Duct is a framework for developing server-side applications in the Clojure programming language.
Duct does not rely on a project template; the skeleton of a Duct application is defined by an immutable data structure. This structure can then be queried or modified in ways that would be difficult with a more traditional framework.
While Duct has more general use cases, it’s particularly well-suited for writing web applications. This documentation will take you through Duct’s setup and operation, using a web application as an example project.
This documentation assumes knowledge of Clojure. Some commands assume a Unix-like shell environment. |
This section will introduce the fundamentals of Duct’s design and implement a minimal ‘Hello World’ application. While it may be tempting to skip ahead, a sound understanding of how to use Duct will make later sections easier to follow.
This section will cover setting up a new Duct project. You’ll first need
to ensure that the
Clojure CLI is installed.
You can check this by running the clojure
$ clojure --version
Clojure CLI version
Next, create a project directory. For the purposes of this example,
we’ll call the project tutorial
$ mkdir tutorial && cd tutorial
The Clojure CLI looks for a file called deps.edn
. To use Duct, we need
to add the Duct Main tool as a
dependency, and setup an alias to execute it.
To achieve this, create a new deps.edn
file with the following
{:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"}
org.duct-framework/main {:mvn/version "0.1.5"}}
:aliases {:duct {:main-opts ["-m" "duct.main"]}}}
Duct can now be run by invoking the :duct
$ clojure -M:duct
clojure -M:duct [--main | --repl]
-c, --cider Start an NREPL server with CIDER middleware
--init Create a blank duct.edn config file
-k, --keys KEYS Limit --main to start only the supplied keys
-p, --profiles PROFILES A concatenated list of profile keys
-n, --nrepl Start an NREPL server
-m, --main Start the application
-r, --repl Start a command-line REPL
-s, --show Print out the expanded configuration and exit
-v, --verbose Enable verbose logging
-h, --help Print this help message and exit
We’ll be using this command a lot, so it’s highly recommended that you
also create an shell alias. In a POSIX shell such as Bash, this can be
done using the alias
$ alias duct="clojure -M:duct"
For the rest of this documentation, we’ll assume that this shell alias has been defined.
The final step of the setup process is to create a duct.edn
file. This
contains the data structure that defines your Duct application. The
Duct Main tool has a flag to generate a minimal configuration file for
$ duct --init
Created duct.edn
This will create a file: duct.edn
{:system {}}
As mentioned previously, Duct uses a file, duct.edn
, to define the
structure of your application. We’ll begin by adding a new component
key to the system.
{:tutorial.print/hello {}}}
If we try running Duct, it will complain about a missing namespace.
$ duct --main
✗ Initiating system...
Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at integrant.core/eval1191$fn (core.cljc:490).
No such namespace: tutorial.print
Duct is searching for a definition for the component, but not finding anything. This is unsurprising, as we haven’t written any code yet. Let’s fix this.
First we’ll create the directories.
mkdir -p src/tutorial
Then a minimal Clojure file at: src/tutorial/print.clj
(ns tutorial.print)
(defn hello [_options]
(println "Hello World"))
Now if we try to run the application, we get the expected output.
$ duct --main
✓ Initiating system...
Hello World
Congratulations on your first Duct application!
Duct has two ways of running your application: --main
and --repl
In the previous section we started the application with --main
, which
will initiate the system defined in the configuration file, and halt
the system when the process terminates.
The REPL is an interactive development environment.
$ duct --repl
✓ Loading REPL environment...
• Type :repl/help for REPL help, (go) to initiate the system and (reset)
to reload modified namespaces and restart the system (hotkey Alt-E).
In the REPL environment the system will not be initiated automatically.
