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248 lines (211 loc) · 8.4 KB

File metadata and controls

248 lines (211 loc) · 8.4 KB



Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Technologies
  • Setup
  • Features


Welcome to Dancey+, a single page web application based on Disney+ and Netflix. Dancey+ allows registered users to browse dance-related videos and search for videos based on dance genre (Hip Hop, Ballet, Latin, Jazz-Funk, or Lyrical) and video category (performance, class footage, television show, concept video, or tutorial).


  • Ruby On Rails
  • React / Redux
  • AWS S3
  • PostgreSQL
  • Heroku


To run this project on your own machine, clone it to your local machine and then run:

npm install

This will install all of the front end dependencies. Then run:

bundle install

This will install all of the back end dependencies. Then, make sure PostgreSQL is runing in backgorund and run:

bundle exec rails db:setup

This will create the database, run migrations, and seed with the data. Now run:

rails s

This will run the rails server and upon navigating to http://localhost:3000/, you will be able to view the web application locally.


Video Hover

.video-link {
      margin: 0px 5px;
      padding: 4px;
      width: 17%;

      .image {
        box-sizing: border-box;
        object-fit: cover;
        width: 100%;
        backface-visibility: hidden;
        cursor: pointer;
        display: block;
        position: relative;
        transform: scale(1, 1) translateZ(0px);
        transition-duration: 300ms;
        transition-property: transform, box-shadow;
        transition-timing-function: ease-out;
        -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased;
        border-radius: 8px;
        border-width: 4px;
        border-style: solid;
        border-color: transparent;
        border-image: initial;

        &:hover {
          box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) 0px 40px 58px -16px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.72) 0px 30px 22px -10px;
          transform: scale(1.05, 1.05) translateZ(0px) translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px);
          transition-duration: 300ms;
          transition-property: transform, box-shadow;
          transition-timing-function: ease-out;
          border-width: 4px;
          border-style: solid;
          border-color: rgba(249, 249, 249, 0.8);
          border-image: initial;

Video Carousel

class TagCarousel extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { left: 0, slideValue: 1500 };
    this.imagesContainerRef = React.createRef(); //creates a reference, which is then passed to images container  --> gives us the width 
    this.slideRight = this.slideRight.bind(this);
    this.slideLeft = this.slideLeft.bind(this);

  componentDidMount() {
    const slideValue = this.imagesContainerRef.current.clientWidth;
    this.setState({ slideValue });

  slideRight() {
    this.setState({ left: this.state.left - this.state.slideValue });

  slideLeft() {
    this.setState({ left: this.state.left + this.state.slideValue });
  render() {
    if (!this.props.videos.length) return <div ref={this.imagesContainerRef}></div>;
    const isFirstPage = this.state.left === 0;
    const marginAndPaddingPerVideo = 18;
    const width = this.state.slideValue / 5 - marginAndPaddingPerVideo;

    return (
        <div className="tag-carousel-container">
          <h1 className="tag-name">{}</h1>
          <div className="carousel-container">
            {!isFirstPage && <div className="left-button" onClick={this.slideLeft}><svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="arrowLeft" color="white" role="img" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 36 36" xmlns="" className="sc-cSHVUG fPNrHk" style={{ height: '100px', minWidth: '40px', width: '40px', zIndex: 'auto', fill: 'white' }}><path d="M22.324 28.008c.537.577.355 1.433-.326 1.809a1.44 1.44 0 0 1-.72.183c-.398 0-.786-.151-1.048-.438L10.06 18.588a1.126 1.126 0 0 1 0-1.555L20.233 6.09c.438-.468 1.198-.564 1.767-.25.681.377.863 1.23.325 1.808l-9.446 10.164 9.446 10.196zM11.112 17.615a.31.31 0 0 1 0 .391l.182-.195-.182-.196zM21.308 7.094c-.01-.006-.053 0-.029-.027a.07.07 0 0 0 .029.027zm-.025 21.499a.95.95 0 0 1-.006-.008l.006.008z" className="sc-jzJRlG dPjNeY"></path></svg></div>}
            <div className="images-container" ref={this.imagesContainerRef}>
              <div className='inner-container' style={{ left: this.state.left }}>
                { => (
                  <Link key={} className="video-link" style={{ minWidth: width }} to={`/videos/${}`}>
                    <img className="image" src={video.image_url} key={} />
            <div className="right-button" onClick={this.slideRight}><svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="arrowRight" color="white" role="img" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 36 36" xmlns="" className="sc-cSHVUG fPNrHk" style={{ height: '100px', minWidth: '40px', width: '40px', zIndex: 'auto', fill: 'white' }}><path d="M13.065 7.65c-.538-.578-.355-1.433.325-1.81a1.44 1.44 0 0 1 .72-.182c.398 0 .786.15 1.048.437L25.327 17.07a1.126 1.126 0 0 1 0 1.555L15.155 29.568c-.438.468-1.198.563-1.767.25-.681-.377-.863-1.23-.325-1.809l9.446-10.164L13.065 7.65zm11.211 10.393a.31.31 0 0 1 0-.391l-. 28.564c.01.006.053 0 .028.027a.07.07 0 0 0-.028-.027zm.024-21.5a.95.95 0 0 1 .007.008l-.007-.007z" className="sc-jzJRlG dPjNeY"></path></svg></div>

Search Videos

class Search extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      query: "",
      results: this.props.videos,

    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);

  componentDidMount() {

  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
    // when there were no videos, now there are videos, set the state
    if (prevProps.videos.length <= 1 && this.props.videos.length > 1)
      this.setState({ results: this.props.videos });

  getTagNamesFromVideo(video) {
    const { tags, videoTags } = this.props;

    // find all the tag ids associated with this video
    const tagIds = [];
    videoTags.forEach((videoTag) => {
      if (videoTag.video_id === {

    const tagNames = => {
      const tag = tags.find((tag) => === tagId);

    return tagNames;

  hasTagNameThatMatchesQuery(video, query) {
    const tagNames = this.getTagNamesFromVideo(video);
    return tagNames.some((tagName) =>

  hasTitleThatMatchesQuery(video, query) {
    return video.title.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase());

  setResults(query) {
    const results = this.props.videos.filter((video) => {
      return (
        this.hasTitleThatMatchesQuery(video, query) ||
        this.hasTagNameThatMatchesQuery(video, query)
    this.setState({ results: results });

  handleChange(event) {
    const query =;
    this.setState({ query, loading: true, message: "" });

  render() {
    const { query, results } = this.state;

    return (
          placeholder="Search by title, dance style, or video type"

        <div className="results">
          <h1 className="explore-header">Explore</h1>
          <VideoGridContainer videos={results} />
        <div className="search-container-space"></div>