Todo is a simplistic CLI tool to manage a list of todos. The todos are listed in the order in which they were added. Internally the todos will be saved to a .todo.db
file located in the HOME directory of the user, so /home/<username>/.todo.db
by default. If the tool is unable to open the file for writing, there will be an error message.
The tool has been tested to compile with a recent version of GCC. To compile the tool, run make
To see all todos, run the tool with no arguments.
$ ./todo
1. Feed the cat
2. Buy groceries
3. Clean the floors
To add a new todo, run the tool with arguments add <text for the todo>
. The new todo will be added to the end of the list and the list of todos will be printed.
$ ./todo add Feed the dog
1. Feed the cat
2. Buy groceries
3. Clean the floors
4. Feed the dog
To swap two todos with each other, run the toolwith arguments swap <number of the first todo> <number of the second todo>
. If both todos can be found with the given numbers, the todos will be swapped and the list of todos will be printed.
$ ./todo swap 2 4
1. Feed the cat
2. Feed the dog
3. Clean the floors
4. Buy groceries
To mark a todo as done, run the tool with arguments done <number of the todo>
. If a todo can be found with the given number, it will be removed from the list and the list of todos will be printed.
$ ./todo done 2
1. Feed the cat
2. Clean the floors
3. Buy groceries
All invalid commands will be silently ignored.