Instead, we use the inbuilt (go)
user=> (go)
Hello World
The REPL can be left running while source files updated. The (reset)
function will halt the running system, reload any modified source files,
then initiate the system again.
user=> (reset)
:reloading (tutorial.print)
Hello World
You can also use the Alt-E hotkey instead of typing (reset)
The configuration defined by duct.edn
can be accessed with config
and the running system can be accessed with system
user=> config
#:tutorial.print{:hello {}}
user=> system
#:tutorial.print{:hello nil}
A module groups multiple components together. Duct provides a number
of pre-written modules that implement common functionality. One of these
modules is :duct.module/logging
We’ll first add the new dependency:
{:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"}
org.duct-framework/main {:mvn/version "0.1.5"}
org.duct-framework/module.logging {:mvn/version "0.6.5"}}
:aliases {:duct {:main-opts ["-m" "duct.main"]}}}
Then we’ll add the module to the Duct configuration.
{:duct.module/logging {}
:tutorial.print/hello {}}}
Before the components are initiated, modules are expanded. We can see
what this expansion looks like by using the --show
flag. This will
print out the expanded configuration instead of initiating it.
$ duct --main --show
{:duct.logger/simple {:appenders [{:type :stdout}]}
:tutorial.print/hello {}}
The logging module has been replaced with the :duct.logger/simple
Data in the configuration file will override data from expansions. |
The --show
flag also works with the --repl
$ duct --repl --show
[{:type :stdout, :brief? true, :levels #{:report}}
{:type :file, :path "logs/repl.log"}]}
:tutorial.print/hello {}}
But wait a moment, why is the expansion of the configuration different
depending on how we run Duct? This is because the --main
flag has an
implicit :main
profile, and the --repl
flag has an implicit :repl
The :duct.module/logging
module has different behaviors depending on
which profile is active. When run with the :main
profile, the logs
print to STDOUT, but this would be inconveniently noisy when using a
REPL. So when the :repl
profile is active, most of the logs are sent
to a file, logs/repl.log
In order to use this module, we need to connect the logger to our ‘hello’ component. This is done via a ref.
{:duct.module/logging {}
:tutorial.print/hello {:logger #ig/ref :duct/logger}}}
The #ig/ref
data reader is used to give the ‘hello’ component access
to the logger. We use :duct/logger
instead of :duct.logger/simple
as keys have a logical hierarchy, and :duct/logger
fulfils a role
similar to that of an interface or superclass.
The ‘ig’ in #ig/var stands for
Integrant. This is the
library that Duct relies on to turn configurations into running
Now that we’ve connected the components together in the configuration
file, it’s time to replace the println
function with the Duct logger.
(ns tutorial.print
(:require [duct.logger :as log]))
(defn hello [{:keys [logger]}]
(log/report logger ::hello {:name "World"}))
The duct.logger/report
function is used to emit a log at the :report
level. This is a high-priority level that should be used sparingly, as
it also prints to STDOUT when using the REPL.
You may have noticed that we’ve replaced the "Hello World"
string with
a keyword and a map: ::name {:name "World"}
. This is because Duct is
opinionated about logs being data, rather than human-readable strings. A
Duct log message consists of an event, a qualified keyword, and a map
of event data, which provides additional information.
When we run the application, we can see what this produces.
$ duct --main
✓ Initiating system...
2024-11-23T18:59:14.080Z :report :tutorial.print/hello {:name "World"}
But when using the REPL, we get a more concise message.
user=> (go)
:tutorial.print/hello {:name "World"}
Sometimes we want to supply options from an external source, such as an
environment variable or command line option. Duct allows variables, or
vars, to be defined in the duct.edn
Currently our application outputs the same log message each time it’s run. Let’s create a configuration var to customize that behavior.
{name {:arg name, :env NAME, :type :str, :default "World"
:doc "The name of the person to greet"}}
{:duct.module/logging {}
:tutorial.print/hello {:logger #ig/ref :duct/logger
:name #ig/var name}}}
Then in the source file we can add the :name
option that the var is
attached to.
(ns tutorial.print
(:require [duct.logger :as log]))
(defn hello [{:keys [logger name]}]
(log/report logger ::hello {:name name}))
The default ensures that the application functions the same as before.
$ duct --main
✓ Initiating system...
2024-11-23T23:53:47.069Z :report :tutorial.print/hello {:name "World"}
But we can now customize the behavior via a command-line flag, --name
or via an environment variable, NAME
$ duct --main --name=Clojurian
✓ Initiating system...
