diff --git a/sessiontalk/app_languages.php b/sessiontalk/app_languages.php
index c06e9cfc..e9376194 100644
--- a/sessiontalk/app_languages.php
+++ b/sessiontalk/app_languages.php
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
diff --git a/sessiontalk/app_menu.php b/sessiontalk/app_menu.php
index 1f9ff32c..186fbb14 100644
--- a/sessiontalk/app_menu.php
+++ b/sessiontalk/app_menu.php
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sessiontalk/index.php b/sessiontalk/index.php
index e149ab95..74720af3 100644
--- a/sessiontalk/index.php
+++ b/sessiontalk/index.php
@@ -68,11 +68,6 @@
$sql .= "AND e.extension_uuid = eu.extension_uuid ";
$sql .= "AND eu.user_uuid = u.user_uuid ";
$sql .= "order by e.extension asc ";
-// $sql .= "where e.extension_uuid = eu.extension_uuid ";
-// $sql .= "and e.domain_uuid = :domain_uuid ";
-// $sql .= "and e.enabled = 'true' ";
-// $sql .= "order by e.extension asc ";
$parameters['user_uuid'] = $_SESSION['user']['user_uuid'];
$parameters['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid'];
@@ -125,7 +120,7 @@
echo $text['title_description-sessiontalk']."\n";
echo "
- //echo $qr_content; //enable for debugging
+ //echo $qr_content; //debug
echo "
echo $text['label-extension']."
echo "\n";
+echo "
echo "\n";
echo "
//stream the file
if (is_uuid($extension_uuid)) {
- $qr_content = html_entity_decode( $qr_content, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
+ $html_link = "scsc:?username=". $username . "@" . $_SESSION['domain_name'] . ":". $_SESSION['provision']['sessiontalk_provider_id']['text']."%26password=".$field['api_key'];
+ $html_link = html_entity_decode( $html_link, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
+ //Windows 10
+ echo "\n";
+ echo "
+ echo "
+ echo "
+ echo "\n";
+ echo "
+ echo "
+ //Mobile
+ echo "\n";
+ echo "
+ echo "
+ echo "
+ echo "\n";
+ echo " ".$text['description-step_1_mobile']."\n";
+ echo "
+ echo "
+ echo " ".$text['description-step_2_mobile']."\n";
+ echo "
require_once 'resources/qr_code/QRErrorCorrectLevel.php';
require_once 'resources/qr_code/QRCode.php';
require_once 'resources/qr_code/QRCodeImage.php';
+ $qr_content = html_entity_decode( $qr_content, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
try {
$code = new QRCode (- 1, QRErrorCorrectLevel::H);
diff --git a/sessiontalk/sessiontalk_directory.php b/sessiontalk/sessiontalk_directory.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..697d825c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sessiontalk/sessiontalk_directory.php
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008-2016
+ the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ Contributor(s):
+ Mark J Crane
+ require_once "root.php";
+ require_once "resources/require.php";
+ require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
+ require_once "resources/paging.php";
+//check permissions
+ require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
+ if (permission_exists('company_directory_view')) {
+ //access granted
+ }
+ else {
+ echo "access denied";
+ exit;
+ }
+//add multi-lingual support
+ $language = new text;
+ $text = $language->get();
+//get the http values and set them as variables
+ $order_by = check_str($_REQUEST["order_by"]);
+ $order = check_str($_REQUEST["order"]);
+//handle search term
+ $search = check_str($_REQUEST["search"]);
+ if (strlen($search) > 0) {
+ $sql_mod = "and ( ";
+ $sql_mod .= "e.extension ILIKE '%".$search."%' ";
+ $sql_mod .= "or e.call_group ILIKE '%".$search."%' ";
+ $sql_mod .= "or e.directory_last_name ILIKE '%".$search."%' ";
+ $sql_mod .= "or e.directory_first_name ILIKE '%".$search."%' ";
+ $sql_mod .= ") ";
+ }
+ if (strlen($order_by) < 1) {
+ $order_by = "extension";
+ $order = "ASC";
+ }
+ $domain_uuid = $_SESSION['domain_uuid'];
+//lookup the domain count
+ $sql = "select count(*) as num_rows from v_extensions as e\n";
+ $sql .= "WHERE domain_uuid = '$domain_uuid' and directory_visible = 'true' \n";
+ $sql .= $sql_mod; //add search mod from above"
+ $prep_statement = $db->prepare($sql);
+ if ($prep_statement) {
+ $prep_statement->execute();
+ $row = $prep_statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+ $numeric_extension_count = $row['num_rows'];
+ if (($db_type == "pgsql") or ($db_type == "mysql")) {
+ $numeric_extension_count = $row['num_rows'];
+ }
+ }
+ unset($prep_statement, $row);
+//prepare to page the results
+ $rows_per_page = ($_SESSION['domain']['paging']['numeric'] != '') ? $_SESSION['domain']['paging']['numeric'] : 50;
+ $param = "&search=".$search;
+ if (!isset($_GET['page'])) { $_GET['page'] = 0; }
+ $_GET['page'] = check_str($_GET['page']);
+ list($paging_controls_mini, $rows_per_page, $var_3) = paging($numeric_extension_count, $param, $rows_per_page, true); //top
+ list($paging_controls, $rows_per_page, $var_3) = paging($numeric_extension_count, $param, $rows_per_page); //bottom
+ $offset = $rows_per_page * $_GET['page'];
+//get all the counts from the database
+ $sql = "SELECT \n";
+ $sql .= "e.directory_first_name AS first_name, \n";
+ $sql .= "e.directory_last_name AS last_name, \n";
+ $sql .= "e.extension AS phone, \n";
+ $sql .= "e.call_group AS group\n";
+ $sql .= "FROM v_extensions as e \n";
+ $sql .= "WHERE e.domain_uuid = '$domain_uuid' and e.directory_visible = 'true' \n";
+ $sql .= $sql_mod; //add search mod from above
+ $sql .= "ORDER BY ".$order_by." ".$order." \n";
+ if ($export != "true") {$sql .= "limit $rows_per_page offset $offset ";}
+ $database = new database;
+ $directory = $database->select($sql, null, 'all');
+ unset($database,$result);
+ //set the headers
+ header('Content-type: application/octet-binary');
+ header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=company-directory_" . date("Y-m-d") . ".csv");
+ //show the column names on the first line
+ $z = 0;
+ foreach($directory[1] as $key => $val) {
+ if ($z == 0) {
+ echo '"'.$key.'"';
+ }
+ else {
+ echo ',"'.$key.'"';
+ }
+ $z++;
+ }
+ echo "\n";
+ //add the values to the csv
+ $x = 0;
+ foreach($directory as $key => $row){
+ echo '"'.$row['first_name'].'"';
+ echo ',"'.$row['last_name'].'"';
+ echo ',"'.$row['phone'].'"';
+ echo ',"'.$row['group'].'"';
+ echo "\n";
+ $x++;
+ }
+ exit;