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File metadata and controls

593 lines (377 loc) · 11.4 KB

Roll Back

If you already have a USB from a prior install you can do the following to ‘reset’ the machine.

Insert your USB

boot into uboot

Disk layout

  • login with root (no password)
# lsblk
|-mmcblk0p1    16M   <--- boot
|-mmcblk0p2    4G    <--- root
`-mmcblk0p3    10.7G <--- home
  • mount boot, root, and home
mkdir -p {boot,root,home}
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 boot
mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 root
mount /dev/mmcblk0p3 home

copy off fstab

cp fstab root/etc/fstab

delete old boot, copy new one

cd root
rm -r *
cd ../boot
rm -r *
cp -a /boot/* .

Untar clean root

tar xfz new_root.tgz -C root

setup soft links

tmp, log, and netctl

move dirs to writeable FS

copy over fstab

cp fstab root/etc/

boot into uboot

boot from emmc

Roll Back follow up

  • edit resolv.conf
  • update pacman DB
pacman -Sy
  • install Awesome, git, etc…
pamcan -S awesome git openssh autocutsel conky vim postgresql glibc xclip


Make two USB’s Tar one up into the other Download and flash the u-boot prep the emmc drive copy boot onto emmc untar onto emmc drive root

Install Arch onto: Samsung xe303c12-a01ca

go into developer mode


hold ESC-<refresh> and tap power button

After 20 seconds or so you’ll hear 2 beeps. It’ll flash and a warning message will come up about voiding warranty. That will last about 30 seconds. Then wait while it reboots, can take 11 mins

Required Materials

  • 1 X Samsung ARM Chromebook
  • 2 X USB 2 thumb drive 4 -> 16 GB

We will call these USB drives MAIN and TAR. The reason we have the TAR USB is so we can tar up the root filesystem on MAIN without it actively being mounted as the current root file system.


You may have difficulty booting USB/SD-Cards > 16 GB.

You can only boot from the USB 2 port NOT the USB 3 port.


Physically remove write protection ring

Follow the [ ifixit instructions], to ensure the metallic ring-shaped sticker is removed.

Boot and accept defaults

login and do the one time signup/config.

Install Arch on MAIN/TAR USB thumb drives

On both the USB thumb drives, MAIN and TAR, install and boot Arch using the [ already established method].

NOTE You can copy from chrome OS web page with Ctrl-C and then paste into the Chrome OS shell with Ctrl-Shift-V. (This will save you time!!!)

root is the login, no password.

update your install

# pacman -Syu

On only the ‘MAIN’ USB install these required packages.

# pacman -S flashrom-google linux-chromebook gptfdisk wget libftdi-compat

Wipe out EMMC

# sgdisk -Z /dev/mmcblk0
  • Confirm no partitions:
    # lsblk

Create 3 partitions

These correspond to:

# sgdisk -n 1:0:+16m /dev/mmcblk0
# sgdisk -n 2:0:+4G /dev/mmcblk0
# sgdisk -n 3:0 /dev/mmcblk0

c** Make the filesystems:

# mkfs.ext2 /dev/mmcblk0p1
# mkfs.jfs /dev/mmcblk0p2
# mkfs.jfs /dev/mmcblk0p3

Copy vmlinux.uimg

# cd
# mkdir boot
# mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 boot
# cp /boot/vmlinux.uimg boot
# umount boot

Shutdown your system

  • Remove both your ‘MAIN’ USB thumb drive, and your SD card. Insert

your ‘TAR’ USB drive and boot to it.

Tar root fs

  • After booted, plug in your first ‘MAIN’ USB and follow the below

procedure to tar your rootfs system:

# cd
# mkdir tar-root
# mount /dev/sdb3 tar-root

Mount the SD card too:

# mkdir emmc
# mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 emmc
  • Create an excludes file: (after entering ‘dev’ put in a new line

‘Enter’ and hit Ctrl-d to end ‘cat’ command)

# cd tar-root
# cat > excludes-file

tar up the MAIN USB root filesystem

# tar cpfz ../root.tgz -X excludes-file .
  • untar to SD card:
    # cd ..
    # tar xfz root.tgz -C emmc

The above command took 4m33s on my computer.

  • Adjust the /etc/fstab on the SD card
cd emmc/etc
vi fstab
# <file system>	<dir>		<type>	<options>			              <dump>	<pass>
/dev/mmcblk0p1  /boot		ext2	  defaults			              0	      0
proc            /proc   proc    defaults			              0       0
/dev/mmcblk0p2	/		    jfs	    ro				                  0	      1
/dev/mmcblk0p3	/home		jfs	    rw,users,exec,noatime		    0	      2
tmpfs           /tmp    tmpfs   defaults,noatime,mode=1777	0       0
  • mount home
cd ~
mkdir home
mount /dev/mmcblk0p3 home

move dirs to writeable FS

get /var/log/ and /var/tmp/ into a writable filesystem

cd ~/home/
mkdir -p var/tmp
mkdir -p var/log
cd ~/emmc/var
rm -r tmp log
ln -s ../home/var/tmp
ln -s ../home/var/log
  • move /root/emmc/etc/netctl to /root/emmc/home/etc/netctl
# cd ~/home
# mkdir -p etc/netctl
# cd ~/emmc/etc
# mv netctl/* ~/home/etc/netctl
# rm -r netctl
# ln -s ../home/etc/netctl
  • unmount the partitions:
# cd
# umount emmc
# umount home

(I wonder if at this point we shouldn’t try to boot from emmc??)