2024-11-24T04:45:19.521Z :report :tutorial.print/hello {:name "Clojurian"}
$ NAME=Clojurist duct --main
✓ Initiating system...
2024-11-24T04:45:54.211Z :report :tutorial.print/hello {:name "Clojurist"}
Vars are defined as a map of symbols to maps of options. The following option keys are supported:
a command-line argument to take the var’s value from |
the default value if the var is not set |
a description of what the var is for |
an environment variable to take the var’s value from |
a data type to coerce the var into (one of: |
A Duct application has some number of active profiles, which are
represented by unqualified keywords. When run via the --main
flag, an
implicit :main
profile is added. When run via (go)
at the REPL, an
implicit :repl
profile is added.
You can add additional profiles via the --profiles
argument. Profiles
are an ordered list, with preceding profiles taking priority.
$ duct --profiles=:dev --main
Most of the modules that Duct provides use profiles to customize their
behavior to the environment they’re being run under. We can also use the
data reader to create our own profile behavior.
Let’s change our component to allow for the log level to be specified.
(ns tutorial.print
(:require [duct.logger :as log]))
(defn hello [{:keys [level logger name]}]
(log/log logger level ::hello {:name name}))
In duct.edn
we can use a profile to change the log level depending
on whether the application uses the :main
or :repl
{name {:arg name, :env NAME, :type :str, :default "World"
:doc "The name of the person to greet"}}
{:duct.module/logging {}
{:logger #ig/ref :duct/logger
:level #ig/profile {:repl :report, :main :info}
:name #ig/var name}}}
So far we’ve used functions to implement components. The
component was defined by:
(ns tutorial.print
(:require [duct.logger :as log]))
(defn hello [{:keys [level logger name]}]
(log/log logger level ::hello {:name name}))
But this is just convenient syntax sugar for Integrant’s init-key
method. The following code is equivalent to the previous component
(ns tutorial.print
(:require [duct.logger :as log]
[integrant.core :as ig))
(defmethod ig/init-key ::hello [_key {:keys [level logger name]}]
(log/log logger level ::hello {:name name}))
Duct uses Integrant for its component definitions, and Integrant
provides several multimethods to this end. The most common one is
. If no such method is found, Integrant searches for a
function of the same name.
There is also halt-key!
, which defines a teardown procedure for a key.
This can be useful for cleaning up files, threads or connections that
the init-key
method (or function) opened. The return value from
will be passed to halt-key!
(ns tutorial.print
(:require [duct.logger :as log]
[integrant.core :as ig))
(defmethod ig/init-key ::hello [_key {:keys [level logger name] :as opts}]
(log/log logger level ::hello {:name name})
(defmethod ig/halt-key! ::hello [_key {:keys [level logger name]}]
(log/log logger level ::goodbye {:name name}))
For more information on the multimethods that can be used, refer to the Integrant documentation.
While Duct can be used for any server-side application, its most common use-case is developing web applications and services. This section will take you through writing a ‘todo list’ web application in Duct.
We’ll begin by creating a new project directory.
mkdir todo-app && cd todo-app
The first thing we’ll need is a deps.edn
file that to provide the
project dependencies. This will include Duct main and two additional
modules: logging and web.
{:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"}
org.duct-framework/main {:mvn/version "0.1.5"}
org.duct-framework/module.logging {:mvn/version "0.6.5"}
org.duct-framework/module.web {:mvn/version "0.12.6"}}
:aliases {:duct {:main-opts ["-m" "duct.main"]}}}
With that done, we need to ensure that the src
directory exists. This
is the default directory Clojure uses to store source files.
$ mkdir src
It is especially important to ensure the source directory exists before starting a REPL, otherwise the REPL will not be able to load source changes. |
As this is a Duct application, we’ll need a duct.edn
file. This will
contain the two modules we added to the project’s dependencies.
{:duct.module/logging {}
:duct.module/web {}}}
We can now start the application with --main
$ duct --main
✓ Initiating system...
