garden {:mvn/version "1.3.9"}
(ns xxx.views.css
(:require [garden.core :refer [css]]))
(def website-css
[[:body {:font-size "25px"
:color "blue"}]])
(defn generate-and-inject-style-tag
"Injects a style tag with the id 'injected-css' into the page's head tag
Returns generated style tag"
(let [page-head (.-head js/document)
style-tag (.createElement js/document "style")]
(.setAttribute style-tag "id" "injected-css")
(.appendChild page-head style-tag)))
(defn update-page-css
"Updates #injected-css with provided argument (should be some CSS string
-- e.g. output from garden's css fn) If page does not have #injected-css then
will create it via call to generate-and-inject-style-tag"
(let [style-tag-selector "#injected-css"
style-tag-query (.querySelector js/document style-tag-selector)
style-tag (if (nil? style-tag-query)
(aset style-tag "innerHTML" input-css)))
; Usage
; (Assumes you've required garden in your namespace)
; (Optionally throw this in your boot-reload / figwheel reload CB)
(update-page-css (css website-css))
(def website-css
[[:body {:font-size "25px"
:color "blue"}]])
(css [:body {:font-size "16px"}])
A | B |
[:div {:class "wrapper"}
[:div "A"]
[:div "B"]]
[:.wrapper {:display "grid"
:grid-template-columns "1fr 1fr"
:grid-gap "10px"}]
A | B |
C | D |
[:div {:class "wrapper"}
[:div "A"]
[:div "B"]
[:div "C"]
[:div "D"]]
[:.wrapper {:display "grid"
:grid-template-columns "1fr 1fr"
:grid-template-rows "1fr 1fr"
:grid-gap "10px"}]
a | |
b | c |
This grid has two rows first. The second row is split in half, so technically we define the table like so:
but instruct the first element to span 2 columns by specifying it’s column-start/end lines.
[[:.container {:display "grid"
:grid-template-rows "1fr 1fr"
:grid-template-columns "1fr 1fr"}]
[:.banner {:grid-column-start 1
:grid-column-end 3}]]
[:div {:class "container"}
[:div {:class "banner"} "A"]
[:div "B"]
[:div "C"]]
How columns are numbered. Start with one (1), and number where the columns meet.
abc | def | ghi |
^ ^ ^ ^ 1 2 3 4
To have a column span all three columns, like so:
abc | ||
^ ^ ^ ^ 1 2 3 4
Lets say the div has a class called title, you would specify:
{:grid-column-start "1"
:grid-column-end "4"}]
or a shorthand:
{:grid-column "1 / 4"}]