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List of theory topics

🚧 These materials should not be considered final until the end of the course. Materials from previous editions can be found in other branches of the repository for the course.

There are 11 theory sessions of 2 hours each. They will all take place face-to-face. Please bring your laptop.

Before each class, there are short videos you should watch. They are up to 20 minutes in total, and watching them requires some preparation/scheduling on your part. Please set aside time in your schedule to watch these videos before coming to class, ideally on the day before.

During class, I will present the contents using slides and we will do together some exercises using Nearpod or Google Spreadsheets. Please avoid distractions: place your phone in airplane mode, close all other windows in your computer, and try to stay focused. We will pause frequently during the session to help you regain focus. In one of the sessions, a midterm exam will be taken, and at the end of the course, a final exam will be taken. The exam questions are based exclusively on the materials shown or discussed in the lectures during class.

After each session, there is some reading for you to do. These readings will be much easier after you have attended each lecture, will bring depth to what you learn in class, and will help you remember these contents better. Think of these readings as a form of continuous studying that will save you time and effort when preparing for the exams.

Session 1: Introduction

Before class

During class

  • Lecture TT02: examples of complex networks odp/pdf
    • Nearpod: find examples of networks
  • Lecture TT03: applications networks science odp/pdf
  • Course overview
  • Lecture TT04: graph theory basics odp/pdf
    • Google Spreadsheet: draw degree distribution
  • Lecture TT05: sparsity and connectivity odp/pdf -- MOVED TO SESSION 02
    • Nearpod: left-project and right-project a graph

After class

  • Read chapter 0 of "A first course on network science"
  • Read chapter 2 of the book by Barabási
  • 📺 Watch the 45-minutes documentary The Emergence of Network Science -- if you can't watch this before the next lecture, watch it at some other point during the trimester

Optional/additional material

Session 2: Random networks (ER model)

Before class

During class

  • Lecture TT06: clustering coefficient odp/pdf
    • Nearpod: compute local clustering coefficients
  • Lecture TT07: the random network (ER) model odp/pdf
    • Nearpod: compute expected number of links and expected average degree
  • Lecture TT08: properties of random networks odp/pdf -- MOVED TO SESSION 03
    • Nearpod: find actors with large degree
    • Nearpod: find critical N for a graph to be connected

After class

Session 3: Scale-free Networks

Before class

During class

  • Lecture TT09: scale-free networks odp/pdf
    • Nearpod: compute nodes with an expected degree
  • Lecture TT10: distances in scale-free networks odp/pdf -- MOVED TO SESSION 04
    • Nearpod: calculate friendship paradox

After class

  • Read the chapter 4 of the book by Barabási

Optional/additional material

Session 4: Preferential attachment

Before class

During class

  • Lecture TT11: preferential attachment odp/pdf
    • Nearpod: compute nodes with an expected degree
  • Lecture TT12: degree under preferential attachment odp/pdf -- MOVED TO SESSION 05
    • Nearpod: copy model

After class

  • Read the chapter 5 of the book by Barabási

Optional/additional material

  • See slides from TT13: other growth models odp/pdf

Session 5: Hubs, authorities, and PageRank

Before class

During class

  • Lecture TT14: hubs and authorities odp/pdf
    • Google spreadsheet: compute hub and authority scores iteratively
  • Lecture TT15: pagerank odp/pdf -- MOVED TO SESSION 06
    • Google spreadsheet: compute simplified PageRank

After class

Extra content: more on PageRank

  • See slides for TT16: pagerank extra material odp/pdf

Session 6: Closeness and Betweenness

Before class

During class

  • Lecture TT17: closeness odp/pdf
    • Google spreadsheet: compute closeness and harmonic closeness
  • Lecture TT18: betweenness odp/pdf
    • Nearpod: run the Brandes and Newman algorithm for betweenness

After class

Session 7: Mid-term exam

Before class

Study on your own TT02-TT12, TT14, try to solve exams from past years. Ask your questions in the forum.

During class

We will have a mid-term exam covering topics: TT02-TT12, TT14.

Session 8: Communities and network flows

Before class

During class

  • Lecture TT19: community structure odp/pdf
  • Lecture TT20: network flows odp/pdf
    • Nearpod: write min-cut and max-flow equations
    • Nearpod: run randomized s-t cut algorithm

After class

  • Read the sections 9.1 and 9.2 of the book by Barabási
  • Read the sections 7.1 and 7.2 of Algorithm Design by Kleinberg and Tardos (it includes a greedy algorithm: Ford-Fulkerson, that we will not study formally)

Optional/additional material

Session 9: Dense sub-graphs

Before class

During class

  • Lecture TT21: k-cores odp/pdf
    • Nearpod: perform a k-core decomposition
  • Lecture TT22: dense sub-graphs odp/pdf
    • Nearpod: run Charikar's algorithm

After class

Optional/additional materials

Session 10: Spreading Phenomena

Before class

During class

  • Lecture TT24: spreading phenomena odp/pdf
  • Lecture TT25: models of influence odp/pdf
    • Google spreadsheet: simulate linear threshold model
    • Google spreadsheet: simulate independent cascade model

After class

  • Read chapter 19 of the book by Easley and Kleinberg

Session 11: Epidemics

Before class

During class

  • Lecture TT26: epidemics odp/pdf
    • Nearpod: compute number of infected over time
  • Lecture TT27: epidemics on graphs odp/pdf

After class


These slides are made with LibreOffice and the TexMaths extension, which allows to easily enter and edit LaTeX equations that are embedded as images in the slides.

Note that the source files include some solutions, while the PDF files do not include them. Use this while studying: do not look at the solutions until you have tried to solve the problem yourself.


Theory topics TT01-TT06 and TT13 closely follow "Networks Science" book (2016) and course by Albert-László Barabási. In other cases, the sources are indicated either at the beginning or in the footer of the slides. Please feel free to use, copy, and adapt contents from these slides for whatever purposes, giving proper attribution.

Slides available under a Creative Commons license unless specified otherwise.