This list compares metadata types found in Salesforce v63 with the metadata registry file included in this repository.
This repository is used by both the Salesforce CLIs and Salesforce's VSCode Extensions.
Currently, there are 636/665 supported metadata types. For status on any existing gaps, please search or file an issue in the Salesforce CLI issues only repo. To contribute a new metadata type, please see the Contributing Metadata Types to the Registry
Metadata Type | Support | Notes |
AIApplication | ✅ | |
AIApplicationConfig | ✅ | |
AIReplyRecommendationsSettings | ✅ | |
AIScoringModelDefVersion | ✅ | |
AIScoringModelDefinition | ✅ | |
AIUsecaseDefinition | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
AccountForecastSettings | ✅ | |
AccountIntelligenceSettings | ✅ | |
AccountPlanObjMeasCalcDef | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
AccountPlanSettings | ✅ | |
AccountRelationshipShareRule | ✅ | |
AccountSettings | ✅ | |
AccountingFieldMapping | ✅ | |
AccountingModelConfig | ✅ | |
AccountingSettings | ✅ | |
AcctMgrTargetSettings | ✅ | |
ActionLauncherItemDef | ✅ | |
ActionLinkGroupTemplate | ✅ | |
ActionPlanTemplate | ✅ | |
ActionableEventOrchDef | ✅ | |
ActionableEventTypeDef | ✅ | |
ActionableListDefinition | ✅ | |
ActionsSettings | ✅ | |
ActivationPlatform | ✅ | |
ActivitiesSettings | ✅ | |
ActnblListKeyPrfmIndDef | ✅ | |
AddressSettings | ✅ | |
AdvAccountForecastSet | ✅ | |
AdvAcctForecastDimSource | ✅ | |
AdvAcctForecastPeriodGroup | ✅ | |
AffinityScoreDefinition | ✅ | |
AgentPlatformSettings | ✅ | |
AgentforceForDevelopersSettings | ✅ | |
Ai4mSettings | ✅ | |
AiPluginUtteranceDef | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
AnalyticSnapshot | ✅ | |
AnalyticsDashboard | ✅ | |
AnalyticsSettings | ✅ | |
AnalyticsVisualization | ✅ | |
AnalyticsWorkspace | ✅ | |
AnimationRule | ✅ | |
ApexClass | ✅ | |
ApexComponent | ✅ | |
ApexEmailNotifications | ✅ | |
ApexPage | ✅ | |
ApexSettings | ✅ | |
ApexTestSuite | ✅ | |
ApexTrigger | ✅ | |
AppAnalyticsSettings | ✅ | |
AppExperienceSettings | ✅ | |
AppFrameworkTemplateBundle | ✅ | |
AppMenu | ✅ | |
ApplicationRecordTypeConfig | ✅ | |
ApplicationSubtypeDefinition | ✅ | |
AppointmentAssignmentPolicy | ✅ | |
AppointmentSchedulingPolicy | ✅ | |
ApprovalProcess | ✅ | |
AssessmentConfiguration | ✅ | |
AssessmentQuestion | ✅ | |
AssessmentQuestionSet | ✅ | |
AssignmentRules | ✅ | |
AssistantContextItem | ✅ | |
AssistantDefinition | ✅ | |
AssistantSkillQuickAction | ✅ | |
AssistantSkillSobjectAction | ✅ | |
AssistantVersion | ✅ | |
AssociationEngineSettings | ✅ | |
Audience | ✅ | |
AuraDefinitionBundle | ✅ | |
AuthProvider | ✅ | |
AutoResponseRules | ✅ | |
BatchCalcJobDefinition | ✅ | |
BatchProcessJobDefinition | ✅ | |
BenefitAction | ✅ | |
BillingSettings | ✅ | |
BlacklistedConsumer | ✅ | |
BldgEnrgyIntensityCnfg | ✅ | |
BlockchainSettings | ✅ | |
Bot | ✅ | |
BotBlock | ✅ | |
BotBlockVersion | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
BotSettings | ✅ | |
BotTemplate | ✅ | |
BotVersion | ✅ | |
BranchManagementSettings | ✅ | |
BrandingSet | ✅ | |
BriefcaseDefinition | ✅ | |
BusinessHoursSettings | ✅ | |
BusinessProcess | ✅ | |
BusinessProcessGroup | ✅ | |
BusinessProcessTypeDefinition | ✅ | |
CMSConnectSource | ✅ | |
CallCenter | ✅ | |
CallCenterRoutingMap | ✅ | |
CallCoachingMediaProvider | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
CampaignInfluenceModel | ✅ | |
CampaignSettings | ✅ | |
CanvasMetadata | ✅ | |
CareBenefitVerifySettings | ✅ | |
CareLimitType | ✅ | |
CareProviderAfflRoleConfig | ✅ | |
