Added CreateLink class and #link_file method
Made Thor::Actions#run use system as default method for system calls
Allow use of private methods from superclass as tasks
Added mute(&block) method which allows to run block without any output
Removed config
Enabled underscores for command line switches
Added Thor::Base.basename which is used by both Thor.banner and Thor::Group.banner
Deprecated invoke() without arguments
Added :only and :except to check_unknown_options
Added :lazy_default which is only triggered if a switch is given
Added Thor::Shell::HTML
Added subcommands
Decoupled Thor::Group and Thor, so it’s easier to vendor
Added check_unknown_options! in case you want error messages to be raised in valid switches
run(command) should return the results of command
Methods generated by attr_* are automatically not marked as tasks
inject_into_file does not add the same content twice, unless :force is set
Removed rr in favor to rspec mock framework
Improved output for thor -T
- #7
Do not force white color on status
- #8
Yield a block with the filename on directory
Added a rake compatibility layer. It allows you to use spec and rdoc tasks on Thor classes.
BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: aliases are not generated automatically anymore since it may cause wrong behavior in the invocation system.
thor help now show information about any class/task. All those calls are possible:
thor help describe thor help describe:amazing
Or even with default namespaces:
thor help :spec
Thor::Runner now invokes the default task if none is supplied:
thor describe # invokes the default task, usually help
Thor::Runner now works with mappings:
thor describe -h
Added some documentation and code refactoring.
Fixed some tiny issues that were introduced lately.
Setting global method options on the initialize method works as expected: All other tasks will accept these global options in addition to their own.
Added ‘group’ notion to Thor task sets (class Thor); by default all tasks are in the ‘standard’ group. Running ‘thor -T’ will only show the standard tasks - adding –all will show all tasks. You can also filter on a specific group using the –group option: thor -T –group advanced
Generic improvements
Improve Windows compatibility
Update (incorrect) README and task.thor sample file
Options hash is now frozen (once returned)
Allow magic predicates on options object. For instance: ‘options.force?`
Add support for :numeric type
BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Refactor Thor::Options. You cannot access shorthand forms in options hash anymore (for instance, options)
Allow specifying optional args with default values: method_options(:user => “mislav”)
Don’t write options for nil or false values. This allows, for example, turning color off when running specs.
Exit with the status of the spec command to help CI stuff out some.
Try to add Windows compatibility.
BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: options hash is now accessed as a property in your class and is not passed as last argument anymore
Allow options at the beginning of the argument list as well as the end.
Make options available with symbol keys in addition to string keys.
Allow true to be passed to Thor#method_options to denote a boolean option.
If loading a thor file fails, don’t give up, just print a warning and keep going.
Make sure that we re-raise errors if they happened further down the pipe than we care about.
Only delete the old file on updating when the installation of the new one is a success
Make it Ruby 1.8.5 compatible.
Don’t raise an error if a boolean switch is defined multiple times.
Thor::Options now doesn’t parse through things that look like options but aren’t.
Add URI detection to install task, and make sure we don’t append “.thor” to URIs
Add rake2thor to the gem binfiles.
Make sure local Thorfiles override system-wide ones.