) of model $g$ w.r.t.\ a class $\mathcal{F}$ of functions $f \colon \Delta^m \to \mathbb{R}^m$ is
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=blondstark]
+ We define the \hl{kernel calibration error} ($\kernelmeasure$)
+ of model $g$ with respect to a matrix-valued kernel
+ $k \colon \Delta^m \times \Delta^m \to \mathbb{R}^{m \times m}$ as
- \measure[\mathcal{F}, g] \coloneqq \sup_{f \in \mathcal{F}} \Expect\left[{(r(g(X)) - g(X))}^\intercal f(g(X)) \right].
+ \kernelmeasure[k, g] \coloneqq \measure[\mathcal{F}, g],
+ where $\mathcal{F}$ is the unit ball in the reproducing kernel
+ Hilbert space corresponding to $k$.
- \vspace{-\topsep}
+ If $k$ is a universal kernel, then the $\kernelmeasure$ is zero if
+ and only if model $g$ is calibrated.
+ \tcbsubtitle{Relation to existing measures}
- \item By design, if model $g$ is calibrated then the $\measure$ is zero, regardless of $\mathcal{F}$.
- \item The $\measure$ is equal to the common expected calibration error ($\ECE$)
+ \item For common distances $d$ the expected calibration error ($\ECE$)
\ECE[d, g] = \Expect[d(r(g(X)), g(X))]
- for certain choices of $\mathcal{F}$ and distances $d$ such as the city block distance, the total variation distance, and the squared Euclidean distance.
- \item The $\measure$ captures also the maximum mean calibration error \parencite{kumar18_train_calib_measur_neural_networ}.
+ can be formulated as a $\measure$.
+ \item The framework captures the maximum mean calibration error as well.
- \posterbox[adjusted title={Estimators of the calibration error}]{name=estimator,column=2,below=title}{
- Consider the task of estimating the $\measure$ of model $g$ using a validation set $\{(X_i, Y_i)\}_{i=1}^n$ of i.i.d.\ random pairs of inputs and labels that are distributed according to $(X,Y)$.
+ \posterbox[adjusted title=The paper in 30 seconds, colback=blondmellan]{name=summary,column=1,span=2,between=title and error}{
- \item Standard estimators of the $\ECE$ are inconsistent and biased in many cases \parencite{vaicenavicius19_evaluat} and can scale poorly to large $m$.
- \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=blondsvag]
- The main difficulty is the estimation of the function $r$ in \cref{eq:ece}. \Cref{eq:kce} shows that for $\kernelmeasure$ there is no explicit dependence on $r$!
- \end{tcolorbox}
- \item For $i,j \in \{1,\ldots,n\}$ define
- \begin{equation*}
- h_{i,j} \coloneqq {(e_{Y_i} - g(X_i))}^\intercal k(g(X_i), g(X_j)) (e_{Y_j} - g(X_j)).
- \end{equation*}
+ \item We propose a \hl{unifying framework} of calibration errors
+ that allows us to derive a new \hl{kernel calibration error} with
+ \hl{unbiased and consistent estimators}.
+ \item Calibration error estimates are not interpretable. Instead we
+ can conduct hypothesis tests of calibration.
+ \item In contrast to existing approaches, the KCE enables
+ well-founded bounds and approximations of the p-value for
+ calibration tests.
+ \end{itemize}
- \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=sandstark]
- If $\mathbb{E}[\|k(g(X),g(X))\|] < \infty$, then the following estimators are \hl{consistent estimators of the squared kernel calibration error} $\squaredkernelmeasure[k, g] \coloneqq \kernelmeasure[k,g]^2$.
- \begin{center}
- \begin{tabular}{llll} \toprule
- Notation & Definition & Properties & Complexity\\ \midrule
- $\biasedskce$ & $n^{-2} \sum_{i,j=1}^n h_{i,j}$ & biased & $O(n^2)$ \\
- $\unbiasedskce$ & $ {\binom{n}{2}}^{-1} \sum_{1 \leq i < j \leq n} h_{i,j}$ & unbiased & $O(n^2)$ \\
- $\linearskce$ & $ {\lfloor n/2\rfloor}^{-1} \sum_{i = 1}^{\lfloor n / 2\rfloor} h_{2i-1,2i}$ & unbiased & $O(n)$ \\ \bottomrule
- \end{tabular}
- \end{center}
- \end{tcolorbox}
+ \tcbsubtitle{Take with you}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Kernel calibration error (KCE) with unbiased and consistent estimators
+ \item Calibration errors have no meaningful unit or scale
+ \item Reliable calibrations tests with the KCE
- \posterbox[adjusted title={Viewing estimators as test statistics}]{name=statistics,column=2,below=estimator}{
- In general, the $\measure$ does not have a meaningful unit or scale. This renders it difficult to interpret an estimated non-zero error and to compare different models.
