Last updated: March 24 2022
This is the Analytics plan for Firefox Relay. It documents our use of Google Analytics and what we do with the information we collect.
Relay uses Google Analytics to collect and organize data. We do this to get a better understanding of what is working, and where we still have work to do.
Captured data also helps provide answers to the following questions:
From which country does the majority of our traffic originate?
Which browsers are most commonly used to access the Firefox Relay website?
Which devices are most commonly used to access the Firefox Relay website?
Which browser is running the Firefox Relay the add-on?
User Behavior:
Do users delete aliases?
Do users create aliases?
How do users create aliases? From the Relay website dashboard? The context menu? The input icon?
Do users open the extension panel?
Do users change the forwarding settings for their aliases?
Do users who have not installed the Relay add-on, choose to install the add-on?
When do users decide to upgrade to Premium?
Events are reported using Google Analytics Measurement Protocol.
We collect data for the following extension events:
When the panel is opened
A ping describing which panel was viewed (unauthenticated user panel, authenticated user panel, or the "High Five!" panel)
When outbound links and buttons in the panel are clicked (Join the Waitlist, Leave Feedback, Manage All Aliases)
When extension settings are changed via the settings panel
When the settings icon is clicked
When panel navigation arrow icons are clicked
When the Relay icon is injected into an email input
When the Relay icon is clicked
When "Generate new alias" is clicked
When "Manage All Aliases" is clicked
When the Relay icon is clicked by an unauthenticated user
When the Relay icon is clicked by a user who has already reached the maximum number of allowed aliases
- When the user clicks an outbound link or button
- When an alias is generated via the context menu
When the modal opens
When the modal is closed
When "Manage All Aliases" is clicked
Events are reported using Google Analytics.
We collect data for the following events:
When the page loads (or reloads)
When a user creates an alias
When a user deletes an alias
When a user clicks the delete alias icon and is presented with the Confirm/Delete tooltip
When a user clicks Cancel in the Confirm/Delete Alias tooltip
When a user clicks Confirm in the Confirm/Delete Alias tooltip
When a user changes the forwarding settings for an alias
Sign In Button
- Add to Firefox Button
- Join the Waitlist Button
When a button appears on the page
: eventeventCategory
: Button IDeventAction
: VieweventLabel
: Page location ID.
When a user clicks a link or button.
: eventeventCategory
: Button or Link IDeventAction
: EngageeventLabel
: Page location ID.
When a user opens the Firefox Apps menu
: eventeventCategory
: bentoeventAction
: bento-openedeventLabel
: fx-monitor
When a user closes the Firefox Apps menu
: eventeventCategory
: bentoeventAction
: bento-closedeventLabel
: fx-monitor
When a user clicks on one of the Firefox Apps menu links
: eventeventCategory
: bentoeventAction
: bento-app-link-clickeventLabel
: link identifier
(This is only shown occasionally, when we're trying to recruit people to join in user research.)
When the recruitment link appears on the page
: eventeventCategory
: RecruitmenteventAction
: VieweventLabel
: Recruitment text
When the recruitment link is clicked
: eventeventCategory
: RecruitmenteventAction
: EngageeventLabel
: Recruitment text
When a CSAT survey answer is selected
: eventeventCategory
: CSAT SurveyeventAction
: submittedeventLabel
: The given answervalue
: A numeric value representing the given answerdimension3
: Whether the given answer respresents satisfaction, neutral feeling, or dissastisfaction.dimension4
: The given answermetric10
: Always "1" (to count the number of answers)metric11
: A numeric value representingdimenstion4
: A numeric value representingdimenstion3
When an NPS survey answer is selected
: eventeventCategory
: NPS SurveyeventAction
: submittedeventLabel
: A label for the category of the given answervalue
: A numeric value representing the given answerdimension1
: A label for the category of the given answermetric10
: Always "1" (to count the number of answers)metric11
: The given answermetric12
: A numeric value representing the category of the given answer
- When a user clicks the link in one of the banners
: eventeventCategory
: OutboundeventAction
: ClickeventLabel
: link content
When the link appears on the page
: eventeventCategory
: Purchase ButtoneventAction
: VieweventLabel
: link identifier
When a user clicks the link
: eventeventCategory
: Purchase ButtoneventAction
: EngageeventLabel
: link identifier
When a button/link to continue to the next step scrolls into view
: eventeventCategory
: Premium OnboardingeventAction
: VieweventLabel
: link identifier
When a user clicks a button/link to continue to the next step
: eventeventCategory
: Premium OnboardingeventAction
: EngageeventLabel
: link identifier
Firefox Relay detects and respects user privacy and honors DNT headers.
Before initializing Google Analytics, we check the user's browser settings for a DNT signal. If the DNT header is enabled, Analytics is never initialized and is not used to collect data for that session.