CareProviderSearchConfig | ✅ | |
CareRequestConfiguration | ✅ | |
CareSystemFieldMapping | ✅ | |
CaseSettings | ✅ | |
CaseSubjectParticle | ✅ | |
Certificate | ✅ | |
ChannelLayout | ✅ | |
ChannelObjectLinkingRule | ✅ | |
ChannelRevMgmtSettings | ✅ | |
ChatterAnswersSettings | ✅ | |
ChatterEmailsMDSettings | ✅ | |
ChatterExtension | ✅ | |
ChatterSettings | ✅ | |
ChoiceList | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
ClaimFinancialSettings | ✅ | |
ClaimMgmtFoundationEnabledSettings | ✅ | |
ClauseCatgConfiguration | ✅ | |
CleanDataService | ✅ | |
CmsnStmtLineItemConfig | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
CmsnStmtLineItemTypConfig | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
CodeBuilderSettings | ✅ | |
CollectionsDashboardSettings | ✅ | |
CommandAction | ✅ | |
CommerceSettings | ✅ | |
CommissionStatementConfig | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
CommsServiceConsoleSettings | ✅ | |
CommunicationChannelType | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
CommunitiesSettings | ✅ | |
Community | ✅ | |
CommunityTemplateDefinition | ✅ | |
CommunityThemeDefinition | ✅ | |
CompactLayout | ✅ | |
CompanySettings | ✅ | |
ConnectedApp | ✅ | |
ConnectedAppSettings | ✅ | |
ContentAsset | ✅ | |
ContentSettings | ✅ | |
ContextDefinition | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
ContextUseCaseMapping | ✅ | |
ContractSettings | ✅ | |
ContractType | ✅ | |
ConvIntelligenceSignalRule | ✅ | |
ConversationChannelDefinition | ✅ | |
ConversationMessageDefinition | ✅ | |
ConversationServiceIntegrationSettings | ✅ | |
ConversationVendorInfo | ✅ | |
ConversationalIntelligenceSettings | ✅ | |
CorsWhitelistOrigin | ✅ | |
CspTrustedSite | ✅ | |
CurrencySettings | ✅ | |
CustomAddressFieldSettings | ✅ | |
CustomApplication | ✅ | |
CustomApplicationComponent | ✅ | |
CustomFeedFilter | ✅ | |
CustomField | ✅ | |
CustomFieldDisplay | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
CustomHelpMenuSection | ✅ | |
CustomIndex | ✅ | |
CustomLabels | ✅ | |
CustomMetadata | ✅ | |
CustomNotificationType | ✅ | |
CustomObject | ✅ | |
CustomObjectTranslation | ✅ | |
CustomPageWebLink | ✅ | |
CustomPermission | ✅ | |
CustomSite | ✅ | |
CustomTab | ✅ | |
CustomValue | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
CustomerDataPlatformSettings | ✅ | |
CustomizablePropensityScoringSettings | ✅ | |
Dashboard | ✅ | |
DashboardFolder | ✅ | |
DataCalcInsightTemplate | ✅ | |
DataCategoryGroup | ✅ | |
DataConnectorIngestApi | ✅ | |
DataConnectorS3 | ✅ | |
DataDotComSettings | ✅ | |
DataImportManagementSettings | ✅ | |
DataKitObjectDependency | ✅ | |
DataKitObjectTemplate | ✅ | |
DataObjectSearchIndexConf | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added (but not for tracking) |
DataPackageKitDefinition | ✅ | |
DataPackageKitObject | ✅ | |
DataSource | ✅ | |
DataSourceBundleDefinition | ✅ | |
DataSourceObject | ✅ | |
DataSourceTenant | ✅ | |
DataSrcDataModelFieldMap | ✅ | |
DataStreamDefinition | ✅ | |
DataStreamTemplate | ✅ | |
DataWeaveResource | ✅ | |
DecisionMatrixDefinition | ✅ | |
DecisionMatrixDefinitionVersion | ✅ | |
DecisionTable | ✅ | |
DecisionTableDatasetLink | ✅ | |
DelegateGroup | ✅ | |
DeploymentSettings | ✅ | |
DevHubSettings | ✅ | |
DigitalExperience | ✅ | |
DigitalExperienceBundle | ✅ | |
DigitalExperienceConfig | ✅ | |
DisclosureDefinition | ✅ | |
DisclosureDefinitionVersion | ✅ | |
DisclosureType | ✅ | |
DiscoveryAIModel | ✅ | |
DiscoveryGoal | ✅ | |
DiscoverySettings | ✅ | |
DiscoveryStory | ✅ | |
Document | ✅ | |
DocumentCategory | ✅ | |
DocumentCategoryDocumentType | ✅ | |
DocumentChecklistSettings | ✅ | |
DocumentFolder | ✅ | |
DocumentGenerationSetting | ✅ | |
DocumentTemplate | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
DocumentType | ✅ | |
DuplicateRule | ✅ | |
DynamicFormsSettings | ✅ | |
DynamicFulfillmentOrchestratorSettings | ✅ | |
EACSettings | ✅ | |
ESignatureConfig | ✅ | |
ESignatureEnvelopeConfig | ✅ | |
EclairGeoData | ✅ | |
EinsteinAISettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinAgentSettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinAssistantSettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinCopilotSettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinDealInsightsSettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinDocumentCaptureSettings | ✅ | |
EinsteinGptSettings | ✅ | |
EmailAdministrationSettings | ✅ | |
EmailFolder | ✅ | |
EmailIntegrationSettings | ✅ | |
EmailServicesFunction | ✅ | |
EmailTemplate | ✅ | |
EmailTemplateFolder | ✅ | |
EmailTemplateSettings | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceBranding | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceConfig | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceFlowConfig | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceLiveAgent | ✅ | |
EmbeddedServiceMenuSettings | ✅ | |
EmployeeDataSyncProfile | ✅ | |
EmployeeFieldAccessSettings | ✅ | |
EmployeeUserSettings | ✅ | |
EnablementMeasureDefinition | ✅ | |
EnablementProgramDefinition | ✅ | |
EnblProgramTaskSubCategory | ✅ | |
EnhancedNotesSettings | ✅ | |
EntitlementProcess | ✅ | |
EntitlementSettings | ✅ | |
EntitlementTemplate | ✅ | |
EscalationRules | ✅ | |
EssentialsSettings | ✅ | |
EventLogObjectSettings | ✅ | |
EventRelayConfig | ✅ | |
EventSettings | ✅ | |
EvfSettings | ✅ | |
ExperienceBundle | ✅ | |
ExperienceBundleSettings | ✅ | |
ExperiencePropertyTypeBundle | ✅ | |
ExplainabilityActionDefinition | ✅ | |
ExplainabilityActionVersion | ✅ | |
ExplainabilityMsgTemplate | ✅ | |
ExpressionSetDefinition | ✅ | |
ExpressionSetDefinitionVersion | ✅ | |
ExpressionSetMessageToken | ✅ | |
ExpressionSetObjectAlias | ✅ | |
ExtDataTranFieldTemplate | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
ExtDataTranObjectTemplate | ✅ | |
ExternalAIModel | ✅ | |
ExternalAuthIdentityProvider | ✅ | |
ExternalClientAppSettings | ✅ | |
ExternalClientApplication | ✅ | |
ExternalCredential | ✅ | |
ExternalDataConnector | ✅ | |
ExternalDataSource | ✅ | |
ExternalDataSrcDescriptor | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
ExternalDataTranField | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
ExternalDataTranObject | ✅ | |
ExternalDocStorageConfig | ✅ | |
ExternalServiceRegistration | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppConfigurablePolicies | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppGlobalOauthSettings | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppMobileConfigurablePolicies | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppMobileSettings | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppNotificationSettings | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppOauthConfigurablePolicies | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppOauthSettings | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppPushConfigurablePolicies | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppPushSettings | ✅ | |
ExtlClntAppSamlConfigurablePolicies | ✅ | |
FeatureParameterBoolean | ✅ | |
FeatureParameterDate | ✅ | |
FeatureParameterInteger | ✅ | |
