Laravel development container
It was heavily inspired by the similar project from bitnami
To get it up and running:
$ mkdir ~/myapp && cd ~/myapp
$ curl -LO
$ docker-compose up
Clone this repo
$ git clone && cd docker-laravel
Uncomment build parameter in docker-compose.yml file
$ sed -i 's/#build/ build/' docker-compose.yml
Build an image and start containers
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
Note that because of a database that being persisted via shared volumes, and which is not using rootless container - you'll get a permission denied error when trying to build container again, so you can remove database data rm -rf docker/data
, fix permissions on your local machine, or just build image from root sudo docker-compose build
Also do not forget to add docker/data to .gitignore
Application container starts its services from user with UID - 1000 and GID - 1000, you can change them via docker-compose.yml by setting an environment variables.
version: '2'
- ...
- UID={your uid}
- GID={your gid}
Or by adding them to .env file to be able to have cross-environment configuration, uncomment env_file parameter in docker-compose file for that
$ sed -i 's/#env_file/ env_file/' docker-compose.yml
WARNING: when you change UID/GID, container will run chown in a mounted /app/ directory, that is potentially dangerous, so be aware of it please.
It is a simple script with a few nice (in my opinion) helpers that make routine operations ( such as backing up/restoring ) easier.
$ bash help
backup - creates a backup for a current date (in a database/backup directory
restore - prints list of an available database backups and restores selected backup
post-deploy - executes a bunch of commands in a container ( migrate, config:clear, etc. edit file to add your custom commands there )
- add ldht to image
- add skipping db check to shorten docker-compose.yml (default .env ?)
- leave chown on behalf of a user (?)