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Benedikt Schwabdevmotion
Benedikt Schwab
Dec 7, 2019
26d3db4 · Dec 7, 2019





This folder contains the source code of the poster for the paper "Calibration tests in multi-class classification: A unifying framework" by Widmann, Lindsten, and Zachariah which is going to be presented at NeurIPS 2019.

Generate the figures

Open a terminal in the current directory and install all required Julia packages by running

julia --project=. -e "using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()"

Afterwards start a Julia REPL

julia --project=.

and include the file figures.jl with

julia> include("figures.jl")


If available, the non-free font Berling Antikva is used which is part of the official design of Uppsala University. The corresponding OTF fonts have to be available in the subfolder fonts as Berling.otf, Berling-Italic.otf, Berling-Bold.otf, and Berling-BoldItalic.otf. Unfortunately, the official fonts that can be downloaded from Uppsala University's staff portal can not be used with older version of LuaLaTeX (the problem is explained in a question on StackExchange. However, suitable OTF fonts can be generated from these files according to the instructions provided on StackExchange.

Compile the poster

The poster can be compiled as a PDF file by running

arara neurips.tex