Simple tool to remove html from a string and returns a string of plain text
npm install cleanse-html
var cleanse = require('cleanse-html');
var html = '<p>Hello World</p>';
console.log(cleanse(html)); // Hello World
//To select things you want to keep, pass an options object as the second parameter
//or call configure() with the options object (see below for options)
html = "<head><title>Testing</title></head><p>Hello World</p>";
console.log(cleanse(html,{head:false})); // Testing Hello World
console.log(cleanse(html)); // <p>Hello World</p>
Create instance
var cleanse = require('cleanse-html');
Clease text
- string is the text that you want to cleanse.
- options is an optional settings object describing what to cleanse:
- entity (bool) remove/ignore HTML entities (names and numbers). Defaults to true.
- head (bool) remove/ignore section. Defaults to true.
- script (bool) remove/ignore <script> section. Defaults to true.
- iframe (bool) remove/ignore <iframe>. Defaults to true.
- style (bool) remove/ignore <style> section. Defaults to true.
- html (bool) remove/ignore standard HTML tags. Defaulte to true.