Seems need to use: go-mtpfs
see arch-wiki for how to connect.
Don’t let phone screen saver turn on. In developer options: ‘Stay Awake’4
% sudo su -
# pacman -S mtpfs libmtp
# the_dir="/mnt/android"
# mkdir -p ${the_dir}
# sudo chgrp users ${the_dir}
# sudo chmod g+w ${the_dir}
# sed -i "s/#user_allow_other/user_allow_other/" /etc/fuse.conf
Ensure you unlock your phone screen
- mount the drive:
% mtpfs -o allow_other /mnt/android
now you can transfer your files ala:
% src="/mnt/android/Internal storage/DCIM/Camera" % rsync -avP --stats ${src}/*.jpg ~fenton/data/fenton/pics % rsync -avP --stats ${src}/*.mp4 ~fenton/data/fenton/video
- unmount
++ regular user
% fusermount -u /mnt/android
++ or as root
# umount /mnt/android
cd rsync -avP --stats data/ v3h:~/data/
mtpfs -o allow_other /mnt/android cd “/mnt/android/Internal storage/DCIM/Camera” rsync -avP –stats *.jpg ~fenton/data/mom/pics rsync -avP –stats *.mp4 ~fenton/data/mom/video fusermount -u /mnt/android
try to find this image: (krista picking up dog) IMG_20130221_130346.jpg
mv *.jpg ~/data/fenton/pics mv *.mp4 ~/data/fenton/video