2024-11-25T02:51:08.279Z :report :duct.server.http.jetty/starting-server {:port 3000}
The web application should now be up and running at: http://localhost:3000/
Visiting that URL will result in a ‘404 Not Found’ error page, because we have no routes defined. The error page will be in plaintext, because we haven’t specified what features we want for our web application.
We’ll fix both these issues, but before we do we should terminate the application with Ctrl-C and start a REPL. We’ll keep this running while we develop the application to avoid costly restarts and to give us a way of querying the running system.
$ duct --repl
✓ Loading REPL environment...
• Type :repl/help for REPL help, (go) to initiate the system and (reset)
to reload modified namespaces and restart the system (hotkey Alt-E).
user=> (go)
:duct.server.http.jetty/starting-server {:port 3000}
Clojure has many excellent libraries for writing web applications, but it can be difficult to put them all together. Duct’s web module handles that for you, but like all modules, we can always override any default that we don’t like.
For now, we’ll tell the web module to configure the application for use
as a webside, using the :site
feature. We’ll also add in a single
route to handle a web request to the root of our application.
{:duct.module/logging {}
{:features #{:site}
:routes [["/" {:get :todo.routes/index}]]}}}
Then we’ll create a handler function for that route.
(ns todo.routes)
(defn index [_options]
(fn [_request]
[:html {:lang "en"}
[:head [:title "Hello World Wide Web"]]
[:body [:h1 "Hello World Wide Web"]]]))
Finally, we trigger a (reset)
at the REPL.
user=> (reset)
:reloading (todo.routes)
Now when we go access http://localhost:3000/ we find a HTML page instead. Congratulations on your first Duct web application!
In the previous section we set up a route and a handler function, but you may rightly wonder how the route finds the function.
In the [_fundamentals] section we learned that key/value pairs in the Duct configuration have definitions in the application’s source files, or from a library.
The function we defined was called todo.routes/index
, and therefore
we might assume that we’d have a matching key in the configuration.
{:todo.routes/index {}}
This component key could then be connected to the routes via a ref. In other words:
{:duct.module/web {:routes [["/" {:get #ig/ref :todo.routes/index}]]}
:todo.routes/index {}}
And in fact, this is almost exactly what is going on behind the scenes.
The Duct web module expands out to a great number of components, including a web server, middleware and error handlers, all which can be customized. Amongst these components, it creates a router and a number of route handlers.
A web module configured the following routes:
{:duct.module/web {:routes [["/" {:get :todo.routes/index}]]}}
Will expand out to:
{:duct.router/reitit {:routes [["/" {:get #ig/ref :todo.routes/index}]]}
:todo.routes/index {}}
The router component uses Reitit, a popular data-driven routing library for Clojure. Other routing libreries can be used, but for this documentation we’ll use the default.
Let’s take a closer look at function associated with the route.
(ns todo.routes)
(defn index [_options]
(fn [_request]
[:html {:lang "en"}
[:head [:title "Hello World Wide Web"]]
[:body [:h1 "Hello World Wide Web"]]]))
This function returns another function, known as a Ring handler. Usually this function will return a response map, but in this case we’re returning a Hiccup vector.
Hiccup is a format for representing HTML as a Clojure data structure. Elements are represented by a vector starting with a keyword, followed by an optional attribute map and then the element body.
The :site
feature of the web module adds middleware to turn Hiccup
vectors into HTML response maps. If the response is a vector, it wraps
the vector in response map. If the response is already a map, it checks
the :body
of the response for a vector.
If we wanted a custom status code or headers, then the full response map could be returned.
(defn index [_options]
(fn [_request]
{:status 200
:headers {}
:body [:html {:lang "en"}
[:head [:title "Hello World Wide Web"]]
[:body [:h1 "Hello World Wide Web"]]]))
The :status and :headers keys map optionally be omitted.
Or we could return the string directly:
(defn index [_options]
(fn [_request]
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html;charset=UTF-8"}
:body "<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=\"en\">
<head><title>Hello World Wide Web</title></head>
<body><h1>Hello World Wide Web</h1></body>
All of these examples are equivalent, but returning a vector is the most convenient and concise.
