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Database & Authentication Week Project: StackMatch

Create a simple web app for the FAC community, where FAC alums and students could connect with each other based on their technical stack skills.

User Stories

  1. As a user I can login to my account, or sign up and create a new account.
  2. As a user, when I sign up, I can easily create a user profile and add my stack skills, but only minimum information is required at the start to complete the signup process.
  3. As a user, I have the the option to update my user profile at any time, and add or remove stack skills.
  4. As a user, I can search for stack skills from an autocomple (or dropdown?) menu. If I cannot find my skill, I can easily add a new skill to the DB.
  5. As a user, I can easily see the profiles of all other signed up FAC community members and their stack skills.
  6. As a user, I can easily search OR filter the community members by key information:
    • Skill
    • City
    • Whether they are interested in new work opportunities.
  7. STRETCH GOAL - As a user, I can create and own a new 'Project'/'Opportunity' with specific stack requirements.
  8. STRETCH GOAL - As a user, I can invite other community members that match the stack requiments to join my project.

Key Project Database Requirements (week 1)

  • Simple web app with a node server and a database
  • DB includes schema documentation
  • DB is hosted on Heroku.
  • DB built with PostgreSQL
  • DB Security concerns appropriately considered (ie. script injections)
  • Content dynamic, but DOM manipulation kept to a minimum
  • Mobile-first design
  • Clear user journey
  • Clear software architecture planned out.

Key Project Authentication Requirements (week 2)

  • Login form with 2 fields - username and password
  • Client-side and server-side validation on login form, including error handling that provides feedback to users
  • Users only have to log in once (i.e. implement a cookie-based session on login)
  • Username is visible on each page of the site after logging in
  • Any user-submitted content should be labelled with the authors username
  • Website content should be stored in a database

Stretch goals

  • CSS
  • Log Out and Account Deletion option

Instructions on how to run the project locally

  1. Local DB Build

    i. git clone

    ii. npm i

    iii. Set up a local database as per below instructions:

    • Connect to postgres, by typing psql in the terminal on MAC, and sudo -u postgres psql on ubuntu.
    • Create the database by typing CREATE DATABASE [the name of the database];. (best not to use a hyphen - in the database name, as this can cause issues in the following steps)
    • Create a superuser with a password by typing CREATE USER [the new username] WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD '[the password of the database]'; (the password needs to be in quotes, otherwise you get an error).
    • Change ownership of the database to the new user by typing ALTER DATABASE [name of the database] OWNER TO [the new username];
    • Add a config.env file in the root folder and add the database's url in this format: DATABASE_URL = postgres://[username]:[password]@localhost:5432/[database]. The database name needs to be in lower case.

    iv. Build the database by connecting to postgres and typing \i + correct path + /ToVaHayGi/src/database/db_build.sql

    v. Exit psql and run npm start

  2. Set Env Variables

  3. Navigate to localhost:4000 and register as a user to view! (Currently no logout option or delete account option)


Week 1
  1. Set up basic architecture & postgresQL schema. Build Database - PRIORITY
  2. Create User Profile & Update User Profile Page (basic html skeleton) - STRETCH GOAL
  3. User List Page - shows all users and their stack based on DB data - PRIORITY
Week 2
  1. Landing page - add login & sign up authentication - PRIORITY
  2. Filter/Search by stack functionality
  3. CSS / Front-End UX.
  4. Ensure Testing and Code Coverage is addressed.
  5. Fold down separate html pages into a Single-Page-App if appropriate - STRETCH GOAL
  6. Add User Projects to DB & UX - STRETCH GOAL


visual database schema

Table - users

  • primary key
  • handle
  • email
  • pw
  • salt
  • first_name
  • surname
  • cohort
  • location
  • about_me (STRETCH)
  • status - looking for work, not looking for work

Table - skills

  • primary key
  • skill
  • Tags? frontend vs backend? design???

Table - user_skills (connecting many2many)

  • user_primary_key
  • skill_primary key
  • start_date


App architecture


  • auth.html (landing page)
  • list.html (after login view)
  • profile.html (after signup view - dynamic for update/create profile view - currently 2x seprate pages
  • style.css
  • dom.js
  • TBC Logic -> filter results??
  • Assets folder for user pictures?? - STRETCH GOAL


  • server.js
  • router.js
  • handlers.js
  • queryLogic.js (Do we need this??)
  • Test Folder
    • sqlquerylogic.test.js
    • db.test.js
  • DB Folder
    • db_connect.js
    • db_build.js
    • db_build.sql
  • Queries (Do we merge this into one logic file ??)
    • getListData
    • getProfileData    - postProfileData (STRETCH - completed in week 1 👍)