Test booting from SD card

# shutdown -h now
  • take MAIN USB out of computer
  • boot AND go into u-boot prompt by hitting keys RIGHT AWAY
  • From the u-boot prompt, enter the following to boot from emmc:
# setenv bootargs root=/dev/mmcblk1p2 rootfstype=jfs rootwait rw
# mmc dev 1
# ext2load mmc 1:1 42000000 vmlinux.uimg
# bootm 42000000

Flashing BIOS


  • download this file:
    # wget

This is a shortened URL for:

  • rename it:
    # mv RZ7THP nv_image-snow.bin.gz
  • uncompress it:
    # gunzip nv_image-snow.bin.gz
  • read and save off your original image:
    # -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev1.0 -r origial_image-snow.bin
  • Test flashing (writing) the original ROM you just backed up
    # -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev1.0 -w origial_image-snow.bin

If you see messages like:

“Block protection could not be disabled!”

Then the conducting metal ring is still acting. When i left the bottom of my laptop off it worked for me. I think the back middle screw on the bottom causes the contact to be remade. So i just flash the bios with the back barely on.

  • flash the new image {{ic|nv_image-show.bin}}:
    # -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev1.0 -w nv_image-snow.bin
  • Powercycle. Hold down {{ic|a}} while powering up to get into a u-boot prompt.

Once you are flashed with u-boot, you will need to create a SD card that boots.

  • From the u-boot prompt, enter the following to boot from SD card:
    # setenv bootargs root=/dev/mmcblk1p2 rootfstype=jfs rootwait rw
    # mmc dev 1

After this step I get the following error message:

ERROR: v7_dcache_inval_range - stop address is not aligned - 0xbda3c4c8 mmc_init err 0, time 22306 mmc1 is current device

Don’t worry about the above error message, it is innocuous.

# ext2load mmc 1:1 42000000 vmlinux.uimg
# bootm 42000000

You should now be booted into your SD card.

<u>Write to eMMC</u>

After you are booted into your SD card from the above steps you will want to repeat the steps so you can boot from your eMMC, and not need an SD or USB hanging out from your computer.

Keep in mind the steps you did above to device: mmcblk1, aka, your SD card. You will want to change the device to: mmcblk0, aka, your eMMC.

In quick summary do:

  • zero out the device
  • create the two partitions
  • format the two partitions
  • setup the boot partition
  • setup the root partition

After you have copied over your root partition make sure to edit your:


so you have a line like:

/dev/mmcblk0p2 / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 1

boot from emmc

# setenv arch_boot 'setenv bootargs root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=jfs rootwait rw; mmc dev 0; ext2load mmc 0:1 42000000 vmlinux.uimg; bootm 42000000'
# setenv bootcmd 'run arch_boot'
# saveenv
# reset

This should now boot into your eMMC, No need to remove USB in a rush, it’ll be ignored.

restore uboot environment

restore your uboot environment with:

env default -f saveenv reset

this is the original value of the bootcmd, to boot from usb you can do:

then when u r ready to start booting from emmc again u do:

finalize arch install on emmc

after you boot into emmc, enable wireless

wifi-menu mlan0

enable wireless

# mount / -o remount,rw

pacman -S –needed emacs chromium base-devel xorg-server xorg-server-utils xorg-xinit xorg-twm xorg-xclock xterm xf86-video-fbdev ttf-dejavu conky chromium-pepper-flash awesome iw wpa_supplicant wpa_actiond slim xfce4 xf86-input-synaptics zsh sudo git rxvt-unicode python-virtualenvwrapper w3m transmission-gtk rsync xclip truecrypt glibc ctags weechat

# systemctl enable [email protected]


try running the desktop manager with:

% startxfce4

flash: chromium-pepper-flash

ttf-dejavu: gives all the special characters so you don’t have a bunch of square blocks where you’d normally have another character.

conky: give you status information about your computer

I don’t think we need package: xf86-video-armsoc

get ssh/git keys/projects

  • copy over ssh priv/pub keys to root on new computer
  • clone ft.home.dir.git into root
  • create fenton user:
    useradd -m -g users -s /usr/bin/zsh fenton
    passwd fenton
  • tar & extract ft.home.dir into fenton home dir
  • link .aliases
    ln -s .aliases_desktop .aliases
  • enable slim
    # systemctl enable slim.service

edit: /etc/slim.conf enable user and auto login

  • update sudo
  • make sure ~fenton/.xinitrc is correct
  • make sure awesome config file is correctly linked at: ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua
  • make sure conky is correctly linked at: ~/.conky/
  • reboot
  • make sure xrdb is run. See bottom of ~/.Xresources
  • launch emacs and let it down load everything…
  • setup /etc/resolv.conf
  • timezone
    sudo ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Vancouver /etc/localtime

get root files:

This has the following:

  • urxvt copy and paste

/usr/lib/urxvt/perl/clipboard, get copy and paste working with .Xresources commands. See:

You also need package: xclip.

cd bin/root_files
tar cvf r.tar *
sudo mv r.tar /
cd /
sudo tar xvf r.tar


can recover from screen blank / lock


if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ] ; then
    xset s off
    xset -dpms

in: ~/.zshrc

(model: snow clear e-j 7844)


After you’ve successfully installed arch linux, you can reboot and at the splash screen type: C-u to boot from the usb.