- \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=sandstark]
- For the consistent and unbiased estimators of the $\squaredkernelmeasure$ we derive \hl{bounds and approximations of the probability of false rejection} of a calibrated model.
+ \posterbox[adjusted title={Estimating the calibration error}, colback=gronskasvag]{name=estimation,column=4,span=3,below=calibration}{
+ We want to estimate the $\measure$ of model $g$ using a validation
+ data set $\{(X_i, Y_i)\}_{i=1}^n$ of i.i.d.\ pairs of inputs and labels.
+ \tcbsubtitle{Kernel calibration error}
+ For $i,j \in \{1,\ldots,n\}$, let
+ $h_{i,j} \coloneqq \transpose{(e_{Y_i} - g(X_i))} k(g(X_i), g(X_j)) (e_{Y_j} - g(X_j))$,
+ where $e_i \in \Delta^m$ denotes the $i$th unit vector.
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=blondstark]
+ If $\mathbb{E}[\|k(g(X),g(X))\|] < \infty$, then \hl{consistent estimators}
+ of the squared kernel calibration error
+ $\squaredkernelmeasure[k, g] \coloneqq \kernelmeasure[k,g]^2$ are:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{llll} \toprule
+ Notation & Definition & Properties & Complexity\\ \midrule
+ $\biasedestimator$ & $n^{-2} \sum_{i,j=1}^n h_{i,j}$ & biased & $O(n^2)$ \\
+ $\unbiasedestimator$ & $ {\binom{n}{2}}^{-1} \sum_{1 \leq i < j \leq n} h_{i,j}$ & unbiased & $O(n^2)$ \\
+ $\linearestimator$ & $ {\lfloor n/2\rfloor}^{-1} \sum_{i = 1}^{\lfloor n / 2\rfloor} h_{2i-1,2i}$ & unbiased & $O(n)$ \\ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
- \vspace{-\topsep}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item These results allow us to test the hypothesis that model $g$ is calibrated.
- \item The bounds enable us to transfer unintuitive calibration error estimates to an \hl{intuitive and interpretable} probabilistic setting.
- \end{itemize}
- }
+ \tcbsubtitle{Relation to the expected calibration error}
- \posterbox[adjusted title={Kernel calibration error}]{name=kce,column=1,between=error and references}{
- Let $\mathcal{F}$ be the unit ball in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space with matrix-valued kernel $k \colon \Delta^m \times \Delta^m \to \mathbb{R}^{m \times m}$. Then we define the \hl{kernel calibration error} ($\kernelmeasure$) with respect to kernel $k$ as $\kernelmeasure[k, g] \coloneqq \measure[\mathcal{F}, g]$.
+ Standard estimators of the $\ECE$ are usually biased and inconsistent.
+ The main difficulty is the estimation of the empirical frequencies
+ $r(g(X))$ in \cref{eq:ece}. For the $\kernelmeasure$ there is no need
+ to estimate them!
+ }
- \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=blondsvag]
- An example of a matrix-valued kernel is $k(a, b) = M \tilde{k}(a, b)$, where $M \in \mathbb{R}^{m\times m}$ is a positive semi-definite matrix and $\tilde{k} \colon \Delta^m \times \Delta^m \to \mathbb{R}$ is a real-valued kernel.
- \end{tcolorbox}
+ \posterbox[adjusted title={Example: A simple matrix-valued kernel}, colback=sandsvag]{name=kernel,column=4,span=3,between=estimation and footline}{
+ If $\tilde{k} \colon \Delta^m \times \Delta^m \to \mathbb{R}$ is a
+ real-valued kernel and $M \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times m}$ is positive semi-definite,
+ then $k = M \tilde{k}$ is a matrix-valued kernel.