The next step is to add a database to our application. We’ll use SQLite, which means we need the corresponding JDBC adapter as a dependency.
To give us a Clojure-friendly way of querying the database, we’ll also add a dependency on next.jdbc.
Finally, we’ll add the Duct SQL module. This will add a connection pool to the system that we can use to access the database.
Our project dependencies should now look like this:
{:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"}
org.duct-framework/main {:mvn/version "0.1.5"}
org.duct-framework/module.logging {:mvn/version "0.6.5"}
org.duct-framework/module.web {:mvn/version "0.12.6"}
org.duct-framework/module.sql {:mvn/version "0.7.1"}
org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc {:mvn/version ""}
com.github.seancorfield/next.jdbc {:mvn/version "1.3.955"}}
:aliases {:duct {:main-opts ["-m" "duct.main"]}}}
We can load these new dependencies either by restarting the REPL, or by
using the sync-deps
user=> (sync-deps)
The next step is to add :duct.module/sql
to our Duct configuration.
{:duct.module/logging {}
:duct.module/sql {}
{:features #{:site}
:routes [["/" {:get :todo.routes/index}]]}}}
Then reset via the REPL:
user=> (reset)
:reloading ()
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at integrant.core/unbound-vars-exception (core.cljc:343).
Unbound vars: jdbc-url
Wait, what’s this about an unbound var? Where did that come from?
Modules can add vars, and the SQL module adds one called jdbc-url
This var can be set via:
A command-line argument,
An environment variable,
We can also set a default value for this var via the configuration. As SQLite uses a local file for its database, we can add a default to be used in development.
{:vars {jdbc-url {:default "jdbc:sqlite:todo.db"}}
{:duct.module/logging {}
:duct.module/sql {}
{:features #{:site}
:routes [["/" {:get :todo.routes/index}]]}}}
If we want to change this in production, we can use the corresponding command-line argument or environment variable to override this default.
user=> (reset)
:reloading ()
:user/added (db sql)
The :user/added message informs you about convenience functions
that have been added to the REPL environment in the user namespace.
The SQL module adds a database connection pool under the key
, which derives from the more general
key. We can use this connection pool as a
In order to give our route handlers access to this, we’ll use a ref. We could manually add the ref to each of the handler’s option map, as shown below.
{:todo.routes/index {:db #ig/ref :duct.database/sql}
This is useful if only some routes need to access the database. However,
in this case, we expect that all routes will need database access in
some fashion. To make this easier, the web module has an option,
that applies common options to all route handlers it
{:vars {jdbc-url {:default "jdbc:sqlite:todo.db"}}
{:duct.module/logging {}
:duct.module/sql {}
{:features #{:site}
:handler-opts {:db #ig/ref :duct.database/sql}
:routes [["/" {:get :todo.routes/index}]]}}}
This will add the DataSource
instance to the :db
key of the
component options. We can access this from the route handler function we
created earlier.
(ns todo.routes)
(defn index [{:keys [db]}]
(fn [_request]
[:html {:lang "en"}
[:head [:title "Hello World Wide Web"]]
[:body [:h1 "Hello World Wide Web"]]]))
Before we go further, however, we should set up the database schema via a migration.
Part of the SQL module is to add a migrator, a component that will
manage database migrations. By default the
Ragtime library is used, and
looks for a migrations.edn
file in your project directory.
Let’s create a migration for a table to store the todo list items.
[[:create-table todo
[description "TEXT"]
[checked "INTEGER DEFAULT 0"]]]
When we reset the REPL, the migration is automatically applied.
user=> (reset)
:reloading (todo.routes)
:duct.migrator.ragtime/applying {:id "create-table-todo#336f15d4"}
If the migration is modified in any way, its ID will also change. At the REPL, this will result in the old version of the migration being rolled back, and the new version applied in its place.
Running the application via --main
will also apply any new migrations
to the database. However, if there is any mismatch between migrations,
an error will be raised instead.
