Disable motion detection for the given Camera.
POST /network/{NetworkID}/camera/{CameraID}/disable
- TOKEN-AUTH - session auth token
- A command object. See example. This call is asynchronous and is monitored by the Command Status API call using the returned Command Id.
curl --request POST \
--url https://rest-prod.immedia-semi.com/network/1836/camera/2381/disable \
--header 'token-auth: {Auth_Token}'
200 OK
"id": 123456789,
"created_at": "2020-08-09T22:20:16+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-08-09T22:20:16+00:00",
"execute_time": "2020-08-09T22:20:16+00:00",
"command": "config_lfr",
"state_stage": "rest",
"stage_rest": "2020-08-09T22:20:16+00:00",
"stage_cs_db": null,
"stage_cs_sent": null,
"stage_sm": null,
"stage_dev": null,
"stage_is": null,
"stage_lv": null,
"stage_vs": null,
"state_condition": "new",
"sm_ack": null,
"lfr_ack": null,
"sequence": null,
"attempts": 0,
"transaction": "aTransactionID",
"player_transaction": "aPlayTransactionID",
"server": null,
"duration": null,
"by_whom": "device name - client version - unique hash",
"diagnostic": false,
"debug": "",
"opts_1": 0,
"target": "camera",
"target_id": 5678,
"parent_command_id": null,
"camera_id": 5678,
"siren_id": null,
"firmware_id": null,
"network_id": 1234,
"account_id": 1234,
"sync_module_id": 123456