+ }
- If $k$ is a universal kernel, then the $\kernelmeasure$ is zero if and only if model $g$ is calibrated.
+ \posterbox[adjusted title={Is my model calibrated?}, colback=sandsvag]{name=statistics,column=7,span=4,below=top}{
+ In general, calibration errors have no meaningful unit or scale.
+ This renders it difficult to interpret an estimated non-zero error.
- \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=sandstark]
- If $\Expect[\|k(g(X),g(X))\|] < \infty$, then
- \begin{equation}\label{eq:kce}
- \kernelmeasure[k,g] = {\bigg(\Expect[{(e_Y - g(X))}^{\intercal} k(g(X), g(X')) {(e_{Y'} - g(X'))}]\bigg)}^{1/2},
- \end{equation}
- where $(X', Y')$ is an independent copy of $(X,Y)$ and $e_i$ denotes the $i$th unit vector.
+ \tcbsubtitle{Calibration tests}
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{0.35\linewidth}
+ \vspace*{0pt}
+ We can use the calibration error estimates to perform a
+ statistical test of the null hypothesis
+ \begin{equation*}
+ H_0 \coloneqq \text{\enquote{the model is calibrated}}.
+ \end{equation*}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{0.65\linewidth}
+ \vspace*{0pt}
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ declare function={normal(\m,\s)=1/(2*\s*sqrt(pi))*exp(-(x-\m)^2/(2*\s^2));},
+ declare function={binormal(\ma,\sa,\mb,\sb,\p)=(\p*normal(\ma,\sa)+(1-\p)*normal(\mb,\sb));}
+ ]
+ \begin{axis}[
+ domain = -0.1:0.2,
+ no marks,
+ xlabel = calibration error estimate,
+ ylabel = density,
+ grid=major,
+ ymin = 0,
+ tick label style={font=\tiny},
+ label style={font=\small},
+ width = 0.75\linewidth,
+ height = 0.33\linewidth,
+ legend pos=outer north east,
+ legend cell align=left,
+ legend style=
+ {
+ fill=none,
+ draw=none,
+ inner sep={0pt},
+ font=\small,
+ align=left,
+ }
+ ]
+ \draw [Dark2-A, thick] (0.07,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) -- (0.07,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax}) node [at end, above, anchor=south east, sloped, font=\small] {observed};
+ \draw[Dark2-B, thick] (0,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) -- (0,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax}) node [at end, above, anchor=south east, sloped, font=\small] {calibrated};
+ % mixture model of normal distributions
+ \addplot+ [color=Dark2-B, dashed, thick, samples=31, smooth, name path=A] {binormal(-0.05,0.01,0.05,0.03,0.5)};
+ \addlegendentry{distribution\\ under $H_0$};
+ % indicate p-value
+ \path [name path=B] (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmin},0) -- (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmax},0);
+ \addplot+ [draw=Dark2-C, pattern color=Dark2-C, pattern={north east lines}] fill between [of=A and B, soft clip={domain=0.07:0.2}];
+ \addlegendentry{p-value};
+ % add comment
+ \node[anchor=west, align=left, text=Dark2-C, font=\small] (annotation) at (0.075, 10) {reject $H_0$ if the \\p-value is small};
+ \draw[->, >=stealth, thick, Dark2-C] (annotation) -- (0.08, 1);
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=blondstark]
+ We derive \hl{well-founded bounds and approximations} of the p-value
+ based on the $\squaredkernelmeasure$.
- \posterbox[adjusted title={Experiments}]{name=experiment,column=2,between=statistics and references}{
- We construct data sets $\{g(X_i), Y_i\}_{i=1}^{250}$ of three models with $10$ classes by sampling predictions $g(X_i) \sim \Dir(0.1, \dots, 0.1)$ and labels $Y_i$ conditionally on $g(X_i)$ from
- \begin{align*}
- \text{\textbf{M1: }} &\Categorical(g(X_i)), &
- \text{\textbf{M2: }} &0.5\Categorical(g(X_i)) + 0.5\Categorical(1,0,\dots,0), &
- \text{\textbf{M3: }} &\Categorical(0.1, \dots, 0.1).
- \end{align*}
- Model \textbf{M1} is calibrated, and models \textbf{M2} and \textbf{M3} are uncalibrated.
