Send push messages to Android, Apple and Firebase using one interface
Requires a PHP version getting security updates. It is installable and autoloadable via Composer as genkgo/push.
To run the unit tests at the command line, issue phpunit -c tests/
. PHPUnit is required.
This library attempts to comply with PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4. If you notice compliance oversights, please send a patch via pull request.
use Genkgo\Push\Body;
use Genkgo\Push\Firebase\CloudMessaging;
use Genkgo\Push\Gateway;
use Genkgo\Push\Message;
use Genkgo\Push\Sender\FirebaseSender;
use Genkgo\Push\Sender\AppleApnSender;
use Genkgo\Push\Recipient\AndroidDeviceRecipient;
use Genkgo\Push\Recipient\AppleDeviceRecipient;
use Genkgo\Push\Recipient\FirebaseRecipient;
// construct the gateway, using the different senders
$gateway = new Gateway([
AppleApnSender::fromToken('/location/to/key.p8', 'keyId', 'teamId', 'bundleId'),
new FirebaseSender(new CloudMessaging($guzzleClient, $auth), 'fcm-project-id')
// below message will automatically go to their own specific sender
$gateway->send(new Message(new Body('message content')), new AndroidDeviceRecipient('token'));
$gateway->send(new Message(new Body('message content')), new AppleDeviceRecipient('token'));
$gateway->send(new Message(new Body('message content')), new FirebaseRecipient('token'));
- Found a bug? Please try to solve it yourself first and issue a pull request. If you are not able to fix it, at least give a clear description what goes wrong. We will have a look when there is time.
- Want to see a feature added, issue a pull request and see what happens. You could also file a bug of the missing feature and we can discuss how to implement it.