FieldMappingConfig | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
FieldRestrictionRule | ✅ | |
FieldServiceMobileExtension | ✅ | |
FieldServiceSettings | ✅ | |
FieldSet | ✅ | |
FieldSrcTrgtRelationship | ✅ | |
FileUploadAndDownloadSecuritySettings | ✅ | |
FilesConnectSettings | ✅ | |
FlexiPage | ✅ | |
Flow | ✅ | |
FlowCategory | ✅ | |
FlowDefinition | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
FlowSettings | ✅ | |
FlowTest | ✅ | |
ForecastingFilter | ✅ | |
ForecastingFilterCondition | ✅ | |
ForecastingGroup | ✅ | |
ForecastingObjectListSettings | ✅ | |
ForecastingSettings | ✅ | |
ForecastingSourceDefinition | ✅ | |
ForecastingType | ✅ | |
ForecastingTypeSource | ✅ | |
FormulaSettings | ✅ | |
FuelType | ✅ | |
FuelTypeSustnUom | ✅ | |
FunctionReference | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
FundraisingConfig | ✅ | |
GatewayProviderPaymentMethodType | ✅ | |
GenAiFunction | ✅ | |
GenAiPlanner | ✅ | |
GenAiPlugin | ✅ | |
GenAiPluginInstructionDef | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
GenAiPromptTemplate | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
GenAiPromptTemplateActv | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
GlobalValueSet | ✅ | |
GlobalValueSetTranslation | ✅ | |
GoogleAppsSettings | ✅ | |
Group | ✅ | |
HerokuIntegrationSettings | ✅ | |
HighVelocitySalesSettings | ✅ | |
HomePageComponent | ✅ | |
HomePageLayout | ✅ | |
IPAddressRange | ✅ | |
Icon | ✅ | |
IdeasSettings | ✅ | |
IdentityProviderSettings | ✅ | |
IdentityVerificationProcDef | ✅ | |
IframeWhiteListUrlSettings | ✅ | |
InboundCertificate | ✅ | |
InboundNetworkConnection | ✅ | |
IncidentMgmtSettings | ✅ | |
IncludeEstTaxInQuoteCPQSettings | ✅ | |
IncludeEstTaxInQuoteSettings | ✅ | |
Index | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
IndustriesAutomotiveSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesChannelPartnerInventorySettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesContextSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesEinsteinFeatureSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesEventOrchSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesFieldServiceSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesGamificationSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesLoyaltySettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesLsCommercialSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesManufacturingSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesPricingSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesRatingSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesUnifiedPromotionsSettings | ✅ | |
IndustriesUsageSettings | ✅ | |
InsPlcyCoverageSpecConfig | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
InsPlcyLineOfBusConfig | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
InsPolicyLifecycleConfig | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
InsPolicyManagementConfig | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
InsRatePlanCmsnConfig | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
InsRatePlanTypeConfig | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
InstalledPackage | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
InsuranceBrokerageSettings | ✅ | |
IntegrationProviderDef | ✅ | |
InterestTaggingSettings | ✅ | |
InternalDataConnector | ✅ | |
InvLatePymntRiskCalcSettings | ✅ | |
InventoryReplenishmentSettings | ✅ | |
InventorySettings | ✅ | |
InvocableActionSettings | ✅ | |
IoTSettings | ✅ | |
KeywordList | ✅ | |
KnowledgeGenerationSettings | ✅ | |
KnowledgeSettings | ✅ | |
