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+layout: post
+title: "FyneConf Hybrid Fun"
+date: 2023-11-15 19:10:00+0000
+categories: blog
+For anyone who is new to the Fyne community you might not know that earlier this month we held the 2023 [Fyne Conf](https://conf.fyne.io) event.
+What was super exciting was that this year we held the first hybrid event, with people joining us in person and online.
+It was a fantastic opportunity to gather with the community. We had half of the
+core contributor team, around 10 people in person and over 200 joining us live online!
+Everyone who arrived in person (or presented remotely) was treated to one of
+our limited edition Fyne Conf 2023 t-shirts (only 3 people have one from each
+year they were produced!).
+Thanks to the kind people at [CodeBase](https://thisiscodebase.com) we were
+hosted in a comfortable event space in the center of Edinburgh, Scotland.
+(And check out that banner we had!)
+There was also a great breakfast and lunch provided by [Tasty Buns Bakery](https://www.facebook.com/TastyBunsBakeryEdinburgh/?locale=en_GB).
+Also some drinks were enjoyed as we wrapped up, and all the food and drink
+was sponsored by [Fyne Labs](https://fynelabs.com), thanks :).
+Of course this was all just an excellent backdrop to a morning of workshops
+and an afternoon packed full of presentations. You can see all the recordings
+our our [YouTube playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F8_Xw_5zG4&list=PLjpijTpXl1_pD8663I9ztUHocyG0geTiD).
+It was amazing to have so many contributions from around the community - it
+was our largest programme to date!
+Thanks to everyone who came along in person, and to the hundreds online.
+Also thanks to everyone catching up after the event and joining the community
+channels to learn more. We are already planning next year and considering
+meeting up in Germany - see you there!
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index 0000000..ff19c0d
Binary files /dev/null and b/blog/img/fyneconf2023-andy.jpeg differ