This difference reflects the environments that --main
and --repl
anticipated to be used in. During development a REPL is used and
mistakes are expected, so the migrator will work to sync the migrations
with the database. During production migrations need to be applied with
more care, and so any discrepancies should halt the migration process.
In some production environments, there may be multiple instances of the
application running at any one time. In these cases, you may want to run
the migrations separately. The --keys
option allows you to limit the
system to a subset of keys. We can use this option to run only the
migrations and logging subsystems.
$ duct --main --keys=:duct/migrator:duct/logger
This will run any component with a key that derives from
or :duct/logger
, along with any mandatory dependants.
:duct/logger is often defined as an optional dependency, via a
refset. Without explicitly specifying this as one of the keys, the
migrator will run without logging.
Now that we have a database table and a web server, it’s time to put the two together. The database we pass to the index function can be used to populate an unordered list. We’ll change the index function accordingly.
(ns todo.routes
(:require [next.jdbc :as jdbc]))
(def list-todos "SELECT * FROM todo")
(defn index [{:keys [db]}]
(fn [_request]
[:html {:lang "en"}
[:head [:title "Todo"]]
[:ul (for [rs (jdbc/execute! db [list-todos])]
[:li (:todo/description rs)])]]]))
It’s often a good idea to factor out each SQL string into its own
var. This allows them to be treated almost like function calls when
combined with execute! .
We can reset via the REPL and add some test data with the sql
convenience function.
user=> (reset)
:reloading (todo.routes)
user=> (sql "INSERT INTO todo (description) VALUES ('Test One')")
[#:next.jdbc{:update-count 1}]
user=> (sql "INSERT INTO todo (description) VALUES ('Test Two')")
[#:next.jdbc{:update-count 1}]
If you visit http://localhost:3000/ you’ll be able to see the todo items that were added to the database table.
The next step is to allow for new todo items to be added through the web interface. This is a little more involved, as we’ll need a HTML form and a route to respond to the form’s POST.
First, we add a new handler, new-todo
, to the configuration to handle
the POST.
{:vars {jdbc-url {:default "jdbc:sqlite:todo.db"}}
{:duct.module/logging {}
:duct.module/sql {}
{:features #{:site}
:handler-opts {:db #ig/ref :duct.database/sql}
:routes [["/" {:get :todo.routes/index
:post :todo.routes/new-todo}]]}}}
Then we need incorporate the POST handler and the form into the codebase.
(ns todo.routes
(:require [next.jdbc :as jdbc]
[ring.middleware.anti-forgery :as af]))
(def list-todos "SELECT * FROM todo")
(def insert-todo "INSERT INTO todo (description) VALUES (?)")
(defn- create-todo-form []
[:form {:action "/" :method "post"}
[:input {:type "hidden"
:name "__anti-forgery-token"
:value af/*anti-forgery-token*}]
[:input {:type "text", :name "description"}]
[:input {:type "submit", :value "Create"}]])
(defn index [{:keys [db]}]
(fn [_request]
[:html {:lang "en"}
[:head [:title "Todo"]]
(for [rs (jdbc/execute! db [list-todos])]
[:li (:todo/description rs)])
[:li (create-todo-form)]]]]))
(defn new-todo [{:keys [db]}]
(fn [{{:keys [description]} :params}]
(jdbc/execute! db [insert-todo description])
{:status 303, :headers {"Location" "/"}}))
There are two new additions here. The create-todo-form
creates a form for making new todo list items. You may notice that it
includes a hidden field for setting an anti-forgery token. This prevents
a type of attack known as a
request forgery.
The second addition is the new-todo
function. This inserts a new row
into the todo table, then returns a “303 See Other” response that will
redirect the browser back to the index page.
If you reset via the REPL and check http://localhost:3000/, you should see a text input box at the bottom of the todo list, allowing more todo items to be added.
At this point we’re hitting the limitations of what we can do with HTML alone. JavaScript allows for more sophisticated user interaction, and in the Clojure ecosystem we have ClojureScript, a version of Clojure that compiles to JavaScript.
