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214 lines (137 loc) · 8.06 KB

File metadata and controls

214 lines (137 loc) · 8.06 KB


Version 3.0.0

Breaking changes

  • Removed Truffle support.
  • Removed import of @nomicfoundation/hardhat-verify from the index.ts.
    • Please refer to the Installation section in the README for the updated installation instructions.
    • The motivation is to avoid conflicts with @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox when using both plugins.
  • Removed the default conversion of the bigint to string for the JSON.stringify function.
  • Updated the MigrateConfig layout. Now similar by logic parameter are grouped together.

New features

  • Added an ability to specify namespaces for deployment scripts.

Now instead of having all deployment scripts in the deploy folder, tou can separate those into subfolders like below.

├── l1-deployment
│   ├── 1_core.migration.ts
│   └── 2_setup.migration.ts
└── l2-testnet
    ├── 1_prepare.migration.ts
    └── 2_deploy.migration.ts

And when running the migration, you can specify the namespace like this:

npx hardhat migrate --namespace l1-deployment
  • Added an ability to disable address shortening in the reporter with following syntax: PublicReporter.disableShortenAddress().reportContractsMD

  • Added file reporting throughout the migration process

    • During the migration the relevant report will be generated and stored in the cache folder.
  • Added an ability to link proxy to the implementation contract

    • The linking is decided based on the presence of the IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT in the contract
  • Added helper function to the Deployer for the proxy deployment: deployERC1967Proxy and deployTransparentUpgradeableProxy

  • Added integration with cast and trezor wallets.

Version 2.1.11

  • Added a caching mechanism to reduce the number of requests to the RPC provider.
  • Removed handling of network errors due to the high instability of the current implementation of the network handler.
  • Updated packages and replaced require with await import to load migration files.
  • Updated the version of the eslint package to the latest one.
  • Added the reportContractsMD function to the public reporter.
  • Fixed a bug where migration files were missing when running the migration command from outside the project root.

Version 2.1.10

  • Added an ability to change signer during the migration

Version 2.1.9

  • Updated dependencies
  • Fixed a bug when the cache was not saved if the cache directory did not exist
  • Exported TransactionStorage, VerificationStorage, and ArtifactStorage for convenience

Version 2.1.8

  • Fixed a bug where remote chain metadata overwrote the local one.

Version 2.1.7

  • Fixed a visual bug that sometimes total cost was displayed incorrectly.

Version 2.1.6

  • Fixed a bug when the default signer was used instead of the actual signer.

Version 2.1.5

  • Fixed behaviour of connect method in Ethers Adapter.

Version 2.1.4

  • Deleted pinst package.

Version 2.1.3

  • Added the verificationDelay parameter, which defines the time in milliseconds that must pass before the verification process starts.
  • Added health check for the explorer links before the verification process starts
  • Added BigInt.prototype.toJSON to the BigInt type to fix the issue with the BigInt type in the JSON.stringify function.

Version 2.1.2

  • Updated the ethers version to 6.1.1 to address issue: 4583.

Version 2.1.1

  • Fixed a bug related to the shallow copying and mutation of arguments within the getMethodString function.
  • Added ability to retrieve the class name from the contract instance.

Version 2.1.0

  • Updated packages to their latest versions (updated @nomicfoundation/hardhat-verify to version 2.0.4).
  • Added a save function to the Deployer class to enable saving the contract to storage without deploying it.

Version 2.0.1

  • Fixed a bug where an instance of a storage object overwrote the state of another object in the file.
  • Changed the way of naming for Truffle transactions to txName.

Version 2.0.0

  • Removed redundant Hardhat Runtime Extensions.
  • Removed Verifier from Migrator class.
  • Revised the test infrastructure and architecture.
  • Fixed bugs related to the recovery of contract names.
  • Fixed a bug related to contract recovery when a custom name is used.
  • Migrated test fixture projects to TypeScript, updating configurations and scripts. Created new fixture contracts for testing and deleted auto-generated files.
  • Added TransactionFieldsToSave as a return value to the sendNative function
  • Added handling of the custom chains specified in the Hardhat config
  • Refactored the architecture and made it consistent
  • Used spinner instead of console.log for network errors

Version 2.0.0-alpha.22

  • Enforce the overwriting in ArtifactStorage in the case of bytecodeHash as a key

Version 2.0.0-alpha.21

  • Fix a bug related to parsing the same bytecode for two different contracts

Version 2.0.0-alpha.20

  • Remove redundant initializers in a verifier task

Version 2.0.0-alpha.19

  • Handle the potentially undefined tx.customData.txName field

Version 2.0.0-alpha.18

  • Handle the partially linked Bytecode in the Truffle Adapter.

Version 2.0.0-alpha.17

  • Separated the logic of the Reporter and moved transaction-related functions to the TransactionRunner class.
  • Added the ability to specify a name for each transaction, essentially enabling the same transaction to be distinguishable. Also fixed a few bugs related to migration storage.
  • Added a Network Manager to handle network errors and implemented logic for reconnection. Also updated the Reporter to support these changes properly.

Version 2.0.0-alpha.16

  • Fixed a bug when txs could not be sent with overrides
  • Eliminate a collision warning during recovery

Version 2.0.0-alpha.15

  • Added ethers to dependencies

Version 2.0.0-alpha.12

  • Added ability to accept Overrides as second parameter to the deploy function.

Version 2.0.0-alpha.11

  • Initially, the fully qualified name is used to retrieve a contract from the Transaction Storage.
  • If the fully qualified name is absent, the recovery process falls back to using the ContractFieldsToSave derived from the contract.
  • Should the name be located, the ContractFieldsToSave is disregarded and is not used as a key within the Transaction Storage.

Version 2.0.0-alpha.2

  • Library linking fully relies on the hardhat artifacts.

Version 2.0.0-alpha.1

This release represents a major update to our plugin. We have completely rebuilt the core logic from scratch, now using ethersV6. Additionally, we have conducted a comprehensive code walkthrough, addressing and resolving bugs, as well as introducing new features.

Breaking changes

  • Removed the logger from migrations. Logging functionality is now fully integrated within the plugin.
  • Restructured the arguments passed to the deploy function.
  • Transitioned to using the hardhat-verify plugin for contract verification.


  • Added support for EthersV5, EthersV6, and TruffleV5 through Adapters.
  • Introduced types support for EthersV5 and EthersV6 only, including constructor arguments validation.
  • Implemented a library linking during contract deployment.
  • Enhanced reporting during contract deployment.
  • Enabled recoverability of contract deployments.
  • Improved error reporting during contract deployment.
  • Added special user storage between deployments.


  • Utilized the hardhat-verify plugin for contract verification.
  • Added three types of verification: "immediately," "at-the-end," and "none."
  • Introduced Verification processor and Verification Storage to enable verification of all deployed contracts at the end of the migration.
  • Implemented verification error handling.
  • Utilized Reporter to override the default 'hardhat-verify' logging.

New tools


Centralizes all console logging.


A module that stores necessary data for the migration process in a JSON file. The default path is the artifacts/build-info folder.
