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The OpenQuake Engine Server and WebUI

Advanced configurations and Authentication support

Installation from packages

The OpenQuake Engine server supports authentication provided by Django and its backends.

Create a /usr/share/openquake/engine/ and add:


Upgrade the database to host users and sessions:

$ cd /usr/share/openquake/engine
$ sudo -u openquake oq webui migrate 

Add a new local superuser:

$ cd /usr/share/openquake/engine
$ sudo -u openquake oq webui createsuperuser

Setup static files in Django

Open the file /usr/share/openquake/engine/ and add:

# Static Folder
STATIC_ROOT = '/var/www/webui'

STATIC_ROOT is the full, absolute path to your static files folder. Then issue the commands:

$ cd /usr/share/openquake/engine
$ sudo -u openquake oq webui collectstatic

Installation with the universal installer

When installing the OpenQuake Engine with the universal installer the file must be located under the folder openquake/server of the oq-engine repository.

For example if you clone the repository in the folder /opt/openquake/src/oq-engine/ you must place the file in /opt/openquake/src/oq-engine/openquake/server

The oq commands must be run as root user and the installation must be of kind server or devel_server.

On that folder there is a template file that you can rename o copy to to enable only the requested features.

if, for any reason, the oq command isn't available in the path you can use the following syntax:

$ python3 -m openquake.server.manage <subcommand> 

An example configuration is the follow:

# Enable authentication

# Static Folder
STATIC_ROOT = '/var/www/webui'

After the creation of the files, please perform the same steps of the package installation to set up the environment with the user root.

Groups support

Users can be part of groups. Members of the same group can have access to any calculation and output produced by any member of that group; only the owner of a calculation can delete it.

Users and groups management

Users and group can be managed via the Django admin interface, available at /admin when LOCKDOWN is enabled.

Authentication using PAM

Authentication can rely on system users through PAM, the Pluggable Authentication Module. To use this feature python-pam and django-pam extensions must be installed and activated. To activate them copy openquake/server/ to openquake/server/ and restart the WebUI service.

This feature is available on Linux only and the WebUI process owner must be member of the shadow group.

Mapping of unix groups isn't supported at the moment.

Running in production

On a production system nginx + gunicorn is the recommended software stack to run the WebUI.


gunicorn can be installed either via pip or via the system packager (apt, yum, ...). When using python-oq-libs for RedHat or Debian gunicorn is already provided.

gunicorn must be started in the openquake/server directory with the following syntax:

gunicorn -w N wsgi:application

where N is the number of workers, which is usually equal to (CPU threads)*2.

gunicorn is usually managed by the OS init system. See an example for systemd.


gunicorn does not serve static content itself thus a frontend like nginx is needed.

To the previous created openquake/server/ add:

STATIC_ROOT = '/var/www/webui'

then collect static files:

$ sudo oq webui collectstatic

nginx must be configured to act as a reverse proxy for gunicorn and to provide static content. A sample configuration file is provided.

Getting help

If you need help or have questions/comments/feedback for us, you can: