issues Search Results · repo:facebookresearch/stable_signature language:"Jupyter Notebook"
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infacebookresearch/stable_signature (press backspace or delete to remove)In the code, I see that there is a block where it does the whitening if whitened decoder is not provided. But it uses
train_dir, is this the same dataset used to train the LDM? as in the it states ...
- 1
- Opened 14 days ago
- #39
- 1
- Opened 17 days ago
- #38
First of all, thank you so much for sharing your code. It has been incredibly helpful.
I have a question about training the HiDDeN model. Did you use the entire COCO train2014 dataset (approximately 80,000 ...
- 2
- Opened on Feb 6
- #37
Hello author, Can you please share how evaluation is done on generation om prompts from validation set of COCO
dataset(Appendix A.3) in Text-to-Image. It would be helpful if you could share how evaluation ...
- 6
- Opened on Jan 20
- #36
Hello! I had some frustrating problems when finetuning the LDM decoder. I use 10000 COCO images as train set and 1000 as
test set, after train a HIDDEN encoder_decoder with 64bits and image size 512x512 ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 11
- #35
Reading your paper and your StableDiffusion/Hidden code, I noticed that you are using the LAMB optimizer… Why did you
choose to use LAMB instead of AdamW / RAdam? I tried to replicate your experiment ...
- 1
- Opened on Dec 18, 2024
- #33
Could you please share the codes for this baseline? In your paper, you mentioned FNNS as one of the baselines, but it
was used to replace the original SteganoGan with HiDDeN. I found the implementation ...
- 1
- Opened on Dec 9, 2024
- #32
Hi, thank you for your amazing work! I m still a little confused how the whitened extractor checkpoint is obtained. From
the appendix of the paper, I think the linear layer used for whitening should be ...
- 3
- Opened on Aug 29, 2024
- #30

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