Uploader package for client side usage, handles interaction with the server, and manipulating the files uploaded through it (pretty file size calculation, extension extraction, max files counting...).
import UploadController from '@fiverr-private/uploader';
const uploader = new UploadController({
url: `${location.protocol}//${location.host}/message_attachments`, // your attachments route
maxFiles: 10,
updateCb: this.updateAttachment, // callback for updating the state in your application
onLoad: this.onAttachmentLoad, // callback for marking a file as uploaded
headers: {
'X-CSRF-Token': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
maxFilesText: 'Max. Files Reached' // text for marking max-files-exceeded
uploader.onAttach(files: FileList) // Add new files to the uploader.
uploader.onDetach(fileId: string) // Remove a file from the state.
And then, to get all attachments:
const attachments = uploader.attachmnts; // an object representing all the files uploaded