You’ll be unsurprised to learn that Duct has a module for compiling ClojureScript. As always we begin with our dependencies, and add the ‘cljs’ module.
{:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"}
org.duct-framework/main {:mvn/version "0.1.5"}
org.duct-framework/module.cljs {:mvn/version "0.5.0"}
org.duct-framework/module.logging {:mvn/version "0.6.5"}
org.duct-framework/module.web {:mvn/version "0.12.6"}
org.duct-framework/module.sql {:mvn/version "0.7.1"}
org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc {:mvn/version ""}
com.github.seancorfield/next.jdbc {:mvn/version "1.3.955"}}
:aliases {:duct {:main-opts ["-m" "duct.main"]}}}
As before, we can load these dependencies by either restarting the REPL,
or by using the (sync-deps)
Next, the :duct.module/cljs
key needs to be added to the Duct
configuration file.
{:vars {jdbc-url {:default "jdbc:sqlite:todo.db"}}
{:duct.module/logging {}
:duct.module/sql {}
{:builds {:client todo.client}}
{:features #{:site}
:handler-opts {:db #ig/ref :duct.database/sql}
:routes [["/" {:get :todo.routes/index
:post :todo.routes/new-todo}]]}}}
The module requires a :builds
option to be set. This connects a
build name to a ClojureScript namespace, or collection of namespaces. In
the above example, the todo.client
namespace will be compiled to the
JavaScript file. When Duct is started, this will
be accessible at: http://localhost:3000/cljs/client.js.
Before todo.client
can be compiled, we first need to write it. In
order to check everything works, we’ll have it trigger an JavaScript
(ns todo.client)
(js/alert "Hello World")
In order to test this script compiles correct, we’ll add the script to
our index
function in the todo.routes
(defn index [{:keys [db]}]
(fn [_request]
[:html {:lang "en"}
[:title "Todo"]
[:script {:src "/cljs/client.js"}]]
(for [rs (jdbc/execute! db [list-todos])]
[:li (:todo/description rs)])
[:li (create-todo-form)]]]]))
If you restart the REPL and check http://localhost:3000, you should see the alert.
At this point we have all the tools we need to write a web application. We can write routes that return HTML, and we write ClojureScript to augment those roots.
However, there is a common alternative to this ‘traditional’ architecture. We instead serve up a single, static HTML page, and create the UI dynamically with ClojureScript. Communication to the server will be handled by a RESTful API.
In order to demonstrate this type of web application, we’ll pivot and
redesign what we have so far. First, we require a static index file. By
default this should be placed in the static
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="todos"></div>
<script src="/cljs/client.cljs"></script>
We then need to change the routes and add the :api
feature to the web
{:vars {jdbc-url {:default "jdbc:sqlite:todo.db"}}
{:duct.module/logging {}
:duct.module/sql {}
:duct.module/cljs {:builds {:client todo.client}}
{:features #{:site :api}
:handler-opts {:db #ig/ref :duct.database/sql}
:routes [["/todos"
{:get :todo.routes/list-todos
:post {:parameters {:body {:description :string}}
:handler :todo.routes/create-todo}}]
{:parameters {:path {:id :int}}
:delete :todo.routes/remove-todo}]]}}}
There are now have three RESTful API routes:
GET /todos
POST /todos
DELETE /todos/:id
By default, these will expect either JSON or edn, depending on the
type of the Content-Type
and Accept
The next step is to rewrite the handler functions for these routes. Instead of returning HTML, we’ll return data that will be translated into the user’s preferred format.
(ns todo.routes
(:require [next.jdbc :as jdbc]))
(def select-all-todos "SELECT * FROM todo")
(def insert-todo "INSERT INTO todo (description) VALUES (?)")
(def delete-todo "DELETE FROM todo WHERE id = ?")