LaborCostOptimizationSettings | ✅ | |
LanguageSettings | ✅ | |
LargeQuotesandOrdersForRlmSettings | ✅ | |
Layout | ✅ | |
LeadConfigSettings | ✅ | |
LeadConvertSettings | ✅ | |
LearningAchievementConfig | ✅ | |
LearningItemType | ✅ | |
Letterhead | ✅ | |
LicensingSettings | ✅ | |
LifeSciConfigCategory | ✅ | |
LifeSciConfigRecord | ✅ | |
LightningBolt | ✅ | |
LightningComponentBundle | ✅ | |
LightningExperienceSettings | ✅ | |
LightningExperienceTheme | ✅ | |
LightningMessageChannel | ✅ | |
LightningOnboardingConfig | ✅ | |
LightningTypeBundle | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
ListView | ✅ | |
LiveAgentSettings | ✅ | |
LiveChatAgentConfig | ✅ | |
LiveChatButton | ✅ | |
LiveChatDeployment | ✅ | |
LiveChatSensitiveDataRule | ✅ | |
LiveMessageSettings | ✅ | |
LocationUse | ✅ | |
LoyaltyProgramSetup | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
MacroSettings | ✅ | |
MailMergeSettings | ✅ | |
ManagedContentType | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
ManagedEventSubscription | ✅ | |
ManagedTopics | ✅ | |
MapsAndLocationSettings | ✅ | |
MarketSegmentDefinition | ✅ | |
MarketingAppExtActivity | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
MarketingAppExtension | ✅ | |
MatchingRules | ✅ | |
MediaAdSalesSettings | ✅ | |
MeetingsSettings | ✅ | |
MessagingChannel | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
MfgProgramTemplate | ✅ | |
MfgServiceConsoleSettings | ✅ | |
MilestoneType | ✅ | |
MktCalcInsightObjectDef | ✅ | |
MktDataConnection | ✅ | |
MktDataConnectionParam | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
MktDataConnectionSrcParam | ✅ | |
MktDataTranObject | ✅ | |
MlDomain | ✅ | |
MobSecurityCertPinConfig | ✅ | |
MobileApplicationDetail | ✅ | |
MobileSecurityAssignment | ✅ | |
MobileSecurityPolicy | ✅ | |
MobileSettings | ✅ | |
ModerationRule | ✅ | |
MutingPermissionSet | ✅ | |
MyDomainDiscoverableLogin | ✅ | |
MyDomainSettings | ✅ | |
NameSettings | ✅ | |
NamedCredential | ✅ | |
NavigationMenu | ✅ | |
Network | ✅ | |
NetworkBranding | ✅ | |
NotificationTypeConfig | ✅ | |
NotificationsSettings | ✅ | |
OauthCustomScope | ✅ | |
OauthOidcSettings | ✅ | |
OauthTokenExchangeHandler | ✅ | |
ObjectHierarchyRelationship | ✅ | |
ObjectLinkingSettings | ✅ | |
ObjectSourceTargetMap | ✅ | |
OcrSampleDocument | ✅ | |
OcrTemplate | ✅ | |
OmniChannelPricingSettings | ✅ | |
OmniChannelSettings | ✅ | |
OmniDataTransform | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
OmniExtTrackingDef | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
OmniIntegrationProcedure | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
OmniInteractionAccessConfig | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
OmniInteractionConfig | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
OmniScript | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
OmniStudioSettings | ✅ | |
OmniSupervisorConfig | ✅ | |
OmniTrackingGroup | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
OmniUiCard | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
OnlineSalesSettings | ✅ | |
OpportunityScoreSettings | ✅ | |
OpportunitySettings | ✅ | |
OrderManagementSettings | ✅ | |
OrderSettings | ✅ | |
OrgSettings | ✅ | |
OutboundNetworkConnection | ✅ | |
PardotEinsteinSettings | ✅ | |
PardotSettings | ✅ | |
ParticipantRole | ✅ | |
PartyDataModelSettings | ✅ | |
PathAssistant | ✅ | |
PathAssistantSettings | ✅ | |
PaymentGatewayProvider | ✅ | |
PaymentsManagementEnabledSettings | ✅ | |
PaymentsSettings | ✅ | |
PermissionSet | ✅ | |
PermissionSetGroup | ✅ | |
