Made by: Tushar Sahu and Aryan Khanuja
Explain the following question answer in detail:
Q: You are doing full batch gradient descent using the entire training set (not stochastic gradient descent), Is it necessary to shuffle the training data? Explain your answer.
A: It is not necessary. Each iteration of full batch gradient descent runs through the entire dataset and therefore order of dataset does not matter.
Implement Gradient Descent in a Jupyter Notebook. Also explain in the same file how tuning each hyperparameter changes the outcome?
Go through first 2 chapters of ISLR. Now, explain Bias-Variance tradeoff in detail.
Submit a well-formatted Jupyter Notebook. Use Markdown cells to separate each question and for any explanation that you wish to provide.
Create your notebook inside ML-0-Submissions/
and name it as <your>-<name>.ipynb