#App module App, is an EMONCMS complementary module made to display technical information on theoretically any type of device. The screen is preformated to show predefined type of feeds.
Example: My electric is able to show the house electrical need, consumption of the day, month, year, with values and graphs.
how to use it: copy or clone this repository into the module directory of your EMONCMS installation. Visit admin page and update database. This module uses a specific table, not present in previous releases. Go to the config page (wrench positionned top right of screen) to configure to your needs NB: If this interface is to be used in your language different from English, do not forget to modify apikey login in user_model.php file lines 56, 71 an 88 to use the user language instead of 'en'.
code for lines 71 and 88:
$session['lang'] = $row['language'];
rem : A conversion to bootstrap3 and font awesome icons will probably make the presentation more responsive.