PermissionSetLicenseDefinition | ✅ | |
PersonAccountOwnerPowerUser | ✅ | |
PicklistSettings | ✅ | |
PicklistValue | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
PipelineInspMetricConfig | ✅ | |
PlatformCachePartition | ✅ | |
PlatformEventChannel | ✅ | |
PlatformEventChannelMember | ✅ | |
PlatformEventSettings | ✅ | |
PlatformEventSubscriberConfig | ✅ | |
PlatformSlackSettings | ✅ | |
PortalDelegablePermissionSet | ✅ | |
PortalsSettings | ✅ | |
PostTemplate | ✅ | |
PredictionBuilderSettings | ✅ | |
PresenceDeclineReason | ✅ | |
PresenceUserConfig | ✅ | |
PricingActionParameters | ✅ | |
PricingRecipe | ✅ | |
PrivacySettings | ✅ | |
ProcedureOutputResolution | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added (but not for tracking) |
ProcessFlowMigration | ✅ | |
ProductAttrDisplayConfig | ✅ | |
ProductAttributeSet | ✅ | |
ProductConfiguratorSettings | ✅ | |
ProductDiscoverySettings | ✅ | |
ProductSettings | ✅ | |
ProductSpecificationRecType | ✅ | |
ProductSpecificationType | ✅ | |
Profile | ✅ | |
ProfilePasswordPolicy | ✅ | |
ProfileSessionSetting | ✅ | |
Prompt | ✅ | |
PublicKeyCertificate | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
PublicKeyCertificateSet | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
Queue | ✅ | |
QueueRoutingConfig | ✅ | |
QuickAction | ✅ | |
QuickTextSettings | ✅ | |
QuoteSettings | ✅ | |
RealTimeEventSettings | ✅ | |
RecAlrtDataSrcExpSetDef | ✅ | |
RecommendationBuilderSettings | ✅ | |
RecommendationStrategy | ✅ | |
RecordActionDeployment | ✅ | |
RecordAggregationDefinition | ✅ | |
RecordAlertCategory | ✅ | |
RecordAlertDataSource | ✅ | |
RecordAlertTemplate | ✅ | |
RecordPageSettings | ✅ | |
RecordType | ✅ | |
RedirectWhitelistUrl | ✅ | |
ReferencedDashboard | ✅ | |
ReferralMarketingSettings | ✅ | |
RegisteredExternalService | ✅ | |
RelatedRecordAccessDef | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
RelatedRecordAssocCriteria | ✅ | |
RelationshipGraphDefinition | ✅ | |
RemoteSiteSetting | ✅ | |
Report | ✅ | |
ReportFolder | ✅ | |
ReportType | ✅ | |
RestrictionRule | ✅ | |
RetailExecutionSettings | ✅ | |
RetrievalSummaryDefinition | ✅ | |
RevenueManagementSettings | ✅ | |
Role | ✅ | |
SalesAgreementSettings | ✅ | |
SalesWorkQueueSettings | ✅ | |
SamlSsoConfig | ✅ | |
SandboxSettings | ✅ | |
SceGlobalModelOptOutSettings | ✅ | |
SchedulingObjective | ✅ | |
SchedulingRule | ✅ | |
SchemaSettings | ✅ | |
ScoreCategory | ✅ | |
SearchCustomization | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
SearchOrgWideObjectConfig | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
SearchSettings | ✅ | |
SecuritySettings | ✅ | |
ServiceAISetupDefinition | ✅ | |
ServiceAISetupField | ✅ | |
ServiceChannel | ✅ | |
ServiceCloudVoiceSettings | ✅ | |
ServicePresenceStatus | ✅ | |
ServiceProcess | ✅ | |
ServiceSetupAssistantSettings | ✅ | |
SharingCriteriaRule | ✅ | |
SharingGuestRule | ✅ | |
SharingOwnerRule | ✅ | |
SharingReason | ✅ | |
SharingRules | Supports deploy/retrieve but not source tracking | |
SharingSet | ✅ | |
SharingSettings | ✅ | |
SharingTerritoryRule | ✅ | |
SiteDotCom | ✅ | |
SiteSettings | ✅ | |
Skill | ✅ | |
SkillType | ✅ | |
SlackApp | ✅ | |
SocialCustomerServiceSettings | ✅ | |
SourceTrackingSettings | ✅ | |
StageDefinition | ✅ | |
StandardValue | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
StandardValueSet | ✅ | |
StandardValueSetTranslation | ✅ | |
StaticResource | ✅ | |
StnryAssetEnvSrcCnfg | ✅ | |
StreamingAppDataConnector | ✅ | |
SubscriptionManagementSettings | ✅ | |
SurveySettings | ✅ | |
SustainabilityUom | ✅ | |
