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87 lines (70 loc) · 3.64 KB

File metadata and controls

87 lines (70 loc) · 3.64 KB

Setup the development environment

The normal setup described in the following link is required for the cross-compilation ->

Get the source

Create a workspace and clone all repos:

mkdir -p ros2_ws/src
cd ros2_ws
vcs-import src < ros2.repos 
vcs-import src < ros2-for-arm.repos

Get an aarch64 toolchain and export it

sudo apt install g++-aarch64-linux-gnu gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu

#if you are not using the above toolchain 
export PATH="<path to toolchain>/bin:$PATH"

export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-

Apply patch

If your toolchain requires a sysroot, apply the following patch:

cd src/eProsima/FAST-RTPS
wget -O eprosima_216.patch
patch -p1 < eprosima_216.patch

See PR #216 for details about the fix.

Remove Python support and ignore optional packages

No target filesystem with Python libraries is provided here, so Python is not supported (only C++). But if you have a copy of your target rootfs, you can set the CMAKE_SYSROOT variable to it and you would be able to use Python.

A few packages must be modified to allow the compilation of ROS2:

sed -e '/py/ s/^#*/#/' -i src/ros2/rosidl_typesupport/rosidl_default_generators/CMakeLists.txt
sed -i -r 's/<build(.+?py.+?)/<\!\-\-build\1\-\->/' src/ros2/rosidl_typesupport/rosidl_default_generators/package.xml
touch \
  src/ros/resource_retriever/AMENT_IGNORE \
  src/ros2/demos/AMENT_IGNORE \
  src/ros2/examples/rclpy/AMENT_IGNORE \
  src/ros2/geometry2/AMENT_IGNORE \
  src/ros2/kdl_parser/AMENT_IGNORE \
  src/ros2/orocos_kinematics_dynamics/AMENT_IGNORE \
  src/ros2/rclpy/AMENT_IGNORE \
  src/ros2/rcl_interfaces/test_msgs/AMENT_IGNORE \
  src/ros2/rmw_connext/AMENT_IGNORE \
  src/ros2/rmw_opensplice/AMENT_IGNORE \
  src/ros2/robot_state_publisher/AMENT_IGNORE \
  src/ros2/ros1_bridge/AMENT_IGNORE \
  src/ros2/rosidl/rosidl_generator_py/AMENT_IGNORE \
  src/ros2/rviz/AMENT_IGNORE \
  src/ros2/system_tests/AMENT_IGNORE \
  src/ros2/urdf/AMENT_IGNORE \
  src/ros2/urdfdom/AMENT_IGNORE \

This lines:

  • remove Python generator from rosidl_default_generators
    • src/ros2/rosidl_typesupport/rosidl_default_generators/CMakeLists.txt: comment ament_export_dependencies(rosidl_generator_py) (line 11) with a #
    • src/ros2/rosidl_typesupport/rosidl_default_generators/package.xml: comment <buildtool_export_depend>rosidl_generator_py</buildtool_export_depend>(line 16) with <!-- ... -->
  • ignore examples/rclpy
    • src/ros2/examples/rclpy : add an empty file called AMENT_IGNORE
  • ignore test_msgs (this one use the path to the python libraries during the install step and in this case try to install under /test_msgs because of the missing path !)
    • src/ros2/rcl_interfaces/test_msgs : add an empty file called AMENT_IGNORE
  • ignore others repos (see list above)

Trigger a build

src/ament/ament_tools/scripts/ build --force-cmake-configure --cmake-args -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=`pwd`/aarch64_toolchainfile.cmake -DTHIRDPARTY=ON --


Once the compilation is done you will have to move the generated libraries (install/lib) in your target filesystem. The default path is under /lib but you can also choose another directory and set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to it.