(defn list-todos [{:keys [db]}]
(fn [_request]
{:body {:results (jdbc/execute! db [select-all-todos])}}))
(defn create-todo [{:keys [db]}]
(fn [{{{:keys [description]} :body} :parameters}]
(let [id (val (first (jdbc/execute-one! db [insert-todo description]
{:return-keys true})))]
{:status 201, :headers {"Location" (str "/todos/" id)}})))
(defn remove-todo [{:keys [db]}]
(fn [{{{:keys [id]} :path} :parameters}]
(let [result (jdbc/execute-one! db [delete-todo id])]
(if (pos? (::jdbc/update-count result))
{:status 204}
{:status 404, :body {:error :not-found}}))))
There are three functions for each of the three routes. The list-todos
function returns a map as its body. If JSON is requested, the resulting
response body will look like something like this:
"results": [
"todo/checked": 0,
"todo/description": "Test One",
"todo/id": 1
"todo/checked": 0,
"todo/description": "Test Two",
"todo/id": 2
The create-todo
function creates a new todo item given a description,
and the remove-todo
function deletes a todo item. In a full RESTful
application we’d have more verbs per route, but as this is just an
example we’ll limit the application to the bare minimum.
The next step is to create the client code. For this we’ll use Replicant for updating the DOM, and cljs-http for communicating with the server API.
This requires us to once again update the project dependencies:
{:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"}
org.duct-framework/main {:mvn/version "0.1.5"}
org.duct-framework/module.cljs {:mvn/version "0.5.0"}
org.duct-framework/module.logging {:mvn/version "0.6.5"}
org.duct-framework/module.web {:mvn/version "0.12.6"}
org.duct-framework/module.sql {:mvn/version "0.8.0"}
org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc {:mvn/version ""}
com.github.seancorfield/next.jdbc {:mvn/version "1.3.955"}
no.cjohansen/replicant {:mvn/version "2025.03.02"}
cljs-http/cljs-http {:mvn/version "0.1.48"}}
:aliases {:duct {:main-opts ["-m" "duct.main"]}}}
Once we’ve run sync-deps
in the REPL, we can create a ClojureScript
file for the client UI.
(ns todo.client
(:require [replicant.dom :as r]
[cljs-http.client :as http]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [<!]]))
;; Helper functions that add anti-forgery headers.
(defn delete [url]
(http/delete url {:headers {"X-Ring-Anti-Forgery" "1"}}))
(defn post [url params]
(http/post url {:headers {"X-Ring-Anti-Forgery" "1"}, :json-params params}))
(defonce todos
(js/document.getElementById "todos"))
(defonce state (atom {}))
(defn update-todos []
(a/go (let [resp (<! (http/get "/todos"))]
(swap! state assoc :todos (-> resp :body :results)))))
(defn delete-todo [id]
(a/go (<! (delete (str "/todos/" id)))
(<! (update-todos))))
(defn create-todo []
(a/go (let [input (js/document.getElementById "todo-desc")]
(<! (post "/todos" {:description (.-value input)}))
(<! (update-todos))
(set! (.-value input) ""))))
(defn- create-todo-form []
[:input#todo-desc {:type "text"}]
[:button {:on {:click create-todo}} "Create"]])
(defn todo-list [{:keys [todos]}]
(for [{:todo/keys [id description]} todos]
[:li {:replicant/key id}
[:span description] " "
[:a {:href "#" :on {:click #(delete-todo id)}} "delete"]])
[:li (create-todo-form)]])
(add-watch state ::render (fn [_ _ _ s] (r/render todos (todo-list s))))
Here we reach the edge of Duct. This ClojureScript file is not specific to our framework, but would be at home in any Clojure project. Nevertheless, for the sake of completeness we’ll provide some explanation of what this file does.
The delete
and post
functions add the X-Ring-Anti-Forgery
which is needed to get past the anti-forgery protection.
The update-todos
, delete-todo
and create-todo
functions all update
the state
atom, which contains a data structure that represents the
state of the UI. In this case, it’s a list of todo items.
There is a watch attached to the state
atom. When the state is
changed, the todos
DOM element is updated accordingly, with a new
unordered list of todo items. Replicant is smart enough to update only
the elements that have changed, making updates efficient.
Now that we have both a server and client, we can (reset)
the REPL
and check the web application at: http://localhost:8080