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File metadata and controls

154 lines (112 loc) · 4.62 KB

Secrets and ConfigMaps

Secrets are a way to store things that you do not want floating around in your code.

It's things like passwords for databases, API keys and certificates.

Similarly configmaps are for configuration, that doesn't really belong in code but needs to change. Examples include loadbalancer configurations, jenkins configuration and so forth.

We will look at both these in this coming exercise.

Secrets as environment variables

Our magnificent app requries it's API key and language. Rather than hardcode this sensitive information and commit it to git for all the world to see, we source these values from environment variables.

The first step to fixing it, would be to make our variables as environmental variables.

We have sourced the values in the code like this:

  const language = process.env.LANGUAGE;
  const API_KEY = process.env.API_KEY;

Because we are reading from the env variables we can specify some default in the Dockerfile. We have used this:

FROM node:9.1.0-alpine
ENV API_KEY 123-456-789
COPY secretapp.js .
ENTRYPOINT node secretapp.js

This image is available as praqma/secrets-demo. We can run that in our Kubernetes cluster by using the the deployment file. Notice the env values added in the bottom.

Run the deployment by writing:

$ kubectl apply -f secrets/deployment.yml
deployment.extensions/envtest created

Expose the deployment on a nodeport, so you can see the running container.

You learned about exposing nodeports in the service discovery exercise. And remember that the application is running on port 3000

Despite the default value in the Dockerfile, it should now be overwritten by the deployment env values!

However we just moved it from being hardcoded in our app to being hardcoded in our Dockerfile.

Secrets using the kubernetes secret resource

Let's move the API key to a (generic) secret:

$ kubectl create secret generic apikey --from-literal=API_KEY=oneringtorulethemall
secret/apikey created

Kubernetes supports different kinds of preconfigured secrets, but for now we'll deal with a generic one.

Similarly for the language into a configmap:

$ kubectl create configmap language --from-literal=LANGUAGE=Orcish
configmap/language created

Similarly to all other objects, you can run "get" on them.

$ kubectl get secrets
NAME                  TYPE                                  DATA      AGE
apikey                Opaque                                1         4m
default-token-td78d   3         3h
$ kubectl get configmaps
NAME       DATA      AGE
language   1         2m

Try to investigate the secret by using the kubectl describe command:

$ kubectl describe secret apikey

Note that the actual value of API_KEY is not shown. To see the encoded value use:

$ kubectl get secret apikey -o yaml

Last step is to change the Kubernetes deployment file to use the secrets.


        - name: LANGUAGE
          value: Polish
        - name: API_KEY
          value: 333-444-555


        - name: LANGUAGE
              name: language
              key: LANGUAGE
        - name: API_KEY
              name: apikey
              key: API_KEY

After you have edited the deployment.yml file (or you can use the prepared one secrets/final.deployment.yml), you need to apply the new edition of the file by issuing: kubectl apply -f deployment.yml .

You should now see the variables being loaded from configmap and secret respectively.

Pods are not recreated automatically when serets or configmaps change, i.e. to hot swapping the values becomes a two step process:

$ kubectl create configmap language --from-literal=LANGUAGE=Elvish -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl replace -f -
configmap/language replaced
$ kubectl create secret generic apikey --from-literal=API_KEY=andinthedarknessbindthem -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl replace -f -
secret/apikey replaced

Then delete the pod (so it's recreated with the replaced configmap and secret) :

$ kubectl delete pod envtest-3380598928-kgj9d
pod "envtest-3380598928-kgj9d" deleted

Access it in a webbrowser again, to see the updated values.

Clean up

$ kubectl delete deployment envtest
$ kubectl delete service envtest
$ kubectl delete configmap language
$ kubectl delete secret apikey