SustnUomConversion | ✅ | |
SvcCatalogCategory | ✅ | |
SvcCatalogFilterCriteria | ✅ | |
SvcCatalogFulfillmentFlow | ✅ | |
SvcCatalogItemDef | ✅ | |
SynonymDictionary | ✅ | |
SystemNotificationSettings | ✅ | |
Territory | ✅ | |
Territory2 | ✅ | |
Territory2Model | ✅ | |
Territory2Rule | ✅ | |
Territory2Settings | ✅ | |
Territory2Type | ✅ | |
TimeSheetTemplate | ✅ | |
TimelineObjectDefinition | ✅ | |
TopicsForObjects | ✅ | |
TrailheadSettings | ✅ | |
TransactionProcessingType | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added (but not for tracking) |
TransactionSecurityPolicy | ✅ | |
Translations | ✅ | |
TrialOrgSettings | ✅ | |
UIObjectRelationConfig | ✅ | |
UiFormatSpecificationSet | ✅ | |
UiPlugin | ✅ | |
UserAccessPolicy | ✅ | |
UserAuthCertificate | ✅ | |
UserCriteria | ✅ | |
UserEngagementSettings | ✅ | |
UserInterfaceSettings | ✅ | |
UserManagementSettings | ✅ | |
UserProvisioningConfig | ✅ | |
ValidationRule | ✅ | |
VehicleAssetEmssnSrcCnfg | ✅ | |
ViewDefinition | ✅ | |
VirtualVisitConfig | ✅ | |
VoiceSettings | ✅ | |
WarrantyLifecycleMgmtSettings | ✅ | |
WaveAnalyticAssetCollection | ✅ | |
WaveApplication | ✅ | |
WaveComponent | ✅ | |
WaveDashboard | ✅ | |
WaveDataflow | ✅ | |
WaveDataset | ✅ | |
WaveLens | ✅ | |
WaveRecipe | ✅ | |
WaveTemplateBundle | ✅ | |
WaveXmd | ✅ | |
Web3Settings | ✅ | |
WebLink | ✅ | |
WebStoreBundle | ✅ | |
WebStoreTemplate | ✅ | |
WebToXSettings | ✅ | |
WorkDotComSettings | ✅ | |
WorkSkillRouting | ✅ | |
Workflow | ✅ | |
WorkflowAlert | ✅ | |
WorkflowFieldUpdate | ✅ | |
WorkflowFlowAction | ✅ | |
WorkflowFlowAutomation | ❌ | Not supported, but support could be added |
WorkflowKnowledgePublish | ✅ | |
WorkflowOutboundMessage | ✅ | |
WorkflowRule | ✅ | |
WorkflowSend | ✅ | |
WorkflowTask | ✅ | |
WorkforceEngagementSettings | ✅ |
Note v64 coverage not available at this time
The following types are supported by this library but not in the coverage reports for either version. These are typically
- types that have been removed from the metadata API but were supported in previous versions
- types that are available for pilots but not officially part of the metadata API (use with caution)
- types that exist only as a child type of other metadata types
- settings types that are automatically supported
- AccessControlPolicy
- AIAssistantTemplate
- AssignmentRule
- AssistantRecommendationType
- AutoResponseRule
- BusinessProcessFeedbackConfiguration
- CallCtrAgentFavTrfrDest
- ConversationVendorFieldDef
- CustomDataType
- CustomExperience
- CustomLabel
- CustomFieldTranslation
- DataObjectBuildOrgTemplate
- DataPipeline
- DynamicTrigger
- EmbeddedServiceFieldService
- EntityImplements
- EscalationRule
- EventDelivery
- EventSubscription
- EventType
- extDataTranFieldTemplate
- ExtlClntAppSampleConfigurablePolicies
- ExtlClntAppSampleSettings
- Form
- FormSection
- GlobalPicklist
- InsightType
- IntegrationHubSettings
- IntegrationHubSettingsType
- InternalOrganization
- LicenseDefinition
- ManagedTopic
- MarketingResourceType
- MatchingRule
- MktDataTranField
- MLDataDefinition
- MLPredictionDefinition
- MLRecommendationDefinition
- MobileSecurityPolicySet
- Orchestration
- OrchestrationContext
- Portal
- ProductSpecificationTypeDefinition
- Scontrol
- SearchableObjDataSyncInfo
- SearchCriteriaConfiguration
- Settings
- SvcCatalogFilterCondition
- SvcCatalogItemDefFiltrCrit
- UiViewDefinition
- UserProfileSearchScope
- VisualizationPlugin
- WorkSkillRoutingAttribute
- XOrgHub
- AiEvaluationDefinition
- ContentTypeBundle
- InvocableActionExtension
- FieldServiceMobileConfig