- Fizzbuzz
- Fizzbuzz with match
- Rust Latin
- URLs, match, result
- Calculator
- Iterators
- SimpleDB
- Green and Yellow game
- nRF52 Radio Workbook
- nRF52 USB Workbook
- Listing USB Devices
- Hello, world!
- Checking the API documentation
- RTIC hello
- Dealing with Registers
- Event Handling
- Task State
- USB Enumeration
- USB-1: Dealing with USB Events
- USB Endpoints
- USB Control Transfers
- USB-2: SETUP Stage
- USB Device Descriptors
- USB-3: DATA Stage
- USB Configuration Descriptors
- USB-4: Supporting more Standard Requests
- USB-5: Getting it Configured
- USB-5: Idle State
- Next Steps
- Extra Info