+ \posterbox[adjusted title={Experiments}, colback=gryningmellan]{name=experiment,column=7,span=4,between=statistics and footline}{
+ We construct synthetic data sets $\{(g(X_i), Y_i)\}_{i=1}^{250}$
+ from three generative models with $10$ classes by sampling
+ predictions $g(X_i) \sim \Dir(0.1, \dots, 0.1)$ and labels $Y_i$
+ conditionally on $g(X_i)$ from
+ \begin{equation*}
+ \symbf{M1}\colon \, \Categorical(g(X_i)), \quad
+ \symbf{M2}\colon \, 0.5\Categorical(g(X_i)) + 0.5\Categorical(1,0,\dots,0), \quad
+ \symbf{M3}\colon \, \Categorical(0.1, \dots, 0.1).
+ \end{equation*}
+ Model $\symbf{M1}$ is calibrated, and models $\symbf{M2}$ and
+ $\symbf{M3}$ are uncalibrated.
+ \tcbsubtitle{Calibration error estimates}
- \input{figures/comparison_estimates.tex}
- \captionof{figure}{Calibration error estimates of $10^4$ randomly sampled data sets. The solid black line indicates the mean of the calibration error estimates, and the dashed red line displays the true calibration error of the model.}
+ \input{figures/errors_comparison.tex}
+ \tcbsubtitle{Empirical test errors}
- \input{figures/comparison_tests.tex}
- \captionof{figure}{Test errors versus bounds/approximations of the probability of false rejection, evaluated on $500$ ($\asympunbiasedskce$) and $10^4$ (all other test statistics) randomly sampled data sets. For model \textbf{M1} the type I error is shown, for both uncalibrated models the type II error is plotted.}
+ \input{figures/pvalues_comparison.tex}
diff --git a/poster/references.bib b/poster/references.bib
deleted file mode 100644
index 3040415..0000000
--- a/poster/references.bib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- author = {Kumar, Aviral and Sarawagi, Sunita and Jain, Ujjwal},
- title = {Trainable Calibration Measures for Neural Networks
- from Kernel Mean Embeddings},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on
- Machine Learning},
- year = 2018,
- volume = 80,
- pages = {2805--2814},
- abstract = {Modern neural networks have recently been found to
- be poorly calibrated, primarily in the direction of
- over-confidence. Methods like entropy penalty and
- temperature smoothing improve calibration by
- clamping confidence, but in doing so compromise the
- many legitimately confident predictions. We propose
- a more principled fix that minimizes an explicit
- calibration error during training. We present MMCE,
- a RKHS kernel based measure of calibration that is
- efficiently trainable alongside the negative
- likelihood loss without careful hyper-parameter
- tuning. Theoretically too, MMCE is a sound measure
- of calibration that is minimized at perfect
- calibration, and whose finite sample estimates are
- consistent and enjoy fast convergence
- rates. Extensive experiments on several network
- architectures demonstrate that MMCE is a fast,
- stable, and accurate method to minimize calibration
- error while maximally preserving the number of high
- confidence predictions.},
- pdf =
- {http://proceedings.mlr.press/v80/kumar18a/kumar18a.pdf},
- series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
- author = {Vaicenavicius, Juozas and Widmann, David and
- Andersson, Carl and Lindsten, Fredrik and Roll,
- Jacob and Sch\"{o}n, Thomas B.},
- title = {Evaluating model calibration in classification},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
- year = 2019,
- volume = 89,
- pages = {3459--3467},
- abstract = {Probabilistic classifiers output a probability
- distribution on target classes rather than just a
- class prediction. Besides providing a clear
- separation of prediction and decision making, the
- main advantage of probabilistic models is their
- ability to represent uncertainty about
- predictions. In safety-critical applications, it is
- pivotal for a model to possess an adequate sense of
- uncertainty, which for probabilistic classifiers
- translates into outputting probability distributions
- that are consistent with the empirical frequencies
- observed from realized outcomes. A classifier with
- such a property is called calibrated. In this work,
- we develop a general theoretical calibration
- evaluation framework grounded in probability theory,
- and point out subtleties present in model
- calibration evaluation that lead to refined
- interpretations of existing evaluation
- techniques. Lastly, we propose new ways to quantify
- and visualize miscalibration in probabilistic
- classification, including novel multidimensional
- reliability diagrams.},
- month = 4,
- series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
\ No newline at end of file